The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1989, Page 7, Image 7
n Yamaha 750 Sp^ial.LowM,ieaa*/aGOd Condi n $850 OBO. Cel Dan 436-6161. uo.duII out cassette. Mutt tell. Paid $660, tell $275/ jft 477 0021._ cho computar. IBM oompatble, dual disk drive. nK memory. Panasonic printer, $800 or best otter. 17-1750 inual typewriter rbbons 53 cents each (tax included). SL Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Un ,.472 2538._ « owner trombone and clarinet. Great for high school udents 466-3628. __w 27836; llston. NE 68127. fTmCLES H)R_SALE__ *M«da HX-7 convertible. Loaded. Low miles. 488 W __:_ 5 Chevy Custom deluxe. 4x4. Topper. Snowblaoe. 3 ton. 488-5988._ ro u.mda Spree, good condition, 1,958 miles, helmet over, $550 or best offer. 475-15401 leave message. 9062 door Honda DX, 5 speed, maroon, air, cruise. Low vies. 489-3620._ «n Yamaha XT 550 Enduro motorcycle. Excellent ondition. Low mileage. Call 472-8169^ > it True You Can Buy Jeeps for $44 through the U.S. Sovernment’ Get the fads todayl Call 1-312-742-1142, ixt 3153-A. ._ SERVICES 'EARNING while learning Struggling with class? EARN hours ot free time by using successful short-cuts iuhiin studying. Free information: Rice/All Publishing. 7625 RmgnecK Drive, Lincoln NE 66506. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced 2AGER STUDIO 423-2709 _ TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM'S 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RjyjjyMg§_= AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING « WORD PROCESSING Resumes, termpapers/masters/doctorates, books, rrnsc , typing, laser/letter quality printers, copier, dictaphone. Near UNL campus. Affordable professionalism. Call 435-AVIS. SPECIALIZED DATA SERVICES 111 Piazza Terrace, Suite B (54th & O Street) Resumes, term papers, master these, doctoral disserta tions. wiling analysis and more. We pnnt ALL docu ments using a laser printer. WE professionally typeset documents using a quality desktop publishing system. ANNOUNCEMENTS ENTREPRENEURS Duncan Aviation Business Plan Competition 7 NE Colleges represented April 6. BAM-4 PM City Union, 340 Old Mortar Boarders, Last serious meeting o< the year is tonight 10 p m. in ths Union. Be therel AG & BUSINESS MAJORS Hormone Free Beef?! Have your questions answered Alpha Zeta/Facts Forum Wednesday. April 5th. 7:30 pm Great Plains Room. East Union AG FORUM FACTS.Alpha Zeta. Tonight 7:30p.m., Great Plains Room. East Union. Bg Al, Ken and the Crew a* Pizza Shuttle want to see you. Bring in the ad and we will sell you a Iff pepperoni. sausage or cheese pizza tor only S3.00. You MUST bring m this ad to our location at 17th & Q. DIETING FOR SUMMER? WANT TO LOOK YOUR BEST AT THE BEACH? Then min us for ■ discussion with Kathleen Lehr, Dietician at the University Health Cen ter and learn how to loee weight safely and effectively. Wednesday, April 5, 1969 12:00 noon -1:00 pm The Women a Resource Center 117 Nebraska Union This prooram la pari of the Women in Per spective Series. Bring your lunch and Join ue for what will be an informing and entertaining programl Call the WRC for more information, 472 2507. FINANCE CLUB MEETING THURSDAY April 6. 6:30p.m. Nebraska Union IMPORTANT MEETING: _ OFFCER ELECTIONS . Old and New Members Welcome I GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. 10 tor $4 25. $.45 wch and Name Cards at Nebraska Bookstore, 13th A HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER , . (OR ANYTIME)? •t there trom Minneapolis. Oenver, or Chicago tor no ,»re than $229. or trom tho East Coast ter no more than with AIRHITCH(r), as reported in Consumer Re °Ji», NY Timas, Let's Go, Good Housekeeping and 2J°^5Ln#,work morning shows. For details, can 212 h4 2000 or write: AIRHITCH(r), 2901 Broadway, Soils 00, Now York NY 10028. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT MAJORS information on new Human Development Club available in Room 110 Ruth Leverton Ha* Next hooting: April 19. 5:30 Room 204, Home Ec. building. •ka this Current Inti, lesue your oonoern. Topic: wmone Use in Beel Products. Speakers from EEC and roduction represented. Moderator- Or. Roy Frederick, •h'sska Dept, oI Ag TONIGHT 7:30p.m. Great Reins °°m. East Union meeting, Thursday 6th, 4:30pm, Reunion._ PHILANTHROPY DELTA UPSILON OOZE BALL APRIL 15-16 CALL 477 0926 REGISTRATION BY FRIDAY Residence Hall Aeeociation Applications for publicity chair and program ming chair are available m the RHA office, 334 Nebraska Union. 