Senators delay nursing bill, agree to reconsider Feb. 22 NURSING from Page 1 than ever in the future. As a result, Smith said the state will need to find incentives to at tract more people to the nursing field. Sen. Loran Schmit of Bell wood said Nelson’s intentions for the Bill arc good, but that the bill is “bad public policy.” Schmit said he docsn’t think the bill would help to case the nursing shortage in the stale because it doesn’t address the problem of low salaries. “The nursing profession is underpaid and overworked,” Schmit said. “We all know that.” Schmit said there won’t be more nurses in rural communities until salaries arc increased. Part of the reason rural com m u nitics are having problems is be cause many people in these com munities go to hospitals in larger cities for medical care, he said. The decision to delay the bill came after Sens. Don Wcscly of Lincoln and Rod Johnson of Sutton and others said they wanted to hear LB520, another bill that addresses the nursing issue. LB?20 creates a Nursing Incen tive Fund, which would reimburse nursing students for loans taken in college for up to $2,(XX) per year if the student goes on to practice nursing in the state. Students who agree to practice in rural areas would receive an additional Si .(XX) per year as a student. Senator objects to pictures BURIAL From Page 1 said she presented a photocopy of the pictures and a cover letter from Han son that accompanied the book. “I explained to Reba that... the historical society’s director is not appointed by the governor, and is therefore not directly accountable to ihe governor,” Rex said. White Shirt said the letter Hanson sent to senators told of ancient Pawnee rituals including sacrificing virgins. ‘‘The bottom line that the intent was to discredit Pawnee religion,” While Shirt said. Chambers said there is growing concern within the Legislature about the society’s lobbying tactics. He said two employees of the society have approached senators to plead the society’s case. Because the senators know what the employees arc up to, the “lobby ists” have little credibility, Cham bers said. Hanson said three society employ ees have been presenting information to senators. Gene Crump, deputy attorney general of Nebraska, said that under current law, employees of state agen cies and institutions, like the histori cal society, can go to the Capitol to inform senators on issues without being registered lobbyists. “In the technical sense it probably is lobbying,” Crump said. “But they’re not required to register as lobbyists.” Another bill, also sponsored by Chambers, would change that. LB 151 would require slate employ ees to register as lobbyists with the clerk of the Legislature. Hanson’s wife, Ann, currently is registered with the clerk of the Legis lature as a lobbyist for her husband’s interests. Hanson said that because the soci ety’s employees arc allowed by law to lobby senators, there should be no question of the ethics of their prac tices. Supporters of L.B340arc spend ing about $55,000 for eight lobbyists, he said, so the society should have some way to defend its position. “Frankly, I don’t have $55,(XX) to hire eight lobbyists to work against the people who arc working against us,'' Hanson said. “This seems like an ama/ing underdog situation.” Attempts to discredit the society's lobbyists are designed to pull alien lion away from the real issues ol LB340, Hanson said. “I have grown weary of the con stant efforts to distract attention from the bill,” he said. [ OR SAI L 88 Specialized Rockhopper, '88 Trek 1000. 472-3057 r 483 0632 IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS. Absolute lowest prices La^ away. Digidata systems. Manual typewriter ribbons 53 cents each (tax included). Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Un ion. 472-2588. Sheldon Art & Gift Shop has special selections for your Vale it'ne All Burton and Black Snow Snovtf>oards on sale nowiChoose from S40-8300 Cycle Works. 27th 8 Vine, and 26th 8 South. __ Sola for sale. $126. CaN 489-5791 after 8 00 pm Two 19" Color TVs. 835, 850 25" Color. S50_487-6189 WANT TO BUY: Used TASCAM 4-track. Cash. Call Suzanne 466-8028. WATERBEDS Complete, any size. 8139.95. Apartment size tables. 