The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 25, 1989, Page 12, Image 12
NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS (MASS) Mah-Kee-Nac lor BoysOanbee tor Girls. Counselor positions lor program Specialists: All team sports, espe cially baseball, basketball, held hockey, soccer and vol leyball; 25 tennis openings; also archery, riflery and biking, other openings include performing arts, line arts, yearbook, photography, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, camp cralls, all waterfront activities (, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoeing/ kayak). Inquire al. J 4 0 Camping (Bovs). 130 Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge Ridge. NJ 07028. Action Camping (Girls). 263 Mam Hoad, Montvrlle, NJ 07045. Phone (Boys) 201 429 8522 and (Girls) 201-316 6660. Part Time Job High School Education. 15-20/hrs week 20 Years Old Working as security guard Phone Mon day, April 24. 477-7810between 9AM-1PM. Part-Time Proof Cierk Individual will be operating computerized equipment to process bank items. 10-Key experience helpful. Job « year-round, net seasonal. Monday-Friday. 8PM-12Mid night; and every ot her Saturday. 1 ’ AM -1:30PM. Apply in person Human Resources. 3th 4 O Street. VISTAR BANK AA/EOE Permanent part-time position. Evening janitorial help. 20-30 hrs/week. Salary negotiable Apply at 5609 S 49th, 9am-5pm. SALES REPRESENTATIVES 'S440/WK •FULL TIME •GET OUT OF NEBRASKA FOR THE SUMMER •OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT •BUILD YOUR RESLIME •COMPANY PAID PROFESSIONAL TRAINING •POST GRADUATE PLACEMENT CALL TOOAY FOR AN INTERVIEW 472-025S. Summer BuaiiWM Internship* $8.90 to start. Greater Omaha area 390-0707, 12-4 PM. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT $7 to start, $9 after 3 weeks Lincoln and Omaha openings. Call 466-7246, 10am-1pm or 5-7pm. SUMMER WORK We are seeking to till many positions relating to CRT Data Entry, book stocking anc other miscellaneous light warehouse duties. 40 hours weekly during the summer Offeringpart-time work now and if class schedule fits our needs. Pay is $3.55/hour. NEBRASKA BOOK CO., INC. 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Summer work-$9.25 to start Omaha branch of National Corporation has entry level openings in all areas. AH majors may apply. AASP Scholarships-intershp oppor tunities Paid corporate training program. Must apply now. Start after finals. Call 402-390-9828 TRAVEL THE MDWEST Family custom harvesting ope’ation needs enthusiastic individuals for summer run. Ag or mechanical back ground helpful. Good salary plus room/board. Contact Kurt Payne at (308) 352-4164. UPHOLSTERING UNL Housing Upholstery Shop is taking applications for summer employment Previous experience desirable but not required. 40 week preferred but will arrange around class schedule S4.25/hour, apply in person. Selleck Maintenance. 600 North 15th Street Warehouse work, no experience needed Full-time, May August. Call for appointment the week ot April 24th, between 9:00 3:00 pm. 466 2221 ROOMMATES Female roommate, non smokers for three bedroom duplex $131-67 plus deposit and utiHies Call Angel. 477 B430 Male Nonsmoker. 2-bedroom apartment 1833 Washing ton $148 50 ♦ 1/;? utilities and deposit. 435 0528 Male roommate $165/mo * 1/2 utilities ♦ deposit 477 0002 Need female roommate to share 3 bedroom duplex near 40th & O. starling May 15th $130 ♦ 1/3 utilities 463 6794 Needed: One roommate by June 1st S175>Utilities. $75 Deposit. FP/DW Call evenings. 464-5572. Roommate needed, nice 2-bedroom apartment, move-in May 16th. $162 50 475-1033. Share 4 bedroom house. $140/momh ♦ deposit, in cludes utilities. 