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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1989)
YMCA Preschool teacher/caregiver needed Mon-Fri, 1.00-4:30. Apply in person. 1645 North Cotner. ROOMMATES DIAL THIS NLIMBER If you aspire to: Porsches. winning money for no reason, and never having to view MTV's Hoadbar.ger’s Ball $140/mo, 1/3 utilities, choose your room NO LEASE. Can you prove your psychic abilities? 466 6263. Female roommate needed for nice large house, close to campus Call Bobbi at 475 1632. Female, Non-smoker for 2 bedroom apartment. $ 137.50+Earfy Mornings. 474-5810. Need M-F for 3-bedroom duple* Wrd, (.replace, dish washer, $130 13 utiities. 26th 6 Dudley. Available now. 474-4088 or 435 2965 NEEDED: 1 or 2 females to share 2-bedroom, 2-bath apt. close to downtown 476-7978. Leave message. Non-smoking female roommate to share nice 2 bed room apartment $145 + deposit. Call 476-6272, leave message Non-smoking M/F needed $118.75/mo + 1/4 Utilities. Call 467-46/8. anytime. Non smoking roommate wanted for 3 bedroom house, 1835 J Street, $112.50/montn ♦ 1/4 utilities 475-2179, ask for Steve Responsible, non-smoker, preferably female Ask for Scott or Leslie, 435-3282 Responsible male to share 2 bedroom apartment. $130 ♦ 1/3 utilities. Own bedroom. East Campus. 466 4168 Available February 1. Roommate needed asap. $185, no deposit . Cable, close to campus 475-7870. Roommate to share house between campuses. $190/ mo. No utilities or deposit. 474-3108. Roommate Wanted to share nice 2-bedroom apt. W/D, A.C. Two blocks from East'Campus $175/mo. + 1/2 utilities Call Mark 467-4235, 472-6608 ROOMS FOR RENT A male non-smoker to share bathroom and kitchen with one other person. $180/mo includes laundry and utili ties 466 8724 Space available now in Love Memorial Co op (East Campus). For more information contact UNL Housing office 472-3561. HOUSES FORRENT 2-bedroom, Havelock. $350 + utilities/deposit 474 t074. 466-4512 2ND SEMESTER STUDENTS 4 bedroom, $475/mo, 3-bedroom, $405/ino Both close to UNL 423-1535 4 bedroom on edge o* Campus, 1300 No 21st Street, $500/mo 464-0780, 488 0061 Beautiful spacious 4 bedroom home. 3204 Holdrege, close to campus, 1 V2 baihs, basement, $525 464 0780 or 466-1168 Clean 4 bedroom house Washer, dryer, between cam puses $525/mo ♦ utilities and deposit 488 5446 Females to share nice house Microwave, washer dryer, 2 bathrooms, central an $14fi/mo, includes utilities, 2 rooms available January 1st, 423-1535. APARTMENTS FOR R^f ‘640 N 26th *2335 W Newer two bedroom apartments close to either campus. Semeste ease Zimmer Management 475-0180 1 Bedroom near campus. $239 mo. 475 4669 /" 1 \ Nice 2 bedroom Apartment with balcony. Near campus. No pets. $365. per month. 2323 T St. ^77-4434 435-0351^ /p3 a=^\ ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION MEETING Thursday, January 26, 4 00 p.m. Student Union (room will be posted) NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! \'yV Refreshment! we pay TOP DOLLAR Highest Price paid for used records, cassettes & cd’s MUSIC S SIFTS 14th & O St East Park 477-6061 464-8275 1425 North 17th. One bedroom apartments, unfur nished. all utilities paid. Off-street parking. $28&'rno, call 475-1848. 2203-2223 Vine Efficiency and one bed room apartments. $220-5290. All applianoes. laundry, parking. 