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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1989)
Clean, 4-bedroom house. Washer/dryer, between cam puses. $525/mo ♦ utilities and deposit. 488-5446. Female roommate to share house next to UNL FP & microwave, $160, utilities paid. 423-1535. APARTMENTS FOR RENT *640 N 26th ‘2335 W Newer two bedroom apartments close to either campus 2209-2223 Vine Efficiency and one bedroom apartments. $220-S290. All appliances, laundry, parking. 476-3403 Century Reality Commercial Department Inc. 508South 25th. Newer 2 bedroom. $315/mo. 483-2357, leave message. ALL NEW If you are working at least 32 hrs per week and on a limited income. CtNTEROAKS located at 28th & Center St (about 5 blocks North of Holdrege) may be THE APARTMENT you've been looking for. 1 -bedroom with allmodern appliances, patio, entry system, laundry facili ties and lots more. Call Mega 475 8407 M-F, 8-4 for qualification information. APARTMENT FOR RENT CAPtTOL VISTA APARTMENTS 1428 "0" STREET NEAR DOWNTOWN-ACROSS FROM QOVS MANSION NEWER BRKJK BUILDING * One bedroom * Parking * Laundry room * Gas heat/central air * Very quiet. S245/month ♦ depoeit/gaa/electricity. year lease, good references required. 488-6889 Semester lease. Zimmer Management 475-0180. 1 Bedroom near campus. $239/mo, 475 4669 1425 North 17th. One bedroom apartments, unfur nished. all utilities paid. Off-street parking. $285/mo. call 475-1848._ Apartments & Duplexes for Rent FURNISHED, UNFURNISHED, SECURITY BLDG. CLOSE TO CAMPUS AND TOWN. 502 So 12th, efficiencies, $186. $200, $205; 1 bed room. $250. Abo 1800 square foot of commercial area. 1st floor, 502 So 12th at $5 square toot. Call: 476-1142, 474-3365, 447 5706 or 423-5800 648 So 12th, large efficiencies, $215, includes heat, 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2-bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drsqoes 1615 Garfield, $350, 477-9671.636 So 27th, $350,435-5540. 2125 A. $360, includes heat. 477 0704. 3535 Vine, 2-story, 1 1/2 baths, $400 includes heat. DUPLEXES: 2-BEDROOMS. 6619 Colby, $325, 423 5800 1912 North Cotner, $325,423-5800. 1920 North Cotner, $325, 423-5800. Call for any units. 423-5800 or John Kean, Hub Hall Property Mgt at 489-7444. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. 'Comfortable 2-BR available now. ‘Close to East Campus. ‘Off-street parking, laundry facilities. ‘School term leases available. Call today 486-8611 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/month. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 035U_ NEWER 2-BEOROOM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown. Balcony units $365; w/ o balcony $350. 477-2177, or 423-1029, 486-1286. SAY NO TO COCKROACHES 1 -bedrooms & efficiencies, $200 and under. 2-bedroorr $300 and under. East Campus. Near South and South oast. Call Kim, 477-0491. Studio apartment. 1133 D. $300. utilities paid. 475 5275. __ Unfurnished 2-bedrom, 21st & A. $275 ♦ gas/deposit 474 1074, 466-4512 LOST & FOUND Lostl Class ring with green stone. Lost on sink in firs floor south womens bathroom in Union on Jan. 18. I found please call 467-3037 between 3-4 p.m. any day WANTED ~ Bash Riprock" Presents Two great nights of entertainment... Bad Fun Fri. Jan. 27 Charlie Burton & the Hiccups Sat. Jan. 28 Bash Riprock's We've Got Something For Everyone! 12 &Q Upper Level 435-BASH rock band Needs keyboard player/vocalist I For more information call Scot 474-1184 (leave message). ADOPTION ~ -I ADOPT LOVE AND LULLABIES AWAIT YOUR BABY! Musical young professional couple, in lavs w*h each other, yearn to shower your infant with joy, love ad financial security. Devoted relatives - and loads of loving I cousms ^dy'o welcome a precious n^i^r^ penses paid Please call Judy and Michael colled, , anytime: 212-674 9444.__________ Doctor and businessman, happily married, and financially secure wish to adopt a newmorn. We will give your baby a special future with lots of love and the best of everything. Loving, ex tended family; vacations at the shore. Ex penses paid. Legal/oonfidential. Call Linda/ Jerry collect evenings or weekends. 