Coaches’ battle has reached an all-time high Nee and Stewart to forget their child ish battle after that forgetful season, it continued. This time, Nee got sweet revenge when Nebraska defeated Missouri 70-68 last season in Lin coln. He also publicly ridiculed Ste wart for the actions of the Antlers, saying that the Missouri coach and other university officials should have better control of the crowd. The battle between the two coaches reached an all-time high Saturday when Stewart allegedly confronted Nee prior to the start of the Nebraska-Missouri game. Ac cording to a source within the Ne braska athletic department, Stewart allegedly grabbed Nee by the arm, a gesture which Nee which took of fense to. Then, midway through the first half, the Nebraska bench nearly erupted when Missouri renter Gary Leonard literally ran over Corn busker forward Beau Reid. This ac tion sent the Nebraska coaching staff ‘When your bush league coach gets hisfdeletive) act together, then we'll stop pounding on mimhIim.--Stewart - particularly assistant coach Gary Bargen - into a near frenzy, as both teams were required to return to their respective benches. This action brought a chorus of boos from the Bob Devaney Sports Center crowd of 13,066, and a lot of screaming and finger pointing by Bargen. Amazingly, the game remained relatively uneventful for the 37 min utes, as Missouri used the foul prob lems of Nebraska centers Rich King and Richard van Poelgeesl to pull away. But with 23 seconds remaining and Missouri clinging to a 17-point lead. Stewart infuriated the crowd by calling a timeout. The fans behind the Missouri bench reacted by criticizing the veteran coach, a gesture which wasn’t taken lightly. “When your bush-league coach gets his (deletive) act together, then we’ll stop pounding on you,’’ Ste wart said. Following the game, after the two coaches exchanged a handshake that was anydiing but friendly, a Ne braska fan called Stewart “class less.” Stewart also took offense to this statement, as he retaliated by calling Nee a “(deletive) bush league (delelive) sucker.” Again, the worst part of the profanity has been deleted. The bottom line to all of this bick ering and name calling is this: If that’s what it takes to have a top-10 basketball team --agoal which Nee is slowly striving for — it’s not worth it If a win-at-all-cost attitude has to be employed along with an “opponent is-always-your-encmy” attitude, forgetiL Nebraska fans would rather have their mediocre basketball team with out any tradition than subject them selves so low. Apd is a senior news-editorial major and the Daily Nebraskan sports editor. Nebraskan Classified 472-2588 -——- . . COPR^KAIICM WTOrtS GARBLES ■SYSTEMS PANASOtSC PfBNTER IOC #10881 178.88 W#1881i 1MN KK-P11M 39V PS OtSKSAMOaUPPUES CALL FOR COMPLETE UST Of PARENTORY 477-4484 SUITE MS HAYMARKET SQUARE Manual typewriter nbbons 53 cents each (tax included). Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Un ion. <72 2588. ____ Microwave. Loveseal. Dresser 488-9120 SNOWBOARDS SNOWBOARDS SNOWBOARDS All Burton and Black Snow Snowboards on sale now'Choose from $40-8300. Cycle Works. 27th $ Vine, and 26th $ South. VEHICLES FOR SALE 85' Mustang^TTsTspeed ioadod with T-tops. No wrecks, no smoke, one owner, metallic burgundy with grey accent, tint $80001060 Stephen. 477 0282 or Gna. 472 0248__ _ _ 1986 NISSAN PICKUP. 45.862 miles, ax. sunroof. AM/ FM cassette Asking $8300. 475 0607. leave message. TICKET EXCHANGE Need tickets lo NU vs Kansas on Pefcrua^Mh7wm3a and 2 male. Call 476-1184 alter 5 pm. SERVICES TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES • SERVICE WENT-TOOWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * WrSing * Typing * Punting CompeUrve rnce Students Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 476-6736 3701 O Si. *B 7 CBSI WORO PROCESSING RESUMES Total Management Package Typing. Spreadsheet. Bookkeeping, and Administrative Service. Resumes. Crsativs Design, Free Assessment and Design. Student Oiscount Cal today 435 6992 or 435-5113 893-7 North 27th, Lincoln, Ne 68503 CBSI WORD PROCESSING RESUMES Total Management Package: Typing. Spreadsheet. Bookkeeping, and Administrative Service Resumes. Creative Design. Free Assessment and Design. Student Discount Call today 435 3992 or 435-5113. 