The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1989, Page 7, Image 7
SERVICES == “TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES-SERVICE RENY-TO-OWN BLOOM? 323 North 13lh SI. 4744136 tYPINcT&RESUMES ‘^l^FESSlONXr “ RESUME service • Consulting * Writing • Typing * Printing Competitive rdoe • Students Discounts Resumes 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime netienwWe updating, 4764736 3701 0 St, »R-7_ AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING 6 WORD PROCESSNG Returnee, termpapera/meetere/dodorates boohs, mj»e, typing, laser/letter quality printers, copier, dintW-hunV Near UNL oempus. Afford** professionalism. Cell 436-AVIS. EXHAUSTEDI FRUSTRATED! NO TIMEI W# do Papers, Thesis, Dissertations, Reports, Long/ Short Term Projects, Reaumos/Letters/Envslopea. Great r,,Mc£y$$rEp'™»E g SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 DUE STREET LET US UNBURDEN YCUR LOADI Word Procaaainp/Desktop Publishing Copes Professional Resumes. Reports, Letters, Programs. Newsletters, urochutes. WORDS ET6. 1321 P 478-2038 Resumes Professionally typeset. 816 plus tax. Dally Mebraekan, basement of (he Nebraska Union, 1400 R Street. SPECIALIZED DATA SERVICES 111 Piazza Terraoa, Suita B (54th * 0 Street) Resumes, term papers, master theea, doctoral disserta tions, writing analysis and more. We print ALL docu ments using a later printer. WE professionally typeset documents using a c^gji^de^g publishing system. ANNOUNCEMENTS ALPHA ZETA McETING Wednesday. March 15, 7PM ANIMAL SCIENCE ROOM AIM Officer elections and biing a spoon. ARE YOU A HUSKER FAN? Join UNL's spirit organization. Corn Cobs. March 16ih at 4:30 in the City Union. Husker Highlights film will be shown. ___ ASUN DEBATE Monday. March 13 at 4pm m the Nebraska East Urnon. Sponsored by the Ag Advisory Board end UPC Sights & Sounds. COULD THE PERSON WHO STOLE MY LEATHER JACKET FROM GOLD'S GYM. PLEASE RETURN ITII Si t 00 REWARD. DROP KEYS AT ANY MAILBOX. I AM PEGGING YOUIII___ Hear Scotty Wright, hot iazz vocalist, on KZUM 89.3 FM. 12:30-2:30 PM. today, Monday, March 13th. INTRAMURAL T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST The annual intramural T-Shirt Deeign Contest con cludes 3/14/89. Each year the contest selects the win ning design to be placed on the intramural champion t shirts A $50.00 prize is awarded to the aniet submitting the winning design. Contest details are available at the Campus Recreation Offices, 1740 Vine Street or 32 ECAB. Inquiries: 472-3487._ INTRAMURAL WRESTLING The intramural wrestling tournament « scheduled to begin March 13. Weigh-ms tor 126.134, pound classes will be March 13. Women's weight classes 98.106,112, and 118 wil also weigh in on 3/13. Weight classes 167, 177. 190. 203. and unlimited will wsign-m and compete on March 14. Contact Campus Recreation Office for specific weigh-in times and info. The tentative tournament site is the Coliseum. Check with Campus Recreation Office on 3/13for confirmation: 472-3467: INTRAMURAL WRESTLING The site of the intramural wrestling meet has been changed to the lower level of the Miliary 6 Naval Science Building. Inquiries: 472-3467. INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday. 3/14, is the entry deadline for the loHcenng intramural activities: men's, women's and oo-rec floor hockey tournament, intramural t-shirl design contest. Inquiries: 472-3467. Kearney Stale College Yugoslavia Tour. June 15-29. 82400 Contact: Bob tmd. Associate Professor of Geography. Kearney State Colsge, Kearney. Ne braska. 68647 306-237-5663 or 308-234-6683. Credit Available. ■---\ ViAlft .._peac^qrps AEUnfi"^^’ Tm««- M. __ PRE-DENT CLUB eKMiSrcsrM,,reh u,h * *** <**— ... rangeland symposium ^ ponopmaot Nebraska's Water Quality" Wednesday, March 16,1SM 9M AM-12 noon. __E.C.U. SEA I^EETINC . Tuesday, March 14 __ __8:30p.m. HenatHh Auditorium F-l, an^flC0Mft»U^ATK)N8 MAJORS" gaWtK SSfi.