475-0095. Wanted 1 -2 male non-smoking roommates Starling mid May. $130/mo ♦ utilities to share 4 bedroom house 435 3221. ROOMS FOR RENT Coed summer housing, laundry & kitchen facilities. $25/ afc/person. $5 extra for AC. Ineta Chi Fraternity Call 477 4459. ON CAMPUS SUMMER HOUSING $36.25/smgie & $22/double pei week. Call 472-0122 or 472-0118 ON CAMPUS SUMMER HOUSING Coed Single and double rooms. Air conditioning, carpet, laundry and vending facilities. Best available. 472-0131. SUMMER HOUSING S25/WEEK DOUBLE. MO/WEEK SINGLE. CALL 476 7719, CHI PHI FRATERNITY. Summer Room* for Women at Fraternity House. Single $100/mo., double $80/mo Call 472-7723 or 472-7091. Ask lor Bill. Women Only $165. UtiHies Included. Available June 1st. 476 9437. HOUSES FOR RENT 1-block from UNL's downtown campus. 4-bedroom, 2 bath and study room New central air. washer/dryer, some utilities paid 477-6956. leave message 2314 Holdrege Near UNL. 4 bedroom, garage $550. 475-1579. 488 0061. 4 and 5 bedroom houses near city campus, showers, central AC, washer/dryer, refrig-freezer, furnished or unfurnehed. available May 13 477-5049 Iv. rnsg 4-5 bedroom. 2424 S 15th. Newly remodeled, washer/ dryer $175 ♦ utilities Call collect 734-0672 or 435 2111. ___ 4-bedroom houses, between campuses on Q. and north 33rd streets. Rent ♦ utilities * deposit Call 488-5446. 4-bedroom, newly remodeled. Available May 15th 90t North 23rd, $550. 475-1579. 488 0061. 7-BEDROOM MANSION 2331 U. $700. 4-BEDROOM MANSION 2309 U. $400 Call Kim 477 0491. AFTER SEMESTER 3-4 boys. 2 bath*. W/D, nice. close. Call Harold Frees* 308 237 2585 CAMPUS CLOSE 3210 S. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, central air. parking, $525. 488 6738 Mobile homes tor rent. $235 and up. ContempoLinooln, 435 6683 Summer & Fall Rental* available nowlll Sign up early and relaxi 3-6 bedroom homes all dose to UNl. Call 423 1535. We Love Studentslll APARTMENTS FOR REIS? 1-BEDROOM SPECIALS $200 and under. 1948 K Street. 3092 T Street. Call Kim 477-0491. _ 1724 L. Two bedrooms, parking, cable paid, close to campu*. $298/month. Available May 1st. 477-1878. 2 bedroom near campu* lor summer sublease, $325. 435-6624. 2 bedroom apartment 6 blocks from campus, sub lease for summer. 475-4661. CALL APARTMENT FINDERS YOUR SUMMER LEASE SPECIALISTS 435-5559 A free service of Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 CAMPUS CLOSE 2740 R. One bedroom, air. laundry, parking, $195. 488 6738. Downtown newer 2-bedroom, furnished/unfurnished. Cable FREE. $304-5298. 477-1878. EAST CAMPUS AREA Newer 4 bedroom, 2 baths, deluxe kitchen, $480. 421 1319. FALL LEASES Reserve 2 Bedroom Units for the Fall Term. $329 * up. 640 South 20th. 475-7262. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. ‘Great 1 and 2-bedroom apartments available now. ‘Close to East Campus ‘Patios and balconies on the beautifully landscaped courtyards. ‘Summer and school term leases available. CALL TODAY. 466 6611 Joseph E. Kean Company. 474-1666 NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month Near campus No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351. NEWER 2-BEDROOM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown Balcony units S365; wi o balcony $350 477-2177. or 423 1029. 486 1286 One and two-BR ck>so to campus. 2222 2532 2521 Vine St C/A, all appliances, laundry, from 5250. Available NOW and Mid-May. L. T. Management. 474-7368. One person apartment. $300/month, utilities paid. 1133 D. 475-5275 SPLASH AND TAN WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS ‘Crystal clear pool "Redwood sundeck ‘Spacious 2-bedroom apartments Ask about our Summer specials. 