Page e MOTHER S HELPER Creative woman to care for two and four old year girls, four afternoons per week in SE Lincoln home. Child development type preferred. 488-7555._ NATIONAL MARKETING FIRM seeks ambitious, ma ture student to manage on Campus promotions for top National Companies this school year. Flexible hours, with earning potential to S2500. Call 1-800-932-0528 ext. 24. _ NEBRASKA VOLLEYBALL team is currently interview ing female students for a MANAGER positron. Pays turton and fees. Call Terri KiKion at 472-2399 for appoint ment. _ __ NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS-MASS Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbeo for Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, expectally Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey. Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings; also Archery, Ri fiery and Biking; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts. Yearbook. Photography. Cooking. Sewing. Rolleiksatmg, Rocketry. Ropes. Camp Craft. AM Water front activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoeing/kayak). Inquire J & 0 Camping (Boys) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge NJ 07028 or Action Camp ing (Girls). 263 Mam Road. Montville. NJ 07045. Phone (Boys) 201-429-8522 or (Girls) 201-316-6660._ Part-time help wanted to operate BAB digging machine and handle BAB trees, as part-time nursery work. 1/2 mite South of Eagle, in March and April, depending on weathei. Can fit into class schedule. $5.00/hour. 433 6997 after 600 pm. _ Part-time evening desk position available now. Great for students! Apply in person to GREA1 PLAINS MOTEL. 2732 C Street Mon-Fri 8,-COa.m to 4.00p.m._ Part-time Male or Female dork needed. Afternoons and nights. Apply in person, Mike's O Street Drive-In, 22nd A^O'L_ Part-time. Full-time positions available immediately. Plump Tomato Pizza Co.. LeMetro Food Court.. Atrium Mall. Wages negotiable upon experience, apply in per son. weekdays SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kitaki. located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Boys Counselors. Girl's Counselors. Lifeguards. Waterfront Director, Wranglers. Crafts Instruc tor. Maintenance Person. Asst Cook and Health Care Supervisor. Call or write: Camp Office. 1039 P Street, Lincoln NE 68508, 402 475-9622. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT at Camp Lmcoln/Camp Lake Hubert • Minnesota resident summer camps. A strong commitment to working with children required, along with activity skills and teaching experience. Specific |ob information and applications are available at the Student Employment Office • 120 Administration Building. Sign up. in advance, for personal interviewsjo be held on carrpus Wednesday. February 8th and Thursday, Feb ruary 9th, 1989. __ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications now for the following Summer Playground Positions: Leaders (4.10/hr ), Assistant Lenders (3 90/hr.), Craft Specialists (4.10/hr) and Activity Specialists (4.10/hr.). Morning hours. June 5 August 4 Apply at Parks and Recreation office, 2740 A Street. Call 4 71-7952 for more information EOE/AA Summer |Ob openmqs tor Assistant Pool Managers, lifeguards, cashiers. Call Lincoln Paiks and Recreation at 471-7892 WANTED: Structural Engineering Graduate student for part-timework. R.O YOUKER INC. 477-7640. 500^AT|S_______ Female roommate to share house next to UNLFPT microwave. $160. utilities paid 423-1535. Need M F tor 3-bedroom duplex W/d, fireplace, dish washer, $130 ♦ 1/3 ututies Close to campus. Available now 474-4088 or 435 2965 Responsible, non-smoker, M/F. share 2-bedroom House between Carrpuses. $180 ♦ 1/2 utilities. 435 4690. leave message 489 2646. Roommate needed asap. Si85, no deposit Cable, close to campus. 475-7870. rooms_for_rent_~ TiTTTTTargeroom, walk-in closet, utilities and cable paid. Kitchen, lounge, laundry. $165. Sharp and dean.l 477-5617. HOUSES FOR RENT_ 2424 W. Ideal lor students. Very nice. 4 ♦ bedrooms. Two baths, large garage. 464 0780. 488-0061. _ 2ND SEMESTER STUDENTS 4 bedroom. $475/rno Close to UNL. 423-1535. 4-bedroom on edge ot Campus, 1300 No 21st Street. $500/mo 464 0780. 