The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1989, Image 1

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    CLARIFICATION: Cather 10 became the Class C Intramural basketball
champions when the team defeated Cather 4 40 37 A run off election will
occur Wednesday for secretary of Abel/Sandoz between Ian Roehrich and
Brenda Thompson
Monday, windy with light snow in morning, p , ?
decreasing cloudiness in afternoon, high 30- Editorial ...... 4
35, NE winds 15-30 mph. Monday night, Arts A Entertainment'._6
cloudy and cold, low upper teens Tuesday, Sports.9
high 40. Classifieds..11
March 20,1988 University of Nebraska-Lincoln _ Vol. 88 No. 124
Residence halls won’t get condom machines
By Larry Peirce
Senior Reporter
Despile overwhelming student
support for condom machines
in the residence halls, the
University of Ncbraska-Lincoln isn’t
planning to install them, said James
Griesen, vice chancellor for student
Griesen said he asked the Univer
sity Health Center to find ways to
make condoms more readily avail
able at IJNL, but that the results of the
AS UN elections did not affect those
Results of the AS UN survey ques
tion showed that 69 percent of student
voters favor “installation of condom
machines in university buildings,”
while 28.2 percent opposed it
Griesen said his decision to in
volve the health center was in re
sponse to contact he had with stu
dents last fall.
The health center staff is working
on several plans, he said. Those plans
won’t be announced until after spring
break because details remain to be
worked out, Griesen said. One of the
center’s plans should be imple
mented this semester, he said.
‘‘They won’t be dealing with resi
dence halls,” he said. “I have not
asked them to pursue that idea.”
Griesen said he was surprised that
28.2 percent opposed the condom
‘‘I would have thought it would
have been 90 to 10, or 80 to 20 (per
cent),” he said.
Griesen said he hasn’t heard much
from people who think UNL
shouldn’t provide condoms at all.
‘‘Everybody understands this is a
fact of life,’ ’ he said. ‘ ‘ Some students
on this campus are sexually active,
and we don’t want them to catch
sexually-transmitted diseases.”
Condoms are available 24 hours a
day at the health center, but students
must contact a duty nurse to get them
after hours, he said. While they wait
they may be standing in front of a
security video camera.
‘‘Several students suggested
that’s not ready access,” he said.
Griesen said one of the health
center’s tasks is to reduce the amount
of personal embarrassment associ
ated with getting condoms.
Griesen said condoms currently
are sold also at Q 4 Quik, 17th and
Vine streets, and at U Stop, 17th and
Q streets.
“We don’t feel it’s necessarily our
obligation to provide the condoms,’’
he said. “However, I do feel this is a
health-related issue. We should do
more to make them available.”
There are other times when some
one needs something that isn’t read
ily available, he said.
Any plans to make condoms more
available will be done partly to cdu
:ate students that they shouldn't
engage in sex casually, Griesen said.
“They should think in advance
about what they are doing,” he said.
William Lauer/Dally Nebraskan
Very interesting ...
Stephen Grinfaicon and Katherine Penwick watch Floyd MaGillihan feather a flu-flu arrow during the Royal
University of Schir Hafoc seminar held in the Nebraska Union Saturday. Grinfaicon said at least four seminars are
held each year In conjunction with the Society for Creative Anachronism. Members of the society participate to
learn about the various tools and customs of medieval society.
Semiautomatic sales
increasing in Lincoln
By Larry Peirce
Senior Reporter
Following bans last week on semiauto
matic rifles, local gun enthusiasts and
collectors are rushing to buy the re
maining weapons at inflated prices, but one
gun dealer said the shortage of the rifles is only
Larry Gulbranson, owner of All Seasons
Shooting Range, 4713 Hartley St., said he has
sold all but two of his semiautomatic rifles.
However, he said, it’s unwise to buy the
rifles at inflated prices fueled by shortages.
“It’s stupid to buy them up,” he said. “It’s
not going to be a permanent thing.’’
According to gun dealers, three events in
creased sales of the rifles:
•An assault rifle was used in a January
massacre oi nve scnooi cnuaren in camomm,
causing public protest and tempting local and
state governments to ban their sales.
• The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
banned imports of assault rifles this week.
• Colt Industries of Hartford, Conn., sus
pended public sales of its AR-15, a shortened
civilian version of the military’s standard M
16 rifle.
Gulbranson said he has heard from his con
tacts in the weapons industry that Colt proba
bly will change its policy Monday or Tuesday.
The Colt official who suspended sales may
not have had the authority, he said, and the
company’s executives could resume sales.
Colt lost a contract with the U.S. govern
ment in February, he said, and hasn’t been
making AR-15s. The company also has labor
problems, he said.
