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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1989)
I :OLAGE to ask for financing Iii |- rom rage i__ icy carries over from year to year, surplus from the 1987-88 year led last year ’s budget. JPC-City will ask for increases n 1988-89, including the Amcri and Foreign films, Walpurgis fit and Arts committees. The crican Minority Council, Black cial Events, Chicano Entcrtain it and Asian American commit also are seeking increases. )ances and Comstock will ask for .156, up from $10,308 in 1988 Other UPC-East committees, uding Main Events, are request increased funding. Jreen said she felt UPC’s budget was as trim as it could be, “Cutting money will result in cutting programs,” she said. Green said alterations would be made by UPC in its budget yet today. She said the overall budget request would more than likely remain the same. UPC will present the revised budget tonight. CFA will make its Fund A recom mendations Tuesday, which include UPC, the Daily Nebraskan and the Association of Students of the Uni versity of Nebraska. The recommen dations will then be approved or ad justed by the ASUN Senate, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs James Griesen and Chancellor Martin Mas sengale. Official: Bill is [false security’ AIDS From Page 3 thinks die bill is a * ‘great vehicle’ ’ for the Legislature to assure emer gency workers that they would be notified. The bill would enable the hospital to extend infection control procedures into the field, he said. The four people testifying against the bill said many prob lems still exist with the bill. Lori Snyder of the Lincoln/ Lancaster County AIDS Task Force said the bill would give emergency care workers a “false sense cm security. Snyder said emergency person nel would be informed only if the health department had a record of the patient as having a communi cable disease. Many people with communicable diseases haven’t been tested, so would not be on record, she said. Snyder said those with diseases currently on record are the “small tip of die iceberg.” Another problem is the bill does not provide for testing of patients with whom the emergency care provider was exposed, she said. i nose icMJiymg agiecu mat me the bill needs to be amended. A coalition of health care groups arc meeting to determine the exact amendments needed and hope to have a consensus Feb. 7. Testifiers said one amendment definitely needed is a definition of “significant exposure.” A provi sion for disease testing of patients is another issue that needs to be dealt with, they said. These amendments will proba bly be attempted on the legislative floor. I Classified 472-2588 NetiSa&kan IKORJALE_____ 2-19" Color TVs, $55 4 $85. 25" Color, $75. 10" Color, $40 467-5189 CGP RESEARCH COMPUTER DISTRIBUTORS IBM COMPATIBLES COMPLETE SYSTEMS PANASONIC PRINTER KX-P1080I 173.95 KX-P109U 19495 KX-P1124 335.95 DISKS AND SUPPUES CALL FOR COMPLETE UST OF INVENTORY 477-4484 SUITE 215 HAYMARKET SQUARE HP 41CV Advantage Pack. $80 472 7035. Dale. IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS Absolute lowest prices Lay away. Digidata systems. 475 0341 large couch with matching table 475-4669. LINCOLN POLICE DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF SALE of unclaimed bicycles and unclaimed property. Feb ruary 4. 10a m. at Lincoln Land Towing, 410 West P Street By the property division, no checks accepted MADEMOISELLE ELITE MEMBERSHIP, FREE TAN NlNG, CALL AFTER 6:00PM. 475 1160. Manual typewriter ribbons 53 cents each (tax included). Daily Nebraskan office, basement ol the Nebraska Un ion, 472-2588. Microwave. Loveueat, Dresser. 