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. SPRING SPECIAL 1 -bedrooms: 1948 K. $225 and $290. 4907 Lowell. $200 2bedrooms: 420 North 24th. $300 136 South 29th, $350. Call Kim. 477-0491. SUMMER LEASES AVAILABLE We have 1 and 2 bedroom units available lor summer close to city or East canpus,$280-$350 476-3403. Century Realty Commercial Dept. Inc. SUMMER LEASES Relax arid Tan Yourself Poolside. 2 Bedroom Units. $J00andup. Furniture Extra. Laundry. 640S20th. 475 7262 _ SUMMER LEASE Available May 15th - August 15th. 4-bedroom townhouse with 3 baths, W/D. $600 month ♦ utilities. 2024 So 17th Street. #6,476-9187._ SUMMER SUBLEASE 2-bedroom in good location. $355/mo ♦ util dies. 477 3621. ADOPTION = Adept: Let us help each other. Loving, caring, happily married couple wish to adopt infant, m know this is not easy for you, please cal Eleen and Carl oollect. 203 968-832/ _ ADOPTION Childless couple with large family background seeks infant to join our happy loving home. Consider giving your baby all the advantages our lleetyte offers Conti dential. Legal. Call Lynn oollecl 212-754-1555 ** ADOPTION Loving, financialy secure couple wishes to adopt new born. Wil provide beautiful home, extended lansly and a lietime oI happiness Expenses paid. Confidential. Pleasa call oolact: 212-941-8416. ADOPTION-Kind, loving, animal doctor and his wife anxious to adopt infant. Will provide wonderful life for your baby. Answer our ed and answer our prayers Medical/legal paid Call Susan oollect 201 756-3743. PREGNANT? I will give your child a wonderful, love filled home and you my on going financial and emotional support and friend shp . I am not an agency . You'll feel peace when you cell Judy m confidence, oollect 508-744-1282. SOUTHERN CAUFORMA Advertising Executive Couple seeks to edopt Baby. Your chM will be provided a beautiful, loving home, family -oriented neighborhood, the best in educational opportunities and loads of tickles. We want to help you make this adoption a lima of joy. Expenses paid, including legal. Call oollect for Leslie. Workdays 81A708 9383 Weekends/evenings- 818 887-6428 The final exam is the most important!I Jon's Notes can help by providing you with a complete set of accurate notes. We’ll type papers also. Jon’s Notes Upstairs in the Nebraska Bookstore Open Monday-Friday 9*00-4:30 476-8006 .■■■■■■■. .- ..—- ■---* New and Reconditioned Schwinn Bicycles Expert repairs. All makes. Lincoln Schwinn 3321 Pioneer 1517 N Coiner 488-2101 464-6952 FREEWHEELIN' BIKE SHOP "Fixed-Right'' Repairs-AII Makes 427 S 13th 1285 S Coiner 475-0204 489-9262 BLUESTEM BOOKS 712 0 Street Used rare and out of print books. Bought and Sold Used paperbacks at half the cover price. PAGE ONE 206 N 13th 474- 6316 ‘Always in good taste." The Cookie Company 138 N 12th St 475- 0625 Decorated cookies too. ry-"- . . . ,rrr-.„ .... MMB PERSONAL COUNSELING: Family. Pregnancy, Depression. Etc. Barbara Peeks. M.S. FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S CENTER Haymarket Square 477-0157 Free Pregnancy Counseling Let s explore the options. Catholic Social Services Bureau 215 Centennial Mall 474-1600 PREGNANT? Wondering what to do? We provide confidential counseling No tee. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Rd 483-7879 Scholastic Assistance Service College/Graduate School Scholarships. Grants FINANCIAL AID PO Box 2844 Lincoln. NE 68502 474 5094 JAZZERCISE 60 minute workout Attend classes anyday anytime No contracts. Inexpensive. 4 week sessions 4239682 1 'H Danielson Floral 127 South 13th Street 476-7602 Flowers lor every occasion! Quality Servicel We Deliver! Merharl Furniture 5701 Russel Dr New and used quality furniture at bargain prices. 