The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Commission to promote women’s issues
By Jana Pedersen
Staff Reporter
Promoting women and women’s
issues at the University of Nebraska
Lincoln is the goal of the 17-member
Chancellor’s Commission on the
Status of Women, commission mem
ber Donna Liss said Tuesday at a
commission meeting.
The commission is attempting to
meet this goal through long-range
projects including establishing an
improved child care policy, stan
dardizing leaves of absence for child
birth and adoption, and creating a
mentoring project, Liss said.
Commission member Mary Beck
said the commission is searching fora
way to make child care more convcn
^ A A
ient for faculty, staff and students at
Currently, two facilities are avail
able to the university for child care,
Beck said, but the facilities are not
convenient for either campus. The
project goal is to find a location that is
convenient for both city and East
campuses, she said.
“The conclusion of having some
thing on campus that will accommo
date as many people as possible is our
focus at this point,” she said.
No specifics have been lully de
veloped on the child care issue, Beck
said, but several options are being
The commission also is concerned
about the current university policy
for leaves of absence, Liss said.
Commission member Jan Jacoby
said the current leave policy allows
female employees six weeks of sick
leave for childbirth.
The policy does not include leave
for males or leave for adoption, she
A standard minimum number of
days needs to be established for all
employees regarding leave for child
birth and adoption, she said.
Jacoby said surveys of both UNL
employees and other universities arc
being conducted to determine what
type of leave plan would be best for
The surveys also will be beneficial
in determining resistance to such a
plan within the university, she said.
A plan to appoint mentors for
female university employees and
students also is being studied by the
commission, Liss said.
Commission member Mary Ann
Holland said the mentoring project is
in its first stages of development.
The first step of the project has
matched university “c-linc” women
employees with mentors who will
help them discover career options,
Holland said.
“C-linc” employees include
those in clerical, office, maintenance
or custodial work, she said.
Currently, 26 matched pairs o!
employees are enrolled in a 10-week
project, she said.
The participants in the 10-week
fjiujwwi wv;it uii uic ua’Ma ui
responses to a survey sent to female
employees last year, she said.
The purpose of the project is to
allow for sharing of experiences in a
supportive setting and to help explore
career and employment opportuni
ties, she said.
If this stage of the memoring proj
ect works well, Holland said, expan
sion of the project to more university
employees and also to students will
be pursued.
brA provides JN U research opportunities
By Julie Dauel
Staff Reporter
A research center financed by the
Environmental Protection Agency
will provide opportunities for all
segments of research at the Univer
sity of Nebraska, said William Kelly,
chairman of the UNL civil engineer
ing department
EPA started the Hazardous Sub
stance Research Center in late Febru
ary with Kansas State University as
the lead institution, he said. A consor
tium of seven universities, including
the University of Nebraska, will con
duct research for the center.
During the next eight years, EPA
will provide a total of SI million per
year in funds for the seven universi
lies conducting hazardous substance
The center’s role is to provide
research and education on hazardous
waste and deal with hazardous waste
problems in a 10-state area, he said.
“It should allow us to do a lot of
research and do a lot of good in this
area,’’ he said.
Kelly said an advisory committee
with members from each university
will develop a research agenda for the
center and will ask for additional
project ideas from faculty -whose
schools arc participating in the cen
“It’s an opportunity for research
in chemistry, agronomy and all de
partments in the university,” he said.
So far, two research projects at the
University of Nebraska at Omaha
have stemmed from university in
volvement with the center, Kelly
The first project, Hazardous
Waste Management in Rural Slates,
will be financed for two years with
550,000 for each year, he said.
Rural areas have different waste
problems compared to more popu
lated areas, Kelly said.
For example, Kelly said, it may be
harder for rural people to dispose of
wastes at a licensed site because in a
less populated area, the licensed site
may be not easily accessible.
Kelly said this project also will
develop material to be shown by
educational television or by video
tape on hazardous waste.