488 0061 Five bedrooms, between campuses, near shuttle bus. Central air. dishwasher, microwave, overhead Ians. S625/month. 423 1535 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1- bedroom apartment, $215. 483-4456. 1425 North 17th. One bedroom apartments, unfur nished, all utilities paid. Off-street parking. S285/mo, call 475-1848.__ 2203-2223 Vine One bedroom a*>artments $280-$290 All appliances, laundry, parking. 476-3403 Century Reality Commercial Department Inc. __ Apartments & Duplexes for Rent FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED. SECURITY BLDG. CLOSE TO CAMPUS AND TOWN: 502 So 12th, new mtcrowave with one year lease. Effidencies. $186, $195 $205; 1-bedroom. $250. Also 1600 square foot of commercial area. 1st floor. 502 So 12th at $5 square foot. Call: 476-1142, 474-3365. 447 5706 or 423-5800. 648 So 12th. largo efficiencies, $215. includes heat, 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2-bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drapes. 1615 Garfield, $350. 477-9671. 636 So 27th. S350.435-5540. 2125 A, $360, includes heat, 477 0704. 3535 Vine, 2-story. 1 1/2 baths. $400 includes heat, one bedroom $300. 466-1653. DUPLEXES: 2-BEDROOMS. 6619 Colby. $325. 423-5800. 1912 North Cotner. $325, 423-5800. 1920 North Cotner, $325, 423-5800. Call for any units. 423-5800 or John Keane. Hub Hall Property Mgt at 489-7444. BARGAIN CONSCIENCE RENT STARTING AT $261 2- bed room apartments, clean and spacious, laundry facilities, well maintained, close to campus and down town. Children welcome. Call now to see if you qualify. 475-6144, 8 am lo 5 pm, M-F. Sorry, no pels. HUD HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. 'Comfortable 2-8R available now. 'Close fo East Campus 'Off-street parking, laundry facilities. ‘School farm leases available. Call today 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351._ NEWER 2-BEDROOM APART MEMTS. Close to campus and downtown. Balcx»ny units $365; w/ o balcony $350. 477-217AOT 423 1029. 486-1286. Nice 2 bedroom apartment with balcony. Near campus. No pets. $365 per month. 2323 T St. 477-4434, 435 0351,____ One bedroom in 4-plex, 27th & W. Clean. $200+ 464 8984. _ _.. REMODELED Two bedroom mobile home with washer/dryer. S275 ♦ deposit. 2525 Cleveland. Call for appointment, Deb 786-2877._ _ SAY NO TO COCKROACHES 1 -bedrooms & efficiencies. $200 and under. 2-bedroom. $300 and under. East Campus, Near South and South east Call Kim. 477-0491 Studio apartment, 1133 D. $300. utilities paid. 475 5275. royrTrouNP ~ LOST' Pair of Woman's glasses near Bancroft or Abel Call 472-8584 or 474-7401. ADOPTION= ADOPT. LOVE AND LULLABIES AWAIT YOUR BABY! Musical young professional couple, in love with lit# and each other, yearn to shower your infant wth |oy, love and financial security Devoted relatives • and loads ot loving cousins • ready to welcome a precious newcomer Ex penses paid Please call Judy and Michael collect, anytime: 212-874 9444 ADOPTION IS THE OTHER CHOICE Please let us help Devoted, financially secure couple has endless love to give a newborn. Expenses paid. Call Jill and Bruce colled anytime to talk, 516 698-8543. ADOPTION: Give your child a wonderful future. Loving couple wish to adopt an mlant Call Tern (402) 488-4739 H«*>piiy married and financially secure couple wants to adopt a newborn. WewillprovxJealovinghomeenvtron ment and every advantage Legal, confidential, ex penses paxt. Call collect. 0 212-601-8126. RESLARCH HHKHUIAHON Largest Library of information in U.S. - all subjects Order Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COD Or, rush $2.00 to: Research Information 11322 Idaho Ave. #206-A, Los Angeles, CA 90025 .