The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1989, Page 6, Image 6
Sports Tourney spoils softball team’s fun By Darran Fowler Staff Reporter A spring break trip to California proved to be anything but fun for the Nebraska softball team. Nebraska softball coach Ron Wolforth said the week-long trip was challenging because the Comhuskers played nine of the country’s top 10 ranked teams and also squared off against 20th-ranked U.S. International. Nebraska, 13 17, finished its trip with a 3-6 mark. Nebraska opened its trip by competing in the Pony Invitational in Fullerton, Calif. The tournament included every top 10 squad except Nebraska opened the tournament by defeat ing Bowling Green 1-0, but then suffered con secutive one-run defeats to the nation’s top three ranked teams. Nebraska lost to 2nd-ranked Oregon 2-1, top-ranked Fresno Slate 4-3 and 3rd-rankcd Oklahoma State 1 -0. The loss to the Cowgirls, who won the tournament by defeating Fresno State 4-0, was followed by a 7-5 setback to Utah. The Huskcrs also suffered 2-1 and 3-2 set backs against California Statc-Northridge, which is ranked 3rd in Division II, prior to defeating U.S. International by consecutive 2 0 scores. Wolforth said Nebraska was bolstered by strong pitching from Marie Bowie and Stepha nie Skcgas throughout the trip. But he said in consistent clutch hitting from the middle part of the lineup hurt the Huskcrs. Wolforth said Nebraska, which has nine freshmen on its roster, needs to have more mental composure when the score is close. “Our pitching, with the exception of a couple innings, was very good far us,“ he said. “This is stifi a good softball team. With so many freshmen we just need to keep plugging away, but the mental part of it’s lough to get ail cylinders firing at one time.” Wolforth said softball has reached parity at the national level. He said that parity causes him to not be concerned about the Huskcrs losing record. “With the exception of the top four teams, everyone else will have 15 to 20 losses this season which is really unusual,” he said. In talking with opposing coaches at the tournament, Wolforlh said a majority of those teams arc experiencing disputes among the players. He said playing a tough schedule early in the season will benefit Nebraska. “In ihc long run this will help us out, be cause as a team we’re sticking together, unlike other teams,” he said. Wolforth said Nebraska, behind a three hitter by Bowie, was the only team to hold Oklahoma State to one run in the tournament. But, he said, Nebraska cannot be satisfied with that or the fact that it suffered narrow defeats to good teams. “Whether it’s one run or ten runs it’s still a loss,” he said. “The W’s (wins) have got to come”. Wolforth credited senior outfielder Janelle Frese and junior Lori Cook with solid perform ances at the plate. “Frese had a pretty solid offensive 10 days,” he said. “She is still hitting the ball real well. Lori Cook came off the bench and deliv ered several key hits for us.” NU tennis player beats mononucleosis and Iowa State By Paul Domeier Staff Reporter Ken Feuer’s glands kept the Ne braska men’s tennis team from beat ing two ranked teams during spring break. Nebraska men’s tennis coach Kerry McDermott said Monday that Feuer was diagnosed as having mononucleosis before the Com huskers left for the Califomia-Irvine Marriott Classic in Irvine, Calif. Feuer plays No. 4 singles and No. 3 doubles for Nebraska. With a makeshift lineup, Ne braska finished the tournament with a 1-3 record. The Huskers’ losses in cluded a 6-3 setback to fourth-ranked Cal-Irvinc and a 5-4 defeat against 15th-rankcd Arkansas. “I kept thinking if Ken would have been with us we could have beaten two of the top 15,” McDer mott said. “I was disappointed that we lost some close matches.” Nebraska beat Washington 7-2 to qualify for the 16-team tournament. The Huskers defeated Harvard in the first round, then lost three straight matches, including the setback to Arkansas. Nebraska then stayed in Califor nia to face San Diego State, and won that match, 5-4. McDermott said with the bad news of Fcuer’s diagnosis came the good news that he