489-9120. Must sell ladies diamond ring set. Nice. Call 483-0623. taking besi offer. Novice wants to learn sik screening techniques Paying $$s 439-4797, Louis Napolean Leave name and number Queen size waterbed with wood headboard $100 477 0096 VEHICLES FOR SALE = 78 Honda Accord. 2-door hatch, 5-speed, air, AM/FM 7/ 000 miles, super dean. $1750 or offers Baer's Automotive Sales 1847 South 3rd St. _477-6442 85 Mustang GT, 5 speed, loaded with T-tope. No wrecks, no smoke, one owner, metallic burgundy with arey accent, tint. $8000/060 Stephen, 477 0292 or G na, 472-0248 I ’988 Mercury Tracer. 30,000 miles, excellent condition. oaded with extras, automatic. Can be seen at Govern ment Employees CredS Union, 325 N 52nd. Monday F' day. 9am-5 30pm. Closing date February 14th. We 'eserve the right to refect any and all offers Services "=!= TYPEWRITERS • WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES - SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th St. 4744136 TYPING & RESUMES __ America's 6*dent end largesi PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Price - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% Off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 475-6736 3701 0 §t. IB-7 Resumes °'otessiona!ly typeset. *15 plus la* Daily Nebraskan, ’Mssment of the Nebraska Union, 1400 Ft Street. 'VSNOUNCEMENTS = fif 15th Annua! >tbWill ail i n If is about 24 hours away ■ Com mta the lenteatic muaic at Wes. t si Street and the ■ nyilery o» Ciaig Kargea llusonet min f| Answer* to your questions ibout Student Alumni Asao ■ cation, today at 700. Abel North Lounge.___ I „ ATTENTION _ S pi'e-Physical Theiapy and Athlete Training student* Panel discussion on i hursday. January 26th, 7:00 PM, ■ ‘ower level at Health Center. A.I Welcomell ■ A TT ENT ION to all student* mtereated tr. *rymg out tor the ■■ UNL Yet1 Squad. Attend the inlormaienaT meeting* ■ Monday, January J0«h and Thu.sday, February 2nd at ■ 4 00 in the Cokseum. See ya there! Cf Big Al and the crew at Puraa Shuttle want to welcome H students to UNL. Bring the ad into our location at 17th H and Q and we will sell you a 10 inch peoperdm, bool or m < i ees* p,«a lor only <3.00. You must bong in ?m* ad COMMUTERS ■ Are you tired at riding alone'* Find someons to Share the ■ nd* Stop in the Student Info. Center, Ftogm 116. Ne ■ brasha Union'for rrjore ihto. __• D-BEACH IS BAD! SPRING BREAK 89 IT S BIG For a (use own adjective) extravaganza In Daytona Beach call John or Greg at 435-8172. DELTA SIGMA PI Protessional Business Fraternity announces Spring Rush Stop by our booth in CBA. All business students welcome. DYNAMIC... What Student Alumni is all aboutll Apply lor member ship by Monday, January 30th. ENTHUSIASM ENERGY EXCITEMENT WHAT STUDENT ALUMNI IS ALL ABOUT!! Faculty, students, & staff, Interested m talking with persons from or familiar with the U.S. or British Virgin Islands. Call Don Macke, Economic Research Asaociatea, 477-5889. FiNANCE CLUB Meeting Thursday, January 23. 6:00pm. Nebraska Union. Bring your pictures from the Chicago Tripl Old and new members welcomel Paper Money Coupon Books 115 Nebraska Union GUILTY? Are you guilty o( having an outstanding adviser or in structor? Now’s your chance to clear the record. Nomi nate him/her for Student Foundations Builders Award a $1500 award for any staff, faculty, or adviser Nomina tions will bo available Monday at the CAP office or contact Bart L. at 478-1187.