opipJm_ Readers fight political apathy with letters Reader opposes proposed increase I'm a working wife of a University of Nebraska-Lmcoln graduate stu dent who does not participate in many of the functions that arc sup ported by the fees allocations. I think the Committee for Fees Allocation should not support feed ing for the Gay/Lesbian Program ming Committee. I am vehemently opposed to their beliefs and think they arc morally, socially and above all spiritually wrong and I am op posed to increasing fees for this cause. I commend Libby York, Associa tion of Students of ihe University of Nebraska senator and CFA member, for representing the student body. Mary Gillespie Princeton, Neb. Student wants say in appropriations I found the lead story in the Daily Nebraskan (Dec. 2) to be somewhat disturbing. Its headline read: "CFA urged to fund gay/lesbian program ming," and concerned a Committee for Fees Allocation forum last Thursday that I was ignorant of and unable to attend. There was one quote in particular by Gl.PC's Chris Carroll that I look exception to. "Students had rejected (GLPC funding) last year because of their rejection of the homosexual life style, not rejection of the GLPC," Carroll said. "They're denying fund ing because of the morality of the issue." The DN also paraphrased her as saying student disapproval is not I relevant to the funding decision. This letter is not intended to lam baste the homosexual sector of the university community, although homosexuality is contrary to my Christian background and morals. I'm not going to tell them where to live and what to do. But when it comes down to where my money goes, I would like to have a voice, and I'm sure anyone else would, too. You see, the 6.06 cents that GLPC seeks from me and every full-time UNL student through the University Programs Council foes means very little to me monetarily. I'm certain that I lose that much change every couple of days. But, morally, that money means a lot. Those six cents would add up to $1,600, which the GLPC would use to tell me, through programs and posters, that "being gay is OK," something with which I and quite a few other students disagree. Why snouiu wc pay to near it; i realize that GLPC could do some good by dispelling "homophobia," but the odds arc that the most violent anti gays wouldn’t listen to the programs anyway. So, Carroll, I’m afraid I’ll have to agree with CFA member Libby York in that "overwhelming" student dis approval for GLPC is relevant. David Schwartz freshman civil engineering Reader: Educating bigots is wasteful The Gay/Lcsbian Programming Committee would like 51,600 in student fees to educate students on the "subject of homosexuality" (Daily Nebraskan, Dee. 2). Appar cntly this education would be meant to rid the campus of homophobia (fear of homosexuals). But even if homophobia is "rampant," this does not justify funding. Let's assume that every hetero sexual student suffers from homo phobia. Does this mean that GLPC should automatically receive stu dent-fee money? No. We don't allocate student fees to end students' fears of closed spaces or heights. It's unfortunate that a person has a phobia, but it is not our responsibility to rid them of it. Per haps one could say that ridding people of the fear of closed spaces or heights has nothing to do with rid ding people of homophobia because phobias such as the former affect only the fearful person while the lat ter affects others, too. Homophobia does noi imply that homophobic people are dangerous in any way toward homosexuals. The people who lend toward violence arc called bigots. If GLPC desires to educate bigots in order to eliminate their tendency for violent behavior, then GLPC should say so. However, trying to change a bigot's behavior by educating them would be a goal that no amount of money could help ac complish. Education relics on the use of reason, which is the very thing a bigot refuses to listen to. It seems very unlikely that a bigot of college age will listen to reason now when all the previous years of school have not had an effect. If there arc other reasons why GLPC thinks it should have student fee money, then it should slate them. Asking for money for the sole pur pose of educating people on homo sexuality is not a justifiable reason for GLPC funding. Bill Bcrgfcld sophomore engineering -! HHHHM U.S. has its reasons SENNETT from Page 4 I am sure that the official story would be that die difference is one of overture. The Soviet Union has made great strides toward interna tional cooperation under Gor bachev and fiscal policies have begun to recognize the rights and desires of Soviet citizens in un precedented ways. Soviet satellites fed a freedom to protest and suggest that they have never known before. “Glasnost” and “Pcristroika” have become household words, and arc the only Russian that many of us know. To refuse to play footsie with Gorby would be to discourage a trend that we should rather do all wc can to encourage. b ut why docs this reasoning not apply to Arafat? From Gorbachev, we demand only movement in the right direction. From Aralal we demand total concession. One U.S. official was quoted as saying, “We will be glad to welcome Arafat to this country - as long as he brings ail the U.S. hostages with him.” Yet nc one is demanding that Gorbachev’s ticket be paid for by the release of all political dissi dents or the legalization of solidar ity in Poland or the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. No. The difference is quite clear. It is one of power and immi nent danger. Arafat poses no real threat to us. We can shove him around, feel self-righteous about it, and not lie awake worrying about the consequences. Arafat has no nuclear warheads aimed at Western Europe or mqjor U.S. metropolitan areas. Arafat has no contracts to buy American grain. Arafat does not have the capability to wreck the U.S. econ omy by engaging us in a no-holds barred arms race. All Arafat has is a cause and a grievance - and a right to speak. And that carried little weight in the major league game of power bro kerage. Is it not irrevocably ironic that we welcome Gorbachev during the very week that wc deploy a top secret, state-of-the-art, all weathcr spy satellite over his na tion? An American proverb says, “Good fences make good neigh bors.’ ’ An even older Arab proverb says, “Trust Allah, but tic up your camel’’ The United Stales is making nice with Gorbachev because it must. It would be fiscal, political and international insanity to do otherwise. Sure, he is the first Soviet leader in memory to pack a plea for rationality in Superpower negotiations. But he is also the fourth Soviet head of state in the Reagan years - and Reagan met with them all. I do not wish to dow nplay cither Soviet advances or Palestinian crimes. I simply wish to point out that, on the level of official ration alisation, the moves of last week and this week are unquestionably inconsistent And this was the de ciding factoi in my effort to form an opinion about the Arafat em bargo. Sennett is a graduate student in philosophy and is a Daily Nebras kan editorial columnist | t* Looking for a place to live? Consider the UNL Residence Halls Costs: • As little as $9.72/day • That's $292 per month, including food (and no dishes to do!!) 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