472-1095 fc T . SEA MEETING Senior*; ArjW<”,h® Chancellor's Outstanding Senior Award at the Wick cEnfcr and atThe Wick AK h ^ Applications are due April 5th at --Sponsored by the Student Alumn, Association STAR CITY GUN SHOW pm- s“"d«- M“ r" Public welcome. Admission $2.00 Yard1ley Enterprises. Inc. 944-2545 SUMMER SESSIONS EARLY REGISTER MARCH 20TH - APRIL 7TH Wanted: Enthusiastic individuals to try out for Herb'e Husker. For interview call Stacie 475-8509. Deadline is April 10. WIN A TRIP TO LOS ANGELES To appear on Warner Bros, brand new, nationally tele vised intercollegiate GAME SHOW! I COLLEGE MAD HOUSE Win prizes, cash and the Ultimate Vacationlll See room 124, Administration for applications and more mtormationll DEADLINE-APRIL 5TH. Come see previews of this show in the City Union, Main Lounge, TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5TH, 10<X) am to 2:00 pm. APPLICANTS MUST SUBMIT A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH WITH THEIR APPLICATION!!! (UNL's team will compete against a team from the Uni versity of Oklahoma.) GREEKAFFA1RS ~ Ag Men Little Sisters, Important meeting tonight. 9:30 at the house. Seeya there. ATO LITTLE SISTERS Meeting, Wednesday, 9:00 C U Therel BIJ & HAK (Sigma Nu). Congratulations on being accepted into medical school. We re proud ot you & wish you luck. The Men ot Sigma Nu Conar*tul*»ion* Chris Z. (KAT) A Rod I. (DU) on your sudden engagement! We re looking forward to wedding bells on Friday With excitement, The Thetas Congratulations to John B. S Kris D. on your pinning The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma Congratulations to Craig D. on your acceptance to K State Vet School. The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma Congr.v jlatons on your elections to the ATA/Aa Ed Club: KrisC • President. Shane B - Vee President, Brian T.- Reporter, Daryl W- Treasurer The Men ot Alpha Gamma Sigma Congratulations Colleen (KD) or your engagement to Kent We wish you both the best1 Love. The Women of Kappa Delta Debbie T., Kim H., Paige S., Good Luck in Cheerleading Tryouts. We re rooting tor youll Love. Your A-Phi Sisters GREEK YEARBOOK EDITOR POSITION Green Yearbook Editor applications are available at the Greek Attairs office (332 Nebrasna Union) Apply nowl Applications due this Friday, April 7 at 4pm Jett V . Great job on your nomination to UPC Arts Committee Chairman. The Men ot Alpha Gamma Sigma Kelly G. (Tri-Delt), Congratulations on your engagementll We re all so happy for you. Delta Love, Your Sisters Kris D. and John B., Congratulations on your pinmngl Love, The A-Phi's Rick T and Dion H. (DU), ■ Congratulations on being selected Mortar Board No !ab&$ * Brothers of Delta Upsilon °We are going to miss you ail a Mill* Best of luck to all of you. . _ Love, Your Sisters in Kappa Delta The Rose of Sharon of PHI BETA CHI Social Sorority OPEN RUSH April 7, i’-0pm, East Union April 10. 7-0pm. Cty Union (rooms posted, dress is casual) STUDENT (GOVERNMENT YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE in your student government!! Appiontmente Bosrd Boston opening Help interview and select members for campus wide committees, advi sory boards and senate Pick up applications at the ASUn Office, 115 City Union. (Deadline is Tuesday. April 11, PERSONALS_= JU''*The*Oas^sdHard'f^ock' (?afe, Bandidos. Bananas, Cartos A Charlies, La Boom, Dos Equis. Coronas, COD'S, Tequila Stammers, S.O.I.B., Taxis, Trighton College YO DUOEI, Muslims, Sigma Chi's, Pohcemen, Candy in Cancun. The boarder patrol. 40-year-old s, the inr-als the boat ride Cheese Wtz A Graham Crackers, ^ HOW DOES ANYONE GET A DRINK AROUND HERE?" Alt, Dave. Reoardo, Bernard. Alfonzo, Joe Cool, Lee, Hector, and Ted. Lanette Who?? ^_Love, Oar Guess What? It does get betterfl Love you guvsl Thanks: MS. TO, TF, ARCH, JH. and of course, HP always I Pju( To the pr- * that went to Cancun and B.O.V.s every WhWhat hnnpo “>ed in Cancun, stays in Cancun. P S Scott t u^i leet tall man- Missy still wants to attend your partyl Th-* ''me you buy the Dos Equis._ Debbie (AOIP Thanks for slicking in there during the ramydaytL Im sure there's plenty of g eat times ahead of usl Happy 6 month anniversary. (|(jve yjJ Bfad (SiQma Nu) P S The luckiest guy at U.N.L. ^"congrauTon your job with Fun Toursl You'll be ^resL p.S Ask Sue how the bugs are. Kimberly dearest, There're no words to say. No Words to Convey This feeling I have for you. Deep m my heart. Happy Birthday, Rich Zeplin, ..