was near the end of his illness. Osborne hopes Huskers can reload during spring By Nick Hodge Senior Reporter Nebraska football coach Tom Osborne’s major concern as spring practice opened Monday was replac ing eight All-Big Eight performers lost to graduation. Osborne welcomed more than 160 Comhuskers for the first day of prac tice at Memorial Stadium. Osborne said the Comhuskers “lost a lot of really talented players” from last year’s team that finished 11-2. “1 think this is one of our heavier rebuilding years,” he said. “I guess I don’t like the term rebuilding be cause many times that carries the connotation that you’re not going to be very good. “We always feel that we have to be good and hope we’ll be good every year. But we certainly have a lot of spots to fill. We still think we’ll have a good football t« an.” Osborne said the quarterback po sition heads the list of areas that need immediate attention for the duration of spring practice. He said Nebraska needs to find a consistent replace ment for three-year starter Steve Taylor. Osborne said the Huskcr coaching staff will also be closely watching the improvement made in the defensive secondary and offensive line. Despite the obvious concern of lilling the gaps left by graduation, Osborne said he’s confident that the younger Huskcrs will mature. "I don’t think we have everything put together right now,” Osborne said. ‘ We’re a long way from where we have to be. I think we have a chance to be good. It’s better than the alternative of walking out here think ing that you’re not going to be any good because you don’t have the tal ent. We have some guys with some potential.” “He had been complaining in practice about how tired he was,” McDermott said. “He gets more tired than anyone else anyway, and we always told him maybe he would feel better the next day. Then he got real sick and his glands started to swell up, so we took nim in.” Feuer was healthy in time for the Big Eight opener against Iowa State Sunday in Ames, Iowa. The Huskers crushed the Cyclones, 8-1. “We took it to them in singles,” McDermott said. Five Huskers, including Feuer, won their singles matches in straight sets. McDermott said Feuer played well even though he was not overly aggressive against Iowa State. “Ken was a little conservative on his volleys,” he said. “Instead of putting them away he just pushed them back on the court.” Feuer tired in the third set of the doubles, but McDermott said he knew the junior from Massapequa, N.Y., would come through. “Ken competes so well he’ll make it even though he had been sitting out,” McDermott said. “He told me there was no way he was going to quit in the doubles.” McDermott said he is still worried about the No. 2 doubles team of Robert Sjoholm and Matthias Mueller. Against Cal-Irvine they beat Mark Kaplan and Richard Lubener, 4-6, 7-6, 7-6. Last fall, Kaplan and Lubener reached the quarterfinals of the U.S. Open. But Sjoholm and Mueller lost two other matches in California, which McDermott said comes partly from a lack of communication. “Robert likes someone to pump him up, and Matthias doesn’t need that,” he said. “It’sjustacase of one who wants to talk, (and) the other doesn’t” Mueller has won 14 consecutive matches. McDermott said he hopes Sjoholm and Mueller will make the next rankings. McDermott said Nebraska played great singles throughout the week. Steven Jung, who is ranked 22nd, wcnt4-l in California and beat Glenn Wilson of Iowa State, 6-3,6-2. $ht»un SartTnT)h1TyTJebraat<an Quarterback Mickey Joseph outruns outside linebacker Jeff Mills in the first spring practice. FOR SALE Blue Chip computer. IBM oompatfcle, dual disk drive. 640K memory. Panasonic printer. $800 or bast otter. 407-1750. Manual typewriter rbbons 53 cents each (tax included) Daily Nebraskan office, basement ol the Nebraska Un ion. 472-2588. VEHICLES FOR SALE 88 Mazda RX-7 convertible. Loaded. Low miles. 488 5088 '85 Chevy. Custom deluxe. 4x4. Topper. Snow blade. 3/ 4 ton. 488 5088 '70 Honda Spree, good condition, 1,858 miles, helmet, cover, $560 or best otter, 475-1540. leave message. 19862 door Honda DX, 5 speed, maroon, air, cruise. Low miles. 