The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1989, Page 7, Image 7
■THICLKS f uK MALL ^gm^da RX-7 convertible loaded. Low miles 488 Hurhovy Custom deluxe. 4x4. Topper, Snow blade, 3/ ■or 488 5988 _ BoPalsun 310 2 door, 4 speed, AM/FM, sunroot, now Hunt recent tires. Good shape. 59,000 miles S1550/ ■£> Call 489 7941. ■fiw>A 2 door Honda DX, 5 speed, maroon, air, cruise. ■^1^ 489 3629. abitvicEs ■fp>ilNG WHILE LEARNING ■ Struggling with class? BBahs hours ot tree time by using successful short-cuts :HTii. .ludvina Free information: Rioe/AII Publishing, fl'ngneck Drrve, Lincoln NE 68506. ■ there is STILL TIME TO FILE YOUR 1988 TAX ■ TMt RETURNS. ^^Biartina at $12. 20 + years ot experience. Call eve Kings 489 '370 Merle Johns. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North I3lh St. 474 4136 WORDPERFECT.™ Reasonable Conventient References i: 496-1217 | INSTRUCTION TYPING & RESUMES ~ America s Oldest and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE ‘ Consulting ' Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Price Students Discounts RESUMES 10% Off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 475-6738 3701 O St, #8-7 AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPiNGS WORD PROCESSING Resumes, termpapers. masters doctorates, books rr.isc . typ ng. iaser/lette' quality printers, copier, dictaphone. Near UNL campus Affordable l professionalism. CaU 435-AVIS. LET US UNBURDEN YOUR LOAO! Wora Processing.Desktop Publishing Professional Resumes, Reports setters. 3,oqraTis. Newsletters. B'octwes WORDS ETC. 13?1 P 476 2039 Resumes Profess onaiiy typeset S'5plusta» Daily Nebraskan, basement o' t'e Nebraska Union, 1400 H Street SPECIALIZED DATA SERVICES I 111 Pia/za Terrace. Suite 8 £ • (54th & O Street) Resumes. term papers, master thesis, doctoral dissena lions, wnting analysis and more We print ALL docu ments using a nser printer WE profess onally typeset documents a quality desktop publishing system 483-6560 ANNOUNCEMENTS NORTHEAST YMCA JUDO CLUB Spec.a Student Rates S’S for 7 weeks FIRST 7 WEEkS FREE. Tues. 7-8 30pm Sat 2 4pm. Goiden Key Members: Ge' back into the groove with Golden Key general meetng. Tuesday. April 4, 5 30PM. at the Reunion meet rg room. HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME)? Jet ‘here horn Minneapolis. Denver, or Chicago tor no more than $229. 0r from the East Coast for no more than S160 wth AlRHiTCH(r), as reported in Consumer Re pons Nv r.mes. Let s Go. Good Housekeeping and ''’"'''t'0* morning shows For details, cal!212 864 2000 01 wnte AIRHlTCH(r). 2901 Broadway Suite '00 New Yo-k NY 10025 MAJOR CONCERTS PRESENTATION TEAM 'mponam meeting. Tuesday. April 4th. Ne Union, 'oom posted New members welcome. Outdoor Adventures: Summer 89!' otoc oy the Campus Recreation booth in front ot the City Union on Monday or Tuesday morning. Residence Hall Association Applications tor publicity chair and program mmg chan are available in the RHA office. 334 Nebraska Union 472-1095 SUMMER SESSIONS EARY REGISTER march 20TH - APRIL 7TH WANT rOBE THE HOTTEST MAN ON CAMPUS’ Try , “ ° e ^usk#i For interview and more mtorma ”°^alStac,e 476-6509 by April 10. pw>^WBl(W¥TTll IMBII >n Wimii—iiiwig—w ALL GLC MEMBERS Welcome back Irom breakll Meeting tomorrow nlghtl 615 NE Union *»’"3» »• iw ??. I? Slsit*. f *n r6,1 "yout. Ap.,1 15. Call Stacie for interview. 475 8509 by April 10. CKEEKAKFAjRS BMOC IS MERE! .. _ April 44 Delta Gamma Seniors: Miss*^©^ an<j haV* 3 wondedul Sen®' Week. We II Delta Gamma Delts, FEUD rewords6 blaS’ °f * S,udy break'Varmi,? Then's Love, the Pi Phi's Shawn B., Aeiw ABLATIONS for: Mortar Board Notables, AbUN, and Ambassadors' We are more than proud I Pi Phi love. CHILD_CARE Nannies Care, Inc. Be an east coast nanny. Choose your family. Top sala roni icos'fatq°V lded 11 Fox Lane' Denville, NJ 07834 |tU')bcj'Jo38. s NANNY POSITIONS , Archer Dawson Nanny Agency Top Jobs-1 Year Commitment | 300 ♦ Heartland Nannies Placed Local Interviews/Paid Travel * No *ee | West Coast Our Specialty Nebraska Based, Nationally Known Visit our Representative 4-18 19 Centennial Ballroom, NE Union CALL TODAY! 402-554-1103 HELPWANTED $1100. month”’ SUMMER JOBS- LINCOLN, OMAHA, Gl, NORFOLK HASTINGS, & NORTH PLATTE. CALL 466-7246 9 1PM, MON.-TUES. APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR MILFORD POOL MANAGER, Asst Manager, Lifeguards until April 7th Send applications to City of Milford, Box 13, Milford NE 68405 EOE Camp Counselors M F Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Camps, Tennis, Dance. Slimnastics, WSl. Athlet ics, Nutrition Dietetics. Age 20*, 7 weeks CAMP CAMFLOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES, at Massachu setts, Pennsylvania. Ca -torn,a Contact. Michele Fried man. 947 Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere, NY 11581 1-800-421 432t CAMP COUNSF: ORS wanted for private Michigan boys girir summer camps Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, watersk. ng. gymnast cs. rrflery. a'Chery, tennis, goif. sports, computers, camping, craft,, dramat cs, OR riding. Also klchen, o’1 ce. and maintenance. Salary S90C or more n Ra8 Marc Seeger. 