^“'re 8,1 ,•» 8*'fod you decided to tie the knot. Why didn t you tell anyone, you sly chic? Hope you have an everlasting relationship full of credit cards, kitty litter coxes, and cloth diapers. Don't forget your single swmgin sorority sisters that still haven't found the man of their dreams yeti LONG LIVE CHRIS AND RODIII The Bridesmaids CHILD CARE ~ Nannies Care, Inc. Be an east coast nanny. Choose your family. Top sala (20i)625aM38OV'ded " F°* Lan*' Denvil18' NJ 07834 HELP WANTED = AMIGOS $4.00/hour to start (noon & closing shifts). ; Up to $4 50. Health & Dental Insurance Program. | 50% meal discount. Great work environment. Paid vacation. Flexible schedule S.T.E.P. (Student Tuition Reimbursement Program). Amigo's, an expanding, quality oriented Mexican fast lood chain, has excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available now at 8 Lincoln locations. If you are an agressive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a last intense pace, APPLY NOW at 1407 Q or 5500 O Street. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR MILFORD POOL MANAGER, Asst. Manager, Lifeguards until April 7th. Send applications to City of Milford, Box 13, Milford, NE 68405. EOE. jjfc ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISERS WANTED Applications are available in 1223 Oldfather. DUE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing gymnastics, riflery. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, and maintenance. Salary S900 or more, plus R&B Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple, Northfiled, IL 60093. 312-446-2444. Cash grain farm help wanted. Part-time, possible)ull time this summer. 665-2113 (local). CRUISE SHIP JOBS $300 - $900 weekly Call Linda, 9:00 am • 5:00 pm weekdays _1-612-456-0884, extC-4010_ Draftsman: engineer with drafting experience and two three years scnool remaining. Part-time during school. Full time summers. 476-7545. Ask for Tom or Hob Draftsperson to draw plans for houses, etc. Involves working with contractors and homeowners. Completion of production drawings or equivalent helpful. Apply: Lin coln Lumber Co., 932 N. 23rd. Experienced farm help. 785-3235, 785-5935. No calls after 9 p.m. Farm help needed through end of school and possibly into summer. Must be experienced, wages based on previous experience. 786-3139. FITNESS/AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS APPLY NOW!!! Men and women interested in teaching fitness classes apply now for openings next fall. Excellent benefits in clude: ‘Work on Cempusl ‘Good etudent salaries! ‘Stay in shape while you workl Apply at the Office of Campus Recreation. 1740 Vine Street or call Vicki Hohstreet for information, 472-3467. Deadline to apply is April 28th. Fluent speakers of Japanese 'or distance learning pro gram. August-June. Apply to. Dr. Beverly Radchffe. IMG, 920 O Street, Lincoln 68508 by April 20. Full-time software testers needed. 12 week temporary posit on, may become permanent for right individual. Day and evening shifts. Macintosh experience helpful, good communication skills required. Apply in person 9-5, Monday-Friday at Healthcare Communication. 301 S. 68th St., Suite 500. No phone calls. GREAT PART-TIME JOBS Schlotzsky's has openings. Flexible schedule, half-price meals, free uniforms, raise in pay after training, great food, fun working atmosphere, COME JOIN THE TEAMI Apply m person. Weekdays: 2-5PM, 12th & "P", 54th A "0 , 33rd S Highway 2. KNOLL'S COUNTRY CLUB Part-time evening banquet waiter-waitress positions. Flexible hours with good tips and benefits. Apply in person, Knoil's Restaurant, 2201 Old Cheney Road. LOOKING FOR SUMMER EMPLOYMENT? Wanted: Banquet waitery. Must be able to work eve nings, weekends and holidays Apply in person. Hillcrest Country Club. 8901 O Street. Tuesday Saturday. 