__ INNOCENTS APPLICATIONS Available: Clty/Eaet CAP offices. Due: 4:00 p.m. Friday Feo. 3rd. INNOCENTS SOCIETY The Chancellor's Senior Honorary annually selects 13 outstanding |umor men and women based upon excel lence in scholarship, leadeishp, and service. Applica tions are now available at the City and East Union CAP offices. Applications are due Monday, February 6. PARTY PADRE STYLE Condo's start at $149.00 477 8907 _ PHI BETA LAMBDA FIRST MEETING THUR 26TH AT 5:00 CITY UNION NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Pt MU EPSILON mathematic* honorary. Meeting tonight. 6 pm. Oldfather Rm207. Or. Kramer will speak, and refreshments will be served. POETRY CONTEST. Send name, address, poems: ‘ Tree People Walking P.O. Box 94629. Lincoln NE 68509. Cash prae Write ROOMMATES NEE DED M you are looking lor a roommate, or a new place to We. stop m the Student Info. Center and check our files. We also have a list of off-campus housing available. Something Different? CANCUR MEXICO Starting at $315 Call 477 8907 Something hot brewing. ______ ol course, it's COFFEE. Stop by the Coffee Development Group booth at Wafpur gisnacht on Friday night and get a cup of FREE cotfee. STUDENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Have your question* about new membership answered el an information session Wednesday at OO at tha Wick Alumni Canter or Thursday at 7-00 at Abet North Lounge. STUDENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION If* fun to do and wa want you I Apply Todaylt_ STUDY IN DENMARK Business, Liberal Art* Program* m Eng hah. Information session and slid* show. W&dnaedav. Fetyuary t Com* anytime. 9:30-11:00am. Her Sag# Room. hNbr«*h*^^ ion or contact Inatitutafor InternalionaJ Studies, 1237 R. 472-3079. _ The Womens Word* and Mua* Commute* of UPC-C4y Is looking lor a Chafrpajon. p«* tha CAP Otfio*. Room 200 n the C% Unton._ Off cars and oommJtlaa^bLro^mwSng at 9:30pm m Union. Attend, pretty _ UNL FRANCHISE CLUB MEETMG: THURSDAY, JANUARY 29 9:00 PM-CBA ROOM 115 Officer elections plus special guest Jeff Johnson (4 Schtotaky'a in Lincoln. All studonts from all majors aro welcome UNL MARKETING MEETING Today at 6pm in the Union. New member* wetcoma. Com* andfmd out what Marketing Club can do for you. UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS Mooting tonight 7:30 pm. Union. Staia Senator Jama* McFarland Featured Speaker UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS Invites you to thou first meeting of the semester, l , . i , ■ iVmtf PnJvVMt . . I» » i . w < i Why is EQUALITY OF MEN AND WOMEN NECES SARY FOR PEACE? Find out Bahai Association show ing of "Promise of World Peace", City Campus Union, Friday, Janaury 27th, 7:30 pm. GREEK AFFAIRS ACACIA LITTLE SISTERS Mandatory meeting. Thursday. 6: t6pm at the Reunion's Conference Room. Congratulations to our Second Semester Pledges I Scott C., Hon C., Doug L., Jeff M.. MAe R., M ke S., Greg S. THE MEN OF SIGMA PHI EPSILON Congratulations to the new officers of Alpha Garnma Rho: Kitchen Chiefs-Keith A., Chris S.; House Manag ers-Scott S., Shane E.; Assistant Pledge Educator-Rob N.; Assistant Treasurer-Clint A.; Crescent Editors-John G.. Todd G.; and Chaplain-John O Congratulationsll The Men of AGR Dawn E. and Natlie F. (Gamma Phi), Congratulations on being selected for NSE hosts I Love, your not-too punctual but well meaning Sisters Gillie C. (Gamma Phi) and Dave H. (Phi Delt). Congratulations on your pinnirigl Love, the sisters Jeff J. (TKE), u>ongraiuiauons on oeing accepieo 10 aaniai scnooi. The Men of Taj Kappa Epsilon Linda H. (Gamma Phi) and Bill G (Lambda Chi), Congratulations on your pinning! Love, your Gamma Phi sisters 3AE UTTLE SISTERS Thursday night meeting at 7:00 pm to discuss next Thursday s initiation. Dues