*VB V^TE IMAGE Residence Hall Association J. Matt Wlckleee-Ptealdent Tim E. Thoreon. Vice-President Paula Tank, Treeeuror Keith Malo, Abel President Oeneen Bolt, Abel Senator Amy Sedlaoek. Sandoz Senator John Gibson. Cather Senator C.T. Schwaller. Seller* President Kristin Foster, Pound President Amy Reichstadt, Neihardt Senator IMAGE * VOTE PHIL GOSCH Art* A Science* Senate You. vote doe* countl VOTE MARCH 15 RHA ELECTIONS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 IS... ELECTION DAY! Information on the candidates and their platforms « available at the Student Information Canter, 116 City Union. INTERESTED IN SITTING IN OUR BLOCK ON THE SO YARD UNE? Come to Com Cobs Rush on March 16th at 4:30. For more info call Jackie at 472 0396. GREEK AFFAIRS ~ ALPHA ZETA MEETING Wednesday, March IS. 7PM ANIMAL SCIENCE ROOM A130 Officer elections and bring a spoon. ASUN DEBATE Monday. March 13 at 4pm in the Nebraska East Union. Sponsored by the Ag Advisory Board and UPC Sights A Sounds. Best wishes to Beth N. (Pi Phi) and Scott M (DU) on their pinningl We hear the DU's are trying out lor Star Search, "Beth, I hear you calling...“I Love, the Pi Phi's Congratulation* Becki C. on winning 3rd in the Big 8. We re proud ol you. ____ _Pi Phi Love Congratulation* to Patty M. lor being AGS sweetheart. ___Love, KKG Congratulation* to the following people who made Greek Week Committee*I Craig J.-Committee Chair, Pete A., Sean W.. Matt T„ Dave S.. Scott K., Mark J. Committee Member*. We re proud of you guy*. Chi Phi Men DG'», Thank* lor the tun Study Break last Wednesday WeH have to do it again soon. Leva. Pi Phi'* KICKS FOR KIDS 88 m S (Pi Phi). Congratulation* on becoming a member ol Mortar Board, we're *o proud ol you. Love, your Sisters Way to go Krietin A. (AXiD) lor becoming a committee member on Greek Week Philanthropy, AXiD's We have PRIDt in you Monica J.l Also, a great |ob with C“,n0N'®h' Love. KKG TNI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON * )!«*»»■« oaMwtrtMnOmMMt! ' STUDE^jr GOVERNMENT AtUN Student government Election* March IS. 1868 800 am. to 800 p.m. Polling Shoe Nebraska Union • City Campus Harmiton Hal Cook Pavilion Lutheran Cantor Lutheran Cants* Nebraska Union • East Campus Poll worker* for th* election Womans Faculty Club H you have any question* pfesee cell *72-8881. V&E IMAGE Residence Hali Association J. Matt Wlcktose-Pieeident Tim E. Thomon, VI oe-P resident Peuto Tank. Treasurer Keith Malo. Abel Prasida>it Deneen Bolt. Aba) Senator Amy Ssdlacek. Sandoz Senator John Qibeon, Cat her Senator C.T, Schwaller, Salleck President Kristin Foster, Pound President Amy Reichstadt, Neihardt Senator IMAGE * VOTE MARCH 15 RHA ELECTIONS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 IS... ELECTION DAY! Information on tha candidate and thair platforms Is available at tha Student Information Confer, 116 City Union. PERSONALS Siond guy with Board in Astrom 103 the) wears tho stupid strped stocking Cap. Shut up, ask in-depth ques tions after data and listen to wind Simon says. The Concerned Massee. Doug S. Your the bestl Happy B-dayl Love, Lori F. The Daily Nebraskan Basketball team would Ike to thank the DN Fan Club for their support throughout the season aa wet aa the Homecoming RoyaKyll We would also Ike to thank 8.I.D. Jane H.fcr her work this season. Congratulations to tha COWBOY and tha ARTIST on your engagement i Steven Douglas H„ I Love You. HdM (KD), Happy B-Dayl Tha cheek a in tha mat. •PRO III CHILD care ' MNUYCPpDfttiitoflgS Looking to Improve yourself? Willing to relocate? Wo may have what you want. For Information call Lisa 1-600-446-6426 our on-campus recruiter. Mini mum ago 16. HELP W ANTED ~ 9th Street B luos looking for talented people that can play piano