3-6 p.m. __ MAJOR CORN COMPANY needs students to work in corn breeding nursery. $5 50/hour starling, mid-June thru July. Call 402-523-5215, lor application and informa tion. __ MAKE A DIFFERENCE helping people with mental retar dation in daily living skills . Lancaster Office of Mental Retardation is seeking individuals (min. age 19) for the following positions to work in residences: HUMAN SERVICES INSTRUCTION ASSISTANTS Instruct people in social, daily living and education skills. Provide personal hygiene to male clients. Duties also include household management A recordkeeping. Varied shifts starling at $5 53/hour ♦ benefits for full and part time positions. Some related experience and/or education required. J . This register is valid until list is depleted Register of eligibles will be used for all part-time openings in the Life Skills Training Division. Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addition to Citv/Co. application. Closing date: Friday, May 12th, 1989. Apply at: City/Co. Employment Office 555 so 10th Street, Room B113 Lincoln, Ne 68506 EOE/AA MALE OR FEMALE CLERK NEEDED 3 or 4 afternoons a week. Apply In parson, Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd AO. Marketing/Computer Assistant One part-time position (20-30 hours/week) • avail able in the Market Research Department. The hours are flexible and can be arranged to work with class sched ules. This position may be full-time during the summer. Responsibilities include coding computer runs, in cluding FORTRAN and COBOL programming, and using standard software packages fBMDP and SPSS); review ing data for errors and performing debugging duties) preparing flow charts and documenting computer proc essing. Qualified applicants must havelhe ability to work with detail and effectively operate a CRT. Previous! computer experience preferred, and knowledge of OS/ JCL and TSO/ISPS is desirable, but not required. Applicants may apply by submitting and/or oompiet * " •^teSaSBEL'ffi'pARTWMT METROMAJL CORPORATION 901 W BOND LINCOLN NE 68521 473-9707 Equal Opportunity Employer NANNIES Be the best, be a HELPING HANDS Nanny. Join our network of Nannies in the Connection area. One year commitment. Great opportunity! Call Deb, 423-4000. Need female to do babysitting and respite care in my home, evenings. References preferred but not required. Will pay minimum wage. Call 466-3469. before 6pm. Needed: 4 young men to help us move this Sunday. 4/9/ 89. $ 5/hour. Call 489-1052. __ NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS - (MASS) Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/0anbee for Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Soccer and Votleybali; 25 Tennis openings; also Archery, Riflery and 8iking. Other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Yearbook, Photography, Cooking, Sewing, Roller skating, Rocketry, Ropes, Camp Craft; All Waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe ing/kayak). Inquire at J & D Camping (Boys), 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge. NJ 07028; Acton Camping (Girls). 263 Main Road, Montville, NJ 07045. Phone (Boys) 201 429-8522; (Girls) 201-316-6660. NORTHEAST YMCA SUMMER COUNSELORS Now taking applications for summer counselors. Experi ence and/or education in recreation, physical education, early childhood, or child care required. Please apply in person at Northeast YMcA, 2601 N. 70. Part-time positions for fluent speakers of French, Ger man and Spanish to assist high school foreign language students. Mid August-mid May. Apply to: Dr. Beverly Radcliffe, IMC, 920 O Street. Lincoln, 68506 by April 15. Part-time salesperson and fireplace installer, 20-40 hours weekly. Flexible hours. Apply: Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd. _ Part-time District Manager This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills, who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier district manager. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student which requires being available by 2:30PM daily, SAM Saturday and some Sunday morningai This positions requires approximately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle ie required with mileage expenses paid. Applications will be accepted at the Journal Star Personnel Office. 