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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1989)
Huskers ‘went out like a lion’ in Texas tournament Paul Docieier Staff Reporter A Iamb turned into a lion when the Nebraska men’s tennis team com peted in the Corpus Christi Invita tional this weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas. Nebraska men’s tennis coach Kerry McDermott said Tuesday that the Comhuskers used the motto “came in like a lamb and went out like a lion” en route to finishing 3rd in the 24-team tournament. Nebraska opened the tournament by defeating Northeast Louisiana 5-2, then de feated Texas and West Virginia 5-1 prior to dropping a 5-2 decision to Clemson. McDermott said the key victory for Nebraska at the HEB Tennis Center came against top-seeded and ninth-ranked Texas. The Huskcrs posted their first victory against a top-10 team when they defeated the Longhorns in the tournament’s sec ond round. McDermott said Ken Feuer, Ne braska’s No. 4 singles player, played FOR SALE Aloha Tan and Tone DaysTill Spring Break 1 week unlimited $14 Are you ready for Spring Break? Plan Your Tan Now!! expires 3/15/89 5555 S 48th 423-2134 a key role in the Huskers’ victory against Texas. Feuer was trailing 5-2 in the second set when he asked McDermott how Stuart Jung and Pat Carson had done in the No. 5 and 6 singles competition. McDermott said Feuer couldn’t believe that Stuart Jung and Carson had won to give Nebraska a 2-1 lead. He said he finally convinced Feuer that the Huskers had the lead, and then said, “We’re up. We need your match.’’ That strategy paid off and Feuer came back from two match points and won the set in a tic-breaker. McDermott said he didn’t realize how close the set was until Feuer asked for new tennis balls after it was over. Feuer then rallied to win the third set and the match, 6-2. Steven Jung and Matthias Mueller posted con secutive victories to finished off Texas. McDermott said Nebraska was ready to beat the Longhorns. He said the Huskers’ team unity aided the victory. The players rooted for their teammates when they were through, he said, while the Texas players just sat and watched. McDermott said Nebraska’s win crushed Texas. The Longhorns fin ished the five-day tournament by not winning any games in the consolation bracket. “I don’t think Texas thought much of Nebraska’s tennis team,’ ’ he said. McDermott said he was expecting a tough match against Northeast Louisiana because the Indians have traditionally been ranked. He said the victory gave Nebraska confidence for Texas. McDermott said West Virginia also entered the tournament un ranked even though the Mountain eers were included among the na tion’s top-20 teams earlier this sea son. Nebraska avoided the doubles competition against West Virginia by winning five two-set singles matches. McDermott said weak singles play cost Nebraska during its loss to 14th ranked Clcmson on Sunday. He said he was pleased with the play ot tnc Huskers’ top three singles competi tors, but spots four through six were lacking. Clemson finished 2nd in the tour nament by defeating Texas Christian 5-3 on Monday. “Whenever you can win two of the top three, you should win two of the other three,” McDermott said. “We didn’t even win one.” McDermott praised the effort of Steven Jung, Mueller and Robert Sjoholm. He said Sjoholm played consistent tennis throughout the tour nament, while Steven Jung and Mueller finished undefeated. Steven Jung was named the tour nament’s outstanding player. He re ceived a plaque and a $500 award for the men’s tennis scholarship fund for his efforts. “I may be sticking my foot out, but if he keeps going, he could win the NCAA’s,” McDermott said. “He is playing with