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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1989)
Joach says team has chance to win all weekend matches ■ Paul Uomeier B{Reporter___ Iwiih three home matches this ■ekend, the Nebraska women’s Hnis team has a chance to grab a spot in the Big Eight enter ■ next week’s conference chainpi Khips. ■ Nebraska coach Gregg Calvin said ■ (j,ree matches are important even uiougn ne is not putting a lot of emphasis on team standings. He said team standings are incidental be cause all the Big Eight teams have not faced each other. The Comhuskers will attempt to correct that situation by facing three Big Eight teams. Nebraska will face q?,SUn Saturday. Kansas on Sunday and Kansas State on Monday Tnematches begin at 10 a.m. at the Cather-Pound courts. Calvin said the Huskers want to use their match against Missouri as preparation for its Kansas and Kansas State matches. He said the Huskers want to join a growing list of teams that have beaten Missouri 9-0 this season. Calvin said Kansas and Kansas State will provide tougher competi tion for Nebraska. The Huskers, along with Kansas, Kansas State, Oklahoma and Colorado, are battling for top seeds entering the Big Eight championships. Kansas and Kansas State are good teams, Calvin said, but they have contrasting strengths. He said Eveline Hamers of Kansas is un beaten at No. 1 singles, and the Jay hawks are also strong at No. 5 and 6 singles. But Kansas’ doubles teams aren’t as good, he said. “We can realistically hope for all three doubles,’’ Calvin said. Calvin said Kansas State is a bal anced team that possesses stronger doubles play than Kansas. But the Wildcats aren’t as strong at the top as Kansas, he said. “We have a good chance to be up on them after singles,’’ Calvin said. I^rrtbershi^-Sports Court*. 6 months remaining. c-u Queen Size Waterbed. Mirrored Headboard, rails. $75. 464 2452._ re lor sale CHEAP! Great for college students. If ted call 435-7196._ »riter ribbons 53 cents each (tax included), an office, basement of the Nebraska Un ;-25aa bed. frame and mattress included, $30. OBO. Cal after 6:30pm, 475-6038.__ <ed Hock Hopper: red, excellent condition, used to oommute to campus. 477-0137 after 3:00. with wood construction and storage drawers, , and padded ra». $90. Calht77-9035. Moped: Good condition, 65 MPG, yellow/white balloon tires and rear rack. Asking $250. OBO. For information call 476-1269. F.HICLES Fgg_§AL|_ 7907 t tpood runa great. AC. stereo. $3000. 476 , Leon. _ SUZUKI KATANA BL/WT K&N Horsepower Kit. GREAT. Looks Better. Mike, 477-5066 uda Pickup Club Cab. 35,000 ml**. 1B772B0Z s Item. 477-4787 or 475-2627 Brown Camaro. Very clean. Phone 466-2258 or 12482-6911. iKET EXCHANGE SUMMER IN EUROPE FROM $336 ly on discounted scheduled airlines to Europe iaha Call 800-325-222. [VICES TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES - SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13»h St. 474-4136 rpe term papers, etc. 466-2924. Ask (or Joni. MNt; & RESUMES America* Oldest and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE ’ Consulting * Writing ’ Typing * Printing Competitive Price - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% Off WITH THIS AD Litetime nationwide updating. 