The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1989, Page 7, Image 7
Classified 472-2588 PRE LAW CLUB o meeting Tuesday. April 4th. Don't forget fo work at dim s rights booth on April 10th. Get ready tor Pre-Law ay on April 13th. Reekience Hall Association Applications for publicity chair and program ming chair are available in the RHA office, 334 Nebraska Union. 472-1095. SEA MEETING uesday, April 11, 5:30pm in the Reunion meeting room. )r. Ron Joekel will speak on “Professionalism.1' emora: Apply for the Chancellor's Outstanding Senior Award, pphcations are available at the Wick Center and at the AP CAP East offices. Applications are due April 5th at -Sponsored by the Student Alumni Association STAR CITY GUN SHOW pril 8 9th, Saturday. 9-5.00 pm, Sunday, 9-4:00 pm. ob Devaney Sports Center. Public welcome. Admission $2.00 Yardley Enterprises. Inc 944-2545 SUMMER SESSIONS EARY REGISTER MARCH 20TH - APRIL 7TH YANT TO BE THE HOTTEST MAN ON CAMPUS? Try >ut for Herbie Huskerl For interview and more informa ion call Stacie 475-8509 by April 10. WIN A TRIP TO LOS ANGELES fo appear on Warner Bros, brand new, nationally tele vised intercollegiate GAME SHOW!) I COLLEGE MAD HOUSE Win prizes, cash and the Ultimate Vacationlll See room 124, Administration for applications and more information!! DEADLINE: APRIL 5TH. Come see previews of this show in the City Union, Main Lounge, TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH AND WEDNESDAY, APR! 5TH, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. APPLICANTS MUST SUBMIT A RECENT PHOTOGRAPH WITH THEIR APPLICATION!!! (UNL s team will compete against a team from the Uni versity of Oklahoma.) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT MAJORS Information on new Human Development Club available in Room 1 10 Ruth Leverton Hall. Next meeting: April 19, 5:30 Room 204, Home Ec. building. GREEK AFFAIRS 4404, Where are we?. What-O-Buroor, Hot-O-Not Tub, Keg 0 Beer, Cliff diving, Breakm' afl the rules. Pi Flies. Top less Burn/Detox Center, Maxi Taxi, Hanain'out. Kick in A, ’akin names, speaker dancing, 10 sq. flits, oreen pop corn nose, deck dancing. Dial My Heart, Wnere’s the R.V.i Skinny Dipping- You guys made the tripl 4709 Destry (AKAK). What the spam does that mean? Jed (Acacia) GREEK YEARBOOK EDITOR POSITION Greek Yearbook Editor applications are available at the Greek Affairs office (332 Nebraska Union). Apply now I Applications due this Friday. April 7 at 4pm. Jon H. (AKAK). Acacia is hotter than a box of HOT ROCKS. __Destry JAKAK) Mardi S. (DG). As Amy says....Now you're in the paperl Congratula tions on your Senate position and may Wednesday night be a special time for you. Love, The DG's Padre Sig O' Eps, What a break, what-a-beer, what a-burn, what-a-bur i ger, what a-blast. When's the post Padre party? Brenda, Christina, Gina, and Jane Pt BETA PHI PRESENTS: BIG MAN ON CAMPUS Vote for your favorite in the Union today! STUDENT GOVERNMENT ALL GLC MEMBERS VERY IMPORTANT VERY FUN VERY SHORT MEETING TOMGHT •ns NE UNION PERSONALS _ jar, The last 4 months have been SUPER! Love, Lanett IFXPWANJED ~ $11 OCVMONTH SUMMER JOM- UNCOCK OMAHA. Ql, NORFOLK, HASTINGS. A NORTH PLATTE. CaLl 468 7246, 9 _1PK MOK-TUES. _ Camp Counselor* M/F. Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Camps; Tennis, Dance, SlimnasTics, WSI. Athlet es, Nutrition-Dietetics. Age 20*. 7 weeks. CAMP -AMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES, at Massachu istts. Pennsylvania, California. Contact: Michela Fried rT'an, 947 Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581, 1 800-421-4321. DAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan x>ys/girls summer camp*. Teach: swimming, canoeing, •ailing, waterskiing, gymnastics, ntlery. archery, tonne, jolt, sports, computer*, camping, craft*, dramatics, OR 'ding Also kitchen, offio*. and maintenance. Salary WOO or more, plus RAB. Marc Seeger. 