so much confidence and still working to improve in prac tice.” Steven Jun^, a senior from Haci-_ enua ncigm.:*, v,am., hj.m uiiu sci 10 beat three ranked players. Jung’s list of defeats included a 6-4,6-2 victory against Clemson’s John Sullivan, who is ranked 4th. McDermott said Steven Jung will be ranked among the nation’s top-10 collegiate singles players next week. Sjoholm, a senior from Aland, Finland, finished the tournament with a 2-2 record. One of his losses was a 6-7, 5-7 setback to Joby Foley of West Virginia, who is ranked 27th. McDermott said he hopes Sjoholm is ranked in the top-90 next weekend. McDermott said he was worried about Mueller last month because the first-semester freshman was having trouble adjusting to classes in Eng lish. Now, he said, the native of Hamm, West Germany, has put his problems behind him and is playing outstanding at No. 3 singles. McDermott said Nebraska had no trouble adjusting to the cold and windy conditions that existed throughout the tournament. : DIAMOND SOLITAIRE New. 1/5 to 1 /4 carat, laser ID # with certificate. 14k gold setting, paid $750 - new. will sell for $300. 476-1047 ■ leave message. Harmon-Kardon HD 100. CD player with warranty. 467 5359, ask for Steve. King size watertoed. $100. 70% waveless, new heater. 464-3098._ lazer 128 Computer. Complete with software printer and table. 435-4467. _ Manual typewnter ribbons 53 cents each (tax included). Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Un ion. 472-2588. VEHICLES FOR SALE ’82 Mazda 626LX 4-Door. 5-Speed, full power, clean $2450/0BO. '81 Datsun 5104-Door, 5-Sp«»<1 .nr, AM FM Cass, look* and runs great. S1575/OBO Baer’s Automotive Sales 1647 South 3rd Street 477-6442 1985 Toyota MR2, red. loaded, great shape. 35,000 miles. 4te-4»16._ 1980 Ford Fairmont 68.000 miles. Call 477-0620. Is it True You Can Buy Jeeps lor $44 through the U.S. Government? Get the facts today1 Call 1-312-742-1142, ext 3153-A. TICKET EXCHANGE = Female one-way ticket from New York City to Omaha, March 26; $65. Call 464-9344 after 6pm : Including 15 types of sandwiches and a variety of salads. Bring in this ad for a FREE large drink with purchase of any sandwich. Expires April 30th, 1989. 13th & "O" Lincoln Square We Deliver! 474-DELI (Below Dillards) STUDENT LOANS IN THREE DAYS? TAKE A WALK! Take a walk to Havelock Bank at 14th and N street and you’ll find our handy Student Loan Center. No lines. mNo nassies. No long wait! If you need a ■ ■ l in i great bank... Havelock Bank Have at m 14th and N Streets - Downtown Lincoln 467-1161 MEMBER FDIC SERVICES GUITAR INSTRUCTION ~ Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES == EXHAUSTED! FRUSTRATED! NO TIMEI We do Papers. Thesis, Dissertations. Reports. Long/ Short Term Projects. Resumes-Letters-Envelopes. Great rates, prompt service. COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET LET US UNBUROEN YOUR LOAD! Word Processing/Oesk Top Publishing/ Copies Professional Resumes, Reports, Letters, Programs. Newsletters, Brochures WORDS ETC. 1321 P 476 2039 RESUMES BY ANN The time and money you ve invested in you're educatio desen/e a PROFESSIONAL resume. 464-0775 Resumes Professionally typeset. S15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan, basement of the Nebraska Union. 