The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 05, 1989, Page 3, Image 3
Recruitment position set up YOST From Page 1 The stipend could be renewable, he said. Kevin Williams, graduate senator in the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, had intro duced a bill dealing with minority recruitment to ASUN earlier this semester. The bill, which ASUN passed, directed ASUN executives to write a letter to Yost and the proper officials urging them to create the minority graduate assistantship posi tion. In a letter to Williams, Yost said that without Williams’ encourage ment and support for the position, he may have overlooked’the appoint ment of a minority graduate assistant. Williams said he became con cerned about the issue a few months ago after he read data on the number of minority graduate students en rolled at UNL during the fall 1988 semester. During that semester, he said, there were 10 black, five Native American, 29 Asian and 21 Hispanic full-time graduate students. Twenty four blacks, two Native Americans, 10 Asians and 10 Hispanics were part-time graduate students. There are a total of 3,821 graduate students at UNL, he said. After seeing the figures, Williams said, he decided something could be done to increase the number of mi nority graduate students. “I thought there should be some one in the graduate college whose primary job would be to recruit mi nority students,” Williams said. “Someone incoming graduate stu dents could identify with.” Williams said he is pleased with the job Yost has done concerning minority graduate students. He said Yost had already set up minority scholarships and taken steps to im prove the situation before he had contacted him. “It’s not like he hasn’t been aware,” Williams said. Williams said he thinks the posi tion Yost has created will benefit both white and minority students by creating a more diversified student population. “I think it’s a helluva good step in the right direction,” Williams said. The announcement of the position states that the individual must be a racial/cthnic minority masters or doctoral level student enrolled full time in a program leading to a gradu ate degree at UNL. The individual must have interpersonal relations and oral and written communication skills, and should have experience in word processing and data analysis. riMi1 Conway: Border change is helpful BORDER From Page 1 braska,” Conway said. If the community is successful, he said, Nebraska will profit. “You can’t build a $20 million project, which I can throw a baseball at and hit from Nebraska,” without having it enhance Nebraska’s econ omy, Conway said. The border change also will solve problems of tax collection, he said. Currently, one Nebraska family living on the property generates $54 in property taxes, but has to send its child to school in South Dakota, he said. As a result, the Nebraska school district that includes the 1,500 acres * mustpay $3,000annually in tuition to South Dakota. Conway said it is also important that Nebraska shows a spirit of coop eration with South Dakota. He said Orr has hesitated to cooperate with South Dakota because Mickelson has expressed concern about Nebraska’s proposed low-level nuclear waste dump. One of three finalist counties for the dump is Boyd County, border ing on South Dakota. Conway said the border issue gives Nebraska a chance to restore good relations. “I’d like to see it move along rather smoothly,’ * he said. “The ear - lier we get it to Congress, the faster they can deal with it.” South Dakota State Sen. Roland Chicoine, who introduced the South Dakota bill, said most of the property in question is owned by South Dakota farmers who are paying Nebraska property taxes, but receiving no serv ices. Chicoine said there also is some 3ucstion as to who has jurisdiction in le territory. “If we had a murder or rape, we wouldn’t know which state to try them in,’’ he said. Chicoine said that once the change is made, the border will be set for good. There is no chance that the river will move again, he said, be cause that portion of the channel is now regulated by dams built by the Army Corps of Engineers. Budget Self Storage COLLEGE STUDENT SPECIAll 5’x10’ Units $20°° LIMITED TIME ONLY You provide lock and keep key. NO DEPOSIT. MUST SHOW i.*>. 5350 Cornhusker Highway 464-6351 a©’I# Fitness/Aerobics Instructors Apply Now! Men and women interested in teaching fitness classes apply now for openings next fall. Ex cellent benefits include: □Work On Campus! □Good Student Salaries! □Stay in Shape while ( you work! \ RECREATION /K <X Apply at the Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine Street or call Vicki Highstreet for information (472-3467). 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