893 7 North 27th. Lmcotn.Ne 66503 ___ Resumes Professionally typeset St 5 plus tax Daily Nebraekan, basement of the Nebraska Union. 1400 R Street ANNOUNCEMENTS Congratulation* to the 1989 Emerging Leader partici pants! todd A . Kala B Joe B . Stephanie B , Ja»on B . Denise C Jill C.. Fell* D.. Darnel 0 , Anne D.. Jacqueline G„ Blame H.. Sean J., Rob K . Michael K . Megan K., Dan K Carne l., Tami L . TmnM , JimN . Fte.di P. TomaO.. Ju ie S . Thad S , Paula T , Sueie T , Malt W Brian W.. L rnonde W. v ACCOUNTING MAJORS Your are encouraged to attend Meet the Finns, Febru ary 2nd. ZOO pm, t llh floor. NBC Center Seven Big-t'.ghi fume, 3 regional CPA firm*, 3 local CPA •irm*. 3 industrial fuma, 3 governmental agencies Your chance to m*«t recruiter*, from '» prospective •"plover*! Free soft dunks. and hor* d oeuvre* will be vnrved Business attire is appropriate Sign up Itet » on bollit^r board aums from room 3J3 CBA Arts & Sciences May and August Grads Career Planning and Placement Center is ottering two orientation sessions. pecficaUy lor you. Tuesday. Janaury 31,4 pm. 207 Burnett ATTENTION to aM students interested in trying out for the UNL Ye* Spued Attend the informational meetings Monday. January 30ft and Thursday. February 2nd at 400 in the Cotsoum. See ya there! ATTENTION: AlXjUNIORS Innocents Senior Honorary application# now available! City it asi r. a » office*. CORN COBS Mealing Tuesday. January 31. Nommalions lor elections and Pledge Banquet Discussed. Bring money for sweatshirts D-BEACH IS BAD! SPRING BREAK M IT S BIG For a (use own adjective) extravaganza In Daytona Beach cat John or Greg at 4358172. DAYTONA BEACH SPRING BREAK SI 14 hotel only S190wfbus INFORMATION MEETING Mon 30th. 9pm Tues 31st. 8pm REUNION 477-3531 ENGINEERS WEEK COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday. January 31. 4 30 pm in the Reumon Confer enee Room. E Week '69 is just around the corner. Everyone comp. GUILITY? Are you guilty o( having an outstanding adviser or in structor? Release the guilt and nominate hirrVhe' for Student Foundations Builders Award, a $1500 honor. Applications can be picked up at the CAP Office or contact Bart Lovgren at 476 118/ INNOCENTS SOCIETY The Chancellor s Senior Honorary annually selects 13 outstanding junior men and women based upon excel lence in scholarship leadership, and service. Applies lions are now available at the City and East Union CAP offices Applications are due Monday. February 6._ JUNIOR WOMEN Would you kke lo receive national recognition lor your outstanding achievements in academic studies and involvements both on end oil campus? H you answered yea to this question then GIAMOUH MAGAZINE'S Top 10 College Women Competition a something that you ought to consider. Applications lor the competition are now available in the Campus Adivi ties andPrograms Office 200 Nebraska Umon^For more information contact Kathy m the CAP Office at 472-2454. The deadline for completed applications is March 1. 1980.___ LAST CHANCE I Gel your SAA application in by 5:00 todayl^ __ WONDERING WHERE YOUR $$$ IS? usjftjs xusauu&sg and FinancialAids, on Feb. 1 a* 1M In the C*y Union Lounge. POETRY CONTEST. Sand nama. addre... Ppem. Traa Pacpta Walking" P.0. Bo* 94629. Linooln NE 68500. Ca»h prise. Wr4e. ___ Aluimi AMOCMlion applications are due Mon ^ShTOCant^. Ga*«donal STUDY IN DENMARK Businas. Libaral Art. Program, m Enghoh Information s«w«n and slid* .how. Wid neoday. Februar y 1- Cm* anytime 9.30-11:00am. Heritage Room, Nabraska Un ion oroontact In.titutefof Intornalional Studio*. 1237 R, 472-3079 _ WATER POLO TOURNAMENT Tho entry deadline for tho intramural man '* and oow« r.RF.FK AFFAIRS Congratulation. Xipha Phi Kmw 100S Active non way to got W. ar. .o A.Phl Congratulation.! Wo love out now initiate. Conor alulation. to the now initiate, ol Sigma Alpha Ma Sylvester J.. Dayan I.. Paul C , Jaaon A., Mik# 2., Mark a. Bin o. . (!