The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1989, Page 16, Image 15
Male.temale Ballroom.Country dance instructor*. Part time. No experience necessary. Will train. Must be free three days weekly and sign six-month contract. $8.00/ hour after training. Call ABBA Oaba, 489-791?. NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS (MASS) Mah-Kee-Nac lor Boys Danbee for Girls. Counselor positions lor program Specialists: All team sports, espe cially baseball, basketball, field hockey, soccet and vol leyball; 25 tennis openings; also archery, rifiery and biking; other openings include performing arts, fine arts, yearbook, photography, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, camp crafts; all waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoeing/ kayak). Inquire at: J & 0 Camping (Boys), 190 Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge Ridge. NJ 07028; Action Camping (Girls), 263 Main Hoad. Montville, NJ 07045. Phone (Boys) 201 429-8522 and (Girls) 201-316 6660. Part-time cashiers needed. Evenings & weekends. Benefits. Apply in person, Payless Cashways. 423 1511. Pari Time Job. High School Education. 15-20/hrsweek 20 Years Old. Working as security guard. Phone Mon day, April 24, 477-7810 between 9AM-1PM. SUMMER INTERNSHIP SALES Ideal opportunity for students looking for chal lenging summer sales experience. Need enthusiastic, self motivated people to participate m a market satura tion selling progrjfn. Those chosen will play a key role in developing a new sales area. The pay » $160-8257 a week tor a 12 week period. Monday-Frday. 8 am-5 pm. beginning mid-May. INTERVIEWS by appointment only CONTACT Sharon Wherry at Paramount Linen and Uniform Rental, 435-4313. Positions will be filled by April 24th. SUMMER JOBS $8 90 to start, full-time aH summer. Greater Omaha area. Taking applications Tuesday A Wednesday from 1000 am ■ 2:00 pm in the Nebraska Union. Room tobeposied. SUMMER WORK We are seeking to fill many positions relating to CRT Data Entry, book stocking and other miscellaneous light warehouse duties. 40 hours weekly during the summer. Offeringpart-time work now and H class scnedu’e tits our needs. Fey is $3.55/hour. NEBRASKA BOOK CO„ INC. 8400 CORNHUSKER HWY We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Warehouse work, no experience needed. Full-time, May August. Call for appointment the week of April 24th, between 900 • 300 pm. 486-2221 YOUR OWN BUSINESS Sell unique T-Shirts Must apply now tor Fall 1989. Call toll free 1 800-842-2336 ROOMMATES Female (Nonsmoker) roommate wanted. $125/ month* 1/3 Utilities. Between Campuses. Call472-0176 0/477-0991. _ Female roommate wanted. May 1 or sooner, $113/ month. Call 435-4866 Female roommate (non-smoker) to share two bedroom apartment starting May 15. Own bathroom, fireplace, balcony, w/d, d/w. Close to campus. Call Kathy 467 2455._ __ Female summer roommate needed. $192.50 security, W/D in apartment, pool. 423-0236. Female, non smoker to share large apartment near capi tal. $162 50*1/2 Utility, deposit. 477-6171, leave mes sage.___ M roommate needed. 2-bedroom with a loft, $150,mo. Ask for Mike, 477-0096 Male Nonsmoker, 2-bedroom apartment 1833 Washing ton $148.50 ♦ 1/2 utilities and deposit. 435-0528. Needed: One roommate by June 1st. $175*Utilities. $75 Deposit. FP/DW. Call evenings. 464-5572. NON-SMOKING MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR SUMMER POOL, CLOSE TO CAMPUS 475-2752_ Non-smoking male to share 3 bedroom duplex. $135* 1/ 3 Utilities. 475 6002. Non-smoking female roommate wanted to share super moe 2-BD, 2-Bath apartment. Lease starts May 15. Call Dolly, Days: 476-3277and Evenmgs:464-2452 College students welcome. Room for rent, Belmont are mid May-August. $118.75/ mo. * 1/4 utilities. Call 476-0975. Summer roommate needed. $145, furnished. 435-1034 or 472-9611._ Two responsible female roommates needed for summer. Th <e bedroom town house. $180 ♦ 1/3 utilises. 467 1489. ROOMSFORRENT_:= Coed summer housing, laundry $ kitchen facilities, $25/ wk/person, $5 extra for AC. Theta Chi Fraternity Call 477-4459___ Free Cable. Central Air. Kitchen. Lounge, and Laundry Faculties. All Utilities Paid, Clean 6 Sharp! What do you want for $155? 477-5617,_ ON CAMPUS SUMMER HOUSING $36.25/single $ $22/double per week. Cal 472-0122 or 472-0118. Room ter rent • nice home. 494-6194. _ ROOMS FOR RENT ON CAMPUS SUMMER HOUSING. Coed. Air Conditioned. Laundry and Vending Facilities. $3i.'wk double. S48hwk single. 