j David Fran a/ Dally Nebraskan Van Dewald, a freshman accounting major from Alexandria buys several boxes of Girl Scout cookies from Brownie troop 252 outside the Cather-Pound dining room. DeLites Sometimes the strangest com binations make the best sheet fellows. Case in point: Caramel DeLites Girl Scout cookies. A melange of chocolate, cara mel and coconut covering a crunchy cookie, Caramel De Lites aren’t exactly the most pleasing things to the eyes. They’re square, lumpy and brown with caramel stripes on top. Don’t judge it by its lack of physical appeal The taste makes up for it and then some. What a mellow flavor. Taking a bile, there’s the slightest crunch, then the taste sets in l he creamy chocolate and ca«a mel are* complemented by a hint of coconut flavoring They’re pretty sweet -- as most good cookie-* are out not sickemngly so And how thev managed to escape: being gooev remains a mystery; it can either be attributed to lots of chemicals or a great deal of planning — or maybe a little of both, but who cares? These scrumptious little munchies are worth trying. Weight watching? No problem - they’re only 60 calories a pop. ~ Kelly Anders Lemon Pastries Yellow has become mv favor ite color, lemon ana vanilla m\ favorite taste-', and smells Lemon Pastry (.rentes l'rulv a delight to trie senses something heavum han pened.Mondav tin Cir! scouts changed m\ life Those litti bearers of good will siowed m\ hectic dav and made me refiec: on the wonderful times in life. To be young again. To frolic in the forest, without a care in the world. Those light, lemon filled wafers brought joy to a dismal day. Although the packaging was confusing, an obnoxious purple box sporting artwork of brow n ies playing in a band, it’s what’s inside that counts. As the package is opened, the sweet smells of lemon and va nilla gently tease the olfactory senses. The cookie itself, with a bright, sunny cream peeking out from two delicate, sugar-coaled vanilla w afers is a glorious sigh: to behold. As the crunchy w aler crjckk from the pre.ssui<-> if the >a\\ and the lemon creme .splashes ov*. trie paiate, an enchanting mans formation akes place W rule lasting these delectable dehghls a fresh spring meadow comes to mind. Dashes of baby’s breath and lilies of the valley dot the land scape, and the soothing smell of lilacs dances in the breeze. Young ladies wearing while dresses and sun bonnets sit in the meadow drinking lea. The tea is daintilypourcd from a sil ver server set. The cookies have been placed elegantly on a silver tray covered with a lace doily. Light, feminine laughter ech oes in the mind, like the tinkling of chimes in a cool, summer breeze. As a dipper. Lemon Pastry Cremes an* second to none. W nether in milk, lea or coffee, a soothing sensation tickles the lastebuds. they are a quick dip, retain ing the ii uid without getting soggy Dipping in coffee a special treat because the subtle lemon flavor and sugar of the See COOKIES on 10 ‘