•••* Weekend Chair application. ara available in tho $3 AhT’^ic. Duiback Fobruary 3. Gol your. nuYV ___ - Jk (KAT). Congratulations on beang raahNedl The love you show lor your sororky and the love you show lor mo. emd* a glow thal wad brighten oven Ihe dark eel days Lomo. Dave ___P S "Oolhey Maz»r Tn-Deka Pledges k’s finely hare) Now. how many goldfish do we needl STUPENTdOVERNMENf ASUN SENATE VACANCIES REPRESENT YOUR COLLEGE CONSTITUENTS. The following corteges hove vacancies: Arts A Sciences - Teachers Business - General Studies Graduate Engineering Journalism Denial Campus wide vacancies on the folowmg committees Grading Committee (Grad, only) UNL Police Campus Rec. Advos Council (Residence Hall only) Deadline is Wednesday. February 1st at 4DO PM. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION DAY - MARCH 16.1M9 RULES 6 PROCEDURES HOW TO FLE FOR ELECTION DEADLINES BALLOT PROCESS FILING DEADLINE. FEBRUARY 15. 1989 For more information, please contact. Student Government Office. 115 Nebr Union 472-2581 PERSONALS To the newly elected Engineering Exec. Beard VP. You'll do great. Love you lots Always will. Your Bubba HELPWANTED Are you sell motivated’ Do you work well with little supervision’ Do you enjoy meeting people’ It you answered yes to the above questions then we may have the position tor you. Ful and part-time day hours avail able, no selling involved, no experience needed. We Trainl Hourly pay plus mcentrve bonus, conduct brief door to door interviews with businesses and residential people No phone calls please, apply in person only. Mon Thu,'s. 9a m to 3p m., R L. Polk & Company. 620 North 48th, Suite 118. EOE. M/F. Avon needs campus representatives. Call Betty 483 1794. after 5 Career Planning A Placement Center Assistant 0 vector seeks bright articulate Arte A Sciences seniors and graduate students interested in employment. Meet me in 207 Burnett, Tuesday, January 31 at 4 p.m._ CRUISE SHIP JOBS 1300 -1900 weekly Call Lmda. 900 am - 5.00 pm weekdays 1-612-456 0884. ext C-401Q_ Downtown Dental office has a part-time poeX.on with ftexble evening hours. Cleaning and stenldmg instru ments plus some filing Greet opf»rtunity for a pro dental or pre-nygieniel student. Call Bonnie 474-4410._ Employment Opportunity tor individual* interested in telecommunication* field. 19.50/hr. guaranteed, with earning potential up to HO/hr We oiler product* and service* to an established customer base. Contact Mr. Adam* for personal interview at 476 7625 Hillcrest Country Club is now accepting application* for summer positions lifeguard mg. You can obtain your applx ation form at 8901 O Street Tuetday-Frday. iOam-Spm. _I Hob Nob Wartery, part time evenings/weekend* 2U | yrs old. experience required. Apply 2-4 pm, Brittany* Camp Counselors M/F. Outstanding Slim and Trim i Down Camps; Tennis. Dance. SI. measles. WSI. Athlet ics. Nutrition-Dietetics Age 20*. 7 weeks CAMP | CAMEL0T ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES, el Massachu setts. Pennsylvania. California Contact: Michele Fried- I man, 947 Hewlett Drive. North Wood mere. N.Y. 11581, 1-800-421-4321. Large marketing company moving into your area, need* I approximately 50 student* to handle mail. Send . Ja.S E to K.C.R. Product*, P.O. Bo* 21451, Pikesville MO 21200. | “EXTRA MONEY** I' is nioo, but you can help people too: I Earn $120 + a month SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION | ONLY AT ABl CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE $20 to new donors on first donation with this ad Ask about additional bonuses (Monday Saturday ) Two hr. tree parking at any Park A Shop Univarsity Plasma Cantar Associated Bioaclanca, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-8645 AUTOMATION ALLOWS MORE PERSONALIZED MACttNE OPERATOR TRAINEES Metromwl Corpora** ha* an immediate need * the Linooki fac*ly lor machine operator trainee* to operate mei inserting machine* on the 2nd thM 4:45 pm to 10:45 pm. Mon-Thut*. Quakhed apptcant* must be able to Ml up to 35 be., have basic physical dexterity, numerical) understanding and retention Mute Applicants should apply in parson between the hours of Sam to 11am, A Ipm to 3pm. Nebraska Job Service. 1010 N St Uncoin N£ Make hundreds in your spore time placing posters. No soling. Cell (918) 33MONEV.