Young, old share NU experience By Brandon Loomis Senior Reporter Younger students are beginning to feel more comfortable sharing class rooms with students old enough to be their parents, the president of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Adult Student Network said. Andy Gucck, a 38-year-old pre med student, said non-traditional students are finding comfort in num bers. He defined non-traditional stu dents as undergraduates 25 and older. “We are a minority in this envi ronment, but we’re growing,” Gucck said. Although the Office of Institu tional Research has no accurate count of non-traditional students on cam pus, Deanna Eversoll, director of evening programs, said non-tradi tional enrollment in night courses has increased. Evening enrollment is at 1,097 this spring, up 9 percent from last spring, she said. Gucck said the total current non traditional enrollment is about 2,500. In the past, younger students didn't like having older students in class, he said, because older students tend to ask all the questions. Fran Thompson, a 39-year-old sophomore in sociology, said she shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable asking questions, because that is what she pays tuition for “ Someone actually told me... the non-traditional students should keep their mouths shut,” Thompson said. But, Gucck said, fewer members of his organization have heard state ments like that lately, because younger students are learning that older students are adding to classes, not detracting from them. Because they are too shy to ask questions for themselves, Geuck said he thinks a lot of the students “like to have us ask the questions for them.” The Adult Student Network is a support group helping students with both emotional and administrative problems, Gueck said. ‘ I’m looking for ward to the day when I can take 12 credits.’ , -Loyd “The younger undergraduate has a support group in the campus com munity, but die older student goes home when class is done,” he said. Gueck said the organization changed its name from the Non-Tra ditional Student Association this year, “because ‘non’ is a negative word.” The group provides speakers, in formation about classes, and has weekly meetings. “Ninety percent of what we do is social interaction,” Gueck said. Most non-traditional students need encouragement to stay in school, he said, because they have a hard time balancing jobs, family and school. Short-term loans more available By Brandon Loomis Senior Reporter After discontinuing its book voucher service last fall, the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid has loosened requirements for short-term loans to students without cash for books at the beginn ing of each semes ter. John Beacon, director of the of fice, said the vouchers, which al lowed students to buy books on credit until grant refunds arrived, look lime and effort away from the processing of financial aid. “At the time of year when we’re the very busiest, it (the service) meant dedicating staff to that func tion,’’ he said. Anticipating that some students would be unable to afford books without vouchers, Beacon said, the office allowed students to take out loans without the usual individual repayment counseling. Instead, stu dents were given counseling in large groups. In September 1988, 495 students took short-term loans, up from 354 in September 1987, when book vouch ers were available. During spring 1988, the last se mester of the service, 485 students used book vouchers. Beacon said the office also had planned to get refunds to students earlier than in the past, so students could use them to buy books within the first two weeks of classes. But in the fall, the office was busy breaking in a new computer system, he said, and refunds were delayed. In the past, students have gener ally wailed eight weeks for refunds, he said. Because of illnesses in the Office of Student Accounts, refunds also Ojikuto said center needs increase to combat inflation FUND B From Page 1 Ojikutu said the increase is neces sary because of inflation. The budget does call for an almost 31 percent reduction in the center’s expenditure for printing costs, Ojikutu said. This year’s printing request is for $25,000, down from $36,045 for 1988-89. Ojikutu said the printing reduction came because of a new copying machine that allows the center to do much of its own printing instead of relying on an outside printing shop. have been delayed from this semes ter’s target dale of Jan. 23, Beacon said. Bob Clark, director of student accounts, said he was recently out with the flu, which delayed approval of the refunds. “If I was going to point my wicked finger at someone, I’d point it right at myself,” he said. The first refunds were sent to stu dents at the end of last week. In future semesters, students should have their refunds in time to buy books, Clark said. “If we don’t have them out some time during the first week next se mester, I’m going to be very un happy. ’ In the meantime, Beacon said, needy students can use loans to buy books. Short-term loans, although they have an annual charge of{) per cent, serve practically the same pur pose as book vouchers, he said. “Three quarters of I percent per month is not a bad deal,” he said. “We have necessary jobs rather than jobs of convenience,” he said. Rachel Loyd, a 54-year-old sophomore in human development and family, said the support the group has given her in the last three years has given her the courage to continue her education. “If it weren’t for all this interac tion, I would have quit,” Loyd said. Loyd, a beautician with a family, said she has taken as many as nine credits per semester in the past while working full time. “I’m looking forward to the day when I can take 12 credits,” she said, but outside responsibilities won’t al low that yet. Gueck said older students, who have had steady paying jobs for years, suddenly find themselves with little or no spending cash when they start paying tuition. “I haven't been out to cat since before Christmas,” he said. The group lets those students know that others are in the same situ ation, he said, and that belter jobs are waiting for experienced college graduates. “Most of us arc cither going for a career for the first time or making a major career change,” Gueck said. “It’s a little scary. ’ A survey sent to all non-traditional students found that although there is still some concern about the univer sity’s sensitivity to older students, things arc gelling belter all the time, Gueck said. “Now we just have to take care of the parking problem on campus.” Do You Want to Develop a More Positive Self-Concept? An Improved Self-Concept will let you • Be the person you want to be • Enjoy others more fully • Be more successful in all you do The Counseling Center's 4-week workshop can help you think positively about yourself. Meetings are from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in 221 Admin, on these dates: Feb. 23 March 9 March 2 March 16 For more information contact Dr. Judith Kriss, Counseling Center, _226 A.dmin or call 472-3461_ Blow your Valentine a Kiss in the DN Classifieds. You can send your Valentine a special greeting in the Daily Nebraskan on Tuesday February 14th. Personals are only $2.50 for 10 words and 15$ per additional word. Also, add a box, large type, boldface or a heart for only 50$. Deadline is Monday, February 13 at 2 p.m. Nebraskan 34 Nebraska Union Class sizes back to normal By Roger Price Staff Reporter The cold weather did not impair attendance at University Of Ne braska-Lincoln classes Monday as dramatically it did last Friday, according to some UNI. profes sors. With windchills plummeting to nearly 60 degrees below zero Fri day, many UNL students decided to slap class Glenn Sowell, visiting assistant professor in the physics depart ment, said only 60 to 66 percent of his students were present Friday, but attendance was back to normal Monday. The same tread held true in the chemistry department. James Carr, an associate chemistry pro fessor, said that while attendance was low Friday, it was back up on Monday. Martha Webb, assistant profes sor of history, said twice as many students as normal missed her History 100 exam Friday. In the Keller Plan sections of Psychology 181, testing was down about 50 to 70 percent^ccorduig to Mark Waller, a teaching assistant with the program. Bob Miewald, a political sci ence professor, estimated that at least 75 out of the 220 students in his Political Science 100 class were absent Friday. Miewald said he does not plan on doing anything to punish those that were absent because it was an “unreasonable weather situation. ” Miewald said he received many calls from students whose cars wouldn’t start Friday. Beth Williams, office manager for the Comhusker Motor Club, estimated that towing requests handled through her agency were up at least 50 percent Friday due to the cold. The cold weather also had a negative effect on other aspects of university life. Joe Selig, UNL ticket manager, said he felt that attendance at Sat urday night’s basketball game was “definitely impacted by the weather.** Selig said that 9,200 attended the game while season ticket sales numbered 11,000. The National Weather Service predicted Monday afternoon that the cold weather would continue until Friday when it should warm up to the mid-to-upper 20s. Tem peratures should remain in the teens and 20s throughout the weekend and following week. 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