4 75 6738 3701 O St. #8-7 Resumes onaMy type'll S15 plus tax. Daily Nebraakan, nt ol the Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street. tOlNCEMENTS ’ PREMEDS* UNM.C. Tour Friday, April 21st B'oyhill Fountain at 11:45 Cost is only $2 50 •Chancellor s commission on the ITuSOF WOMEN is accepting applications *‘0,|owing openings beginning with the 9 90 academic year: two graduate students; undergraduate students. Student terms are weyea' Applications trom men and women welcome To apply, send a letter ot interest 4 one page summary ot background inf or lon to Donna Liss. 326 Administration. 0496 day 1st CAR WASH >•1 y°u-C.V looking good Saturday Apr* 2?. 11 -3 at Q-4 'tile Sisters"*1 V ne' 51 50/car Sponsored by Triangle CBa Student Advisory Board ' ThVLsdaT. Apr* 20. 5:30 Wick Alumni Center. *na Board Boom. Elect ions III C°,,efle Republicans h meeting,Dad, Horse, 008 P St 8:00 12 00 PM new,Hr,',Sron oore. Hors d'oeuvres. Every th' i*?i,Scnday ,0f Brunch at the Newman Center. 320 2J1 ’”"1 There will be fine dining along with ’aa|r?td?t' W* v,nfl ,ro"’,0:00' 1 00 * CORN8TOC* VOLUNUt H3 • °Corn,Uw°Ln Wednesday. Thursday 8 Friday the week nd an Volun,*er» receive discounts on T-Shirts all 47?f^n lnrty 10 rn*** Band Members. Interested. olur.iaa.f80 ®aVB name and number tor Bryce or Val. ••• Un?on mU*' *tt#r>d April 20, meeting at 5pm. 3 BANDS 6 um, Elysium Crossing and The Now Leafy Green Things i TONIGHT )oors 7 in i-l Centennial Ballroom • Show 8 00. Sludenls $2.00. non students $3 00. hursda, MARKETING CLUB — y' ^Pfl1 20th, 5:30 pizza party at Chesterfield's. to^Hn 2nd ,ho Crew at Pizza Shuttle want «i m r/°U °r,nfl m ^is ad and we will sell you M onlu rn n1, sau jage or cheese pizza for I Son5^,°hUAM0U3T^'n8 " ad «o our h-rrzd. ftS:r,wo,!o,cHipH,*,wOTNU ....... FOPOSCIENCE CLUB MEETING »ix»!!lfl?m E CamPus Union 6:30 PM Bring a intramural outdoor ^ TRACK MEET ^i'5!!ai7!lralr0Ju,,.d,oorTt,aok ^ will be held Sunday. April 23 at the Ed Weir Track beginning at 4pm (this is a change from the originally advertised time). No fees, no advanced entry required. 472-3467. JON S NOTES now hiring note takers for fall semester, all subjects. Apply at Jon's Notes in the Upper Level of Nebraska Bookstore. 476-8006. PBL meeting. Thursday 20th, 4:30pm, Reunion. Pre-Law Meeting 6:30 Tonight at the Union Will have speakers. THE GRADUATE Thursday 3:30, 7 and 8PM Dustin Hoffman stars. Simon and Garfunkel sing THEOLOGY*FOR*LUNCH Thursday Brown Bag April 20 12:30pm Nebraska Union Speaker: Dr. Evelyn Haller Professor of English Doane College ALL FACULTY. STAFF AND GRAD STUDENTS WELCOME Undergraduate English Organization meeting to choose student representatives to department committees. AH undergrads welcome. Monday. April 24. 3:30, Andrews 228. UPC Concerts & Coffeehouses piesents LOCAL EXPOSURE 89 3 local bands • The Return, Elysium Crossing and The New Leafy Green Things. TONIGHT: Doors 7:30, Show8:00. Students $2.00, non students $3.00. UPC Presentation Team Meeting. 6PM. Tuesday 25th, in the Union. UPC TALKS A TOPICS Preeents Weddington vs Schlafly Wednesday, April 26th, 8.00 PM, Centennial Room Free with Student 10. UPC Talks A Topics Wrestling Spirit leaders Important meeting Wednesday at 5:30. Be there! GREEK AFFAIRS___= A-PHI OPEN - Dont miss out! Entries due tomorrow. April 21st Acacia Little Sisters Meeting TODAY at 6 15pm at the Reunion Conference Room. Alt the REAL MEN going to TRIAD will be at SIGMA CHI ALL GREfcK FIGHT NIGHT on Friday at 7:00 pm, at 4-H Hall, State Fairgrounds "Congratulations on winning the Truman Scholarship It is quite an accomplishment and we are all so proud ot voul Delta love, your sisters Applications now available for Greek yearbook assistanl editors. Positions open Copy Editor, layout editor managing editor, an sales, ad layout, and photo editor Pick up m 332 