1765 Maple, North,f,t> t, L 60093. 3t2 446-2444 Draftsman eng noer w !h drafting experience and two three years school remaining Part time during school. Full time summers 476,545 Ask for Tom or Rob Draftsperson to draw plans for houses, etc Involves working w-th contractors and homeowners Completion of production drawings or equivalent helpful, Apply: Lincoln Lumber Co . 932 N. 23rd. Energy Dispatcher Immediate part ’ime Responsibilities include scheduling powe' generating resources to meet electri cal needs ot towns across Nebraska, Co'o'ado. and Kansas, and maintaining records of electrical use. Pretered applicants wil posses computer spreadsheet skills (Lotus < 2 3). aptitude tor working with numbers, ability to wo'k .ndependent'y, and flexibility to work evening, n ght. and weekend hours No p-evious expe nence necessary; we will train Apply in person to Human Resources. Nebraska Municipal Power Poo' Municipal Energy Agency Nebraska. 521 S. 14th St'ool. Suite 500. Lincoln. NE 68509 Position closes Friday. April 7. ’989 An tquai Opportunity Employer. Experienced farm help 785-3235, 785-5935. No calls after 9 p.m, Fuent speakers of Japanese 'o' distance teaming pro gram August June App y to: O' Beverly RadcUfe. IMC, 920 O Street, L ncoln 68508 by April 20 Full-t'me software testers needed 12 week temporary position, may become permanent for right individual Day and evening shifts. Macintosh experience helpful, good communication skills required. Apply in person 9 5, Monday Friday at HealtbCare Communication, 301 S 68th St. Suite 500 No phone calls GREAT PART-TIME JOBS Schlot«kys has openings Flexible schedule, half price meals, free uniforms, raise in pay after training, great food, tun working atmosphere. COME JOIN THE TEAM1 Applymperson Weekdays 2-5PM, 12th4 P", 54th 4 0,33'd 4 Highway 2. KNOlL S COUNTRY CLUB Part-time even ng banquet waiter waitress positions. Flexible hours with good tips and benefits. Apply in pcson, Knolls Restaurant, 2201 Old Cheney Road LOOK NC FOR EXPERIENCE? Summer business internships, college credit, travel Call 483 5606 MAJOR CORN COMPANY needs students to work in corn breeding nursery $5.50 hour starting, mid-June thru July Call402 523 5215. for application and mtor rnation NEW ENGLAND BROTHER SISTER CAMPS ■ (MASS) Mah-Kee-Nac tor Boys Danbee for Girls Counselor positions for Program Specialists; Al1 Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey. Socc»r and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings, also Archery, Ri fiery and Biking Other openings include Performing Arts. Fine Arts. Yearbook Photography. Cooking, Sew ing. Rollerskating. Rocketry, Ropes. Camp Craft. All Waterfront activities (swimming, sknnm sailing Windsurfing, canoeing kayak) Inquire af J 4D Camping (Boys) 190 Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge NJ 07028; Acton Camp ng (Girls). 263 Mam Roacf Montville. NJ 0/045 Phono (Boys) 20' 429-8522, (Girls) 201-316 6660 Summer Editor in Chief The editor formulates editorial policies, over sees newsroom operations, hires the editorial staff and reports to the Publications Board. The summer editor is responsible for the weekly Summer edition of the Daily Nebraskan during the two 5-week summer sessions,a New Student Enroll ment issue and a Flatwater Festival edition. Applicants must be UNL students this semester or will be this summer or the fall, 1989 and have at least one year of newspaper experience. Applica tions and samples of writings (preferably edito rials or columns) must be submitted by 4 ^0 p.m., April 6. Nebraskan 34 Nebraska Union I /. dot I not tltsc n minute in ih arikltmic, admissions or employ mini programs and abides by all federal 1 Unions pertaining to same. . • . , . i 11 ! * • ■ MALE OR female CLERK NEEDED 3 or 4 after 'n P#f,0ni MilW'* 0 9'""' NORTHEAST YMCA SUMMER COUNSELORS Now taking application* lor summer counselors Expe rience and/or education in recreation, physical educa tion, early childhood, or child care required. Please apply in person at Northeast YMcA, 2601 N. 70. Part-time positions lor fluent speakers of French, Ger man and Spanish to assist high school foreign language students. Mid August-mid May. Apply to: T)r. Beverly Radcliffe, IMC, 9200 Street, Lincoln^68508 by April 15. Part-time salesperson and fireplace installer, 20-40 hours weekly. Flexible hours. Apply: Lincoln Lumber Company, 932 N. 23rd. Part-time District Manager This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills, who can motivate newspaper carriers and work with parents and customars as a city carrier district manager. This is an excellent opportunity for e university student which requires being available by 2:30PM daily, 9AM Saturday and some Sunday mornings. This positions requires approximately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid. Applica tions will be accepted at the Journal Star Personnel Office. 