__ PART-TIME TEACHER ‘Do you enjoy planning fun activities for elementary age children? 'Do you quickly build relationships with chil dren? ‘Are you locking for a part-time |ob or one that writ work around your college courses? SHl/St. Elizabeth s Child Development Center has a position available. The hours needed aia from 7:30am-Sam and 2.30pm 500pm Call Lori Matufca 499 9000 _ POLICE OFFICERS Minimum Requirements: *H.S. Grad orequiv. ‘Alleast 21 year* ol age (on or before June 12.1969). ‘No felony convictions. *Valid Driver's License. ‘Statement ol aided and unaided vision Eye exami nation I or ms are available at the City/Co. Employment Office FDS approved soft contacts are permissible. Eye examinations must be within the lest year (January 23. 1988 - March 10.1989) Ail applicants who apply by application deadline will be given a STUDY GUIDE to assist in test preparation. Applicants who successfully meet minimum require ments listed above are scheduled for a 75 minute Head ing Comprehensive and Writing Skills examination and a one hour Pokce Altitudinal Factor test. Both exams to be given consecutively (the same day) in late March. Consequently be prepared to be at test site at least 2 1/ 2 hours. APPLY AT OH CALL: CITY/CO. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 555 SOUTH 10TH ST, ROOM B113 UNCOLN NE 68508 402-471-7587 Closing date tor receipt of applications and eye exami nations forms: 4:30 PM, FRIDAY, MARCH 10,1988 EE&AA REWARDING SUMMER for sophomore and older col lege students in Colorado mountains working with chil dren Backpacking, horseback riding, crafts, wildlife, many outdoor programs Write new; include program interests and coat. SANBORN WESTERN CAMPS, FLORISSANT, CO 80818. rNic* 2 bwdrooirT Apartment with balcony. Near campus. No pets $365. per month. 2323 T St. ^77-4434 435-035], LOOK WHO’S NEW! a.iil-liilrl'a* , SANDWICHES AND SALADS . 13TH AND P Douglas 3 Theatre (Lower Level) | 476-8193 !■ M Mi Mi H M ■■ ■■ INDOOR SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED The Campus Recreation Office is in need of ntramurai soccer officials. A mandatory meeting writ bo held on Monday. 1/30 at630pm in Golaeum Room 12. Starting wage: S3.90fhr. Previous experience preferred. Inquir ies: 472-3467 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki. located on the Platte River, it seeking applicants for the following positions: Bey s Counselors. Dirt's Counselors, Lifeguards Waterfront Director. Wranglers, Crafts Instruc tor, Maintenance Parson, Asst Cook and Health Cara Supervisor. Call or write: Camp Office. 1039 P Street Lincoln NE 68508. 402 475-9622. i A ▼ ^JEWELRY00*1"* ^ ^^^^TStncu 1901 ^ ♦ WEDDING RING 4 ♦ SPECIALIST 4 ^ Wholesale Prices ^ ▲ Newest Styles ▲ Custom Design ▼ Shop anJ compare ♦ hut see us last. A 3UrO'’ ^7^604^^ AIESEC (“eye-sec”) International Business Organization New Members Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1989 Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1989 4:30 p.m. City Campus Union ALL Colleges/Majors Welcome SPRING BREAK B9 mumjm., -w ton 7 mum mmu *1213 son 7 mam Mm**™ *1118 7 mum mmjm*1" *H36 son 7 mum musmm*’ *1107 7 mum D08TTWAIT 71 ITS TOO LAW CALL TOLL HTB TODAY 1-800-321-5911 VSayl Love You in a Beary Special Way!!y ft Send that special someone a loveable ^ huggable Teddy Bear for Valentine’s Day. ▼ ’Special Valentine’s Day Bears M ’Order early ’Free Balloon Bouquet with local delivery ’Free delivery in Lincoln V Call 466-6256 V Teddy Bear Express 4 t * NEE from Page 10__ ences, all the while wondering why coaches in the Big Eight Conference don’t get along like coaches in the Mid American Conference. The battle was intensified when Nee made his first trip to Columbia, Mo., and subsequently had his first encounter with the Antlers. The Ant lers, a group of obnoxious, unruly students known for their profanity more than for their sportsmanship, targeted their gestures toward Nee and former Nebraska guard Brian Can. This action angered Nee, who vowed he would take steps toward protecting himself and his players if Nebraska ever traveled to Columbia as a team contending for the Big Eight title. While it would have been easy for