The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1989, Page 2, Image 2

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    University Program Council
is proud to announce...
Executives & Chairs
Executive Board Coordinator: Julie Sherbeck
Executive Board Assistant: Missy Howell
President: Jennie Johnson President: Joe Thelan
1st Vice President: Tom Macy Vice President:
2nd Vice President: Jeff Tasset Sandy Woodsen
Publicity Coordinator: Public Relations:
Stephanie Herdahl Pam VanDevender
American Films: Todd Weber Dances & Comstock:
Foreign Films: Bryce Williams
Kelly Anders & Micheal Turner Main Events: Kristen Waller
Free University: Molly Britten Visual Arts: Vanessa Tremain
Waipurgisnacht: Kaleidoscope: Dana Kern
Stephanie Buckwalter Sights & Sounds: Lanett Blum
Talks and Tooics:
Jeff Wendland UPC-AMC
Arts: Jeff Van Pelt President: Ed Munoz
Concerts & Coffeehouses: Vice President:
Jodi Johnson Candice Howard
Model United Nations: Publicity Coordinator:
Beth Hansen Janice Farmer
Special Events: Black Events:
Denise Campbell Jacquine Gines
COLAGE: Native American Events:
David Witacker & Margie Winn Marcy Gilbert
Chair: Jason Dean
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Sinor & Heidi Putensen
Sources say coup x
attempt is stopped I
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)-Shooting
broke out early Sunday near the Pres»denua
palace, and a source close to the government
said loyal soldiers had foiled an attempt to
overthrow the government of Lt. Gen. Prosper
AVA fcw hours earlier, sources in Haiti said
military commanders had ousted the 6-monlh
old government. It would have been the third
coup in this Caribbean country in less than a
Reports that there has
been a change of gov
ernment. ’
—Spok es woman
for U.S. Embassy
There was no way to immediately confirm
any of the reports, which came four days alter
four lop army officers were discharged alter
being accused of drug trafficking.
Haiti’s international airport was closed, a
move taken after previous coups, and large
nun be rs of soldiers w ere at the palace and on
the streets.
State-run radio and television continued
regular programming and made no mention ol
a coup several hours alter the initial reports of
Susan Clyde, spokesw >man for the U.S.
Embassy in Haiti, said there were “reports that
Editor Curt Wagner
Managing Editor Jane Hlrt
Assoc News Editors Lee Rood
Bob Nelson
Editorial I 'age Editor Amy Edwards
Wire Editor Diana Johnson
Copy Desk Editor Chuck Green
Sports Editor Jetf Aoel
The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144 080) is published by
the UNL Publications Board NebraskaUnion34 1400R
St., Lincoln, NF Monday through Friday during she aca
demic year, weekly during summer sessions
Readers are encouraged to submit story deas and
comments to the Daily Nebras«an by phoning 472 1763
between 3a m and 5pm Monday through Friday The
public also has access to the Publications Board For
information, contact Tom Macy, 4 75-9868
Subscription price is $45 for one year
Postmaster Sena address charges to the Dai y Ne
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68588-0448 Second c ass postage pa d at L neo n NE
there has been a change of government,” but
that the capital of Port-au-Prince appeared
Five soldiers of the Presidential Guard ar
rived at independent radio station Liberte at
11:45 a.m. to deny the reports Avril had been
An announcement read by a soldier identi
fied only as Georges Metayer said: “President
Avril is in the National Palace_There’s no
problem in the army.” ;
A source close to the government said sol- I
diers in the Presidential Guard had foiled rebels -
who tried to stage a coup.
Gunfire was heard twice near the palace in I
the pre-dawn hours, witnesses said. Several
hours later, renewed gunfire, described as
heavy, broke out in the same area. There were
no reports of casualties.
A Haitian government source said shortly
alter daybreak three military officers, includ
ing Maj. Gen. Hcrard Abraham, the army
commander-in-chief, had overthrown Avril
and that Abraham was placed in charge ol the
government. The source spoke on condition of
One source saui, nowcvcr, mat Anranam ■
had refused to accept the presidency. Abraham
was foreign minister under the government of
1 t.Gen. Henri Namphy, whom Avril replaced.
There were other unconfirmed reports from
sources that Avril and Col. Acedius Saint- 1
Louis, the interior and defense minister, were s
being held at the Leopard Corps barracks in -
suburban Port-au-Prince.
Another Haitian source, who also spoke on
condition of anonymity, said the coup leaders 8
included Gen. Guy Francois, commander of
the Dessalines military barracks in Port-au
Prince: and Lt. Col. Himmler Rcbu, com
mander ol the Leopards battalion, an elite
commando corps.
Richard Mellon, U.S. deputy assistant sec
retary of state for Caribbean affairs, visited
Haiti on Monday and told Avril resumption of
U.S. aid depended in part on Haiti’s efforts to
crack down on the narcotics trade.
On Wednesday, four top army officers ac- I
cused of involvement in the drug trade were
Hubert de Ronceray, a conservative politi
cal leader, said those dismissals might have
triggered the coup attempt.
The violence also came about two weeks
after Avril partially restored the suspended
constitution of 1087, including one provision
that bars former top supporters of the Duvalier
dictatorships from holding public office.
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April may have fooled you, but it didn't fool us!
If you breathed a sigh of relief today when you saw no April!
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Catch us in May Candy and treats won’t be all that’s in your basket1
Tee-hee, tee-hee!
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* Equipment will be provided, but bring a pike if you have one.
* I he UnivcrsityofNcbraska-LincoIndocsnotdiscriminatcin its academic, admissions,
or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same.
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