Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1989)
Classified 472-2588 FTTr sale 2-19' Color TV's $55 & $85 25" Color, $75. 10“ Color $40. 467-5189._ IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS. Absolute lowest prioes Aagaway. Digidata systems. IBM PC Convertble Computer with IBM Word-Plus pro mam Great tor term papers! Also, 1980 Honda 750 Custom motorcycle. Easy parking available at school. 794-4783._-_ Large couch with matching table, 475-4669 LINCOLN POUCE DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF SALE of unclaimed bicycles snd unclaimed property. Feb ruary 4. 10a.m. at Lincoln Land Towing, 410 West P Street By the property division, no checks accepted. MADEMOISELLE ELITE MEMBERSHIP, FREE TAN NING. CALlAFTER 600PM. 475-1160. Manual typewriter ribbons 53 cents each (tax ncluded) Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Un ,on, 472-2588. Microwave. Loves eat. Dresser. 489-9120. Pit set $50; dorm size couch & chair. $30; fish aquarium w stand. $50 483-4 703. SNOWBOARDS SNOWBOARDS SNOWBOARDS All Burton and Black Snow Snowboards on sale now'Choose from $40-5300. Cycle Works, 27th $ Vine, and 26th & South. VEHICLES jjgjLMyL 78 Honda Accord. 2-door hatch, 5-speed, air, AM/FM 77 000 miles, super dean. $1750 or offers. Beer's Automotive Sales 1647 South 3rd St 477-6442 _ 85 Mustang GT. 5 speed, loaded with T-tops. No wrecks, no smoke one owner, metallic burgundy with grey accent, tint. $8000060 Stephen, 477-0292 or G'na, 472 0248. 1988 Mercury Tracer. 30,000 miles, excellent condition, cuded with extras, automatic. Can be seen at Govern ment Employees Credit Union, 325 N 52nd. Monday Friday. 9am-5:30pm. Closing date February 14th. We reserve the right to reject any and all offers. TICKET EXCHANGE Wanted Tickets to the Nebraska vs. Missouri Basket ballgarneon January 28. Male* Female. Call477-6983 ask Tor Kenny. SERVICES = GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO 423 2709 TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE RENTTOOWN BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES ~ Resumes”’ Professionally typeset. $15 plus tax Daily Nebraaken, basement ot the Nebraska Union, 1400 H Street. ANNOt)NCEMENTS__ AT TENT ION to all student* interested in trying out lor thr UNL Yell Squad. Attend the informational meeting! Monday, January 30th and Thursday, February 2nd a 4 00 in the Coliseum. See ya there' AU REVOIR, LES ENFANTS by Louie Malle one morning our small world collapsed A UPC Foreign F>lm presentation. Screenings at 3, 5. and 9:00 pm, Sunday only at Sheldon CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW CABINET MEMBERSI Scnolarshp: Chn* L. A Jeff K , Activities Dave G., Intramurals: Rob K.. Song: Rich H„ Pubic Relations: Dan H , Liveout: Joe H.. Standards: Brian M„ Big Events Slave H., Historian: Joe L., Social: Doug A., Social Guys: MR# R A Mark N.. IFC: Dave R.. Rush- Jon B 4 Kurt M. THE MEN OF SIGMA PHI EPSILONI Big Al and the crew at Pizza Shuttle want to welcome students to UNL Bring this ad into our location at 17th and O and we will sell you a 10 inch pepperoni, beef or cheese pizza for only S3.00, You must bring in this ad. D-BEACH IS BAD! SPRING BREAK 89 IT S BIG For a (use own adjective) extravaganza In Daytona Beach call John or Greg at 435-8172. „ DELTA SIGMA PI Professional Business Fraternity. Meet the Chapter Meeting. Monday, January 30th. 6:45 in the Union. Don't miss one of the lop ten non-alcoholic parties on all college campuses. Walpurgisnacht tonight in the Union from 7pm-2am. Faculty, students, & staff, Interested in talking with persons from or familiar with the U.S. or British Virgin Islands. Call Don Madre, Economic Research Associates, 477-5889. FOREIGN FILM COMMITTEE Meets. Friday 400 pm at The Coffee House. Paper Money Coupon Books 115 Nebraska Union GUILTY? Are you guilty of having an outstanding adviser or in structor? Now's your chance to clear the record Nomi nate him/her for Student Foundations Builders Award- a $1500 award for any staff, faculty, or adviser Nomina tions will be available Monday at the CAP office or contact