Union. Deadline tsFnday. April21 a! 4pm Congrats Tan-Off Winners: ATO. SIG EP. AGS. ADPi, A Phi, AOPi AZC Congratulations to Jud J. tor making Varsity Yell bquac and to Mark B tor making Junior Varsity YeH Squad The Men ot FarmHouse Congratulations to Jett T.. Todd W . and Bryce W. on youi new UPC positions. Th. Men o. FarmHouse Congratulations to Coney T. for being elected Speaker ol the Senato Tha y#n 0t FarmHouse Congratulations to Marc G. tor being elected FFA west ern area Vice Present. ^ M#n of FarmHouse »*** •» n,i>w Kim M. (GPhi). Gf* (obonGr^k Desert I ^ Th# Sisters Late congratulations to Julia (KAT) and Andy (FIJI) toi having such a wonderful pmmngl We re haP^Y ,on^; P.S. Welcome back Rinnie M*A*S*H 89 It's More Than Just A Party It's An Adventure P' PGet eToted*or*TRIAD' We can't wait to meet yoi “nMl Men"' Until Friday Tha Theta' SAE ACTIVE LfTTLE SISTERS Mandatory meeting Thursday Night, April 20^»t SHARl/ Attendance will be t.Twn so please be there. Thanka, Monte A Buck. SIGMA CHI ALL GREEK FIGHT NIGHT Friday, April 21st. 7:00 PM 4 H Hall. State Fairgrounds Sl9The BBQwas tunl You guys really know how to cook Ifce pros' Good luck in finals' Th- Womt)n d . Kappa Alpha Theta * THE HOLIDOME April 21 DG AOII _ Toth* Delta: Thanks so much for the early morning treatsl Yot guys are greatll Also congrats to Kubat for winning "Th« Sally Sunshine Award'TII Let's do it again sometimel The Thetas YEAH! To Gretchen F. A Angie H. for being selected into Phi Beta Kappal Congratsl! The Women of KAT studentgovernmenT Government Liaison Committee Project chair positions are avai^te for 1989-90. Pick up applications at 115 Nebraska Union. DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28TH, 4:00 PM. PERSONALS == * Tarsney Happy Birthday! Your's is the only one I can eve remember-1 wonder why? Chenw Ladies of UNL, J. Hubka is now engagedl Sorry, girtsl •JOEL ANDERSON Lost you ». Call 423-8954 A.S.A.P. Congratulations Sigma Nu for placing 2nd at AOII': Hoop-lt. We're proud of youl Love, Jean, Julie A Kell Shell, Good Luck on you Geology and Chemistry tes •Remember, think "Stars". My loves you too! Tare Dudes at 10th A B, A girl couldn't help but FALL for you guysl Thanks k the aid. Love, Bar Beta Beta (Bio Brothers) of the Quad Beta Chapter mui have first chapter before semester's end. Kin Twin Dragon II (American Male), HAPPY THREE YEAR ANNIVERSAR' Remember...glitter bracelets, helium balloons. "enj« your very good meal" and "your sister?" Let's go e. Chinese sometime, I will always love you madlyl Your Hot-bikini Man H°frn!ss you. I love you. All I know is that you love me in my dreams...and other places Growler Chris A., We're borrowing Dave S. for our MC tonight at the show upstairs in the Union. You know, the one with The Return, Ellysium Crossing and the New Leafy Green Things. Hope to see you there. Thomas CHILD CARE ~ ~ NANNY POSITIONS Archer Dawson Nanny Agency * Top Jobs-1 Year Commitment * 300 ♦ Heartland Nannies Placed * Local Interviews/P aid Travel * No fee * West Coast Our Specialty * Nebraska Based, Nationally Known CALL TODAY! 402-554-1103 HELP WANTED Abel/Sandos Pool is now taking applications for summer assistant manager and lifeguards. Advanced Life Sav ing Training and CPR required. Call 472-1G14 for more information. Applications due April 27th. r_ RUNZA DRIVE-IN 11th A Comhusker Now hiring day and night hek>. Starting noon hour help at $4.00/hour. It's the ideal job for the summer working student, we offer: 1. Flexible scheduling. 2. Enjoyable working environment. 3. 