464-1001 TWISTER’S MUSIC 6 GIFTS Great selection of T-shirts, posters, clocks, earrings, watches, sunglasses, & more. i ll United Hairlines 13th A M Streets Offers full service haircare 476-0646 Hours: 8am-8pm, M-F 8am-4pm, Saturday College of Hair Design 11th & M St Offers hair styling priced to fit a student's budget. Haircuts starting at $3.75 and up. Classes in cosmetofoay and barber/styling begin April 3 and July 5. 474-4244. I FREE Pregnancy Tests Confidential BIRTHRIGHT 4600 Valley Rd . Rm. 410, 483 2609 PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF LINCOLN Confidential birth control and pregnancy services. Information/Referral on ALL OPTIONS. Call for appointment 9am-5pm 476-7526 LINCOLN MASSAGE CENTER ...for the health of it... 3230 S 13th 421-3230 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential Counseling Available. Call for an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 475-2501 ‘Unique Handcrafted Jewelry' We make traditions. Gold Smith Jewelers 3237 S 13th Street 421-2253 TWISTERS MUSIC A GIFTS Affordable, contemporary earring*, watches, bracelets. earcuHs, sunglasses. A more. THE ALTERNATIVE! Complete Music Disc Jockey Entertainment Full light and sound system. Extensive music library. Call 474-AS04 TWISTERS MUSIC A GIFTS Great price*, great selection* Downtown & East Park Plaza THE ALTERNATIVE! Downtown Boot and Shoe Repair Hole*, worn heels7 Same Day Service, Monday - Friday, 8-5 1230 P Street 1-rMrfrTWS^WM Kaplan Educational Canter Number one in test preparation. For more information call 475-7010. WORDPERFECT Reasonable Convenient References INSTRUCTION 486-1217 The Final Touch WoHI-Suntana Beds 10 sessions for $25 with this ad 70th ft A 489 6998 Gloria's Typing Service IBM, Word Processing, ft Typing Fast-Accurate Reasonable 488-9294 f 1 /PAGE Fast. Accurate Southeast Lincoln Call Kathy 488-2948 after 3 pm. Oulk Copy Printing For all your copy and printing needs. 224 S 13th 477-0470 High volume discounts. Professional Word Processing All papers, resumes, etc. Individualized rates (3-5 pages. $4) Jerry Collie 435-1143 SPECIALIZED DATA SERVICES AH documents printed on laser printer Professional looking resumes Callus 483-8580 ACROSS 1 Wound mark 5 Tail-tale tellers 10 Sour 14 First-rate 15 Aileen Quinn role 10 Fast-food fizzer 17 Insurance, e.g. 10 Was aware of 20 Sir, in Sevilla 21 Giant Mel 22 Range roamer 23 Actor Torn 25 Takeoff 27 Reading desk 31 Church instrument 33 Lotion ingredient 34 Doing a lube job 37 Need of 68 Across 39 Transmit 40 Treads heavily 41 Blackthorn 42 Explosive 43 Weak 44 Quaker William 45 "Tempest” sprite 47 Boxed 49 Treated badly 52 Sailor 53 Receded 55 Actress Scala Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE rK[ArpTuTTM|TjH|A|RMs|qopi 57 Sag 61 Zoo sound 82 Owner 84 Skirt style 65 Judith Anderson vehicle 66 Barrett or Jaffe 67 Gershwin portrayer 68 Isaac of music 69 Garment closing DOWN 1 Enervates 2 Center 3 After a while 4 Answered sharply 5 Varnish ingredient 6 “-each life M 7 Santa-, Calif, track 8 Noisy disturbances 9 Indonesian coin 10 Activity lor Barbara Walters 11 Peacekeepers 12 Thought: Comb, form 13 Early morning 18 Pa. port of entry 12 TV’s Gertrude 24 Urges onward 26 Permission 27 At the end of the line 28 Verdugo of "Marcus Welby, M.D.” 29 Illegally transported goods SO Christie’s "Death on the 32 Nary a soul 35 Evert maneuver 36 Relaxing 38 Travel 41 Bout rehearsers 43 Ongoing hostility 46 European peninsula 48 Moslem judge 50 Plumed heron 51 Electron tube 53 Writer Bombeck 54 Bring to a bubble 56 Mimic 58 Midwestern tribesman 56 Chaplin’s widow 60 Baby buggy 62 A M. followers 63 Operated