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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1989)
jjpjpmn_■ Floodgate opens for COLAGE dispute Student complains: Denial is unfair The denial of funding for the Com mittee Offering Lesbian and Gay Events was a terrible injustice that should be corrected. Gay and lesbian students pay student fees like the rest of us, and they contribute just as much to the university. Funding has been provided for other minority groups, so why has COLAGE been left out? This is just another case of unwarranted discrimination on the part of both the Association of Stu dents of the University of Nebraska and university students. Andrew Meyer freshmen pre-med Student calls denial modern-day bigotry When I watch old films of the Civil Rights Movement and see an gry white faces yelling “Niggers, go home,” I wonder what these people tell their children when they see the same scenes. Do they say “I was a fool,” or “Well, we tried to keep them out, but the law was against us?” Similarly, what will our ASUN senators say to their children about their anti-gay stance? Surely in an other 10 years, most Americans will realize that hatred of homosexuals is illogical and immoral. The bigotry shown by the recent denial of funds for COLAGE will be difficult to understand in the 21st century. Arnold Grinvalds graduate student English Sexual practices not the real issue Sodomy: 1. Anal or oral copula tion with a member of the opposite sex. 2. Copulation with a member of the same sex. 3. Beastiality. •• Random House Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1988 When I read Sieve Thomlison’s rebutlal to the Daily Nebraskan edito rial (Daily Nebraskan, Feb. 16 and 17), I was amused and very indignant. Amused at Thomlison’s ignorance, and indignant to the fact that emo tional and internal needs of a class of people has been relegated to a “sex ual practice.” However, Thomlison has gotten a great deal of attention, and that could be what he wanted. If 1 might direct the reader's eyes once again to the 1988 Random House definition of sodomy, you can plainly see that the first definition listed per tains to heterosexuals. Do they not list definitions according to impor tance? It’s time for all of us to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to take the issue of homosexuality out of the bedroom. Thomlison! Take off your judges’ robes. You’re denounc ing a class of people whose “sexual practices” arc no different than your own. What is different, however, is the deep-seeded need that all people have to be loved and accepted for who they are. Free to love and enjoy whomever they choose, whenever they choose and however they choose as long as the object of their affections returns the same. People fear what they don’t under stand. Fear causes people to do things they would not normally do. The way to overcome fear is to go through it, not hide behind it. It’s fear of hetero sexual repercussion that keeps gay and lesbian students from attending the events scheduled for them on campus. The Committee Offering Lesbian and Gay Events is trying to aid people with their fear. What if all people who were left-handed feared for their safety and lived in anonymity. You’d lecl pretty stupid if you found out your friend was afraid to let you know he was left-handed because you might reject him. Does being left-handed make him less human? By all means, let’s take some of his rights away. He isn’t “normal’’ because he isn’t part of the majority. Pretty stupid, huh? What we need to realize is that homosexuality is not simply a sexual act. Focus your minds above the belt and let them rest in the area of the heart. Most of my gay and lesbian friends cherish the relationship they have w ith their God. Are any of you in a posi tion to take that relationship away from them? Remember, if it is the “sexual practice” of homosexuality that makes it immoral and illegal, then that same “sexual practice’’ is just as immoral and illegal for the heterosexuals who enjoy the same “sexual practices.” And Thomlison, “As followers of a divine leader we can all appreciate that there are certain intrinsic laws that arc passed down to us from the deity and we should take those com mands into account with each and every decision that we make.” Remember that the next time you get drunk and drive, or have sex with your girlfriend. Patli Lutter staff sec. II chemistry Petersen’s letter blasted by reader I am sick and tired of the reasoning behind the denial of funding for the Committee Offering Lesbian andGay Events. You would think that we have regressed back to the Dark Ages. One of our AS UN senators finds it necessary to mention the Bible’s dis cussion on sodomy as the reason the group should not get funding because it is immoral. And then AS UN Sen. Steve Thomlison tried to redeem himself by saying that all deities basically maintain that point and that he did not mean to offend anyone. What about the fact that all deities basically believe that all people should live together and learn about other people? I know I was offended and I have talked to other people who were also. Where did Thomlison think he