1788 Maple, ^wthliled. IL 60093 312448-2444. _ CRUISE SHIP JOBS 8380 - A800 weekly Call Linda, 900 am • 600 pm 'weekday* 1-812-480-0884, ext (>4010 Draftsman: engineer with drafting experience and two brae years school remaining. Part-time during echool. •ull time summers. 478-7848. Aak tor Tom or Hob. Draft spurs on to draw plans lor houses, etc Involve* working with contractors and homeowner*. CompM'on of production drawings or equivalent hefcful. Apply: Lin coln Lumber Co., 932 N. 23rd. Energy Dispatcher immediate part-time opening. Responsibilities include •cheduling power generating resources to meet stoctn :al needs of town* across Nebraska. Colorado, and Kansas, and maintaining moo'd* of electrical use. “retered applicant* will posses computer spreadsheet •kills (Lotus 1-2-3), aptitude for working with nurmers. ability to work independently, and flexibility to work eve ling. night, and weekend hours. No previous experience necessary; we will train. Apply in person to Human Resources, Nebraska Municipal Power Pool/Municipal Energy Agency Nebraska, 521 S. 14th Street. Suite 500. Lincoln. Nfc 68509. Position closes Friday, April 7,1989. An Equal Opportunity Employer m*K«cLK>!IS.ASCEPTED FOn ‘•'-FORD POOL MANAGER Asst. Manager, l ifeguards until April 7th. ISlO^ol**'0"*<0 City 01 Mil,ord' Box 13' Mll<ord. NE ft ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISERS WANTED Applications are available in 1223 Oldfather. DUE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. Experienced farm help. 795-3235, 785-5935. No calls after 9 p.m FITNESS/AEROBICS INSTRUCTORS APPLY NOW!!! Men and women interested in teaching fitness classes apply now for openings next fall. Excellent benefits in clude: •Work on Campus! ‘Good student salaries! ‘Stay in shape while you workl Apply at the Offioe of Campus Recreation. 1740 Vine Street or call Vicki Highstreet for information. 472-3467. Deadline to apply is April 28th. Fluent speakers of Japanese for distance learning pro gram. August-June. Apply to: Dr. Beverly Radcliffe, IMC, 920 O Street, Lincoln 68508 by April 20. Full-time software testers needed. 12 week temporary position, may become permanent for right individual. Day and evening shifts. Macintosh experience helpful, good communication skills required. Apply in person 9-5, Monday-Friday at Healthcare Communication, 301 S. 68th St., Suite 500. No phone calls. GREAT PART TIME JOBS Schlotzsky's has openings. Flexible schedule, half-price meals, free uniforms, raise in pay after training, great food, fun working atmosphere, COME JOIN THE TEAMI Apply in person. Weekdays: 2-5PM, 12th & "P", 54th & 'O '. 33rd & Highway 2. KNOLL'S COUNTRY CLUB Part time evening banquet waiter-waitress positions. Flexible hours with good tips and benefits. Apply in person, Knoll's Restaurant, 2201 Old Cheney Road. LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCE? Summer business internships, college credit, travel. Call 483-5606. MAJOR CORN COMPANY needs students to work in corn breeding nursery $5.50/hour starting, mid-June thru July. Call 402-523 5215, lor application and informa tion. MALE OR FEMALE CLERK NEEDED 3 or 4 afternoon* a week. Apply in person, Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd & O__ Marketing/Computer Assistant One part-time position (20-30 hours/week) is avail able in the Market Research Department. The nours are flexible and can be arranged to work with class sched ules. This position may be full-time during the summer. Responsibilities include coding computer runs, in cluding FORTRAN and COBOL programming, and using standard software packages (BMDP and SPSS); review ing data for errors and performing debugging duties; preparing fiow charts ano documenting computer proc essing. Qualified applicants must havelhe ability to work with detail and effectively operate a CRT. Previous computer experience preferred, and knowledge of 03/ JCL and TSO/ISPS is desirable, but not required. Applicants may apply by submitting ano/or complet ing an employment application PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT MET ROMAIL CORPORATION 901 W BONO LINCOLN NE 69521 473-9707 Equal Opportunity Employer Need female to do babysitting and respite care in my home, evenings. References preferred but not required. Will pay minimum wage. Call 466-3469, before 6pm. Needed: 4 young men to help us move this Sunday, 4/9/ 89. 