476-3403 Century Reality Commercial Department Inc. 508 South 25th. Newer 2 bedroom. $315>'mo. 483-2357. leavo message. ALL NEW If you are working at least 32 hrs per week and on a limited income, CENTEROAKS located at 28th & Center St. (about 5 blocks North of Holdrege) may be THE APARTMENT you've been looking for. 1-beoroom with allmodern appliances, patio, entry system, laundry facili ties and lots more Call Mega 475-8407 M-F, 8 4 for qualification information. APARTMENT FOR RENT CAPITOL VISTA APARTMENTS 1425 G' STREET NEAR DOWNTOWN-ACROSS FROM GOVS MANSION NEWER BRICK BUILDING ‘ One bedroom * Parking * Laundry room ‘ Gas heatcentral air * Very quiet. $245/month + deposit gas-electricity, year lease, good references required 488 6889 Apartments & Duplexes (or Rent FURNISHED, UNFURNISHED. SECURITY BLDG, CLOSE TO CAMPUS AND TOWN: 502 So 12th, efficiencies. $186. $200, $205; 1-bed room, $250 Also 1600 square foot of commercial area. 1st floor, 502 So 12th at S5 square foot. Call: 476-1142, 474-3365, 447 5706 or 423 5800 648 So 12th, large efficiencies, $215, includes heat, 435-8131. Unfurnished: 2 bedrooms with dishwasher, disposal, carpet, drapes 1615 Garfield. $350, 477-9671 636 So 27th, $350,435-5540. 2125 A, $360, induces heat, 477 0704. 3535 Vine, 2-story, 1 1/2 baths. $400 includes heat. DUI LEXES: 2-BEDROOMS 6619 Colby, $325, 423 5800 1912 North Cotner, $325, 423-5800. 1920 North Cotner. $325, 423 5800 Call for any units, 423 5800 or John Kean, Hub Hall Property Mgt at 489-7444. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APTS. 3300 Huntington Ave. ‘Comfortable 2-8R available now. ‘Close to East Campus ‘Off-street parking, laundry facilities. ‘School term leases available. Call today 466-4611 Joseph E. Kean Co 4 74-1666. NEAR NEW 2 BEDROOM $325/monih. Near campus. No pets. 477-4434, 435 0351. _ __ NEWER 2-BEDROCM APARTMEMTS. Close to campus and downtown Balcony units $365, w/ 0 balcony $350. 477 2177, or 423-1029, 486 1286. One bedroom and 2 bedroom Phone 489 8193 SAY NO TO COCKROACHES 1 bedrooms & efficiencies, $200 and under 2 bedroom, $300 and under East Campus Near South and South east Call Kim, 477 0491 Unfurnished 2 bedrom, 21st & A $275 ♦ gas. deposit 474 1074, 466 4512 > LOOK WHO’S NEW * icnrmna I SANDWICHES & SALADS ■ . I3TH ANO ? SPRING BREAK 09 warn(M —ms 5 OR 7 NIGHTS mmioc >-'213 5 OR 7 NIGHTS SOT8«C" <J118 7 NIGHTS mw*8 -*i36 5 OR 7 NIGHTS 7 NIGHTS DON'T WATT TIL IT'S TOO LATE! CALL TOLL FR£I TODAY 1-800-321-5911 YOU CAN ENROLL NOW FOR SPRING UNL TAEKWONDO CLUBI Advanced Class Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 7-8 p.m. Beginners Class lues.-Thurs. 6-7 p.m. at Lee s Tae Kwon Do Studio 611 N. 27th “Midtown Plaza Center ’ Professional Approach Self-Defense Self-Confidence Master Instructor: Joo Le*. Assistant Instructor: Mike Farrar Information Call: 476-0788 or 423-4855 - i LOST & FOUND Lostl Class ring with greon stone. Lost on sink in first floor south womens bathroom in Union on Jan. 18. If found please call 467-3037 between 3-4 p.m. any day. wanteTT' BACKTRACK RECORDS Suying and selling records, tapes, and compact discs. Posters available. 3833 South 48th Street _ 480-3817 ROCK BAND Needs keyboard player/vocaiisti For more information call Scot 474-1161 (leave messagoj Apopffer" ADOPT. LOVE AND LULLABIES AWAIT YOUR 8ABYJ Musical young professional couple, in love with life and each other, yearn to shower your infant with joy, love and financial security. Devoted relatives - ard loads of loving cousins - ready to weloome a precious newcomer Ex penses paid. Please call Judy and Michael collect, anytime: 212-674-9444 ADOPTION Loving couple eagerly wishes to share their wa'm, carma home and a lifetime of love with a newborn. Legal, confidential, all medical expenses paid Please call Roz and Peter collect 718-499-6185. ADOPTION. Loving California couple, professionals, wish to adopt newborn legal, confidential, expenses paid. Call Kathy collect at 213-643-5643. After 5pm and weekends **EXTRA MONEY** Is nice, but you con help people loo: Earn $120 + a month SAFER. FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE. S5 bonus to new donors on first donation with this ad. Ask about additional bonuses (Monday - Saturday.) Two hr. Ircc parking at any Park A Shop. University Plasma Center Associated Dlosclcnce, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-0645 __ ^ HERM S LIQUOR 17TH&‘P’ St. 474-6592 offer good thru 2-1-89 WARM BEER Busch 16 or. $Q 49 Miller-Lite $Q89 cans cs. n# Mickey? $029 Dottles 6 pk. ran Old Style $039 (Reg.