The second project, the Metal
Recovery and Reuse Project, will be
given $40,000 each year for two
Kelly said the manufacturing of
irrigation equipment often produces
hazardous waste water.
When manufacturers use plate
processes to keep metals from cor
roding, some of the materials used
may get saturated into groundwater,
he said.
This project will try to develop a
process to remove the metals from
hazardous waste water, he said.
“I think it’s going to be a good
thing for Nebraska,” he said.
student plans to start environmental group
By Eric Pfanner
Staff Reporter
A University of Ncbraska-Lincoln
student “sick and tired of sitting back
and watching” is planning to organ
ize a student group to raise awareness
of environmental issues.
J Burger, a freshman from Lin
coln, said he is standing up by organ
izing the environmental group. The
group, which he hasn’t named yet,
could become affiliated with Green
peace USA.
Greenpeace USA is part of Green
peace International, which organizes
non-violent protests, aids endangered
species and monitors the condition of
the world’s environment.
Burger said the UNL organization
primarily will be concerned with
“dissemination of information”
about environmental issues and
Burger said the group will “draw
strength from just getting the infor
mation out,” not from trying to effect
The organization w ill not become
involved in politics, Burger said.
“Nature is not political,” he said.
“Politics is just bullshit people make
Thcrclore, he said, the group will
be “an organization without walls.”
The organization’s message will
not be combative; therefore, the
group will teach courses in non-vio
lence, either through the university or
on its own, he said.
Burger said he was inspired to
organize the group when he read in
formation from Greenpeace about
environmental problems like the
clearing of the forests of the Amazon
Basin in Brazil and the use of pesti
cides. Pesticides, he said, only make
insects more resistant, and cause
damage to the environment.
People have to realize that nature
cannot be changed, he said.
‘ ‘They may be able to sway it,” he
said, ‘‘but they can’t change it.”
Burger said everyone should have
a right to know what happens to the
‘‘We are all consumers, and we
have the right to stand up,” he said.
The group will be established
within the next few months, Burger
said. But then, he said, it will ‘‘hit/
slam-bam,” because “somethingv
needs to be done.”
Burger said he docs noi know how
the organization will raise funds, but
said he hopes it w ill become a univer
sity sponsored activity.
Burger said he notified the Cam
pus Activities and Programs Office
about his plans for the group.
Anthropologist: Scrutiny important to history i
BURIAL From Page 1
lorical study. Rcccni developments
have made it possible to determine
instances of cancer and tuberculosis
in ancient cultures through the study
of bones, she said.
White shirt told the archaeolo
gists on the panel and in the audience
that they are overlooking the rights
and feelings of Indians by keeping the
“This is not harmonious to tribal
people, and you’re violating your
code of ethics,” she said.
Renee Saunsoci, a junior in politi
cal science at the University of Nc
braska-Lincoln, told panel members
that archaeologists assume they have
the right to study Indian remains
because the Indians are gone.
Archaeologists neglect the rights
of the dead Indians’ descendants,
Saunsoci said.
“They should also consider that
we arc still alive today,” she said.
r.A. c, an anthropologist
for the Department of Interior’s Na
tional Park Service, said the study of
remains helps American Indians
understand their history.
“We write history for the Ameri
can Indians,” he said. “We don't do
it for ourselves.”
Calabrese said gelling consent is
not vital in archaeological studies.
The pioneers didn’t consult with In
dians when they were moving west,
he said.
Indians should understand the
importance of archaeology, Cala
brese said.
“I’m sure the American Indians
would like us all to leave. That’s not
going to happen.”
‘This is not harmo
nious to tribal
people, and
you’re violating
your code of eth
-White Shirt
Bui Nebraska Indian Commission
Director Reba White Shirt said such
scientific knowledge should not be
gained at the expense of the religious
beliefs of Indians.
“Why don't you study the re
mains of your own ancestors to find
this rather than ours?’* she asked.
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