will also be collected. Hope to see you all there. Monte A Buck. Tau Kappa Epsilon welcomes its second semester pledge class: Thomas C., Mike G., Blaine H , Jason J., Jeff M.. Jay T., George T., J.P. V., Lou V, and Rob V. UNL YOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting 7:30 pm tonight. Nebraska Union Everyone welcomel STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUN SENATE VACANCIES REPRESENT YOUR COLLEGE CONSTITUENTS. The following colleges have vacancies Arts A Sciences - Teachers Business General Studies Graduate - Engineering Journalism - Dental Campus wide vacancies on the following committees: Grading Committee (Grad, only) UNL Police Campus Rec. Advis. Council (Residence Hall only). Deadline is Wednesday. February 1st at 4:00 PM Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. rLKSUl^ALS Ctay T„ Hop# you have a great seme* ter I An interested Junior who works m the malt. K. Davis, HAPPY BIRTHDAYI How about a ? ____JC Bo-Bo-Bear, Happy 20th 9-Day. Sorry it's 1 Day Late. Love Always, TABBY Sandy B A Bandy V, Gettm' any? About time you lake him downlll Con grats on the 600D NEWS! Your buddies, Chris, Lori, A Karen SPEEOO: Looking forward to FREMONT/PARTY/CHICKEN BASHI STUDY PSYCHHI P S Great picturel Your Special, L'ViNe Christopher James (Phi Psi), Happy 21stl Don t drink too many Shirley Temple* and keep the blue p's handyl Love, Pat A Tiff P.S. We ll always be clderll CHILDCARE == NANHy aPPbRTUWTliS 1 Looking to Improve you read? Willing to relocate? Wamayhovstyhalyou went Foe in tor motion osRUoo 1 100 443 A42A our en-cempue recruiter. Hktlmum «0»1A Nursery, pre-school supervisor needed. 2 yea; colege experience nestled or equivalent experience desired. Day time nursery staff also needed. Energetic and salt directed people need to apply in person el Prawn* Lit* Center, ’TOS South 70th Street. SUMMER NANNY Family seeks reliable young woman, non-smoker, with drivers license, to provide live in child care and house keeping tor 3children. Majority of summer by the beach. Write with expectations, past experience, and reasons foi wanting position. Varod, 7 Carriage Court, Marlboro NJ 07746. HELP WANTED ~~ AMIGOS * $4 00/hour to start (noon & closing shifts). * Up to $4.60. 1 Health A Dental Insurance Program. * 50% meal discount ‘ Great work environment. * Paid vacation. ' Flexible schedule * S.T.E.P (Student Tuition Reimbursement Program). Amigo's, an expanding, quality oriented Mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time and full-time job opportunities available now at 6 Lincoln locations. If you are an agressive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a fast intense pace, APPLY NOW at 1407 Q or 5500 O Street Applications now being accepted either location. Twister's Music A Gifts. Retail experience helpful. Avon needs campus representatives. Call Betty 483 1794, after 5. ___ Bartenders, barbacks. waitresses, D.J.'s, bouncer*. Aopiy in person. M F. 2-4pm, 7-9pm Mingle s, 3th t r. CORNHUSKER BONANZA Part time day help. 12-4:00 pr.i, M F. Excellent benefits. 2800 Comhusker Hwy. CRUISE SKIP JOBS $300 - $900 weekly Call Linda, 900 am - 500 pm weekdays 1-612-45*0884. ext C 4010 EASTERN NE 4-H CENTER _ SUMMER EMPLOYMENT* Applications tor summsr errptoyment are now being accepted thru Thursday. 1-28-89. Summer camp posi tions are available Send resumes and question* to the 4-H Center. 21520 West Hwy 31. Gretna NE 68028 Applications are available in 208 Mussehl hall For urgent questions call Jason. 