926 P Street, SAM - 4PM through Friday, April 7th. Part-time evening desk position. Apply in person Mon day-Frxfay, 8-4-00 pm, Great Plains Motel, 2732 O Street. __ _ RENT EXCHANGE Exchange 20 hours per week for free rent working at Lincoln's premiere Bed & Breakfast Inn. Call Nora, 476 6961._ _ _ SUMMER CAMP STAFF Resident Job includes assisting with planning and imple menting outdoor programs andlifeguarding at girl's camp near Nebraska City. Lifeguard certification or W.S.I. required. Must be 19 or older with CPR. Call Debby at Homestead Girl Scout Council, 402-476-7539 for appli cation. Housing is provided. SUMMER CAMP JOBS Positions still available for counselors, lifeguards, nature coordinator and assistant director at resident Camp Wa Shawtee near Hamburg, Iowa. Inquire: Great Plains Girl Scout Council, 7000 W. Center Rd, Suite 200, Omaha NE 68106. (402)393-4200. _._ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications now for the following Summer Playground positions: Leaders ($4.10/hour); Assistant Leaders ($3.9G/hour); Craft Specialists ($4.10/hour). Morning hours, June 5 - August 4. Apply at Parks and Recreation Office, 2740 A Street. Call 471-7952 for more information. EOE/AA Summer Nanny. M-F, 9:30 - 5:30. Light housework. 2 kids, ages 10 & 12, call evenings. 423-2154. SUMMER WORK We are seeking to fill many positions relating to CRT Data Entry, book stocking and other miscellaneous light warehouse duties. 40 hours weekly during the summer. Offeringpart-time work now and if class schedule fits our needs. Pay is $3.55/hour. NEBRASKA BOOK CO., INC. 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Taco Ranch Counter Help. 7-30 Hours a week. Noons a must. Will work arouno your schedule. Apply in person. Atrium, » N Street. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES UNL Housing Maintenance has openings for students who want to work the entire summer. Painters/Mechanics-$4.25 Custodial-** Hours 7:30am-4:15pm, M-F. Occasional weekend work. Apply in person. 1100 Seaton Hal, receptionist. Summer farm help, tractor experience, no livestock. Near Lincoln. 665-3641, evenings. _ SUMMER INTERNSHIP SALES - Ideal opportunity tor students looking for chal lenging summer sales experience. Need enthusiastic, self-motivated people to participate in a market satura tion selling program. Those chosen will play a key role in developing a new sales area. The pay is $160-$257 a week for a 12 week period. Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm, beginning mid-May. INTERVIEWS begin April 10th by appointment only. CONTACT: Sharon Wherry at Paramount Linen and Uniform Rental, 435-4313. Positions will be tilled by April 24th. SUMMER JOBS Lifeguards, boys counselors, wrangler and handyman needed lor one of the midwest's finest YMCA camps. Salary plus room and board. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki. 1039 P Street. Lincoln, NE 66508. (402) 475 9622. ROOMMATES ~ Female roommate needed. $167.50 utilities paid. Call Michelle 477-3446 or 423-8639 Non-smoker to share flat near east campus. $138/month. Annie or Debbie. 472-1873. 467-28/8. WANTED MODELS! For FREE color, perming & haircuts at Hair Seminar Sunday, April 9th Holiday Inn Central 72nd & Grover, Omaha Ne The Artists Featured will represent PAUL MITCHELL SYSTEMS GOLDWELL INTERNATIONAL BROCATO INTERNATIONAL call 476-3324 or 474-1243 after 6:00 p.m. or 1-800-821-3294 and attend April 5th at 7:00 p.m. Villager Motor Inn - Piedmont Room (below convention center. '** EXTRA MONEY ** . is nice, but you can help people too. Earn $120 + a month SAFER, FASTER (-lASMA DONATION ! ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE. . $20 to new donors on first donation i with this ad. Ask about additional ibonuses. (Monday-Saturday.) Two hi free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc. 1442 “O” St. Lincoln 475-8645 AUTOMATION ALLOWS MORE PERSONALIZED TIME WITH YOU! Summer Editor in Chxef The editor formulates editorial policies, over sees newsroom operations, hires the editorial staff and reports to the Publications Board. The summer editor is responsible for the weekly Summer edition of the Daily Nebraskan during the * two 5-week summer sessions,a New Student Enroll ment issue and a Flatwater Festival edition. Applicants must be UNL students this semester or will be this summer or the fall, 1989 and have at least one year of newspaper experience. Applica tions and samples of writings (preferably edito rials or columns) must be submitted by 4:30 p.m., April €. UHL does no! discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regu lations pertaining to same. ...from BOP to BACH SALE... CD's/CASSETTES MAJOR LABELS TOP ARTISTS AFFORDABLE PRICES Something for Everyone Pop, Rock, Folk Jazz and Classics On Sale for Limited Time Shop Early for Best Selection . Opan Mon-Frl. 8-5:30 Sat. 0-5:30 Thurt lil 9pm More than ever, more than a Bookstore. 1300 Q Sir—t_(402) 476-0111