1400 R Street. SPECIALIZED DATA SERVICES 111 Piazza Terrace. Suite B (54th A O Street) Resumes, term papers, master thesis, doctoral disserta tions. writing analysis and more. We print ALL docu ments using a laser printer. WE professionally typeset documents using a quality desktop publishing system 483-6560 ANNOUNCEMENTS Accounting Association Meeting, Thursday. March 9th, 4DO pm. City Union Room to be posted. ALL YOU CAN EAT CHILI. $2.75 KAPPA DELTA CHILI FEST March 12, 5 to 7. AMBITIOUS Nar.nys needed (or East Coast positions. Room, board, car, and expenses provided. Salary, S100-S200 per week 733 5944._ Announcing... Delt’s 'SWING FOR KIDS" 89 All-University Softball Tourney Proceeds to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Two Oay Tournament April 8 9. Co-Rec and Men's Divisions for questions or sign-up. cal! Scott or Jason at 472-7933. All you need is a glove! ASUN DEBATE Monday. March 13 at 4pm in the Nebraska East Union Sponsored by the Ag Advisory Board and U°C Sights & Sounds Attention Student Education Members Nominations for Outstanding Professor are due March 10th. Any questions? Go to Henzlik 1051 ATTENTION ALL BUSINESS AND BUSINESS EDU CATION MAJORS. Phi Beta Lambda Meeting, 5:00 Thu reday in the Business School, RM 330. New members welcome. Special presentation. CASINO NIGHT 89! CASINO NIGHT 89! CASINO NIGHT 89! Computerized Engraving Equipment Show. March 11 12. Lincoln, NE Dilhon Inn For further information contact: BUR-LANE Inc , Oklahoma City, 1-800 G54 4150, Tom Hsaton. FINANCE CLUB MEETING THURSDAY MARCH 9,6 30 P M NEBRASKA UNION Mark Klasek, Assistant Vice President, and Rick Meyer from NBC will speak. Old and New Meinoois Welcome' IMPACT The Difference INTRAMURAL T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST The annual intramural T Shirt Design Contest concludes 314'89. Each year the contest selects the winning de sign to be plaoed on the intramural champion t-shirts A S50.00 prize is awarded to the artist submitting the winning design. Contest details are available at the Campus Recreation Offices, 1740 Vine Street or 32 ECAB. Inquiries: 472 3467. INTRAMURAL WRESTLING The intramural wrestling tournament is scheduled to begin March 13. Weigh-mstor 126, 134, 142, 150,4 158 pound classes will be March 13. Women s we.ght classes 98, 106, 112, and 118 will also weigh in on 313 Weight classes 167, 177, 190. 203, and unlimited will weigh in and compete on March 14 Contact Campus Recreation Office for specific weigh-in tin es and into. The tentative tournament site s the Coliseum. Check with Campus Recreation Office on 313 for confirmation: 472 J4.b7 JOURNALISM STUDENTS who want to sign a petition supporting funding COLAGE come to Avey Reading Room, today. 11:30 am to 3:00 pm KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA & LAMBDA CHI ALPHA PRESENT: MCASINO NIGHT 89!! Get your tickets from any Kappa or Lambda Chi for S3.00 (admission at the door S3 50V GAMES..PRIZES..FUN!! LENTEN VESPERS SERVICE Wednesday 9:00 - March 8 9:45 AM CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 NORTH 16TH "....lot he was leaching his disciples, saying, ‘The Son ol Man will be delivered into the hands ol men, and they will kill him. but they did not understand." ALL ARE WELCOME! MECH AG CLUB Wednesday. March 8. Chase Hall, 7pm He Mortar Board Meeting Tonight, 9pm in the Union. Old and New Member*. N.U. Meds Quick but important meeting' Wednesday. March 8 at 6:30pm in the Union. We will be having ELECTIONS for 1989-90 officers. _ OPEN SPOTS RECENTLY AVAILABLE! Jom UPC East Main Events for a hassle tree tripl SPRING BREAK 89 PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL For more info call. 472-1780. SAE Little Sisters Mandatory meeting Thursday. March 9 at 8pm. Please attend, it at all possbie. Dues will be collected. Thanks, Buck & Monte SEA MEETING Tuesday. March 14 5:30p.m. Henzlik Auditorium The Publications Board will meet at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, in the Nebraska Union to hire next year's Daily Nebras kan Editor in chef All are invited to attend. UNL FACULTY/STAFF LENTEN LUNCHEON Wednesday Brown Bag MarchB 12 Noon St Marks Episcopal 1309 R Street ■ PILGRIM