( L “We’ve always entertained the Idea of leaving Lin coln, but then we’ve always entertained the Idea of staying,” said Dave Sullivan, who plays guitar and sings for Lincoln’s Trout Mystery, currently drum merless but unbowed. Sullivan and the other two remaining band members - Chris Albright on guitar and vocals, and Terry Pieper on bass -- agree that if they left it would be for somewhere "nice, west, and warm," but for now they’re staying put. "We really like playing here, the people who come to see us always meet us and get to know us," Sullivan said. "Any band should think it’s worthwhile to play here, because there’s always new people,” he added Which isn’t to imply that Trout Mystery sees Lincoln as a little paradise haven for live music, or an ideal launching pad for new bands "We re finding out we re nowhere," Sullivan said. "I guess Terry (Pieper) always "knew it, but I never did | "There are about six bands in Lincoln that deserve a lot more than they’re ever gonna get out of here," said Pieper, whose band experience in Lincoln dates back to the mid-70s and The Boys, who were once on the verge of breaking out into the bigger world. Pieper said that the one thing between a few bands in Lincoln and greater success is road experience. “You’ve got to have night to night playing, where one night people like you, and the next night people throw stuff at you," he said. The most noticeable thing about the bands from out of town who come through Lincoln is that they are not affected by their surroundings much, he said. See TROUT on 8