85 95 2-story escape ladders. 819 95. Budget Shop, authorized Land and Sky Dealer. 5550 CornHusker Highway. 466-3360. VEHICLES FOR SALE = 1976 VW Rabbit. 4 speed. 4 cylinder, front wheel drivel Newly overhauled enamel AM/FM Cassettel Price Negotiable Call 472-9291. MUST SELL: 1975 Ford Grenada 2 door. 81.200 OBO No rust, cancer, or dents, new paint, engine. Nice look ing car. must see Runs very good, winterized. Ideal for student Phone 473-1066 leave message at beep SERVICES PHIVAIfc RJIOHING for Business Mapr* Sub|eds offered are Accounting 201 and 202, Economic* 215 andWalh 104 Call 477 4488, e*1 238 TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES • SERVICE RENTTO-OWN BLOOITS 323 North 13th Si. 474 4136 TYPING; & RESUMES = America • Oidasl and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing • Typing * Printing CompetitivePuc# Students Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime net ion wide updating. 475 6738 3701 0 St. SB 7 Resumes Prolesvonally typeset. StS plus tax Daily Nebraskan, basement of the Nebraska Union. 1400 R Street, ANN01JNCEMENTS__ PIAC^CORPS Video and Information Session Thrusday. February 9. 1989 7 00 pm last Campus Union. Room Posted Your mother would want you to come' LOVE CAREFULLY DAY DANCE Planned Parenthood Benefit Saturday. February tlth, 8 12 30 pm At the University Club Featuring The Tabterockers For ticket info, call 478- 7521 A counting Association Meeting Thursday. February 9 at 4pm m the Student Union Room will be posted. A'e you smart’ Do you appreciate a good deal? Bring this ad mlo Pi//a Shuttle and we will sell you a 'u pepperoni, beet, or cheese pma lor only $3 00. You must bring this ad into our 'ocahon at 17 8 0 STUDENT FOUNDATION meeting tonight. 5pm. Reun on Look m your mailbox.' _ ATTENTION all business and BUSINESS EDU CATION MAJORS. Phi Beta Lambda Meeting, 5:00 Thursday el the Union. New member* welcome. Soy a Valentine Carnalion^im Towne Club Sorority tor ®n'y S1 50. Sold February 8through the 10lh, Irom 10lo 13lhh* Uni0n' ^,*soncarnPus delivery on Monday. Feb. BUY THE PERFECT GIFT FOR YOUR VALENTINE S DAY SWEETHEART. Fashion jewelry and accessories by Pinky's". On sale in the Union. Sponsored by Delta Sigma Pi. DON T WAIT - BEAT THE CROWDS Come to the Daily Nebraskan today and let us print your Valentine Pareonala. FINANCE CLUB Meeting, Thursday. February 9. 6 00 pm, Nebraska Union, Hoorn 338. Al Moore. Vice-President, from Kilpa trick, Pettis. Smith, Polian, Inc. will speak Gay/Leebfan Student Association Thursday. February 9. 8:00pm in #342 Union. The meeting will be open to personal topics/concarns. All welcome. GIVE BEACHES A BREAK COME TO "TERMS" UPC - American Films TERMS OF ENDEARMENT TODAY 3:30, 7.-00 * 9:00 GUILITY? Are you guilty oI having an outstanding adviser or in structor? Release the guilt and nominate him/her for Student Foundations Builders Award, a $1500 honor. Applications can be picked up at the CAP Office or contact Bart Lovgren at 476-1167. JUNIOR WOMEN Would you like to receive national recognition for your outstanding achievements in academic studies and involvements both on and off campus? If you answered yes to this question then GLAMOUR MAGAZINE'S Top 10 College Women Competition is something that you ought to consider. Applications for the competition are now available in the Campus Activi ties andPrograms Office 200 Nebraska Union For more information contact Kathy in the CAP Office at 472-2454. The deadline tor completed applications is March 1, 1989 KLfclNS IGA 115 SOUTH 11TH New York Time*. Denver Post. Kansas City Star, and DesMomes Register, SUNDAYS ONLY. LOSE YOUfFCLOTHES FORGET THE COLD ROAD TRIP SOUTH SPRING BREAK ’89 PANAMA CITY BEACH. FL UPC EAST MAIN EVENTS FOR MORE INFO, CALL 472-5252. MORTAR BOARD NOTABLES All Freshmen, Sophomore*, and Seniors exemplifying outstanding scholarship, leadership, and service abili ties are encouraged to complete an application available at CAP City, CAP East, and Culture Center. Deadline. February 