— ■ ■ - , THI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON I-1 *■'**•'J - bloom COUNTY_ by Berke HreMhX I ACROSS 1 Goalie stats € Actress in “The Maltese Falcon” 11 Former province of Colombia 12 Music lover’s purchase 14 Temple of Jupiter, to Caesar 15 Box opener or mollusk 17 The works 18 Scholarship allowance 20 Dawber or Shriver 21 Jill’s receptacle 23 Dwight of the Red Sox 24 Capp’s Hyena 25 Lab heaters 27 Capone and Jolson 28 Hair style 29 Adjust 31 Overlooks 32 Knob or knot 33 Troubles 34 Wore down 37 Parallel 41 Bathes 42 Sozzled 43 Brings forth a lamb 44 Done 45 Great Lakes acronym 47 Sweet syrup of the East 48 By or by means of 49 Liturgical books 51 Glaswegian negative 52Champleve and cloisonne 54 Tillie’s colleagues 56 Phidian work 57 Organic compounds 58 Dutch town and its product 59 Ratite birds Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE liiliiHl i f e a y|hisho]v|e|r a e t t f oioItmp a[t eIn c y rMpirIoIwIeI slsMjo e p i ITMgiiI In i■71" ii i aITIsTBeItIeMqIaI , T s lITMeIrIsIBoIlIlIiIeM c[h a|f|eBaIk1MBsJeJ”]qIF H I V|f|fA]s|l |sBUr| ![ o\f A n 'i ■ Dm e IsJs[eTs ai PI tpA] re n i1 E RBIA Ml°n * S1T 1 0 « I S bTNlsBDI l|M 0 U Tjs^ , ■ 8|a1u|n|a|MBTIE|e|m18H i DOWN 1 Youth 2 Witch bird 3 Containers for fermentation 4 Emulate Pearl White 5 Pavlov’s dogs were condi tioned to do this 6 Resort and tree 7 A Watergate figure 8 Have an inclination 9 Calif.’s Fort 0 Uncloses anew 1 Liking 3 Syracuse color 4 Frisk 16 Pile up 19 Part of a picket fence 22 Water trough 24 Used a riata 26 Kin of bullaces 28 Truncheon 30 Total 31 Actress Sara 33 Echidna or pangolin 34 Bolt together 35 Crows’ cousins 36 Abandoned one’s diet 37 Goals 38 Some dives 39 Removes obstacles 40 Endless finish 42 Red-ink items 45 Seed scar 46 Splash about 49 Prefix for physics or thesis 50 Locale 53 Frenzied 55 Winning pitcher: 1984 All-Stargame I . .IWWP—mmmm. I I ll III IIUIl|1in~rrTT 1—mT“ I 'nlT‘T‘lir"*l‘*,l ftM3m Bj f SffflMfm61 ra ifl ■ |||W .JHy .ft m^P M >* 1 •** I >* I ■ ■ 1 1 1 11 > **<+i- <**»«*■ MM*i New and Reconditioned Schwinn Bicydes Expert repairs. All makes Lincoln Schwinn 3321 Pioneer 1517 N Coiner 488-2101 464-6952 BLUESTEM BOOKS 712 0 Street Used rare and oul o( print books. Bought and Sold Used paperbacks ai hall the cover price. PAGE ONE 206 N 13th 474-6316 : "A*!# % T f fc|| 'Always in good taste.' The Cookie Company 138 N 12th St 475-0626 Deoo"ated oookies too. Free Pregnancy Counseling Let'* explore the options Catholic Social Servoe* Bureau 215 Centennial Mall 474-1600 Personal A Career Counseling Individual or Groups M-T-F 8am-5pm W 4 Th 3am 3pm UN-4. COUNSEUNOCENTER 226 Administration 472-3461 PREGNANT? Wondering what to do? We provide confidential counseling. No fee. Nebraska Children'* Hem* Society 4600 Valley Rd 483-7870 Scholastic AagMance Service c:..ilagerGi'aduate School Schotarshp*. Grants FINANCIAL AID PO Box 2644 Lincoln. NE 68602 474 5004 Danielson Floral 127 South 13th Street 476-7602 Flowers for every occasion I Quality Servicel We Deliver! Marti art Furniture 5701 Russel Dr New and used quality furniture at bargain prices 464-1901 United Hairlinee 13th 4 M Streets Otters full service hair care 476-0646 Hours: 8airv8pm, M-F 8am-4pm. Saturday College of Heir Deetgn 11th 6 M St Otters hair styling priced to fit a student's budget. Haircuts starting at 63.75 and up. Classes in cosmetology and barber/styting begin Apnl 3 and July 5. 474-4244. I....;.........;.... FREE Pregnancy Test* Confidential BIRTHRIGHT 4600 Valley Rd., Rm 410. 483 26C9 PLANNED PARENTHOOO OF LINCOLN Confidential birth oontrol and pregnancy services Intormation/Referral on ALL OPTIONS. Call lor appointment 9am-5pm. 476-7626 LINCOLN MASSAGE CENTER ...lor the health of it... 3230 S. 13th 421-3230 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential Counseling Available. Call lor an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B 1 475 2501 Complete Music Disc Jockey Entertainment Full light and sound system. Extensive music library. Call 4/4-6504 Downtown Boot and Shoe Repair Holes, worn heels’ Same Day Service. Monday - Friday, 8-5 1230 P Street HUSH Kaplan Educational Center Number one in test preparation For more information call 475-7010. Tha Final Touch Wottt-Suntana Bads 10 ta#»ione lor $25 with th* ad 70th $ A 4896996 £J lk¥fll Qu* Copy Printing For all your copy and printing need*. 224 S 13th 477-0470 High voluma docount* Raaumaa by ANN Quality r**uma*; Prola*»ional tarvica, lilatim* updating; cover latter oompos'ion 464 0775 Prolaaaional Word Procaeaing All paper*, return**. ale. Individualized rate* '3 5 page*. $4) Jerry Colli* 435-1143 RESUMES Professionally type**! $15plu*tan Daily Nabraakan Basement of tha Nebraska Union 1400 R Street