212-877 6534._____ ■ _ - ADOPTION: Give your child a wondertul future. Loving couple wish to adopt an infant. Call Terri (402) 488-4739. ^ Happily married and financially secure couple wants to adoptanewbom. We will provide a loving home environ ment and every advantage. Legal, confidential, ex- j? penses paid. Call collect, 0-212-9)1-8126 Let's help each other. We're a loving oouple. Please grant us our deepest desire; a newborn to share our love with. Call Baa and Ralph collect anytime 201-583-8410. SOCIAL SERVICES "free PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Cell for an f appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 475-2501.__ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483 2609. m I Call Us! 475-7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus Open 11 a.m. for lunch 476-0787 11th & Cornhusker jjs HarperSchramm Smith 16” PEPPERONI | PIZZA AND FOUR | 1 onr/MAi 16 OZ. COKES JfPC CIA L. Additional Toppings $1.05 | Expires 2-10-89 | SPRING BREAK 69 SBffl* *1149' SOM 7 MIGHTS 8EMBMU *.*213 SOM 7MIGHTS Kf“ -'77* 7 MIGHTS WMF -'7J* SOM 7 MIGHTS ammew" *.*107 7MKHTS DOM7 WAIT 71 ITS TOO LATE! CALL mi ma TODAY 1-800-321-5911 l "Depending on breaklites end length ol slay Held over by popular request! ^ 10 Sessions 1 $25.°° Expires 1-31-89 “The Ultimate Tanning Experience" 126 N. 13th 477-2666 MICKEYS MALT LIQUOR $2.75 $8.99 COLD 6 PK. WARM CASE OLD STYLE $6.95 $4.45 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK [ mC^GOODWHILE MILLER REG. OR LITE $8.95 $5.87 WARM CASE COLD 12 PACK SEAGRAMS WINE COOLERS $2.99 WARM OR COLD K FREE 2-HOUR AIRLINE CAREER SEMINAR Tues , Jan. 31. at 7:00 P.M. Thurs., Feb. 2. at 2:00 or 7:00 P.M. Red Lion Inn, Holiday Inn, N.E., 1616 Dodge St., Omaha 5250 Comhuskcr Hwy., Lincoln Campua: 2326 Ma Part. Dova at Lou« County. MO __.e '«aa InamatanA/ A* Ac»d«my 1 1 THE PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON BLOOM COUNTY_ _by Berke Breathed INAFFWHOUG TLLOEA S AH.7^ FW HAT. J HAVE TOO 'Zzr-TLT^S eveRHEAW §Sr / THE Sim ABOUT \ THE UON ANP tfA—^\7Mf f i ONCE UPON MIME THERE M3 4 UON WITH ft THORN fNHISMN 4 mm CAME MONO fiNPPULLEPtT out. -me GRATEFUL t&W mwuvep the Movoewrm a LIFETIME WPPCY OP MXPY "cm pongs: Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Dross 5 Poplar tree 10 Unruly child 14 Jot 15 Fur scarf 16 Painter Magritte 17 Gathering at the White House 20 Bishopric 21 Balzac’s “Le -Goriot” 22 Blunt; diminish 23 Chianti, eg. 24 “Sustineo -,” U.S.A.F. motto 25 Terrified 28 Thrilling 32 Anxieties 33 Gordon of comics 34 Stir 35 -Gemayel, Lebanese President 36 What quibblers split 37 -Sedgwick, tragic heiress 38 Light-Horse Harry 39 Author of “Jude the Obscure” 40 Coop group 41 Triple-: 1882-1915 43 New Orleans eleven 44 Uncivil 45 Nine: Comb, form 46 Sends a check 49 Let it stand 50 Kin of aves. 53 Presidential address 56 Actor Jacques 57 Wisdom tooth, eg 56 Anabaena or nostoc 59 Rubber trees 60 Material for 36 keys 61 Betty-, cartoon flapper ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lApnrr rMD|F ic P^^P^pTR1 |Pl&l>lHr*WW*rlirlTjrWK iiririDi mfni O VII.|gjP|MO L i a|HM U til H DOWN 1 Tastes 2 Learning 3 Fit to 4 Argon, eg. 5 Rise 6 Mart part 7 Southern bread 8 Sprite • Unnecessary 10 Kind of bone 11 Sunder or splinter 12 Suffix with resist 13 Kelt con temporary 18 Certain moles If Attain 23 Small songbird 24 Wing-shaped * 25 La-, opera house 26 Tylopod 27 Arabian gazelle 28 Omit 29 Radioactive element 50 Dostoyevsky’s "The-" 51 Some Princetonians SS Burlesque 36 Like Apollo 37 One of five on a map 39 -couture (high fashion) 40 African language 42 Optical inflammation 43 Scornful 48 Frame of fiction 46 Alphabetic quartet 47 Kin of etc. 48 Best at chess 48 French battle site in W.W. II 50 Missile's home 52 A neighbor of Ghana 52 Lead-pipe cinch 54 Little pocket 55 Capture