Bart L. at 476-1187. GYMMEES Important informational meeting Need to attend to order shirts and aet meet dates. In Union by Big Screen T.V. at 8 30p.m. on Sunday. February 29th or CailLee at 476 6095 IMPACT Organizational meeting Sunday. January 29th, 4.00 in tne Union. INNOCENTS APPLICATIONS Available: City/Eaat CAP office*. Due: 4.00 p.m. Friday Feb. 3rd. ★ LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS First meeting of the semester this Sunday at 7:30 pm in the Union. Never tried coffee’ Stop by the Coffee Development Group booth at Walpurgisnacht TONIGHT and create your own cup of FREE coffee. PARTY PADRE STYLE Condo's start at $149 00 477 8907 Something Different’ CANCUN, MEXICO Starting at $315 Call 477 8907 Something hot brewing of course, it s COFFEE Stop by th* Cotf** Development Group booth al Walpurgisnacht TONIGHT and get a cup of FREE COFFEE Student Alumni Association applications ar* due Mon day January 30th at $O0 at the Wick Center. Get * done 1 Th* Women's Words and Muse Committee of UPC-Cit is looking tor a Chairperson Pick up your application ir th* CAP Office. Room 200 in the City Union._ Why is EQUALITY OF MEN AND WOMEN NECES SARY FOR PEACE? Find out: Bahai Association show mg of Promise of World Peace". City Campus Umc Friday, Janaury 27th. 7:30 pm Young woman in 20's, conservative lifestyle, nor smoker, seeks room to rent. 423-2614. ^FFKAFFAIRS__= Are you tired of getting pushed around on campus Sigma Chi All Greek Fight Night is approaching. Now your chance to fight back. Coining in Aprill_ Don t miaa on* oft ho top Ian non-alcoholic patttaao all coHap* campuaoa. Walpurgisnacht tonight m tn< Union from 7pm-2am. _______ DR. MOMMY DEB (XO), Congratulations on being accepted to Nebraska Medical School* All of your hard work has paid of*. GOOD LUCKI Love from your kid, Ken GREEK WEEKEND 89 __COM MING SOON_ Greek Weekend Chair applications are available m the Greek Affairs office. Due back February 3. Get yours now. Hear ye. hear ye. fair maidens one and all. The lords of Alpha Tau Omega do hereby proclaim, "Thou must yet fifty nightes detaine. For the dawning of Stone Booke Balle’ Here ye, Here ye. The royale lourdes of Alpha Tau Omega pronounce fifty midenightes awaiting till the coming ofthe Stone Booke Balle. Lori J. (AXO) A Brian Q. (Fiji), Congratulations on your pinning* We wish you both all the best in the future. The Women of Alpha Chi Omega Paul R. (CHI PHI), Congratulations on being accepted to ttie All-Star Rugby Team THE MEN OF CHI PHI Peggy P. (AXO) A Greg G. (Sigma Chi), Congratulations on your engagement* We couldn't be happier for you I The Women of Alpha Chi Omega You've seen the rest Now party wAh the best Beta Stg Fire A Ice 89 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUN SENATE VACANCIES REPRESENT YOUR COLLEGE CONSTITUENTS. The following colleges have vacancies: Arts & Sciences - Teachers Business -• General Studies Graduate - Engineering Journalism - Dental Campus wide vacancies on the following committees: Grading Committee (G'ad. only) UNL Police Campus Rec Advis. Council (Residence Hall only). Deadline is Wednesday. February 1st at 4:00 PM. Applications available at 11S Nebraska Union. PERSONALS ~ (TgP! No presents-just cards. Free dinners and surprises are yours Happy 21 st B-Day to the best thing that has ever happened fo me! I love you. Small b Paula. Has 4 been a year already1 Here's to waks on the beach, killer refrigerators, the boyfriend club. Curious George, and cheezy pizza. Thinking of you. you party ammall Brian Ktmmie, I love you. Come see me soon. Draggie Ryan L. (Arch. Grad ), Would love to hear about your break Let s ge together and shoot some hoops' your admirer, Michele Cath 0.. Gee, another JC? Oh well. Happy Belated Birthday Jack John (Soma Nu). I LOVE YOUfl 1 more day I Love, Amy Liz, I love you One day at a lime. I Jared ^ Brian and John (AKAK). Way to go guy*, we re proud ot you! You re the be little brother*I _ Love Renee and Kris (KD) n Pam Hein (ADTT), . To the best *i*ter in the "WORLD". Thank* for beir there. Rhonda TAM. Happy Birthday. Cutie! Lets