17. NEBRASKA UNION BOARO Applications are due Friday, f ebruary 10th by 4 00 pm in the ASUN ottice Apply now and be a part of one ol the best student organizations on campus I PI MU EPSILON Mathematics Honorary is now accepting applications tor new mem bers You are eligible to apply il you have; Completed Math 208 or 1u7H and have a 4 0 GPA m all math classes and a 3.0 GPA overall OR Convicted any 300 level math course and have a 3 5 GPA in all math classes and a 3.0 GPA overall, Application lorms are available across Irom the Mathematics Department oltice and are due Friday, Fob 17 Come pin our fun bunch! For more information call Dave at 477 7953 or Amy at 472-9220. SAA Attention new member*! First meeting this Thursday at the Wick Alumm Center at 5.00 pm. Spring Break 89 MA2ATLAN Stretch your Spring Break dollar in Mexico1 Tups start at St991 Call Bnan at 477 2243 lor more information STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION meeting Tues day February 14. 5 30pm, Henzlik Auditorium. New members welcome I Booth in East Campus Union Thursday * Friday. ®-4. $1.50 aach. 2 tor S2.50. HRKEKAKFA1RS ~ School Wa rs proud d you. AX|[).# ★ G"**‘*wi lovec yoOiiT Love, XO Actives CONGRATULATIONS a NO WELCOME TO THE NEW PLEDGES OF DELTA TAU DELTA: Dan N. Inc l. JsrryS , Dave P.. Jamas K , Russ E., Rob B. and Jason Conaralulations to I he new initiates ot Bata Sigma Psi: rom°S Keith K , Brad B., Dave L.. NeaJ T„ Grant S„ John 0.. Dan N . Roy J.. Kody V.. Jamas K . Tim Greg M. and Scott R. DG's. Love is Blind was a good time Let s party again soon i Love, the Pi Phi s HEY GUYS, DOES AN AXO HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU9 FIND OUT WHO FRIDAY NIGHTI SWAK. Monica S. (DG). Congratulations on being selected as a new National Cheerleaders Association Instructor. Keep it up! Love, Your Delta Gamma Sisters Phi Psi'a, Get excited lor Comedy Night I It will be a barrel o< lunl The A Phis SAE LITTLE SISTERS Important meeting tonight at 7:00. first floor. TRIANGLE VALENTINE'S PARTY "Cupids and Corpses" Come as your favorite dead person. studentgovernmenT HEALTH CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Represent Ihe student body concerning health concerns u! tne university community The advisory board helps in planning, evaluation and implementation of programs lor Applications available 115 Nebraska Union Deadline Wed., Feb. 10 MARCH 15,1MB Wednesday STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION DAY RULES A PROCEDURES HOW TO FILE FORELECTION HOW TO GET INVOLVED IN THE ELECTION DEADLINES qai i at FILING DEADLINE. FEBRUARY 15. 1989 For more information, please contact Student Government Office, 115 Nebr Union 472-2581 PERSONALS P R.S (Fri. 2/3, 12 35 Union-Burger King). You sal down at my table and were reading a book for Children s Lit. I was loo shy to speak toyou Would like to meet you sometime If interested RVP The Girl Who Liked Your Gray Scarf John, Happy 20th Birthday I Diane Tom, Meet me in the Union for lunch. Bee Kay GET YOUR VALENTINE PERSONALS IN EARLY. VISIT THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TODAY AND BEAT THE CROWDS) I Paul (FH), Roses are red Violets are blue Guess who I am Here's a due: I LOVE YOUI „ Your Secret Valentine HAPPY 21 St CARIN Love. Renae Michelle (XO). _ First semester, winter ski trip, and a summer of NSE hosting equals. TONSOFFUNH " Love. Joannes (XO) P S. Are you going to deal with electronics? To the AXO with a crush on me. Sorry, can i make it Frday I'll be washing anO waxing my car Have a great time with your other two dales C.E CHII.DCARE BOSTON NANNY In Boston, Mast, start August 1989. lor 1 year comm# meni Seeking mature(20>) young woman, non smoker, with dr**' license, to provide live-in child care for infant and 3 year year old. Own room and bath, car provided. Child care experience required. Call collect $17 237 4179. after 6 00 pm. Dependable child care needed 10 30 pm-7 30 am, Sunday thru Saturday morning m exchange lor room and board Call 467-4158 HELP WANTED W.HOUO TO ST«r B.'Sl-fnnON TO CL FAN WILLING TO WORK WEDNESDAY. THURS DAY.FRIDAY &PM-1130PM TAM O SHANTER. 