55/hour. Call 489-1052. _ NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS • (MASS) Mah Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball, Field Flockey, Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings; also Archenr, Riflery and Biking. Other openings include Performing Arts, Fin* Arts, Yearbook. Photography, Cooking, Sewing, Roller skating, Rocketry, Ropes, Camp Craft; All Waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe - mg/kayak). Inquire ai J & 0 Camping (Boys), 1W Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge, NJ 07028; Acton Camping (Girls), 263 Maxi Roao, Montville, NJ 07045. Phone (Boys) 201 429-8522; (Girls) 201-316-6660 _ Part-time positions for fluent speakers of French, Ger man and Spanish to assist high school foreign language students Mid August mid May. Apply to: Dr. Beverly Radcliff*. IMC, 920 0 Street, Linooln. 68508 by Apnl it Part-time salesperson and fireplace installer, 20-40 hours weekly. Flexible hours. Apply: Lincoln Lumber Company, 9$2 N. 23rd. Part-time Dietrlct Manager This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills, who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier district manager. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student which requires being available by 2:30PM daily. BAM Saturday and some Sunday mornings. This positions requires approximately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle Is required with mileage expenses paid. Applications will be accepted at the Journal Star Personnel Office. 826 P Street, SAM - 4PM through Friday. April 7th. Part-time evening de»k position. Apply in oerson Mon day Friday, 8-400 pm. Great Plains Motel, 2732 O Street. STUDENTS: We have the perfect part-time job for youl Position* are available immediately! * Flexble schedule*. * No late night* or weekends * Salary plus bonus. * 12-20 hours per week. We are the Nebraska Republican Parly and are ocwrating aphonebank. 5-9pm. Sunday-Thursday. Call 475-2122, Sunday-Thursday. 7-8 pm. for phone interview. Ask for Eric. ____ SUMMER CAMP STAFF Resident Job include* assisting with planning arid imple menting outdoor program* andlifeguarding at g.rf'scamp near Nebraska City. Lifeguard certification or W.S.I. required. Must be 10 or ower with CPR. Call Dabby at Homestead Girt Scout Council, 402-476-7539 for appli cation. Housing is provided. SUMMER CAMP JOBS Positions still available for counselors, lifeguard*, nature coordinator and assistant director at resident Camp Wa Shawtee near Hamburg, Iowa. Inquire: Great Plain* Girt Scout Council, 7000 W. Conter Rd, Suite 200. Omaha NE 68106. (402)393 4200. _ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications now for the following Summer Playground positions: Leaders ($4.10/hour); Assistant Leadeis (33.90/hour); Craft Specialists ($4.10/hour). Morning hour*. June 5 - August 4. Apply at Parks and Recreation Office, 2740 A Street. Call 471-7952 for more information. EOE/AA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES UNL Housing Maintenance has openings for studonts who want to work the entire summer. Painters/Mechamcs-34.25 Custodial-$4 Hour* 7 30am-4:15pm. Mr. Occasional weekend work. Apply in person. 