The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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    NU tennis team plays up to potential
with weekend dual-match domination
oy raw uumcicr
Staff Reporter
The Nebraska men’s tennis
team was supposed to face profes
sional-level competition this
weekend, but only the Comhuskers
played up to potential as they
dominated their three dual
Nebraska defeated Wisconsin
6-3 Friday at the Woods Park
“double-bubble” courts. On Sat
urday, the Huskers beat an ailing
Southwest Missouri State team 9
0, then closed out the weekend
with an 8-1 victory over Wichita
Nebraska men’s tennis coach
Kerry McDermott said he was
u/ilh ihr malrhpt
‘‘I wasa little leery of how good
a team we are after last weekend,”
he said. Nebraska finished seventh
in the 16*tcam Nevada Bob’s
Team Tournament Feb. 17 through
19 in Las Vegas, Nev.
McDermott said he was worried
about Nebraska’s match against
Wisconsin. But the Huskers con
trolled the contest from the start by
taking four of the six singles
matches. Nebraska won the match
when it claimed a pair of doubles
McDermott predicted last week
that Southwest Missouri State
would lack depth but be strong at
me top because of the presence of
the Bears’ No. 1-singles player,
Hakan Svennsson.
But Svennsson, who is regarded
as one of the nation’s most talented
collegiate players, and two of his
teammates were out with the flu.
That left Southwest Missouri State
with five players, so the Bears were
forced to forfeit the No. 6-singles
and No. 3-doubles competitions.
McDermott said Southwest
Missouri State’s illness was his
lone disappointment of the week
end. He said the illness would
cause Nebraska to feel relieved and
subsequently let up in the matches.
“I know 1 was relieved as the
coach,” he said.
McDermott said he was pleased
that Nebraska kept its intensity en
route to sweeping the contest.
Nebraska came close to sweep
ing Wichita State Saturday night.
The Huskers won the first eight
matches, including four three-set
singles matches, which McDer
mott singled out as a good sign of
mental toughness.
Stuart Jung, who missed the
Nevada Bob’s Tournament, re
turned to the Nebraska line-up
wearing two wraps on his injured
thigh. He lost 5-7,2-6 Friday in his
first match back, but he won his
two matches Saturday at the No. 5
singles spot, 6-0,6-3 and 6-3,4-6,
Jung said the injury gave him no
problems except at the end of long
Stuart and his twin brother Ste
ven had no trouble in the No. 1
doubles competition, as they took
three matches in straight sets.
Steven Jung also didn’t lose a
set at the No. 1-singles position.
McDermott said it was unfortunate
that Steven Jung didn’t have a
chance for a rematch against
Svennsson, who has beaten him in
three three-set matches.
McDermott said Matthias
Mueller and Ken Feucr also had
good weekends. Mueller, a first
semester freshman from Hamm,
West Germany, won three matches
at the No. 3-singles position, in
cluding a thrilling three-set victorv
over Andrew Ritter of Wichita
State, 7-6,4-6,7-6.
Feuer lost his match Friday at
the No. 4-singles position, but won
both on Saturday. Feuer and part
ner Pat Carson dominated the No.
3-doubles competition by winning
both of their matches.
McDermott said he saw emo
tional development during the
“This weekend we really jelled
together,” he said. “The players
understand their roles.”
Nebraska’s next match will be
Thursday through March 6, when
the Huskers compete in the Corpus
Chrisli Invite in Corpus Christi,
A! Schabsn/Daily Nebraakan
Nebraska’s Robert Sjoholm prepares to serve against Wic
hita State’s Darren Price. Sjoholm defeated Price 1-6,6-1,7
NU women to prepare for tournament
after losing to the Cyclones Saturday
By Jeff Apel
Senior Editor
A new season began for the Ne
braska women’s basketball team af
ter it dropped a 71-61 decision to
Iowa State Saturday at the Hilton
Coliseum in Ames, Iowa.
Nebraska women’s basketball
coach Angela Beck said the Corn
huskers are ready to pul their prob
lems behind them and focus on the
upcoming Big Eight Tournament.
Nebraska, which closed out its regu
lar season with a 14-13 record overall
and a 5-9 mark in the Big Eight, will
open the tournament against Kansas
State Saturday.
The remaining first round games
in the tournament, which will run
through next Monday at the Bicen
tennial Center in Salina. Kan., nit
top-secdcd Colorado against Okla
homa, Oklahoma Stale against Kan
sas and Missouri against Iowa State.
Beck said Nebraska is looking
forward to the tournament because it
will give the Huskers an opportunity
to amend themselves. She said she
expects Nebraska to be ready for the
single-elimination competition.
“We just play good in tourna
ments,” Beck said. “I think we’ll
play well. I think we’re going to be
fired up.”
Beck said the Huskers will spend
the next five days focusing on them
selves rather than on Kansas Stale.
She said Nebraska needs to work on
its game plan because it was not into
the game mentally against Iowa
“We couldn’t get into a flow,’’
Beck said. . , ,
Beck said she was particularly
disturbed by the performance of sen
ior guard Amy Stephens and center
Kim Harris. Stephens finished with
13 points on four-of-25 shooting
from the floor, while Harris finished
with 12.
Nebraska’s remaining seniors,
guard Amy Bullock and center
Wendy Kriebcl, combined to score
six points.
“We just didn't get a lot out of our
seniors,” Beck said. “You would
hope to gel more out of them down
the stretch.”
Beck said she was baffled by the
seniors’ low scoring.
“You don’t know why it is,” she
said. ‘ ‘ Maybe it’s losing. They ’re not
having as good of year as they
thought they would.
Beck said the seniors’ perform
ance means all five starting jobs will
be up for grabs.
"There’s no starters right now,"
Beck said. “1 fcltour upperclassmen
fell off our work ethic mark this
week. So we’ll just keep juggling."
Beck said the bright spots against
Iowa State were the play of forwards
Sarah Muller and Ann Halsnc. Muller
pulled down a game-high 15 re
bounds while contributing six points.
Halsnc scored 13 points.
Beck said Halsnc, a 6-fool-1
sophomore from Spencer, Iowa, was
unstoppable inside.
"Every time she got the ball down
low, she scored,’ Beck said. "Those
two played really well.”
Iowa Suite jumped out to a 32-12
lead against Nebraska, and held a 37
24 advantage at halftime. The Husk
ers managed to cut Iowa State’s lead
to 45-41 with 10:56 remaining, but
the Cyclones outscored Nebraska 22
8 in the next nine minutes to cruise to
the win.
The victory raised Iowa State’s
record to 15-12 and 6-8.
Beck said Nebraska needs to shoot
better to be successful at the Big
Eight Tournament. The Huskers con
nected on five field goals in the first
half against Iowa State and 17-of-53
for the game.
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