105 S25TH. NO PHONE CALLS AMIGOS CO-WORKERS * S4.00rhour to start (M-E and cloeing shills). * Up to $4 50 w-experience. * Great work environment. ‘ 50% meal discount. * Paid vacation * Flexible schedule. * Day care benefits. * ST E P. (Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan. Up to40% college tuition reimbursement depend ing upon college, work availability and tenure. Amigos, an expanding, quality oriented Mexican feet tooo chain, has excellent part-time and lull-time job opportumtiee available at it's neweet location m Lincoln at 29th 6 Cornhusker Hwy opening soon. It you are an aggressive, customer oriented person and lee to work at a fast intense pace, APPLY NOW at the Amigo s m the Reunion, see Ben or Stevf, 905 Np, \6th qn City C^r> pus. Children's counselors, activitiy instructors. WSI. driver's, cooks, kitchen manager, dishwashers, mamte nance, nanny. For co ed Mountain Summer Camp. P.0 Bo* 711. Boulder. CO 80306, 303-442 4567 Employment Opportunity for individuals interested in telecommunications field. S5 50Thr guaranteed, with earning potential up to $10/hr We offer products and servioes to an established customer base. Contact Mr. Adams for personal interview at 476 7625. MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Metromail Corporation has an immediate need in the Lincoln facility for machine operator trainees to operate mail inserting machines on the 2nd shift 4 46 pm to 10:45 pm. Mon-Thurs. Qualified Applicants must be able to lift up to 35 lbs . have basic physical dexterity, numerical understanding and retention skils Applicants should apply in person between the hours of 9am to 11am. A 1pm to 3pm Nebraska Job Service. 1010 N St. Lincoln NE. MOTHER S HELPER Creative woman to care for two and four old year girls, four afternoons per week in SE Lincoln home Child development type preferred. 488-7555. NEBRASKA VOLLEYBALL team « currently interview ing female students for a MANAGER position. Pays tuition and fees Call Terri KiXion at 472-2399 for appoint ment Need a sitter, my home, two nights. Meadowtane ares Leave message. 466-4212. NEED SHIFT SUPERVISORS: 10-35 hours per week Pizza experience helpful but not necessary. Joyce's Subs-n Pizza, 1320 0 Street. 474 7766 NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS MASS Mah Kee Nac lor Boyt/Danbee lor Girl* Counselor position* lor Program Specialists. All Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey, Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings, alto Archery. Ri llery end Biking, other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Yearbook. Photography. Cooking. Sewing Rotlerksatmg, Rocketry. Ropes, Camp Crall All Water Iron! activities (swimming, skiing, tailing, windsurfing canoemgkayak) Inquire J A D Camping (Boys) 19C Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge NJ 07028 or Action Camp ing (Girls). 263 Mam Road, Montville, NJ 07045 Phons (Boys) 201-428-8522 or (Girls) 201 316 6660. Oocational Baby-sitter Needed. 3 children, needs own transportation. 421 1800, Part-time help wanted to operate BAB digging machine and handle BAB trees, at part-time nursery work. 1/2 mile South of Eagle, in March and April, depending on weather. Can lit into class schedule. *5 00rTc fr fa rtn wW M ftwrafaTfo*) I Paul Phillips Show every Thurs. Night at Oscar's £ 65C Bud-Bud Light J Buy one draw, ) i get a second draw for 1 cent ’OSCAR’S (i 800 “O” St. Haymarket Square ¥Say I Love You in a Beary Special WayM^p If Send that special someone a loveable ^ hllgtfable Teddy Bear for Valentine’s Day. ▼ ’Special Valentine's Day Bears ¥ ‘Order early ’Free Balloon Bouquet with local delivery If * Free delivery in Lincoln ¥ Call 466-6256 ¥ ¥ Teddy Bear Express Jr ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ’ LIKE TO WRITE? I LOVE TO COMMUNICATE? The DN Arts Sc Entertainment section wants you! Tell your fellow students what’s going on in music, theater, dance, art, food and books or bring your own ideas. Contact: Curt Wagner or Mick! Haller Daily Nebraskan 34 Nebraska Union A&E meetings arc Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. ^...myW