1100 Seaton Hall, receptionist. _ Summer farm help, tractor experience, no livestock. Near Lincoln, 665-364-!, evenings. SUMMER INTERNSHIP SALES - Ideal opportunity for students looking for chal lenamg summer sales experience. Need enthusiastic, self-motivated people to participate in a market satura tion selling program. Those chosen will play a key role in developing a new sales area. The pay is $160-$257 a week for a 12 week period. Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm, beginning mid-May. INTERVIEWS begin April 10th by appointment only. CONTACT: Sharon Wherry at Paramount Linen and Uniform Rental, 435-4313. Positions will be filled by April 24th. SUMMER JOBS l ifeguards, boys counselors, wrangler and handyman needed for one of the midwest's finest YMCA camps. Salary plus room and board. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki. 1039 P Street. Lincoln, NE 68508. (402) 47? 9622. SUMMER WORK Paying your own way through school? Average $1763/ mo. Call 483-5606. SUMMER WORK We are seeking to fill many positions relating to CRT Data Entry, book stocking ana other miscellaneous light warehouse duties. 40 hours weekly during the summer. Offeringpart-time work now and if class schedule fits our needs. Pay is $3.55/hour. NEBRASKA BOOK CO., INC. 6400 CORNHUSKER HWY We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. ROOMMATES Female roommate needed. $167.50 utilities paid. Call Michelle 477-3446 or 423-8639. Non- smoker to share flat near east campus. $ 138/month. Annie or Debbie, 472-1873, 467-2878. Non-smoking male to share 3 bedroom duplex. $135+Utilities. 475-6002. One female roommate (non-smoker) for 3 bedroom house. Nopets. 1200 N42ndSt. NearE.Campus. Call after 9pm. 464-7366.__ Responsible M/F to share 2 bedroom. Porch, washer, fireplace. $160/month 1/3utilities. 1610S22nd. 475 6586. ROOMS FOR RENT ~ COED SUMMER HOUSING at Trianale Fraternity, 1235 N. 16th. Good rooms. Vend ing and laundry facilities. Air-conditioned. $31/u4( double. $48/wk single. 472-0131 evenings. HOUSES FOR RENT = ATTENTIONI Several 4-5 bedroom homes. Nice, neat, clean, and modern. Very close to campus. 475-1579, 466-1168. Large three bedroom house for rent. Two baths, washer dryer hookup. $415. No pets. 483-5618. Summer $ Fall Rentals available nowlll Sian up early and relaxl 3-6 bedroom homes all dose to UNL. Call 423 1535. We Love Studentslll APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2-bedroom, pool, balcony, $335. Available ASAP. Call 489-4866 or 486-1175. _ __ 2301 A St. 1-bedroom with balcony, laundry facilities. $270, 475-7262.__ Apartment for Summer sub-lease. 2-bedroom, close to East Campus. 466-4085. Available May: Sublease/Takeover Contrad. 2 bed room & loft, spiral stairs, dishwasher, fireplace. 1 1/2 baths, water paid. Close to campus. 29th & Q. $575-3 persons, $600-4 persons. 475-8942. Apartments for Bent FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED. SECURITY BLDG, CLOSE TO CAMPUS AND TOWN: 502 So 12th, new microwave with one year lease. Efficiencies. $186, $195 $205; 1 -bedroom, $250. Also 1600 square foot of commercial area, 1st floor, 502 So 12th at $5 square foot. Call: 476-1142, 474-3365, 447 5706 or 423-5800. 648 So 12th, large efficiencies. $215, includes heat, 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2-bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drapes. 1615 Garfield, $350, 477-9671. Call for any units, 423-5800 or John Keane, Hub Hall Property Mgt at 489-7444. CALL APARTMENT FINDERS YOUR SUMMER LEASE SPECIALISTS 435-5555 A free service of Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666. Couple preferred, 2 bedroom duplex, 13th & A, furnished, $250 * electricity-deposit. 476-7075. EAST CAMPUS AREA Newer 4 bedroom, 2 baths, deluxe kitchen, $480. 421 1319, EAST CAMPUS, 3524 HUNTINGTON Newer brick 4-plex, 2 bedroom, fireplace, balcony, cen tral air, appliances, parking, laundry. Summer and fall lease. 489-9916. Elite, spacious, 3-bedroom ♦ loft, fireplace, security building. 