and entertain a crowd. (Blues, ragtime, ddies, etc). Call 486-1194. ATTENTION AO STUOCNTB Midwest Ag Chamfcai Company Hetvtowlng tor parts lima Spring A Summar Intern position. Send resume to Sales Maragar, P.O. Bos 6644, Linootn Ne 66606 Camp Ceuneetera M/F. Outstanding 96m and Trim Down Camps; Tennis, Danes, SiimnasNca, WSI, Athiet les. Nutrition-Dietatka. Age 20+, 7 weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES, at Massachu setts, Pannsytvania. California. Contact: Michele Fried man, 047 Hewlett Owe, North Wood mere. N.Y. 11691, 1-900-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/gkla summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, watorakiing, gymnastics, rVisry, archery, Iannis, golf, sports, computers .camping, crafts, dramatics. OR nding. Also klohen, office, and maintenance. Salary 9900 or more, plus RAB. Mans Sieger, 1796 M*>ie, Northtiled, IL 60093. 312-446-2444" Cashiers lor Servioe Station/Convenience Store. Peri time evenings, nights, and weekends Must be honest, dependable and friendly. Apply in person to Woods Park Amoco, 3306 O. No phone cells please. ^eldEr ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^""^TEwteLRYb-'Hyoismo ▼ ▼ HOI W ♦wedding ring^ ♦ SPECIALIST ♦ 4 Wholesale Prices ♦ ^ Newest Styles A A Custom Design Tshop and compare but see us laet.^ f 3111 ”0” St. 474-6044 ▼ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦A #|! University Floral St Patrick’s Day Special Blarney Stone Bouquets $10.00 and up Green Carnations .95 2 »(ii8 v i4th vZmh p| p 1/2 blocks South of Nebraska Union/ ** EXTRA MONEY ** is nice, but you can help people too: Earn $120 ♦ a month : SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE. $20 to new donors on first donation with this ad. Ask about additional bonuses. (Monday-Saturday.) Two hr free parking at any Park & Shop. University Plssma Center Associated Bioscience, inc. 1442 “O” St. Lincoln 475-8645 AUTOMATION ALLOWS MORE k PERSONALIZED TIME WITH YOU! BLOOM COUWTY__by Berke Breathed / WA 7MMJHP Hem. \ pr&i&ht of I coumyjNC^J 5 I r t L m. MNMemNT w/snes w p/mwapre tryof iwm m BNPL655 PBUSe neflpzp upon f\ mpmxM COSMETKd COMNYfWLY in mts spfice... 7, YOU SHOULP KNOW 7He5€ trou»/es mb effete? only secme of out j peep mm in 6oop / suotNex emicd..^j? BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ^ „/tWT fsgMr/ttxw k rv.V1MT? f, [ CANC&R THIS \ ' \ 030 verfessm / iv-sr ACROSS 1 Wagnerian earth goddess 5 Fauna’s firmer ransaction 14 Bit; trifle 15 Yellow-fever mosquito 1C Wavy, in heraldry 17 With “The,” a mystery novel 2C Feted 21 Obliterate 22 Disturbances 23 Kitchen utensils 25 Cape Cod sights 2C Jawbone 30 Top rating 31 Semiprecious stone 32 Author of 17 and 50 Across 30 Raleigh and John Smith 37 Fam. member 38 Egg dish 30 "Cheaters” 42 Prevarications 43 Embellished, as nourriture 44 Young haddock 47 Obvious 90 Morality novel 94 World rotator 99 A dye 90 Recorded proceedings mmimvnmniM I W|g|c|A[ |.|0|i|T| jg| Rjofsf IsIoIdUI I si i }mToT lo w e|r rfi cTeTwi Emm ■■ rt nrli U P|^r|^TTBBiR|TTsIP|HA|Y]E|D1 C Rpi L A|W| A|Y|n| 57 Was beholden 58 Prerequisites 59 Actor Roger DOWN 1 Huge German dam 2 Debauchee 3 Put in bad humor 4 Reach 5 Diamond features • Yorkshire city 7 Bizarre 8 Friend of David 9 Botanist Gray 19 Threshold 11 Sicilian city 12 Augments 13 -—majeste 18 Suntan lotion ingredient 19 Father of genetics 23 Young salmon 24 Part of A.D. 25 Relig. sect 28 Mass of timber 27 Discipline dealing with living organisms E Edited by Eugene T. Maleska 28-lazuli 28 Chemical suffixes 30 Tijuana tidbit 31 Sacs 33 Scooped out 34 N.Y. city or lake 35 "Rock On” author 39 Junipers 40 Part of Pfc. 41 Make beloved 43 Icy 44 Norman town 45 Army food 40 Frenchman’s dream 48 Memo 43 Clement C. Moore’s opener 51 Hankering 52 Lot of Wednesday’s child 53 Killarney-to Biarney dir. \