The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 26, 1989, Page 12, Image 11

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    Sheldon Art Gallery 12ih&RSt.
“Faculty Biennial"
' Auguste Rodin"
“What Could Have Been: Un
built Architecture of the 1980s"
Richards Hall * 10th & T St.
"Out of Bounds"
through Feb 16
Burkholder Project 719 P St.
Exhibit: Photography by Paul
Hadley, Alan smith, Ed Rum
baugh and John Nollendorf and a
solo exhibit by Cindia Carlson
Coffee House 1324 P St.
Exhibit: Art by Barry Schultz, Jef
frey M Anderson, Tom Gallagher,
Paul Tisdale, Alex Wilson, Doug
las Dowd, Brian Barber, Clay
Walker through Feb. 18
Joslyn Art Museum 2200 Dodge
St., Omaha
Exhibit: “Watercolor Expressions"
1215 Harney St. Omaha
Jim Horan, paintings, thru Feb 8
Bill Farmer, works, thru Jan. 31
bb^k^bw ^btbbuhbmbbm
Sheldon Art Gallery Auditorium
Thurs.: Faculty Recital, Robert
Fought, saxophone, 8 p.m.
Fri.: Alexander String Quartet, 8
Nebraska Union 1400 R St.
Fri, 7 p.m. - 2 am
Unless listed, events are free, tick
ets are 50 cents, student prices are
listed first and non-students prices
7 p.m.
— Horn scorn i oq Tslsnt Show Win
ner, Laura Uhiman, Harvest Roorr
- Karate Demonstration, Main
7:30 p.m.
-- Scarlet and Cream Centennial
Ballroom, $2/ $2.50
-- Laurie McClain, Crib, $1 $1.50
7:45 p.m.
-- Metacrats, Harvest Room, $1/
$1 50
~ Society for Creative Anachro
nisms. Main Lounge
8:30 p.m.
- Belly Dancers, Main Lounge
8:40 p.m.
- Duffy's Comedy Troop. Ball
room, $1/ $1.50
9 p.m.
- Curt Angove, Hypnotist, Harvest
Room, $1/ $1 50
-The Young Executives, Crib, $1/
9 45 pm.
- Mike Zandra, Juggler, Main
10 pm
- Craig Karges, inusionisi, t>au
room. $1 50/ $2
10:30 pm.
- Underground Jazz, Harvest
Room, $1.50/ $2
- Polynesian Dance. Main Lounge
- Bobby Curious, Crib, $1 50/ $2
11:30 pm.
- West 1st Street, Centennial
Ballroom. $2/ $2 50
Plus Games in Main Lounge from
7 p m. till midnight
-- Pink Flamingo, free hair make
-- Kerrey’s/ J. ffogs Lounge, com
plimentary samples of funtastic
non-alcoholic drinks
-- Society for Creative Anachro
nisms, medieval display
- Picture Man, pictures for 5 tick
-- Caricature Artist. 6 tickets
- P.0 Pears. Kourki, sing along to
favorite songs
Unitarian Church 6300 A St
Sat.: Benefit Show for Youth For
Global Awareness with The Lem
mings, Emotionally Disturbed
Children, Speed wobble. New
Brass Guns, Geranium Diapers,
Ours and Whys, Elysium Crossing
and more
• 8 p.m ., $3
Pershing Auditorium
15th & M Street
Flea Market
Sat., Sun. 10 a m. - 5 p.m.
Brass Guns
Zoo Bar 136 N. 14th St.
Thurs.: W.C. Clark Blues Review
Fri Sat : Blackstar Reggae
Mon.: LeRoi Brothers
Tues : William Clark Blues Band
Wed. - Sat.: The Jailbreakers
Julio s 132 S. 13th Street
Thurs.: Gulizia Brothers
Mingles 826 p St.
Thurs - Sat.: ET C.
Mountains Bar and GriJI
311 S. 11th St.
Fri. - Sat.: Sean Benjamin. Laune
Bash Riprocks 240 N. 12th St.
Sat.: Charlie Burton and the Hic
Howard Street Tavern Omaha
Thurs. - Sat: Ric Swanson and
Urban Surrender
Sun.: LeRoi Brothers
Mon.: Blue Crew
Tues B and the Hot Notes
Wed.: Tipsy Alligator
Omaha Oivic Auditorium
Sat.: Ozzy Osbourne
East Park 3 East Park Plaza Mall
"Scrooged’’ (PG-13)
7:20 p m., 9:20 p.m,
"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' (PG)
5 20 p m, 7:35 p.m, 9 45 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 1 p.m., 3 10
"Oliver and Company" (G)
5:20 p.m.
Weekend Matinees 1:20 pm,
3:20 p.m., 5:20 p.m
"Naked Gun" (PG-13)
5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 1:30 p.m ,
3:30 p.m.
Sheldon I neat re
Foreign Film Series
“Au Revoir Les Enfants" ( Goo
dbye Children")
Sunday: 3 p.m., 5p.m., 7 p m , 9
Cooper 54th & 0 Street
“Twins" (PG)
5 p.m., 7:20 p m., 9:45 p.m
Weekend Matinees: 12 30 p.m.,
2:40 p.m.
Douglas 3 1300 P Street
“The Accidental Tourist" (PG)
5:15 p.m, 7:30 p.m., 9:45 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 12:45 p.m., 3
“Beaches" (PG-13)
5 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: noon, 2:45
Mississippi Burning (R)
4:45 p.m, 7:10 p.m., 9:40 p.m.
Weekend Matinees 2:15 p m
State 1415 0 Street
"Deepstar Six” (R)
5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 1:30 p.m,
3:30 p m
Stuart Theatre 13th & P
“Working Girt” (R)
5:30 p.m, 7:30 p m., 9:30 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 1:30 p m,
3:30 p.m.
PSaza 4 12th & P
“The January Man" (R)
5:15 p m., 7:15 p m., 9:15p m.
Weekend Matinees: 1:15 p.m ,
3:15 p.rn.
"The Land Before Time" (G))
5p m, 7 p.m, 9 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 1 p.m ,3p m.
"The Naked Gun”(PG-13)
5:45 p.m., 7:45 p.m, 9:45
Weekend Matinees: 1:45 p.m.,
3:45 p.m.
"Talk Radio” (R)
5:15 p.m, 7:30 p.m, 9:45 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 12:45 p.m, 3
Cinema Twin 13th & P
•Rainman" (R)
5p m , 7:30p.m., 10 p.m.
Weekend Matinee: noon, 2:30
rDakota” (PG)
5:15 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:15 p.m.
Weekend Matinees: 1:15 p.m.,
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