-LL) cans 12 pk. V Old Milwaukee $ f%39 (Rtg.-Ll) cans cs. ^^^nvertenaj^Mted^eej^Mjjj2^j2^J^^ ADOPTION Give your child a wonderful '■Pi!!!? couple with tc adopt an infant Cali Tern (402) 488-473$. Doctor and businessman, happily married, and financially secure wish to adopt a newborn We will give your baby a spedalfuture with lots of love"and the best of everything^ Loving, ex tended family; vacations at the shore. Lx penses pad Legal/conldentaL Call unda/ Jerry colled evenings or weekends, 212-B/v 8534 __ Happily married and financially secure couple wants to adopt a newborn. We will provde a loving hprr^ environ ment and every advantage^ ^ .coni deni lal. e penses pad. Call colled, 0-212-601-8126. Let's help each other. We re a loving couple. Pleasa grant us our deepest desire, a newborn to share our lovn with Call Sea and Ralph collect anytime 201-603-8410 SOCIALSERVICES ~ pregnant ano not ready to parent Adoption is a loving choioe. No fee for our confidential help Nebraska Children's Home 483-7079 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helpin' hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint" ment, 483-2609. ^ ELDER ^ J EWELRY°*^'^^ond!4 1901 4 4 WEDDING RING A 4 SPECIALIST 4 4 Wholesale Prices 4 ▲ Newest Styles ▲ Custom Design ▼ Shop and compare ▼ ♦ hut see us last. A ^urcr ^ #7#6#4#4 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Oh, Mrs. Oswald ... you’ve forgotten something again." _J BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed i , i ■■ i r l l __ * "S 1 I mt ntw lwpk? jTjian nnj opetjep up New expRemve HORIZONS ' mVB UB6RAT& me FtR$r awnpmp nt from me PWP65 which mewr \ CHANCE THE FACT ) THAT I'M A \ukrl\ HEAP ✓- s. r rve auhavs ///wrap 70 MY Thar HEM \^ EV3UCLY J ACROSS 26 Former 47 Japanese , _ . , . Turkish title drink ID A shelper 28 Suffix for 49 Tenn.’s state A A F. award wagon or flower 8 Wood for farmer 51 Bert’s pal i * n 30 Made tracks 52 Spice J 3 Peddle 34 >• as firm as 54 Kind 0f peach 14 -~l P0^ . -Job 5« Va dish Yonck : Shak 4l:24 60 •-Kapital’’ 16 Convex . . . . molding 36 Succor Lubncaie^i 17 Money- 37 High note exchange term 38 Caviar 5^\laKe|i enl 18 Painter 39 Theme of this bb Act®r ^\T‘C Chagall puzzle : l®8815*59 19 What 5 Across 42 Thespian 67 Homophone is Murray for scene 20 -bleu (blue- 43 Alias 68 Bridge ploy stocking) 44 Gat 69 Glorify 21 Soho dish 45 Cathedral city 70 Prefix for 23 Fluctuate in France, old sphere 25 Trial style 71 Distort Edited by Eugene T. Maleska DOWN 1 A king of Israel ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE z ^Voisunga 3 Alpine dish 4 Ringabbr 5 Name symbolic of 21 Rain-forest 31 Chinese dish 53 Condor friendship climber 32 Fragrant resin country 6 Pipe collar 92 a hau*.nm 33 -du ventre 55 Southwestern 7 Deuce, e g 24 Kcrn X (belly dunce) plain HGilrinanO , 44- ** 56 Journalist Henry story 40 Bullring Irvin S. 9 Turns outward 26 Former figures 57 Streamlet 10 Slow-witted Turkish coins 41Manufthe 58 Tonic base person 27 Kina of desert 59 Absquatulate 11 Kirghiz ~ Maaadhi-273. 46Su4fixwith 61 Tennis great mountain 232 B ( directions 62 Kind of girl or timi range "“ 48 Result of fire man l m bsT? 12 Rock’s partner 20Slowly,in 5© Tapeworm 65‘‘Foi-a L1E101U 15 Dog type Siena part jolly.,*