464 2383. Grest Part-time Jobe Schlotzky * has openings. Flexible schedule, half priced meals, free uniforms, raise in pay after training, great food, fun working atmosphere. Come join the team. Apply in person weekdays 2-5 p.m., 12th and "P", 54th and "O", 33rd and Highway 2 Hillcrest Country Club is now accepting applications for summer positions iifeouarding. You can obtain your application form at 8901 O Street. Tuesday Friday, 10am-5pm. How would you Ike to make some extra cash ? Astudent who • good in math who would be interested in helping one who isn't should call 475-0340 for details. Large marketing company moving into your area, needs approximately 50 student* to handle mail. Send S A S E to K.C.R. Products. P.O Box 21451. Pikesvil# M0 21209. Make hundreds >n your spare time placing posters. No selling. Call (918) 33MONEY. Need babysitter in my Ounn Avenue home. Mon-Thur*. 3 30 - 10 30 pm Must provide cwn transportation and reference* Call 423-4403. S56/woek Outside sale* post on available on part-time basis. Salary negotiable, flexible hours Obtain marketing and selling experience while attending school. Apply at Perfect Plants, 3031 O Street. Part-time delivery and warehouse person. We need several people who can work mornings. will be available for full-time work this summer, and part-time work again next fell. Appy Lincoln Lumber Co., 932 No 23rd Street. DIIATTA fMMUC IU FULL OR PART-TIME Starling $<.00 and up dapanding on rafarancas. axpa nanca, ate Caraar mmdad paopla (as a/a sspacialfy intarastad m daytimo ampto)/manl) Caraar advanca manl and warnings ara unlimited. Apply at out 13lh & E location bahwaan 2-5pm. SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Notoraaka's moat baautrful camp. YMCA Camp Kitaki. locatad on tha Plana Rivor, « soaking applicants for tha following positions: Boy s Counsalors, Girl's Counsalors, Lrfaguaros Waterfront 0tractor, Wranglars. Crafts *nstruc tor, Mamtananca Parson, Asst Cook and Haaith Cara Supar visor Call or write: Camp Offica. 1030 P Sftraat, Lincoln NF 68508. 402 <75-9822. TACO INN Lunch haipwanted. M-F. Wagaa tocommanauralawith «x^«rtat tea Contact tha managar bahwaan 2-5pm, 1245 SPRING BREAK IN MANZANILLO, MEXICO VIA CONTINENTAL AIRLINES 8 DAYS, 7 NIGHTS AS LOW AS $699°* Prepaid quail occupancy, March 25th return April 1st Price includes. Round trip air from Omaha Hotel located on the beach, overlooking Santiago Bay and the Pacific Ocean, 3 meals daily, unlimited domestic beer, wine and cocktails daily and nightly. Water sports: sailing, windsurfing, water ski, snorkeling and scuba diving. Tips taxes, ana entertainment. Transfer to and from airport. Don't get left out!! When this trip is full, that's it!! CALL TOM HOUCHEN AT 475-9541 NOW FROM 8:30AM TO 1:30 PM FOR FULL DETAILS AND FREE COLOR BROCHURE THE LITTLE STEAK HOUSE Counter person serving steak sandwiches. 11 am to 2 pm weekdays, experience not necessary. Apply at 1200 N St. Atrium food court. ---—-—V The Pet Connection TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS 79* SALE • sunset swordtails • sunburst wag platy • tiger barbs • serpae tetra • bioodfin tetra • giant danios • 3 ghost shrimp • 3 zebra danios • 3 pearl danios FREE: any one item above w/ this ad. MARINE FISH “Lincoln’s largest selection of marine fish and animals” £ SPECIAL: 50 Gallon Instant Ocean Salt Mix $1099 JL of reg. $16.50 “Come see the latest in aquarium designs and wet/dry fitters” • protein skimmers • advanced wet/dry filters • acrylic tanks • ozoniers • actinic lamps • bio balls • custom commercial design • brine shrimp • live tubifex worms Sale ends Monday, January 30th The Pet Connection 1711 Van Dorn (17th & Van Dorn) Lincoln, NE 423-2431 I _ .». *• 'l- * i^ayUiiaWWMMtf 4 i