50% meal discounts. i 4. Many opportunities for advancement. Apply to Karolyn, 2-5, Monday-Friday. t * Summer Business Internships $8.90 to start. Greater Omaha area 390-0/07,12-4 PM. ! SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES f UNL Housing Maintenance has openings lor students who want to work the entire summer. Painters/M echanics-$4.25 . Custodial-$4 ‘ Hours 7:30am-4:15pm, M-F. Occasional weekend work, j Apply in person, 1100 Seaton Hall, receptionist. Part-time warehouse positions open with Full-time sum mer hours and flexible hours for Fall Semester. Great for students, excellent work experience. Apply in person, 'I LinTel Systems, 2201 Wmthop Road >t Permanent part-time position. Evening janitorial help. 20-30 hrs/week. Salary negotiable. Apply at 5609 S a 49th, 9am-5prri. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $900 or more plus room and board. Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple. Northfietd, IL 60093. 312-446-2444,_ Camp Khmnie Warded: Camp counselors and outdoor specialist lor boys and girls Camp Fire and YMCA day and resident camps in Scottsbluff. NE. One week camps go from mid June to mid-August. Activities include horseback riding, canoeing, swimming, archery and outdoor living. For an application write Linda Staman, Camp Fire/Carrp K wa rns. Box 903, Scottsbluff, NE. 69363-0903. or call 308 635-2715_ Deeign/lllustration position, 'iO-15/HPW during daytime to do penal sketches, layouts, interior ooncept. Must have transport. 474-5074. Do you know French, Spanish or German? Now hiring undergraduate oi graduate students fo tutor and organize group activities as a Language Assistant. Applications available at 1111 Oidfather Deadline: April 25 Pontillo’s 13th 6 Q, 475-1248 Now filling Full and part-time positions: Day and Evening hours available * Above average starting wage and benefits available. Expanding menu and seating, wanting Motivated! En thusiastic! Friendly! people. RUNZA DRIVE INNS 19th A E, Balmont 70th A Van Dam, 33rd A Pionaar are now hiring for summer and fall positions. Ideal job for the summer student. We offer flexible hours ana ideal working conditions. Please apply in person to the man ager 2-5pm. Monday-Friday. _ EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Selling sporting goods, part-time sales person with emphasis in camping, water and snow skis. Daytime hours available. 1118 0 Street. Nights and weekends available. Lawlor's Gateway. Apply m person. _ Hiring youth softball umpires for evening games in June end July. Apply at YMCA Youth Sports Office, 1039 P Street. Will train new officials. More informa tion, 475-9622. Lincoln Hilton Hotel. Looking for Banquet Houseman Set-Up and Banquet Serving Waif Help Apply af Execu tive Office, 9-5PM, Mon.-Fn. _ MADONNA CENTERS NURSING ASSISTANTS Certification classes for nursing assistants begin May 15th, 1989. Apply now for summer positions, then con tinue during the school year part-time. Apply personnel, MADONNA CENTERS, 2200 S 52nd St.. Lincoln NE 68506, (402) 489-7102. EOE. MAJOR CORN COMPANY needs students to work in corn breeding nursery $5.50/hour starting, mid-June thru July. Call 402-523-5215, tor application and informa tion. FOR LESS! Yes! Asa college graduate you now qualify for Special Savings at Jack Keefs GM Outlet! Choose from Nebraska's largest combined selection of Chevrolets, Oldsmobiles, Buicks, Pontiacs & Geos and get •AN EXTRA $400 DISCOUNT •LOW GMAC FINANCE RATES (As low as 2.9% apr for 24months.) •90-DAY DEFERRED PAYMENT See your Jack Keef Salesman for complete details.