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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1989)
<| | VT ■nk nma cmB B W H 5 m# Unda Capoccia's name was mispeMed (DN, Feb. 3). Capoccia is the Club Sk W »S5 W jB Sports coordinator for Campus Recreation I artfiLBi fl Jp* WEATHER: Monday, partly sunny, high INDEX * 3 &J ix □ HI sr -•■■■* 1M fK n 9f B JT~ fll HBk Jr IB B B day, mostly sunny, highs around 20 Wednes Art & Entertainment 7 Hk _ BL JS^ B Hb JS S S Sb ^Mk M JCT B S£ day Friday highs 5 to 15 on Wednesday, Sports 9 ■Hw ^QBh^ IBt %, nJB.. .iJWitl Bhu temperatures in mid to upper 20s by Friday. Classifieds.11 February 6, 1989__University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 88 No. 94 CFA raises Fund A fees almost 4 percent By David G. Young Staff Reporter _ The Committee for Fees Alloca tion Sunday passed student fee requests for the Dail ' ' kan and the Association o of the University of Nebraska without changes, but cut the University Pro gram Council’s request by $6,214. s 1 M T c n The DN was allocated $39,193 for next year, or 94 cents per student per semester. AS UN received $121,102, or $2.91 per student per semester in student fees. But UPC, which requested $182,582, was allocated only $176,368. Overall, Fund A organiza tions received a 3.51 percent increase to $336,663. UPC-Foreign Films received the largest share of cuts from CFA, with a budget reduction of $2,000 to $6,257. Jill Durbin, member of CFA’s UPC subcommittee, said the reduc tion for Foreign Films was based on “grossly underestimated’’ revenue expectations. Durbin said films which attract larger audiences should be selected to increase revenue. Durbin also recommended a $1,195 reduction for UPC-Talks and Topics. This cut was made to encour age Talks and Topics to co-sponsor programs with other university or ganizations to save money. CFA member Keith Malo said this reduction would prove destructive to the Talks and Topics committee’s ability to get nationally recognized speakers. “There’s already a major deficit of good speakers at this university,’’ Malo said. CFA member Julie Jorgensen said less diverse viewpoints could be heard if Talks and Topics had to co sponsor programs. “This would link speakers to who could afford to co-sponsor,’’ Jor gensen said. “That creates a bias in speakers.’’ CFA passed Talks and Topics’ budget with a $595 reduction and voted down a recommendation that Talks and Topics actively seek co sponsorship. CFA’s UPC subcommittee recom mended extensive cuts in Women’s Words and Music’s budget. Durbin said the cuts would encourage the group to find speakers locally. Durbin’s recommendation brought a sharp response from Jor gensen. “It seems to me that this commit tee is constantly questioning the at tendance figures for UPC,” she said. “I can’t follow your rationale in re placing nationally known speakers with locals and expecting the same number of people to attend.” CFA restored student fee money previously cut from Women’s Words and Music’s budget by the subcom mittee. The budget was passed with a student fee contribution of $5,199, a reduction of $409 from the original request This amount includes >200 for a film to be co-sponsored by the Committee Offering Lesbian and Gay Events. The $200 co-sponsor ship fund was transferred from CO L AGE’s requested budgeL COLAGE received $746 in stu dent fees from CFA, about half the amount requested after the $200 was transferred to Women’s Words and Music. CFA also passed budgetary organ izational changes within UPC. These moves included the consolidation of American Minority Council’s Black Entertainment with Black Special Events, and Chicano Entertainment with Chicano Special Events. Malo said this restructuring was made be Committee For Fees Allocation 1989-90 I_ Fund A Recommendation| Studsnt/Sernester 1989"90 tOtsJ DN % Change Daily Nebraskan 0.0% ASUN 7.67% UPC 13 86% Fund A Total 3.51% John Bruco/Daily Nobrasktn cause of organizational problems in the committees last year. “I can’t believe that four people were controlling all this money,” he said. ‘‘Ed (Munoz) was the only one on Chicano Special Events and Chi cano Entertainment, and he used MASA (Mexican American Student Association) as his subcommittee.” CFA allocated money for Chicano Entertainment and Black Entertain ment to Chicano Special Events and Black Special Events, respectively. A $50 reduction was made from the combined budgets, leaving Chicano Special Events with $4,774 and Black Special Events with $6,680.' UPC’s overall budget increase for next year amounts to $4.24 per stu dent per semester in student foes. This is an increase of 13.86 percent from this year. See CF A on 6 C bA grants COL AGE half of fee request By David G. Young Stiff Reporter The Committee for Fees Alloca tion granted $746 in student fees to the Committee Offering Lesbian And Gay Events after three rounds of heated debate Sunday af ternoon. CFA voted 5-4 for the allocation after rejecting a subcommittee pro posal which didn’t finance the group. The $746 funding results in a charge of less than one-fiftieth of a cent per student per semester. With the action, CFA has recom mended for the first time that CO LAG E become a funded organization within the University Program Coun cil. The student fee allocation repre sents half of COLAGE’s request for $1,691.25. An additional $200 re quested by COLAGE was allocated to UPC’s Women’s Words and Music to finance a film that had been planned for co-sponsorship by the two groups. Jill Durbin, CFA subcommittee member for UPC, said COLAGE should receive no funding because such an allocation would