2935 Q Street. $575. 476-3403. Century Realty Commercial Dept, Inc. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTST 3300 Huntington Ave. 'Great 1 and 2-bedroom available now. ‘Close to East Campus 'Patos and balconies on the beautifully ‘Landscaped oourtyard. ‘Summer and school term leases available. CALL TODAY. 466-8311 Joseph E. Kean Company. 474-1666. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351. I New and Reconditioned Schwinn Bicycles Expert repairs. All makes Lincoln Schwinn 3321 Pioneer 1517 N Cotner 488-2101 464-6952 FREEWHEELIN' BIKE SHOP ‘Fixed-Right* Repairs-AII Makes 427 S 13th 1265 S Coiner 475-0204 489 9262 iHllllfl BLUESTcM BOOKS 7120 Street Used rare and out of print books. Bought and Sold Used paperbacks at half the cover price. PAGE ONE 206 N 13th 474- 6316 ‘Always in good taste.' The Cookie Company 138 N 12th St 475- 0625 Decorated cookies too. ■SI PERSONAL COUNSELING: Family, Pregnancy, Depression, Etc. Barbara Peeks, M S. FAMILY ANO CHILDREN S CENTER Haymarket Square 477-0157 Free Pregnancy Counseling Let's explore the options Catholic Social Services Bureau 215 Centennial Mall 474-1600 PREGNANT? Wondering what to do? We provide confidential counseling. No fee. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Rd 483-7679 MW Scholastic Assistance 8ervlce CoilegeAjkaduale School Schotsrshjpe, Grants FINANCIAL AID PO Box 2844 Lincoln. NE 68602 474-5094 JAZZERCISE 60 minute workout Attend classes anyday anytime. No contracts. Inexpensive. 4 week sessions 423-9682 Danielson Floral 127 South 13th Street 476-7602 Flowers tor every occasion I Quality Servicel We Deliver I Mtrhart Furniture 5701 Russel Dr New and used quality furniture at bargain prices. 464-1901 HHflmni TWISTER'S MUSIC 6 GIFTS Great selection of T-shirts, posters, clocks, earrings, watches, sunglasses, & more. United Hairlines 13th 6 M Streets Offers full service haircare. 476-0646 Hours: 8am-8pm, M-F 8am-4pm. Saturday College of Hair Design 11th & M St Otters hair styling priced to (it a student's budget. Haircuts starting at $3.75 and up. Classes in cosmetology and barber/styfmg begin April 3 and July 5. 474-4244 FREE Pregnancy Tests Confidential BIRTHRIGHT 4600 Valby Rd.. Rm. 410, 483-2609 PLANNED PARENTHOOO OF LINCOLN Confidential birth control and pregnancy services. Information/Reterral on ALL OPTIONS. Call tor appointment 9am-5pm. 476-7526 LINCOLN MASSAGF CENTER ...for the health of 4.. 3230 S. 13th 421-3230 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential Counseling Available. Call tor an appointment. LINCOLN CRMS PREGNANCY CENTER Ml O Street. SuKe B-1 475-2601 ‘Unique Handcrafted Jewelry* We make traditions. Gold Smith Jewebrs 3237 S 13th Street 421 2253 ■ TWISTER'S MUSIC A GIFTS Affordable, contemporary earrings, watches, bracelets, earcufls. sunglasses, A more. THE ALTERNATIVE! Complete Music Disc Jockey Entertainment Full light and sound system. Extensive music library. Celt 474-6504 TWISTER'S MUSIC A GIFTS Great prices, great selections. Downtown A East Park Plaza THE ALTERNATIVE! Downtown Boot and Shoe Repair Holes, worn heels? Same Day Service. Monday - Friday, 8-5 1230 P Street — Kaplan Educational Center Number one in test preparation. For more information call 475-7010. WORDPERFECT" Reasonable Convenient References 486.1217 -—■ 1 — " The Final Touch Wolff-Suntana Beds 10 sessions for $25 with this ad 70th a A 489-6998 Gloria's Typing Service IBM. Word Processing. A Typing Fast-Accurate- Reasonable III Mil 81/PAGE Fast, Accurate Southeast Lincoln Call Kathy 488-2948 after 3 pm. Oulk Copy Printing For all your oo^y and^printing needs. 477-0470 High volume disoounts. Professional Word Processing All papers, resumes, etc. Individualized rates (3-5 pages, $4) Jerry Collie 435-1143 SPECIALIZED DATA SERVICES All documents printed on laser printer. Professional looking resumes. Call us 483-8580