See GUNS on 5
Officers reflect on ASUN term I
By Ryan Sleeves
Staff Reporter
Despite an apathetic student
body and senate, the three
ASUN executive officers said
the student government was produc
tive during the last term.
The executives said they upheld a
campaign promise by appointing
diverse students to ASUN positions
and gained credibility with the NU
Board of Regents.
But the executives said they were
angry with UNL’s students.
The executives said the students
take time to complain about such
things as high tuition and greek
dominance in ASUN, but do nothing
to rectify such problems.
First Vice President Nate Geisert
admitted that it is hard for ASUN to
interest students in student govern
ment. But, he said, low turnouts at
AS UN elections arc just symptoms of
the real disease: Student apathy.
“There’s really nothing you can
say or do to get people out and vote, ’ ’
he said.
ASUN President Jeff Petersen and
Kim Beavers, ASUN second vice
president, said students arc all talk
and no action. Petersen said those
who don’t get involved in student
government forfeit their right to
“Students are two-faced to them
selves because they’re willing to
gripe and complain, but they don ’ t do
anything about it,” Petersen said.
The fact that UNL students avoid
voting and attending ASUN meetings
proves they are not interested in stu
dent issues and student government,
Petersen said.
‘‘Deep in my heart, I really don’t
think students care,” he said.
Beavers said she also hears many
students complain about such things
as greck dominance in ASUN. Stu
dents who see problems at UNL
should express them to student lead
ers, she said.
‘‘Quit bitching and start bringing
your ideas to us so wc can do some
thing about it,” Beavers said.
Petersen said many students say
they don’t get involved because
ASUN has no power. Petersen said he
thinks this is an excuse for student
He said ASUN’s accomplish
ments during the last year prove that
the body can act on student concerns.
Petersen, who also is the UNL
student regent, said two resolutions
recently passed by regents and the
winning of the unofficial student
regent vote on the board demonstrate
that student leaders have influence.
The unofficial vote eliminates the
‘‘second-class” position student re
gents have had with the board, he
said. Although the vote has no effect
on board decisions, it forces student
regents to be heard, Petersen said.
Two resolutions that regents
passed at their last meeting mark
other student successes, Petersen
By passing the resolutions, re
gents promised to try to limit tuition
increases, avoid using surcharges and
visit NU students yearly.
Despite frustrations about student
apathy, the executives said the term
was pretty good.
‘Tm very happy with our term in
ASUN,” Beavers said. ‘‘I think eve
rything we were going to do we did .
.. or at least touched on.”
Beavers said she was especially
pleased with ASUN’s ability to ap
point non-greeks and minorities to
student government positions.
In the past, she said, greek groups,
such as Panhellenic, and the Resi
dence Hall Association didn’t inter
act and thus worked against each
other. In 1988-89, she said, ASUN
integrated members of such groups
into student government to eliminate
some contradictions.
“We pledged during our cam
paign that we would go out and make
a more representative student gov
ernment and we did it,” Beavers said.
Petersen said UNL students think
ASUN is a greek ‘‘country club” run
See ASUN"on!
Faculty Senate will ponder
dead week policy changes
By Brad Kundquist
Staff Reporter
The dead week policy may be
changed if a recommendation by
the Association of Students of the
University of Nebraska is passed
by the Faculty Senate.
ASUN passed a recommenda
tion in early March that classes be
held the Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of dead week and that
they be cancelled Thursday and
Friday to give students personal
“catch-up” and “reading” days.
According to a survey con
ducted by the ASUN Dead Week
Policy Committee, many students
are dissatisfied with the way the
current dead week policy is en
The current dead week policy
states that final examinations for
full semester classes are to be
given only at the scheduled time
during finals week or at a time that
is agreed upon by everyone in
Lab practical, make-up, repeat
and self-paced examinations arc
excluded and may be given during
dead week. All projects, papers
and speeches scheduled for finals
week must nave oeen assigned, in
writing, by the end of the eighth
week of the semester.
The study showed that 58.4
percent of 485 students surveyed
said they’ve had professors violate
part of the dead week policy. Only
29.2 percent said they had not. The
remaining 12.4 percent gave no
answ er or said they did not remem
Eighty-five percent of the stu
dents said they would favor a pol
icy in which class would be held
only during the first three days of
dead week. About 12 percent said
they would not favor such a policy
and 3 percent did not respond.
The recommendation was first
approved by the Interfratcmity
Council and the Residence Hall
Association before moving to the
Faculty Senate.
Larry Koubsky, president of
RHA, said the new policy “most
definitely would help.”
‘‘Even if new material were
introduced,” he said, ‘‘the extra
two days would give students more
time to review. It will be a good
change if it goes through.”
See DEAD WEEK on 5