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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1988)
Meyer’s letters don’t sit well with students Reader condemns ^ Meyer’s letters The top 10 things I didn’t like about Andrew Meyer’s letters (“The Best of Andrew Meyer,” DN, Nov. 18): 1. ) He takes Nebraska football coach Tom Osborne’s comments about the Chicago Bears totally out of context. Osborne was talking about oddsmakers, not about the Com* huskers’ success against a National Football League team. 2. ) Meyer seems to assume that one Tcnnesse woman’s antics is applicable for all women’s actions. Are Nebraska women different? I hope so. 3. ) He is closed-minded about music, with an attitude that “pop rules.” 4. ) He expects the Association of Students of the University of Ne braska to send him a letter explaining the agenda at the upcoming meeting. After all, no one knows when those meetings arc because they’re top secret, aren’t they? 5. ) A University of Ncbraska-Lin coln freshman seems to know more about coaching a winning footbalf team lhan the sccond-winningcsl ac tive coach in college football. 6. ) Meyer has an attitude that suc cessful teams (especially the swim mers) at UNL should be happy with their current ranking. They shouldn’t 4_4 _ I_4 I_I_-4 u y iu in, uiv in;M. 7. ) To be a great team or a great quarterback (especially Steve Tay lor) you must pass well. After all, Oklahoma has a highly successful passing game and they gave up Troy Aikman (a great passing quarterback) for Jamclle Holieway (an even greater passing quarterback). 8. ) Meyer seems to think real music comes from Billy Ocean and Lionel Richie. I guess there was no real music before Michael Jackson and groups of the 1980s. 9. ) OK, so T m stretching i t to come up w ith 10 reasons. Number 8 was a repeat of No. 3. But Meyer was get ting redundant, too. 1().)“I would like this letter printed in the DN”—was it necessary to starl off all the letters that way? I f someone submits more than 20 letters to the DN, 1 think this point is obvious. Brian Schram junioi news-editorial Focus on quality, not quantity Meyer I don’t think my views on certain subjects could be any more opposite than those of University of Nebraska Lincoln freshman Andrew Meyer. 1 am referring to the full-length page “The Best of Andrew Meyer (DN, Nov. 18). I will begin by quoting Meyer: “Think before you speak.’ This will be an important thesis throughout mis response. First of all, I am a member of a fraternity that Meyer so wrongly stereotyped. Obviously, Meyer and many others at UNL don ’t realize thai there arc many students whoenjoy the benefits of a fraternity. Didn’t the rush chairmen tell him that fraterni ties arc not for everyone? I will say foi the sake of clarification that my fra ternity docs not have set study hour' and is one of the most philanthropic ones on campus. I also will say that s service to any charily, regardless of n being "the most worthwhile,’ is lai more productive than you have beer with these letters. Secondly, I hate hypocrisy more than anything. Meyer begins by argu ing about the men's swimming lean and Coach Cal Bcntz should be satis lied with a lOlh-placc finish Meyei said thatralingsdon’tmean anything but he’s missing an important facloi in life — competition. In another letter, Meyer turn' around and blames Nebraska ftxribal coach Tom Osborne because the tearr loses to high-powered teams. Also, he can tunderstand why the university i' spending so much money V^jjd facilities for the (ootban pfayvVs Maybe it is to help the football team improve. Meyer needs to be consis tent with his opinions, or at least explain this blatant hypocrisy. Finally, Meyer has really ticked me off about his views on music. Although 1 dislike most heavy metal groups such as Def Leppard and would prefer the Screaming Blue Messiahs over Billy Ocean any day, I do not find it wise to criticize anyone’s taste. I believe that Def Leppard and Lionel Richie have comparable levels of talent, but ap peal to different groups. In his next letter, Meyer should spend some lime writing quality in stead of quantity. Bill Stratbucker freshman pre-med Meyer mistakes Oborne’s comment I enjoyed Andrew Meyer’s letters (DN, Nov. 18). I hope to see more letters from Meyer in the future. Now for my gripe. Docs Meyer honestly think that Nebraska football coach Tom Osborne would claim the Corn huskers could beat the Chicago Bears? Look at what he has done and said in the past. Osborne obviously wasn ’ t serious. He was using the dead on-campus art of sarcasm to make a point. Doesn't anybody recognize it when it’s in use anymore? I thought Osborne’s comment was very funny and put his belief across rather well. What was he saying? That large point spreads on the Missouri and Colorado games were just as ri diculous as the Buskers being favored over the Bears. Keith Meyer senior engineering Meyer’s ignorance angers law student Upon reading Andrew Meyer’s letter on women and combat (DN, Nov. 18) I felt compelled to write. As a woman and a human being, I am angered by the ignorance and insensi tivity that Meyer displayed in his let ter. Simply because men or women are too often cowards to stand up for themselves is no reason to make gross generalizations about women. “They’ll manipulate and lake advan tage of a man, because no one recog nizes it w'hcn it happens,” Meyer writes. We are not asking for favored treatment or claiming to be superior human beings. We arc certainly ready to accept the “responsibilities” of equal treatment, although I am not sure what these “responsibilities” are other than to treat all human beings with respect and dignity. I hardly think that the lack of women in com bat situations is a rational basis for denying women equal treatment. I would remind Meyer that it is the Congress, a male-dominated govern ing body, that keeps women out of combat. As a third-year law student, I am trying to break into what was once a male-only profession. Today more and more women are becoming pro fessionals and it is not as hard as it once was. However, it is still a struggle to be taken seriously and there are still outdated ideas about career women who arc stumbling blocks for any woman trying to make it in a “man’s world.” And believe me, it is very much a “man’s world” today. Please don’t use stupid excuses like combat to suppress women. I would fight for my country, given the situation. However, because of male attitudes and egos, like the ones ex- / pressed in Meyer’s letter, I will proba bly never be allowed to make that decision. Beth Townsend senior law PMMMmm niwn mmbmmm 1 ATTENTION BSN CLASS OF 1989. The Air Force has a special pro gram for 1989 BSNs If selected, you can enter active duty soon after graduation—without waiting for the results of your State Boards To quality you must have an overall 2.75 GRA. After commissioning, you'll attend a five-month intern ship at a major Air Force medical facility It's an excellent way to pre pare for the wide range of experi ences you'll have serving your country as an Air Force nurse of ficer For more information, call CAPT LEONOR BEAM 402-551-0928 COLLECT At the Zoo, We’re thankful for Miss Molly and the Passions The nastiest rhythm & blues show you’ll ever see. 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