open a floodgate to special interest groups requesting student fees. COLAGE should continue its programming by raising funds on its own, she said. “If we didn’t think there were proper avenues already in existence from programming, we would defi nitely have recommended funding COLAGE,” Durbin said. “The question here is whether we want to have student funds allocated to that. I do believe a floodgate ap plies. I think the Nazis could come in, or anyone,” she said. “The Swedish students could come in and say, ‘I’ve got my own culture and my own lan guage and an accent. I’m being re pressed.’” Durbin s comments sparked a debate among CFA members regard ing the minority status of homosexu als. ‘ ‘I don’t see COLAGE as a special interest group,’ ’ said Julie Jorgensen, CFA memtier. “I sec them as a mi nority. I think the ignorance may come out in the committee’s decision that sexual preference is a choice.” Jorgensen said student fees for other minority groups should be de nied if COLAGE is not funded. Tim Prickett, another CFA mem ber, disagreed. ‘‘A black person can’t wake up in the morning and change his color,” Prickett said. Jorgensen responded, saying: ‘‘A person can’t change his sexual pref erence.” Prickett said Exodus Interna tional, an organization with the same type of mission as Alcoholics Anony mous, has contacted thousands of homosexuals and counseled them into becoming heterosexual. Prickett gave the example of a former college athlete who lived a heterosexual lifestyle until age 22. In college, the student had a homosex ual encounter and became a homo sexual for eight years before contact ing Exodus International, Prickeu said. Since then, the student has be come a heterosexual, and now claims that sexual preference is a personal choice, Prickeu said. Jorgensen said Prickcu’s example is not relevant, since many UNL homosexuals believe sexual prefer ence is not a choice. “It comes down to whether you think they are a minority or not,’’ Jorgensen said. “I really do think a lot of personal prejudices arc entering here.’’ . CFA member Keith Malo sug gested that COLAGE be given “some sort of funding’’ for one year so next year’s CFA can evaluate the group’s use of funds. “I don’t sec how it would hurt to give (COLAGE) a little and see how they deal with it,” he said. Jorgensen, agreeing with Malo, then moved to allocate $ 1,000 to COLAGE. This motion was rejected 6-3. Two additional motions to allo cate smaller amounts to COLAGE were voted down by CFA. The UPC subcommittee’s recom mendation to give no funding to COLAGE was then rejected 6-3. ‘‘You know, we can throw out numbers all day long and I'm always going to vote no, so you might as well motion among yourselves,” Durbin said. One additional figure was rejected before Anne Stcycrs $746 compro mise passed by a roll-call vote. Debate over COLAGE’s funding once again erupted when CFA con sidered UPC’s budget as a whole. ‘‘It’s my basic belief that it is my obligation to support my conslitu See COLAGE on 6 Social worker says mutual language could rouse peace By Brandon Loomis Sci-.iof Kqportci In an era when diplomatic and personal relations between countries are increasingly strained, an international language called Esperanto could promote world “PaCo,” (peace) and bring nations together, a Wilber social worker said. June Fritz, who began learning Esperanto in 1976, said in a speech Friday that the language was cre ated in ftdand about 100 years ago and has extended to citizens of more than 40 countries. Fritz spoke to the campus reli gious group the Baha’i Associa tion, About IS people listened and received a mini-lesson in Espe ranto, which is a neutral language drawing on many existing lan guages. Fritz said that after she and her sons first encountered Esperanto, her sons began writing her letters in Esperanto. If she wanted to know how her sons were, she had to learn the language. Thirteen years later, Fritz is the editor of the Baha'i Esperanto League’s worldwide newsletter. Baha’i is an international or ganization dedicated to world peace with the motto; "The earth Is but one country, and mankind its citizens." Literally, Esperanto means one who is hoping. "I don’t see how we’re going to have peace if we don't have an international language," Fritz laid If everyone learned Esperanto as a second language. Fritz aid, there would be nope of avoiding misunderstandings caused by lan guage barriers. Fritz aid former Soviet pre mier Nikita Khrusehev never said his country would bury the West She aid a translator put those words in Khruschev’s mouth. What he actually said was that his system was best and would outlast capitalism. "Look at all the problems that have followed." she aid. See ESPERANTO on 5 .—■ David June Friti speaks about Esperanto at the City Union Friday night. New ASUN bill offers service to drunk students By Scott Cook » Staff Reporter wo senators of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska are working on a bill that would give students a safe alter native to driving drunk and hopefully reduce the number of alcohol-related injuries. ASUN senators Jill Durbin, an arts and sciences senator, and Carmen Curry, a Teachers College senator, said the bill would create a shuttle bus service to give students who have had too much to drink a ride home. Durbin and Curry submitted an information packet to ASUN Jan. 25 concerning the service, and will in troduce a formal bill at Wednesday's ASUN meeting. Durbin and Curry said they re ceived noopposilion to their proposi tion at the Jan. 25 meeting. "Everybody thought it was a good idea," Durbin said. See RIDE on 6