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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1989)
lVpW^ 'Ol O’PQf AssodatedPress JL W f V O JL-^ l£>V ^ l Edited by Diana Johnson No sabotage caused crash, official says LONDON - The driver of a pas senger train that hit another train and killed five people said Sunday he ran through a red light before the colli sion, but there is evidence he tried to stop, a British Rail official said. Gordon Pettitt, general manager of British Rail’s Southern Region, said investigators found signs of “severe brake application” by David Morgan before his train rammed the other train Saturday. Morgan was one of 94 people in jured when his train, traveling from Littlchampton to London, hit a Lon don-bound train traveling from Hor sham. Authorities said the Horsham train was crossing from the slow track onto the main line when it was struck from behind. Thirty-one victims were hospital ized Sunday, 10 in serious condition, Scotland Yard said. Morgan “has told us that the sig nal at the end of the platform at Purley Station was red, yet he went through it,” Pettitt told a news conference. “He has not been able to offer any explanation for that. “The safety of our signaling sys tem does obviously depend on drivers stopping at red lights. It did not stop,” Pettitt added. “We have a system of multiple signaling where a driver gets an indication of a red light three sections back. “We have quite a lot of evidence that a severe brake application was made prior to the collision and long before the signal,” Pettitt said. Pettitt said investigators were looking for anything that might offer an explanation for the crash. He said there was no evidence of sabotage and that the signaling equipment at Purley Station, outside London, ap peared to be working properly. He was asked whether driver error was being looked at as the cause of the accident. He replied: “It is not uppermost in my mind at the moment, though it is obviously a main area of inquiry, as is the signaling which we have, though there is no evidence that the signaling was defective.” He said the braking system of the Littlehampton train was being exam ined. British Rail’s board has accepted responsibility for the accident, Pcttitt said, and “any claims will be sympa thetically dealt with as soon as pos sible.” “It is right that we should say this to people because I am satisfied there has been nothing going on externally such as sabotage which might be involved in this accident.” Crews worked through the night to repair the tracks and remove six coaches that rolled down a 60-foot embankment after the crash. It was the second serious accident on British Rail in the last three months. Thirty-five people were killed in December in a three-train collision at Clapham in South Lon don. That crash was blamed on mal functioning signaling equipment, but an inquiry is still going on. Andy Manhart/Dally Nabraakan Girls attempt suicide to help little brother SEOUL, South Korea -A suicide pact by four girls who took rat poison so their parents could lavish everything on their brother has shocked Koreans and raised questions about male chau vinism and the plight of the poor. The girls, aged 6 to 13, were found unconscious Feb. 27 after tfieytook the powon. TKe y6ung : ‘‘ „ est di&fitfUiicdiarefy, but doctors said the other three would re cover. Yang Soon-mi, the eldest daughter, told police the girls made the suicide pact because they wanted to save their parents money and ensure their 3-year old brother would have the best education possible. The incident has shocked South Koreans, who have sent toys, dolls and more than $15,000 worth of donations to the hospital where the three surviving girls were taken. A social organization vowed to pay the girls’ school expenses through college, and Kim Ok sook, the wife of President Roh Tae-woo, sent a letter asking the girls “not to lose hope.” Newspaper editorials blamed public policies they said do too little for the poor in a nation ol growing prosperity. Education in South Korea is free up until the end of the sixth grade, and the oldest daughtei was due to enter seventh grade. Educating four daughters would have been a major expense, espe cially since most Korean women have little hope of finding good jobs in the male-dominated soci ety. “It’s regrettable and shocking that the male-first idea was planted deep inside the minds of such young $irls,” said Lee Kye kyung, publisher of the weekly Women’s News, a leading advo cate of women’s rights. “We still live in a society dominated by men, despite our economic success,• she said, “This is a typical case that gives us a lesson. It may lead to a move ment against prejudice and restric tions on women’s rights.” Opposition politician Kim Dac jung visited the girls’ parents at the hospital and said, “I am grief stricken. I feel a great burden as a politician, and I will focus on ways to promote the livelihood of alien ated people/’ The girls’ father, Yang Tae bun, 44, is a factory worker who supports the family cm the equiva lent of $362 a month. Police said the family lived in a small two room apartment “The deprivation of these chil dren forced to resort to suicide contrasts sharply with their afflu ent peers whose birthdays and graduation from schoool are often celebrated at posh hotels by expen sive feasts, said an editorial in the Korea Herald. It said the incident “has turned into a socially and politically ex plosive issue.” Financial donations to the fam ily included $700 from a grieving father whose daughter was killed recently in a traffic accident and $3.60 from a first-grader. Nebraskan Editor Curt Wagner Night News Editors Victoria Ayotte 472-1766 Chris Carroll Managing Editor Jana Hlrt Assoc. News Editors Las Rood Art Directors John Bruce Bob Nelson Andy Manhart Editorial Page Editor Amy Edwards General Manager Dan Shattll Wire Editor Diana Johnson Production Manager Katherine Pollcky Copy Desk Editor Chuck Green Advertising Manager Robert Bates Sports Edito JeffApel Sales Manager David Thiemann Arts & Entertainment . Circulation Manager Eric Shanks Editor Mlckl Haller Publications Board Diversions Editor Joeth Zucco Chairman Tom Macy Sower Editor Klrstln Swanson 475-9868 Supplements Editor Deanne Nelson Piofessional Adviser Don Walton Graphics Editor Tim Hartmann 473-7301 Photo Chief Connie Sheehan The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board, Ne braska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE, Monday through Friday during the academic year, weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ide^s and comments to the Daiiy Nebraskan by phcning 472-1763 between 9 a m. arid 5 p m Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information contact Tom Macy, 475-9868. Subscription price is $45 for one year Postmaster- Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R S' Lincoln NE 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, NE. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1989 DAILY NEBRASKAN Emergency U.S.S.R. supplies reach Kabul ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - Soviet truck convoys carrying emergency food and fuel reached the Afghan capital on Saturday, Radio Kabul said. The relief convoy had been stranded at Hairatan, an Afghan vil lage on the border with the Soviet Union, after bad weather closed the 250-mile Salang Highway, said the radio monitored in Islamabad, Paki stan. It did not say how long the convoy had been stuck or when the snow hit the highway, which is Afghanistan’s key overland link to the Soviet Un ion. Avalanches periodically shut the highway, which cuts through the Hindu Kush mountains. It was along the Salang Highway that Moscow moved the remainder of its troops out of Afghanistan on Feb. 15, after nine years of military inter vention. In a bid to preempt Afghan rebel attacks on departing Soviet soldiers, Soviet and Afghan fighter jets bombed both sides of the highway in the last week in January. As many as 600 civilians died in the bombing raids, said a publication distributed by the Jamiat-i-Islami guerrilla group, which operates ex tensively along the highway. Afghan Moslem guerrilla fighters, called mujahedeen, have besieged the capital, Kabul, and blocked most roads into the city since late last year. The fighters are backed by the United States, Pakistan, China and several Arab states. There are serious food and fuel shortages in Kabul, caused as much by an unusually bitter winter as by the rebel siege. Arafat will visit Pakistan soon ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — PLO chairman Yasser Arafat will visit Pakistan for two days this week, the Foreign Ministry said Sunday. His visit is expected to focus on Middle East peace and laying the foundation for a Palestinian Embassy. The Palestine Liberation Organi zation leader is scheduled to arrive Wednesday and leave Friday on his first official trip to an Asian country since the declaration of a Palestinian state in November. Pakistan, a Moslem nation of 107 million, is staunchly anti-Israel and pro-PLO. Islamabad and several other Moslem and Arab capitals immediately recognized the Palestin ian state as the previous Israeli-occu pied West Bank of the Jordan River. Arafat will meet with Prime Min isier Bena/ir Bhutto, but most of his itinerary will not be announced in advance for security reasons, a for eign office spokesman told reporters. Arafat is expected to lay the foun dation stone of a new Palestinian Embassy in Islamabad and possibly discuss recognition of a newly formed interim government of Af ghanistan headed by Moslem guerril las. Report: Icebreaker averts nuclear disaster MOSCOW — Scientists averted a meltdown aboard a nuclear-powered Soviet icebreaker by a matter of minutes last fall, a newspaper re ported. Vodny Transport, a newspaper that covers Soviet shipping, said the incident occurred Nov. 11 aboard the Rossiya while it was docked at Mur mansk, 1,000 miles north of Moscow in Kola Bay. It was there for routine changing of a filter in a reactor, the newspaper said. The reactor was shut down, and cooling water was supposed to be drained before changing the filter, the newspaper explained. But a chief physicist aboard the ship gave incor rect instructions to an operator who opened a drainage valve on the ship’s other reactor, which was in operation, Vodny Transport said in its Saturday edition. The main supply of cooling water was drained off mistakenly. Just 30 or 40 minutes’ worth of backup water was left in a reservoir before tne reac tor would have melted down and re leased radiation, the newspaper said. Within four minutes, the “situ ation was liquidated,’’ according to Dmitri Tarakanov, the newspaper’s Murmansk correspondent. He did not provide details of what action was taken to control the situation. Radiation could have spread from the ship to the city of440,000 people, Tarakanov indicated. Vodny Transport comes out three times a week. There was no ex plana tion for the four-month delay in re porting the incident A meltdown, the worst possible nuclear accident occurs when the reactor core overheats to such a de gree that the fuel begins melting, as occurred at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania in 1979. If the fuel penetrates its protective housing, radioactive materials are released into the environment The Rossiya was launched from the Baltic Yard in Leningrad in 1983 and went into operation in 1986, according to Jane’s Fighting Ships. It is one of five ships in the Arktika class run by the Soviet Merchant Marine Ministry. Two pressurized water reactors drive the Rossiya’s steam turbines to generate a total 75,000 horsepower, according to Jane’s. On Thursday, the government daily Izvestia quoted a nuclear power official as saying there have been no accidents aboard the Rossiya or four other nuclear-powered icebreakers. A. Zhuravkov also said the reactors on board the ships are a different design from those at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine, where a reactor exploded and caught fire April 26,1986, killing at least 31 people and spewing radiation world wide. “An operator cannot race it to a critical stale, as happened at the Chernobyl atomic power station,’’ Zhuravkov told Izvestia. The article quoted M. Rabkanov, chief of the Vladivostok port in the Soviet Far Hast, as saying safety of nuclear-powered vessels is “very reliable.” There was no indication the people quoted by Izvestia had heard about the Rossiya incident Car explosive injures seven near barracks BELFAST, Northern Ireland -- A bomb hidden in a car exploded out side a north Belfast military barracks, injuring four police officers and three soldiers as they walked nearby, po lice said Sunday. The Irish Republican Army, the mainly Roman Catholic organization fighting to drive the Briush out of Northern Ireland, claimed responsi bility for Saturday night’s blast It said the bomb contained 500 pounds of explosives. Police said the blast damaged Girdwood military barracks and nearby houses oft north Belfast’s Antrim Road. A joint army and police unit had just left the barracks to patrol on foot when the bomb exploded, said a po lice press officer who declined to be identified further. Most seriously injured was a po lice officer whose leg was broken, he said.