Tania Kutsma, Happy 21st Birthday. Cant wait to cele brate with you tomorrow night. Think about where you want to do this thing Love. David & Laura Karen from BK. 2 burgers (ketchup), large fries, large Dr Pepper to go $3.08. How about dinner and a movie on Friday the 3rd? _ A big time lunch tan. Shari Q- (KD), Hope you have fun tonight. Mom loves you. , ?•>? Dan M., Come on baby, do the locomotion with mel Colorado orbustl___ Shelley E is 23I Happy Birthday Shelll I love youlll _Your Much YOUNGER Sister. Sherry Matt. Remember Coffee House, wrestling, Oklahoma, panhandle, electronics. Navy’ "You're no in my English riassi" Are we still on? Call me if you're interested. Michelle Fit*- i ». I liked your oousm, to bad you were all over her. "Goose" P S.-1 oan't believe I lost a chic to a guy with a perm. Reg-Monster, • Shower tab. candid photo sessions (won't Dave be thrilledl). The Party Purse, and, of course, Lick. Drink. Su<* _ HAPPY DAY, Leisel UNL Track Team, Good Luck this weekend at the Bg 8 Championships. Kern 6 Kathy CHILDCARE= AU PAIR. Bright and oaring non-smoker as part-time mothers heper. Very flexibie hoors through the summer: one year commitment required References required. Write Bo* 94883. Lmootn, NE 68509 to apply. HELP WANTED Accepting applications for golf pro shop personnel at The Knolle Country Club. Part time Spring hours with ful time Summer hours. Apply in person at The Knolls Restaurant. 2201 Old Cheney Roed. 423-2843. ASHLAND COUNTRY CLUB, located 3 miles west ol Ashland on Highway 6. Our seasonal positions are now open lor- Bartenders, Assistant Cook. Waitresses. Bus/ Dishwashers. Regetered Lifeguards, and Snack Bar personnel. (Snack Bar personnel must be 21). For more information please call 944-3344. Camp Couneefora M/F. Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Camps; Tennis. Dance. Slimnasties, WSI. Athlet ics Nutrition-Dietetics. Age 20*. 7 weeks CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES, at Massachu setts. Pennsylvania. California. Contact: Michele Fried man 947 Hewlett Drive. North Woodmere. N Y 11581. 1 BOO-421 4321. Clerical Position UNL FACTS Organization taking ^plications for part time clerical worker Must have Ag background and computer skills. Applications at either CAP offices 0e.idl.ne for applications is February 24 at 3pm. either CAP office. IMMEDIATE OPENING. 8 AM to 10 AM. Monday through Saturday. Must have transportation. Apply in person. ServiceMaster 138 N 19th. KINGS 1850 CORNHUSKER HWY Now taking applications for part-time kitchen help. Eve mng and weekend hours. Approximate hours between 5pm-10pm. Will work around any school schedules. Apply m person, no phone calls. MAJOR CORN COMPANY nseds students to work in corn breeding nursery. $5 50/hour starting. mid-June thru Juty Call 402-523-5215. for application and informa tion. _ _ Mechanic - Sales Position Will tram, must be Able to work mornings. weekends and this summer. Freewheelin' Bike Shop, 427 So 13th Street See Jim. Runza Drive-Ins: 13th 8 E, West 0.4 Belmont. Looking tor psit-tims day and evening help $3.75-4.0(Vhr. Depending on rewence* and dependability. Apply after 2 00pm._^_ SPRING BREAK EMPLOYMENT: YMCA of the Rockies Snow Mountain Ranch. Conference Center and Family Resort near Winter Park. CO Employment 3-10 days, hourly wags and room and board. Food service and housekeeping openings. Spend days off downhill skimc at Winter Park Resort. Summer Employment also avail able Stop by Student Employment Office m 120 Admin Building for application or contact tha Personnel Coordi nator at 303-M7-21S2.