489-3628. SERVICES = EARNING WHILE LEARNING Struggling with class? EARN hours of free time by using successful short-cuts while studying Free information: Rioe/AII Publishing, 7625 Rmgneck Drive, Lincoln NE 68506. TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES SERVICE RENTTO-OWN BLOOM'S 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES = LET US UNBURDEN YOUR LOADI Word Processing/Desktop Publishing Copies Professional Resumes. Reports, Letters. Programs. Newsletters, Brochures. WORDS ETC. 1321 P 476-2038 Resumes Professionally typeset. $16 plus tax Daily Nebraskan, basement ot the Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street mTscellaneous^^ kk AG ECON AGRA BUSINESS CLUB Officer elections and pizza party tonight at 6.C0 pm in Filley Hall, room 216. ANNOUNCEMENTS AG & BUSINESS MAJORS Hormone Free 8eef?l Have your question* answered Alpha Zeta/Facts Forum Wednesday. April 5th, 7:30 pm Great Plain* Room, East Union *★ AGECON AGRA BUSINESS CLUB Officer election* and pizza party tonight at 6:00 pm in Filley Halt, room 215. , AIESEC general meeting. 4:30 - 5:30 pm, today in the Union. All new and interested people are weloomel ALL GLC MEMBERS Weloorne back from break 11 MEETING TOMGHTI 6:15 NE Union Be the best Husker Fan you can bel Herbie tryouts April 12-15. Call Stacie for interview. 475-8508 by April 10. Big Al, Ken and the Crew at Pizza Shuttle want to see you. Bring in this ad and we will sell you a 10" pepperom, sausage or cheese pizza for only $3.00. You MUST bring in this ad to our location at 17th $ Q. Congratulations to tha newly elected Student Foundation oHioersI President-Phil <3.. Vice President Dave Z.. Secretary-Becky S.. Treasurer-Sara A. CORNCOBS VERY IMPORTANT meeting today! Block sign up and fundraisers to be discussed Call Stacie if unjfcle to attend 475-8509 METING FOR SUMMER? WANT TO LOOK YOUR BEST AT THE BEACH? Then join us for a discussion with Kathleen Lehr, Dieti cian at the University Health Center and learn how to lose weight safely and effectively. Wednesday, April 5, 1989 12:00 noon - 100 pm The Women's Resouroe Center 117 Nebraska Union This program is pari of the Women in Perspective Sar ws. Bring your lunch and join us for what will be an informing and entertaining programl Call the WRC for more information, 472 2597. ENVIRONMENT A new campus organization is now forming. It is called "Ecology Now"' Our purpose « to heir our suffering environment by learning, disseminating information and encouraging/practicing ecologically sound living Come Cus af our first meeting. Brainstorming, planning and Tuesday, April 4th, 800 PM, Ne Union, room 338 Questions: Dave 472-0883 Golden Key Members: Get back into the groove with Golden Key general moating, Tuesday, April 4, 5:30PM. at the Reunion meeting room. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS, 10 lor $4.25, $ 45 each and Name Cards at Nebraska Bookstore, 13th $ HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME)? Jet there from Minneapolis, Denver, or Chicago lor no more than $229, or from the East Coast lor no more than $160 with AIRHITCH(r), as reported in Consumer Re pods, NY Times, Let's Go, Good Housekeeping and national network morning shows. For details, call 212 864 21°° or write AIRHrTCH(r), 2901 Broadway. Suite 100, Ns v York NY 1002S. HERBIE TRYOUTS! CALL STACIE 475-8509 TODAY) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT MAJORS Informaton on new Human Development Club available in Room 110 Ruth Levedon Hal Next meeting: April 19^5:30 Room 204. Home Ec. building. INTRAMURAL SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED I here will be a meeting for those interested in officiating succor on Tuesday, April 4 at 500 PM m Coliseum Rm 12. Stadmg wage - $3.90/hr. 472-3467. MAJOR CONCERTS PRESENTATION TEAM Important meeting, today, April 4th, Ne Union, room posted. New members welcome. MORTAR BOARDERS. Meeting 10 p.m. tonight in the Union. Remember to bring Calendar information! Mortar Board Mealing for new membors tonightl 10 pm in the Union. Outdoor Adventures: "Summer '891'' Stop by the Campus Recreation booth in front of the Citv Union this morning. '