was at - the kitchen table talking with mom and dad about the facts of life? As a senator in our student government he is a representative of the student body, the whole studenl body, and therefore should act as such. Thomlison was not alone in this and I feel some other members of the Association of Stu dents of the University of Nebraska acted irresponsibly in supporting such testimony. I thought AS UN President Jeff Petersen would sec much of the per sonal bias in the decision, he however did not. He did write a very nice, ambiguous letter that really did not get the point about why COLAGE was not funded. He had five points that all could be argued the other way so I thought I would present you with what I found. Point 1: Denial of funding does not constitute discrimination. Well, it does when all organizations arc not judged on the same standards. I have a feel ing that when all organizations were put through what COLAGE was put through there would be a lot of less funded organizations. If students were allowed to vote I believe a lot of them would feel not all of the funded or ganizations should be funded. Did other groups have to cite Bible mes sages to prove their morality? I think not. Point 2: Sexual preference docs not mean a cultural minority. I looked it up and this is what I found. As defined by Bassis, Gellcs and Levine (1984), using either sociological or legislative criteria for minority status, homosexuals, homosexuals would clearly qualify as a minority group. They go on to state the standards the U.S. Supreme Court uses to grant minority status: The group in ques tion is politically powerless, has ex perienced a history of discrimination, has a high degree of visibility and has traits that arc immutable. Homosexuals meet the first two points with ease. And as Petersen argued, you cannot necessarily tell a person is gay by sight, but then you cannot tell a person is Jewish by sight either. And for the most part, psy chologists support the reasoning that homosexuality is an innate tendency — an opinion I would trust more than Petersen’s. Petersen further argues that if homosexuals are a minority, then why aren’t they classified under die Ameri can Minority Council instead of Uni versity Program Council-City. He gives some attendance figures for COLAGE programs, and slates that a small number of students actually use COLAGE programming. I’ve been to some university-funded programs with less than 10 people in attendance. Point 3: If COLAGE docs not re ceive funding, a dangerous precedent may be set allowing personal and religious preierciiccs ucicgaic wiiu is and who is not worthy of funding. Other groups who may argue that a certain religion is part of their innate self would also have to prove to the extent that COL AGE did, that it is not their upbringing that gave them the beliefs it did. Many homosexuals do not want to be gay, and their parents certainly did not want them to be gay. But they are regardless of those facts. They could live their lives as people would ex pect them to or, they can come to terms with themselves and live as they really arc. Point 4: It may be in violation of the NU Board of Regents policy. The policy he cited was on the issue of presenting speaker programs on campus. Petersen then further developed this argument by saying that most of the events would be one-sided and deal with homosexuals violating the pol icy by promoting on philosophy or set of ideals. COLAGE has offered a variety of programs that would con tradict that argument. What about “My Friend Is Gay and I Don’t Under stand” and “Homosexuality and Religion,” just to name a few. And don’t other organizations promote their own history and culture as well? I haven’t seen Black Special Events calling the Ku Klux Klan to come in to discuss a different view point, and I don’t think anyone would want or expect them to. Point 5: His last point is that a majority of the student body does not want COLAGE to be funded. Some times someone has to make a stand and look deeper to sec whal is right. Only a few years ago most of the nation agreed that blacks should go to separate schools, did this make it right? I think Petersen should have taken advantage of the situation and used his leadership to help people sec that just because a person is different it does not mean they are necessarily immoral or wrong. I hope this letter has provided a different viewpoint that the one pro vided by Petersen, and that COLAGE is judged on its merits as an organiza tion, not the religious and moral pref erences of the greater society. Michele Bang junior middle school education __ The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Readers also are welcome to sub mit material as guest opinions. Whether material should run as a let ter or guest opinion, or not to run, is left to the editor’s discretion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication .^Letters should include the author’s* name, year in school, major and group affili ation, if any. Requests to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. Twisters & Polygram for the best in alternative rock 14th &O St. East Park 477-6061 464-8275 music S GIFTS',