The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1989, Page 12, Image 12
Large 5 bedroom, S625, 489-0813. Summer & Fall Rentals available nowll' Sign up early and relax! 3-6bedroom homes all cioseto UNI. Call 423 1535. We Love Studentslll APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments & Duplexes lor Rent FURNISHED, UNrURNISHED. SECURITY BLDG CLOSE TO CAMPUS ANO TOWN. 502 So 12th, new microwave with one year lease. Efficiencies, S186, S195 $205; 1-bedroom, $250. Also 1600 square foot of commercial area, 1st floor, 502 So 12th at S5 square foot. Call: 476-1142, 474-3365. 447 5706 or 423-5800. 648 So 12th, large efficiencies, S215, includes heat. 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2-bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drapes. 1615 Garfield, $350, 477-9671. 636 So 27th, $350,435-5540. 2125 A, $360, includes heat, 477 0704. 3535 Vine, 2-story, 1 1/2 baths, $400 includes heat, one bedroom $300. 466-1653. DUPLEXES: 2-BEDROOMS. 6619 Colby. $325. 423-5800. 1912 North Cotner, $325, 423-5800. 1920 North Cotner, $325, 423 5800. Call for any units, 423-5800 or John Keane, Hub Hall Property Mgt at 489-7444. CLOSE TO CAMPUS One and two bedroom from $260. L.T. Management 474-7368. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS~ 3300 Huntington Ave. ‘Comfortable 2-BR available now. ‘Close to East Campus. 'Otf-street parking, laundry facilities. ‘School term leases available. Call today 466-8611 Joseph E Kean Co. 474-1666. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/'month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434,435 0351. NEWER 2-BEDROOM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown. Balcony units $365; w/ o balcony $350. 477-2177, or 423-1029, 486 1286. SNUGGLE UP AT WILLOWKAVEN ‘Fireplaces or Woodstoves ‘1 or 2 bedroom apartments ‘Reasonable rent. LOW utilities ‘Off-street parking, garages available ‘Only minutes from downtown CALL TODAYI 476-6200 1800 Knox or Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 Street Legal at the Pla Mor Ballroom Friday Night March 10 9:00-12:30 Doors open at 8:00 6600 West O Street J Tonight is Buck Night! | I cover MUSiCbyAff^r I IA m Well Drinks /illCl/ | |S I Domestic Bottled _ |Y ■ Wine Coolers 25£ Miller Lite Draws March 8th & 9th I I First dollar drink FREE w/coupon. 1033 "O" One per customer. Validate at door. Gold's Galleria J Call Us! 475- 7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus Open 11 a.m. for lunch 476- 0787 11th & Cornhusker ^ Harper Schramm Smith --, QC 16” PEPPERONI | Brr PIZZA AND FOUR TAX 16 OZ. COKES SPECIAL Additional Toppings $1.05 | Expires 3-20-89 I I I 1 1 i * ! s t $ i I Nebraska's Biggest Stores 3 4 Best prices in town g- New Eqiipment - J g * Smal Screens ^ Loaders J ^ I £ U) Ff 3 1440 N. 56th * 464 9632 w 1340 N. 27th * 474 3134 • J 4 Lirit one coijxti per visit g Capon good for one free reg wash ti March at either store 9 ADOPTION _ ADOPTION IS A GIFT OF LOVE. Let us help each other. We are a financially secure couple longing to adopt an infant as we are medically unable to have our own children. We live in a small quiet town in New England and have the love and means to raiso a child. We are willing to help with counselling, legal and medical ex penses. Please call collect and talk with us (207) 377 8941. Legal and confidential. SOCIAL SERVICES PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. Kappa Delta Chili Fest pll you can eat " $2.75 :'?ti Sunday, March 12 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Tickets on sale at the City Union or at the door _ THE FAR SIDE i By GARY LARSON ... i fi K 1901 Chfomcle Sj/ . _ 3 q__Dutubutiwl by i Jmwgfiai Press Syndicate BLOOM COUNTY_ ■ YWJS THERE [TMti/W PROOUNbl vy/M \ 'MARY MY' 1 "///' \ SftL£6LW/ed fl >/A \ our FRONT A m J^4$K!N6 FOR M f7ye/m mine SHAKFZNe? eyeam/ pencils anp yearn 1 "PfSEMdOUei 7H6 me me/pei f/km tozto itxMir j ACROSS 1 U.S. Coast Guard woman 5 Pile neatly 10 Throat-clear ing sound 14 Roof edge 15 -d’hote 16 Opposite of yep 17 British Navy woman 18 Foreigner 19 Speaker of baseball 20 Scarlet weaverbird 23 Ott or Torme 24 Liquid meas. 25"-Hill," 1940 song 30 Auriculate 35 Time period 36 Actress Farrow 37 Eye membrane 38 Assistant 40 Main artery 42 Italian wine center 43 Mentally defective person 45 Son of Gad: Gen. 46:16 46 Moray, e.g. 47 A king of Judea 48 Thanksgiving Day sauce source 51 Ration-book agcy. 53 Spanish title 54 Twain novel 63 SW Asian country 64 Proportion 65 Money exchange fee 66 Having all one's marbles 67 Holding device 68 -and robbers 69 Seattle-, 1977 Derby winner 70 Pulls 71 Gaelic DOWN 1 Stitches 2 Segment 3 Assert i ^uaiigc a line 5 Groom, eg. 6 Falsehood, sometimes 7 Red powder used in India 8 Priests and bishops, eg. 9 Nairobi is its capital 10 Oppositionist 11 Cornucopia 12 Long heroic poem 13 Engage, as gears 21 Spider network 22 Escape 25 Sandy shore 26 River in France b/dited by h,ugene 1. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE \ ' - • 27 Below 28 Ebro is one 29 More unusual 31 Mindanao native 32 Part of a stairway 33 Be admitted 34 Bettor’s double 37 Fallerson Bacharach's head 39 Ike’s i range command 56 Walking aid 41-la-la 57 “What Maisie 44 False god -H. 48 Occult James doctrine 58 Common Latin 49 Lad abbr. 50 Write on the 59 Hoarfrost front of a bill 00 Cassini or 52 Sit Stravinsky 54 Sibilant sound 61 Bites 55 Soviet 62 Kind of cone or mountain dive •i _by Berke Breathed