__ SUMMER JOB INTERVIEWS - Average earnings $3.1000 Gam valuable experience in advertising, sales and public relations setting yellow page advertising for the University of Nebraska TefephoneDirectory. Opoor tunny to travel nationwide Complete training program in Chapel Fill. NC. Looking for enthusiastic, goal oriented students for challenging, well-paymg summer pb. Some internships available. Interviews on campus Monday. February 27th. Sign up at Student Employment Office. Room 120 Administration Building. TELEMARKETING 5PM - CPM. 486 3785 Part-tima hatp wanted to operate BAB digging machine and handle BAB trees.as part-tima nursery work. 1/2 mite South of Eagle, in March and April, depending on weather. Can f* mto class schedule. $5.00/hour 483 6087 alter 600 pm. Racruitmanttor Police Oft x»r* tor City ofNorf ok. Begin ning salary $1368/mo. excellent working conditions, and tinge beniflt package. Information meeting at Union, March 16th, 7 PM. For more info contact Career/Ptan ning A Placement Center. The Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department is taking applications lor WMerness Park Daycamp Staff. One director, six ooimsetors, S4.30-S4.5(Vnr. 40hrs/wk. May 30 - July 28. For more information call, 471-7895. EOAAE AMIGO’S * $4.00/hour to start (noon A closing shifts). * Up to $4.50. Health A Dental Insurance Program. 50% meal discount. Great work environment. * Paid vacation. * Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. (Student Tuition Reimbursement Program). Amigo's, an expanding, quality oriented Mexican fast tooa chain, has excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available now at 6 Lincoln locations. II you are an agrestive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a fast intense pace. APPLY NOW at 1407 Q or 5500 0 Street. ROOMMATES ~ Female roommate tor nice newer 2-bedroom apartment in 4-ptex. $150+1/2 utilities. Cell 472-2818 days or 435 6643 evenings Female, 2 1/2 blocks trcm East Campus, FP, Microwave, $115+ 1/3 Utilities. 467-2216. M/F Roommate to share new spacious apartment. $135+1(3 Utilities. Call Kns or Angie 421 -1930 M/F wanted to share NICE house one block from City Campus. $175/month. Utilities paid. Steve. 477-1646. Non-smoker to share Hat near East Campus. $138/mo includes utilities. Annie or Debbie. 472-1873 and 467 2878._ _ Roommate needed to share house 6 blocks from East Campus. $120 ♦ utilities 464-7049or 867-3341. Wanted: Responsible female roommate, dose to down town. March 1st. $160+1/2 Utilities. 477-7804, eve nings. HOUSES FOR RENT 4 Bedroom, clean, modernized, close to UNI. 1300 N 21st. $475, Available now. 475-1579, 488-006V 4-5 Bedrooms, real clean, two baths, two kitchens, close to UNL. Great garage lor mechanic, 2424 W. $600, Available now. 475-1579.486 0061._ Duplex 2424 W. Very nice. 2 Bedroom, lots of storage. $300 475 1579 or 486-0061 Duplex. 2424 W. 1 Bedroom. $200. Excellent condition, plenty o! storage. 475-1579 or 488-0061. Five bedrooms, between campuses, near shuttle bus. Central air. dishwasher, microwave, overhead Ians $625-month. 423-1535. Three bedroom between campuses. Low heating bills Clean quality people only. $335, month Available 3-11 475 4831. APARTMENJSFORRENT 230 South 27th. 1-bedroom, oil street parking, availabls March 1st $225 plus electric. 466-5316 Apartments & Duplexes lor Rent FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED. SECURITY BLDG. CLOSE TO CAMPUS AND TOWN 502 3o 12th. new microwave with one year lease Efficiencies. $186. $195 S205, 1 -bedroom. $250 Abo 1600 square loot of commercial area. 1st floor. 502 So 121b at $5 square loot. Call: 476-1142. 474-3365. 447 5706 or 423-5800 648 So 12th, large affiaencies. $215. includes heat. 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2-bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drapes 1615 Garfield. $350. 477-9671 636 So 27th. $350.435-5540 2125 A. $360. includes heat. 477 0704. 3535 Vina. 2-story. 1 1-2 baths. $400 includes heat, one bedroom $300 466-1653. DUPLEXES: 2 BEDROOMS. 6619 Colby. $325. 423-5800. 1912 North Coiner. $325,423-5800. 1920 North Cotner, $325. 423-5800. Call lor any units. 423-5800 or John Keane, Hub Halt Property Mgt at 489-7444. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. $160 240Nor1h 24th. 483 2804. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ava. •Comfortable 2-BR available now. •Close to East Campus, •Oft-slrael parking, laundry facilities. ‘School term leases available, Call today 466-8611 Joseph E Kean Co 474-1666 NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351. _ NEWER 2 -BEDROOM APARTMEMTS Close to campus and downtown. Balcony units $365; wi o balcony $350. 