472-0131, 7-11 P.M. SUMMER HOUSING S2SWEEK DOUBLE. S30/WEEK SINGLE. CALL 476 7719. CHI PHI FRATERNITY. SUMMER HOUSING Men and Womens Floors. S25/wk Double, $40AMt Single. Free Air Conditioning, Kitchen Facilities, Paiking A Sand Volleyball. For a clean A tun summer call, 475 2242. ACACIA FRATERNITY-CALL TODAY. Summer Rooms for Women at Fraternity House. Single $100/mo., double $80/mo. Call 472-7723 or 472-7001. Ask tor BUI. Women Only. $165, Utilities Included. Available June 1st. 476-9437. houses foITrent == 2120 Sumner. Nice 5 BR house, washer/dryer, rent+utilities. Available May 1, Call 477-4205. 2314 Holdrege. Near UNL, 4 bedroom, garage. $550. 475 1579, 480-0061 2434 W Street. Nice 4-bedroom, dose to campus, 2 baths, basement, garage, $500/mo 475-1579. 488 0061 7-BEDROOM MANSION 2331 U, $700 4-BEDROOM MANSION 2309 U. $600. _Call Kim 477-0491. __ CAMPUS CLOSE 3210 S. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, oentral air, parking, $525. 488-6738._ _ Mobile homes for rent. $235 and up. Contempo Lmodn, 435-6663. Summer A Fall Rentals available nowrlll Sign up early and relaxl 3-8 bedroom homes all dosetoUNL. Call 423 1535. We Love Studentslll Summer Rental, Campus Area. 4 bedroom, 2 bath house, appliances. $365. 466-6642. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Basement Apartment. 2 Rooms, Kitchen, Bath, Own Entrance, Near South Neighborhood. S175/mo ♦ 2 hours of yard work a week. 435-0225. CALL APARTMENT FINDERS YOUR SUMMER LEASE SPECIALISTS 435-5555 A free service of Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666. CAMPUS CLOSE 2740 R. One bedroom, air, laundry, parking, $195. 488 6738 EAST CAMPUS - 3541 BALDWIN Newer brick 4-plex, 2-bedroom, fireplace, balcony, cen tral air, appliances, parking, laundry. Summer and Fall lease. 489-9916. FALL LEASES Reserve 1 or 2 Bedroom Units for the Fall Term. 640 South 20th. 475-7262. _ HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. ‘Great 1 and 2-bedroom available now. “Close to East Campus ‘Patios and balconies on the beautifully ‘Landscaped courtyard. ‘Summer and school term leases available. CALL TODAY. 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Company, 474-1666. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351. __ NEWER 2-BEDROOM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown. Balcony units S365; w/ o balcony $350. 477-2177, or 423-1029.486-1286. 1-BEDROOM SPECIALS $200 and under. 1948 K Street 3092 Street Call Kim 477-0491. --- 2 bedroom near campus for summer sublease, $325. 435-6624.___ 3-bedroom duplex between City and East Campus. 1 1/ 2 baths, dishwasher, FP. Available May 15th. $375.488 2275 after 500 pm. _ 3517 BALDWIN-Large, clean, economical, 2-bedrooms, C/A. Maximum 3-people. $330 garden/$360 patio. 483 4600 _ _ 3541 Baldwin - East Campus. 4-plex, 2-bedroom, fire place, Central Air, storage, parking, laundry. Available May 16.467 1832. 3600 Hunnmgton- 2-Bfl, Central Air, Fireplace, balcony, low utilities. 466-6958 or 489-9916. One person apartment, $300/month, utilities paid, 1133 0,476-5276.__ __ SPRING SPECIAL 1- bedrooms: 1948 K. $225 and $290. 4907 Lowell. $200 2- bedrooms: 420 North 24th, $300 136 South 29th, $350. Call Kim, 477-0491. SUMMER LEASES AVAILABLE We have 1 and 2 bedroom units available for summer close to city or East carrpus,$280-$350. 476-3403. Century Realty Commercial Dept. Inc. SUMMER LEASES Relax and Tan Yourself Poolside. 2 Bedroom Units. $310 and up. $25 extra for 3rd person. Furniture Extra. Laundry. 640 South 20th. 475-7262. LOST & FOUND LoetnSanagement 245 notebook in library auditorium altar 12:30 Monday. Please return to Selleck desk for Paul.__ . _ LOST: One gold pen on 17th April 1989 in or near Taco Inn at about 12- 1:30pm. Hus sentimental value. Call 472-2742 days. 435-0564 evenings. WANTED ~ Established rock band seeking experienced drummer with vocal ability. Call 477-0923. Highest Price paid for used records, cassettes & cd's music * c i r r s I 14th &O St East Park I 47W1 464|827y TIRED OF WIMPY COVER BANDS? Then we went you to go to Local Exposure 89 with The Return, Elysium Crossing and The New Leafy Green Thing*. Tonightlll Upstairs, Centennial Ballroom, Ne braska Union, 7:30111 ADOPTION Adopt: Lai us help each otnar. Loving, caring, happily married couple wish to adopt infant. We know this isnot easy for