S PROGRESS 1989" The Rev. Jane Ellefson First Plymouth Congregational UPC-EAST Main Events Committee: NO MEETING TOMGHTIt VOICE YOUR OPINIONS TO ASUN Go to the Residence Liaison Committee Meeting, TODAY, 4:00 STUDENT UNION VOTE MARCH 15 RHA ELECTIONS IMPACT HOTLINE 472-7004 BDF ‘89 Coming this Friday night only to a campus near you - CASINO NIGHT '891 Brought to you by Lambda Chi Alpha & Kappa Kappa Gamma. GKKEK_APK AIRS ~ ADII Outgoing Execs: Thanks Tor all the work this last yearl We really appreciate all you have donel Love, Your Sisters Alpha Dolts & Dates - Get psyched for an evening ot elegance at Black Diamond Formal. Saturdayl L & L, Stacey & Parr, Alpha Delta Pi BLACK DIAMOND FORMAL An evening ol “legance awaits.... ASUN OEBATE Monday, March 13 at 4pm in the Nebraska Last Union Sponsored by the Ag Advisory Board and UPC Sights & Sounds ATO LITTLE SISTERS Meeting Wednesday, 9:00. BE THERE! BDF ‘89 Congratulations to Courtney B. A Kristi N. for making Mortar Board and Stacey S. for Innocents Society. We are so proud of you!. _Love, KKG Congratulations to Katie M. & Jeff (Sigma Nu) on their Pinning) Love. KKG Congratulations Angela H. on being tapped into Mortar Board and Kris D. for being tackieo by Innocents! Rock on! The A-Phis Emily, Congratulations on making the Journalist Staff. _ The Men of SAM Help ADII support the Ronald McDonald Housel Buy a Chocolate Message Card in the union Wednesday & Thursday. Lewis. Congratulations on your accomplishments at Big Eght: 'Champion 1-Meter Dive, ' New Nebraska 1 Meter Diving Record. Good Luck at 3-meter qualifying meet and NCAA. Your SAM Brothers Michelle B. A Julie M.(AOII), Way to go on your acoeptanoe into Innocents Society. We couldn't be more proudl Love, Your Sisters Soott M. ( Big Daddy) A Beth N. (little Momma), Congratulations on your pinning. The men of Delta Ups lion WaytogoADIII Congratulations! Kim D -Greek Week end Sing Committee. Renae K.-Oneof the Overall Greek Froeh Coordinators for 1989; Sheri G. A Deanna M.- Arts A Sciences Dean's List, Brenda H.- On her scholarship Ann P.- For being m tho top ten of Home Ec College. STUDENT GOVERNMENT UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6:30 PM - TONIGHT NEBRASKA UNION • CITY CAMPUS ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNiON VOTE MARCH 15 RHA ELECTIONS PERSONALS ~ Kirsten, What a quaint place you live in here. I miss my beach front home, and you still have not taken me out. Luv, A sun Lover KARENE; On your 22nd Birthday I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you for drinking whole margantas. ordering people-size portions of food and for finding your special snowflake. (Who would have though 400 could be so nice?! You're the best friend a good looking person ever had! And by the way, I forgive you for even suggesting we take the t-shirt off the wail. .. Love you lots, Ebod DMWUVA. It'* not too Iona, Until we'll get together; and play our favorite song. Then we can talk about forever KLIUNL Kan W.. Have a Great 20th Birthday. Chris ft Carla RichH. ft DaveM.. Congratulations on your selection to Mortar Board I'm looking (onward to more touring, owlmg, whatoverl Jane Angie L., Happy Birthdayllll From the Fan Club Would the gal that witnessed the accident March 2 on 16th Street please call 472 0816, between 6-10pm. The guy with the white truck. Girls in Seats M9-M10, Karamazov Brothers. Burger King's Open 3:30 Wednesday. Guys in M11-M12 HELP WANTED_~ ASHIANO COUNTRY CLUB, located 3 miles west of Ashland on Highway 6. Our seasonal positions are now open for Bartenders, Assistant Cook, Waitresses, Bus/ Dishwashers, Registered Lifeguards, and Snack Bar personnel. (Snack Bar personnel must be 21). For more information please call 944-3344.