026 P Street, SAM - 4PM through Friday, April 7tn. Part-time evening desk position. Apply in person Mon day-Friday, 8-4:00 pm, Great Plains Motel, 2732 O Street. STUDENTS: We have the perfect part-time job for youl Positions are available immediately! * Flexible schedules. No late nights or weekends. * Salary plus bonus. 12-20 hours per week. We are the Nebraska Republican Party and are operat ing a phone bank, 5-9 pm. Sunday-Thursday. Call 475 2122, Sunday-Thursday, 7-9 pm. for phone interview. Ask for Eric. SUMMER INTERNSHIP SALES Ideal opportunity for students looking for chal lenging summer sales experience. Need enthusiastic, self-motivated people to participate in a market satura tion selling program. Those chosen will play a key role in developing a new sales area. The pay is S160-S257 a week for a 12 week period, Monday-Fnday. 8 am-5 pm, beginning mid-May. INTERVIEWS begin April 10th by appointment only. CONTACT: Sharon Wherry at Paramount Linen and Uniform Rental, 435-4313. Positions will be filled by April 24th. SUMMER JOBS Lifeguards, boys counselors, wrangler and handyman needed for one of the midwest's finest YMCA camps. Salary plus room and board. Call or write. YMCA Camp Ktaki, 1039 P Street, Lincoln, NE 68508. (402) 475 9(522. SUMMER WORK Paying your own way through school7 Average S1763/ rro Call 483-5606. ■ xO0^ This coupon is worth A/n $20.00 NK! J ' on your 1st and 2nd plasma donations (within 6 days). ^ Earn cash while you study. For more information call the "Friendliest Staff in Town". LINCOLN PLASMA ■ XAlil I 1126 North 14th Suite #2 A7A OQQC* i ^between Ted & Wally’s 4 Zoo Bar) H f Nebraskan 34 NEBRASKA UNION 1400 R ST. LINCOLN. NE 68588 This could be you! Account Executive (402)472-2589 The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for summer and fall account executives. The position requires approximately 25 hours per week. If you are comfortable in a selling situation, can motivate yourself and are interested in applying your academic back ground in advertising sales, we have an opening for you. Pay is based on a commission structure and applicants must be UNL students. Applications are now available at the Daily Nebraskan, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Applications must be turned in by Friday, April 7, at 3:00 p.m. Daily Nebraskan Room 34 Nebraska Union UNL does not discriminate* In Its academic, admissions or employment programs and abldas by all Fsderal regulations pertaining to same. . College Expenses Keep Going Up! So I earn extra money as a Harris Laboratories participant.” I “My schedule is often hectic. I strug gle to fit substitute teaching in the Lincoln Public Schools and part time bartending in with my courses at UNL. Harris consistently pro vides a valuable source of supple mental income during trying times. I find the surroundings pleasant; the staff, courteous; and THE MONEY, Outstanding!’’ If you are healthy and 19 years of age or older, you may qualify for oneof our many evaluations. Thous Iands of people each year partic ipate in our program to evaluate the absorption rate of various pharmace utical medications. These medica tions may be new or currently on the market. Some you may have used in your own home. Give us a call to check out your possibilities to earn a supplemental income. Earn from $200.00 to $2,000.00 per evaluation. Earn Cash While You Study! Study 11978 Men 19 to 45 Non or light smokers only In house stay: Four alternating weeks with weekend stays plus morning returns that check in at 10:00 pm and release at 7:00 am next morning plus daily returns. Call for details. Physical Date: Monday. April 10 Pays up to $1500! Study #11823 I Men 19-60 In-House Stay: Study begins April 20 with 28 consecutive evening visits, (appoximately 1 hour each visit). The In-House Stay begins 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 17 to 8:00 a.irt. Thursday May 25. Physical Date: Thursday, April 13. Pays up to $1,100.00! Study 11661 Men 19 to 55 Non or Light smokers only In house stay: 10:00 pm Wednesday to 7:00 pm Friday. Several groups in study. Call to see which group best fits your schedule. Physical Date: Thursday. April 6, 13, 17, 20, 27 and May 4. Pays up to $200. ‘You will icceive a free physical exam. ‘All evaluations are fully explained. ‘All evaluations are medically supervised. Call in advance of the physical date for further information on these and any future studies. CCall! 474-0627 Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Harris Laboratories, Inc. 621 Rose * Lincoln, NE 68502 ——————————————^ . ■ ' —