vou, pleas* call Eileen and Carl collect, 203 968-8327._ ADOPTION Childless couple with large family background seeks infant to join our happy loving home. Consider giving your baby all the advantages our lifestyle offers. Confi dential. Legal. Call Lynn polled 212-754-1665._ SOUTHERN CAUFORMA Advertising Executive Couple seeks to adopt Baby. Your child will be prov ded a beautiful, loving home, family-oriented neighborhood, the best in educational opportunities and loads of tickles. We want to help you make this adoption a time of joy. Expenses paid, including legal. Call collect for Leslie. Workdays- 818 708-9363. Weekends/evenings- 818 887-6426 ELDER ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i E W ELRYPuali'y_Diamo I ^ i90t ▼ ♦wedding ring ♦ ♦ SPECIALIST ♦ ♦ Wholesale Prices ♦ A Newest Styles ^ ▲ Custom Design ▲ J Shop and compare but see us last. Y ▼ 3111 "O” St. 474-6044 ▼ ♦<►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ f FOOD FOR ] THOUGHT Opening in early May - a New and Exciting Restaurant, Lounge, and Catering, Facility on Top of the NBC Bank Building. We currently are interviewing for Seasoned, Professional StafT. We are looking for Bright, Ener getic, Hard Working and Friendly Personnel tojoin our staff in open ing this new and beautiful facility. Come join our Dynamic Team!!!!! Interviewing for all positions. Apply 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Fri day. Ask for Mr. Lotz. 11th Floor NBC BANK 13th & O Street ^ ^_ Lincoln, NE_^ ^ ADOPTION- Young Happily married couple, best friends for 12 years, desire newborn to shaie a rich and fujfiltng life with. Large Victorian home, bia loveable dog, father and full-time mother await with Tots of love and joy. Expenses paid. Confidential. Call collect (716) 271 - 2167. John and Carol. ADOPT ION-Kind, loving, animal doctor and his wife anxious to adopt infant. Will provide wonderful life for your baby. Answer our ad and answer our prayers. MedicaVlegal paid. Call Susan coiled 201 -756-3743. SOCIAL SERVICES ~ PREGNANT AND NOT READY TO PARENT Adoption is a loving choice. No fee for our confidential help. Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. . HERM’S LIQUOR ■ 17TH & ‘P* St. 474-6592 offer good thru 4-28-89 Get your CANS to Herm’s Starting Monday 4-24-89 we will be buying aluminum cant In the parking lot Hours (or can* 8:00-4:00 M-F, 9:00-4:00 Sat, 12:00-4:00 Sun. WARM BEER W„5io<9 Mller-Ute Genuine Draft $Q59 case cans Coors (Reg.-Light-Gold) $0901 bottles case © Less mail-in rebate -2.00| Net cost $4599 after rebate Busch-Natural $£49 case cans Old Milwaukee S £39 (Reg., Light) case cans Old Style $£79 (Reg., Light) case cans Seagram’s Wine Coolers $0" All Flavors (warm) 4 pk mm Zonin Asti Spumante $£49 {warm) 750 ml W THK FAR SIM By GARY LARSON BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed . 1 — ■■■■■«■ mih ii f" » — ^ ■ J CHON... rcc gemwr NZXT TOW THemwe ACROSS 1 Viscid substance 4 Fourth Estate verb 10 targe Poly nesian craft 14 Tavern 15 Plunderer 16 Made hot under the collar 17 Unit of tone pitch 18 Star’s concern 20 Violates 22 Single-masted boats 23 Thrashed 24 Ring 25 What a bogy does - 27 Adjusts 31 Quote 32 Oriental philosophy 34 U.N. figure: 1959 35 Heeling, as a ship 37 Kin of hems and haws 38 Back part 40 “O sole-" 41 Bandleader Shaw et al. 44 Plaintiff 45 Illustrious group 47 Bids 49 Intends 50 They’re not pros 51 Lacedaemon 54 "-Graffiti,” 1973 film 57 Film editor's milieu 59 -tu,” Verdi aria 60 Singer composer from Ottawa 61 Singer from Brooklyn 62 Type of buoy 63 Actor O’Neal 64 Ranked at Wimbledon 65 Ike’s command DOWN Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 1 Ornamental braid 2 Kayo blow 3 Away from the movie studio 4 Secret 5 Most gaunt 6 Disabled 7 “-Diary": Twain 8 A neighbor of Pol. 9 Utensils on pencils 10 Southwestern com flour >1 Former constellation 2 Servants, e.g. 3 August 13, e.g. jj^ffGmwTEMGiltRiEMBBi 1 Io]nTeiTMt effloMAlb]olrIH 1 l!UA]N|QMtIAlWiQliT|RjE|N|D| j 19 Disturbs 21 Gets along 24 Hover 25 Rogue 26 Eyelashes 27 “The Camp bells are n 28 High point for stunt men 29 A Chan portrayer 30 Bills, in Peru 33 Cord and Pierce-Arrow 36 Papeete’s location 39 Ex serviceman’s garb 42 Orders back 43 “-to Watch Over Me,” 1926 song 46 Clan badge 48 Grew crops 50 “-Apart," Frost poem 51 Raddle 52 Insignificant 53 Type of mackerel 54 Poilu’s weapon 55 In 56 Tenor Martini 58 Proceed, in Scotland