477-2177. or 423-1029. 486-1286 THI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON fill I tM l ■ -- “One of the nlceet evenlnga I’ve ever spent at the Wllaona... and then you had to go and do that on the rug!” Newer 2-bedroom. S34S.FREE CABLE Available now. 436-7225 or 477-7664. SNUGGLE UP AT WILLOWHAVEN 'Fireplaces or Woodstover *1 or 2 bedroom apartments ’Reasonable rent. LOW utiitws 'Off-street parking, garages available ‘Only minutes from downtown CALL TODAY! 476-6200 1800 Knox or Joseph E. Kean Company 474-1666 EMT&Tolind ~~ LOST: 6ity Union, main lounge by small TV on Wednes day PM. Woman's ruby 8 diamond ring w/gold band. REWAROII 486-1162, leave message. LOST: Brown leather jacket with name inscribed on the label. Great sentimental value. Loet near Clinton St. on night of 2-18. Call 467-5438. WANTED Wanted: Quality stereo system Receivor 8 speakers only neoeesary. 423-7007. ADOPTION= ADOPTION ABOUNDING LOVE Happiness awaits newborn. Please give yourseN. your baby and us a happier future. Young happily married, financially secure couple promises loving family life, education and all the best in life for special infant Ex penses paid. Legal, confidential. Please call Vicki or Steve collect anytime, 516-932-9101. ADOPTION IS THE OTHER CHOICE Please let us help. Devoted, financially secure couple has endless love to give a newborn. Expenses paid Call Jill and Bruce colled anytime to talk, 516-696-8543. ADOPTION PLEASE CALL USI WRITER/RADIO ANNOUNCER AND TEACHER We will give your newborn baby or twins a future, finan cial security, educational opportunities and LOTS OF LOVE. In a large, devoted, extended family waiting to welcome it's newest member. Let us hefc> you through this dififult time. Expenses paid. Legal. Strictly confiden- 1 tial. Call Anne and Michael colled anytime. 212-595- I 5343 I Happily married and financially secure couple wants to adopt a newborn. We will provide a loving home environ ment and every advantage. Legal, confidential, ex- I penses pad Call colled, 212-601-8126. I SOCIALSER V ICES = PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. iriUNb S9 HANCEI WooFm) CALL nxw! Z DON'T mr tobestkkw Lincoln! J sounTrmEisum STEAMBOAT tm'ilT DAYTONA BEACH tm>1 If MUST UK BUUB f m7»? PIZZA AND FOUR i jL" , 16 OZ. COKES I SPECIAL AddtoEnxpir^S9$105 ! I__ _ Free Pizza Party To the Dorm floor, Greek House or UN-L Organization who brings the most people to the gymnastics meet. Must wear t-shirt or article of-clothing , which identifies your unit. Groups check in at the Sports Center (g, Complex Concourse in the Northeast corner to enter contest. Check in time is from 1:20 - 2p.m. on Sunday, February 26th. The Masters Classic Gymnastics UCLA - Nebraska • Michigan St. February 26,1989 Devaney Sports Center 2:00 p.m. Free Admission with Student I.D. ACROSS 1 Latin I verb 5 Away 8 Swing 12 Farm structures 14 Sinbad’s abductor 15 Riveter of song If Motionless 17 Wine cup 18 Western 19 22 Japanese money of account 23 Drains 24 Fuss 27 Money player 29 Miser Marner 33 Ewe, to a lamb 35 Hawaiian island 38 Brazilian seaport • 40 43 Kingly 44 Cease 45 Evening, in Paris 4f Cavalry sword 48 Do wrong 50 Bishopric 51 L. A. eleven 54 Twice LII *>6 04 Worth 09 Captain’s diary ANSWER TO PREVUVS PUZZLE | a! LlPlsMwlH|A|MlMH[ATRrKl 66 Ekbergor Loos 67 Correct 68 Greek vowel 69 Variable stars 70 Carry on 71 Blushing 72 Theme of this puzzle DOWN 1 Book by poet Ciardi 2 Kind of skirt 3 First Hebrew letter 4 Civil wrongs 5 One-time Kukla associate 0 Cavorts 7 Fla. city 8 Idle 9 Ratio words 10 Stead 11 Okla., in 1900 13 Precipitous 19 Lone Ranger’s theme composer 20 Sign up 21 Raises £4 God of love 29 Borge and Hamlet 20 Greek finale 28 Louts 30 Fells behind 31 Bosom pal of Aramis 32 “Socrate” composer 34 Husband of Jezebel 34 Faucet word 37 Controversial saucers St Ancient harp 41 Warned 42 Sagas 47 Deserter 45 Month before lyar 52 Coe, Cram or Ovett 53 Struck 55 Snake poison 55 At any time 57” Camera”: Van Druten 58 Dell 58 Seek 88 Minced oath 81 Kin of bravo 82 Iowa, e.g., to Henri 83 Poet Ogden