celebrate with a check 1 ers tournamentll * Steve Karla. . . . . You have helped me gam a greater understanding ol some very important words: friendship, sensitivity, trust. * love. You really are fabulous. Have a great day. HAPPY BIRTHOAYI , 145 * John t CHILDCARE NANNY OPPORTUNITIES Looking to Improve yourself? Willing to relocetel We may have what v ou want For Information call Lie* t -#00-443-6426 our on-campus recruiter. Minimum age 1* SUMMER NANNY Family seeks reliable young woman, non-smoker, with drivers license, to provide live in child care and house keeping for 3 children Maprity of summer by the beach Write eilh expectations, past experience, and reasons for wanting position Varod. 7 Carriage Court. Marlborc NJ 07746 HELP WANTED AMIGOS * $4.00/hour to start (noon & closing shifts). * Up to $4.50 * Health ft Dental Insurance Program. * 50% meal discount. * Great work environment. * Paid vacation. * Flexible schedule. * S.T.E.P. (Student Tuition Reimbursement Program). Amigo's, an expanding, quality oriented Mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available now at 6 Lincoln locations. If you are an agressive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a fast intense pace, APPLY NOW at 1407 Q or 5500 O Street._ Applications now being accepted either location. Twister's Music ft Gifts. Retail experience helpful. Bartenders, barbacks. waitresses. D.J.'s. bouncers. Apply in person, M-F, 2-4pm, 7-9pm. Mingle's, 9th S P. Camp Counselors M/F. Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Camps; Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI. Athlet ics. Nutrition-Dietetics Age 20+, 7 weeks CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES, at Massachu setts. Pennsykrania. California. Contact: Michele Fried man. 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere N.Y. 11581, 1-800-421-4321._ CORNHUSKER BONANZA Part-time day help, 12-4 DO pm, M-F. Excellent benefits. 2800 Cornhusker Hwy. CRUISE SHIP JOBS $300 - $900 weekly Call Linda, 9D0 an! - 5DO pm weekdays 1-812-456-0884, ex! C 4010 Great Part-time Jobs Schlotzky's has openings. Flexible schedule, had priced meals, free uniforms, raise in pay after training, great food, fun working atmosphere Come |om the learn Apply in person weekdays 2-5 p.m., 12th and P". 54th and O ', 33rd and Highway 2 Hillcrest Country Club is now accepting applications for summer positions lifeauardmg You can obtain your application form at 8901 0 streel. Tuesday-Friday. 10am-5pm. How would you Ike to make some extra cash'-1 A student who e good in math who would be interested in helping one who isn’t should call 475-0340 tor details. Large marketing company moving into your area, needs approximately 50 students to handle mail Send S A S.E to K.C.R. Products, P.O. Box 21451, PikesviHe MD2120* _ MACHINE OPERATOR TRAINEES Metro mail Corporation has an immediate need in the Lincoln facility tor machine operator trainees to operate mail inserting machines on the 2nd shif14.45pmto 10:45 pm, Mon-Thurs QuaMied applicants must be able to lift up to 35 lbs., have basic physical dexterity, numerical understanding and retention skills. Applicants should apply in person between the hours ot 9am to 11am, & I pm to 3pm. Nebraska Job Service, 1010 N St. Lincoln NE. Make hundreds in your spare time placing posters. No selling. Call (916) 33MONEY._ l Part-time delivery and warehouse person. We neec several people who can work mornings, will be availabli (or tuH-time work this summer, and part-time work agaii next fall. Appy Lincoln Lumber Co., 932 No 23rd Streel RUNZA DRIVE-tN FULL OR PART-TIME Starting $4-00 and up depending on references. expi nence. etc. Career minded people (we are especial; interested in daytime employment) Career advance ment and earnings are unlimited. Apply at our 13th A I looation between 2-5pm. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kifaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for the following positions: Boy's Counselors, Girl's Counselors, Lifeauards. n Waterfront Director. Wranglers. Crafts Instruc 9 for, Maintenance Person, Ass't Cook and Health Care Supervisor. Call or <nril»:C*mp Office, 1039 P Street. Lincoln NE 68508. 402 475-9622. TACO INN Lunch help wanted. M-F. Wages to commensurate with experience. Contact the manager between 2-5pm. 1245 R Street. __ “EXTRA MONEY** Is nic3, but you can help people too: Earn $120 + a month SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO ! AUTOMATED PROCEDURE. $5 bonus to new donors on first donation with this ad. Ask about additional bonuses. (Monday - Saturday.) Two hr. Iroo parking at any Park S Shop University Plasma Center Associated Olosclcnce, Inc. 1442 "O" SI. Lincoln 475-0645 TELEMARKETING 5 9:00 pm Call 466 3802 THE LITTLE STEAK HOUSE Counter person serving steak sandwiches, 11 am to 2 pm weekdays, experience not necessary. Apply at 1200 N St. Atrium food court. _ YMCA Preschool teacher,caregiver needed Mon-Fri, 1:00-4:30. Apply in person. 1645 North Cotner. ROOMMATES_^ DIAL THIS NUMBER. H you aspire to: Porsches, winning money tor no reason, and never having to view MTV's Headbanger's Ball. $140/mo, 1/3 utilities, choose your room. NO LEASE. Can you prove your psychic abilities? 4666263. Female roommate needed for nice large house, close to campus. Call Bobbi at 475-1632. Female, Non-smoker for 2 bedroom apartment. S137.50+Early Mornings. 474-5810._ Need M-F for 3-bedroom duplex. W/d, fireplace, dish washer. $130 + 1/3 unities. 26th A Dudley. Available now. 474-4088 or 435-2965. NEEDED: 1 or 2 females to share 2-bedroom, 2-bath apt. close to downtown. 476-7978. Leave message Non-smoker, male, needed immediately. Must be seri ous, yet a weekend partier. 28th A Vine, $110 + 1/2 utilities^75-5731 or 474-1338 Non-smoking female roommate to share nice 2-bed room apartment. S145 + deposit. Call 476-6272, leave message. _ Non-smoking M/F needed $118.75/mo ♦ 1/4 Utilities. Call 467-4678, anytime. Non-smoking roommate wanted for 3 bedroom house. 1835 J Street. $112.50/month + 1/4 lAilities. 475-2179. ask for Steve. _ _ _ _ Responsible, non-smokei. preferably female. A»k for SSt or Leslie, 435-3282. _ Responsible male to share 2 bedroom apartment. $1X ♦ 1/3 utilities. Own bedroom. East Campus, 466-4168. Available February 1. _ .___._( Roommate needed asap $185. no deposit. Cable, close to campus. 475-7870. ROOMS FOR RENT A male non-smoker to share bathroom and kitchen with one other person. $180/mo. includes laundry and utili ties. 466-8724. Space available now in Love Memorial Co-op (East Campus) For more information contact UNL Housing office 472-3561. HOUSES FOR RENT == 2-bedroom. Havelock. $350 ♦ utilities/deposit 474 1074.466-4512. _ 2ND SEMESTER STUDENTS 4-bedroom, $475/mo. Close to UNL. 423-1535. _ i 4-bedroom on edge of Campus, 1300 No 21st Street, $500/mo. 464-0780,488-0061 Beautiful spacious 4 bedroom home. 3204 Holdreqe, close to campus, 1 1/2 baths, basement, $525. 464 0780 or 466-1168 _ ^ Nice 2 bedroom' Apartment with balcony. Near campus. No pets. #365. per month. 2323 T St. ^77-4434 435-035^ [llllSlj i i i i 13TH AND P I Douglas 3 Theatre (Lower Level) | 476-8193 _ r KEEP UP IN y CHANGING WORLD . Taka advaolafaafth* v»aHh of koavMn avail abl* from jroor Cuvanwrorl Th* U S. 1 Gowrooiaol PiHbIIb* OfHc* haa produrod a 1 Mtv calalof ll 1*11* about l ha bvvI popular j l»ika aoM by iha Covtmmaol - hourly J I .OKU Ib all Hooka on airvaihoro. loMlmcua. Jk rhiklroo. .livt. >or**y. k*»hh. haatory. jgl, *|iaao. ami muah moo Kb* • fro* ropy of iho mv rataloc- »*H*— r The Computing Resource Center is offering free micro computers seminars to UNL faculty, staff, and students, ilhe seminars will feature an Introduction to Microsoft Word on the Macintosh. No reservations. Macintosh sections are limited to 20. Macintosh seminars will be held in WiLLA (basement of Andrews) Microsoft Word on the Macintosh Tuesday.,January31 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Wed., February 1 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. C.D. Sale $11.27 Our lowest price ever. Many even less. Sale ends Sunday. ^Pickles RECORDS-TAPES COMPACT DISCS 17 th & P • 237 S 70th • 3814 Normal Blvd