Daily ',T Classified 472-2588 JSsfe. Rob Kappa Sig Stud, Good luck tonight. You're the best. From your Tri-Delt Buds Dear D.T., Happy Anniversary i I Love You. Forever yours, faithfully. Lady In Red Kappa Delta Pledge Class: Congratulations on everyone passing the Pledge Final1 Thanks for your hard work this semester. We are proud! Love, Rene, Amber and Lisa ANDREW. GET PSYCHED FOR MYSTERY CALLER 88'! DERBY Sorry we forgot your birthday you kina' Is it too late to ask for bowling lessons7 Chum butter! Roll dough! Geez! The McLey's Calico. Weloome to UNL! Do you see any com? Love. Ang CHIU)CARE SHANNYI 100's of Positions Nation Wide East West. South. Mid west. One year commitment, no fee, 1 800-722-4453 NATIONAL NANNY RESOURCE AND REFERRAL HELP WANTED Barrymore a is taking applications for waitresses Apply at 124N 13th alley. Bodies by Design and Gold s Gym are looking for an outgoing person to do miscellaneous public relations work Set your own hours and wages. Apply in person at Bodies by Design in the Reunion at 16th A W California Breamin'? Nannies needed on West Coast. Great jobs, top pay Start in January Call the Archer Dawson Agency 402 453-7666 or visit 225 Ne Union Dec. 6. 10-2. Food Bonanza, 1340 West O. has an immediate opening for expenenoed produce clerk. Flexible hours, start $4 10/hr Apply in person, mornings. GREAT PART-TIME JOBS Schlotsky's has openings. Flexfcle schedule, halt pnced meals, free uniforms. raise in pay after training, great food, fun working atmosphere Come join the team. Apply in person, weekdays. 2-5pm, 12th &’P". 54th & "O'. A 33rd A Hiway 2. Immediate opening ava lable for conscientious, people oriented students looking for part time work Primary responsibilities would be sales processing and answer ing phones on weekends. Additional weekday hours may be fit around class schedule. Weekday duties may in clude some merchandising and stock woik. Apply in parson. Pauley Lumber Company. 945 S. 27th St. JOBS NOW!!! Need extra holiday money? Then come see us. You will conduct bnef interviews with both business and residents to update the 89 Lincoln City Directory No selling involved, no experience needed Flexible daytime hours available Apply m person between 9am-4pm at R L. PoA A Company. 620 North 48. Suite 118 EOE M/F Join our Nanny Network of over 3001 1 -year working with kidstorsalariesuptoS300'week. roomandboard.air fare and benefits Best choice of families and locations m the northeast. Contact Terri, a HeJpmg Hands recruiter at 467-3192 evenings and weekends MAKE A DIFFERENCE helping people with mental retar dation in daily living skills Lancaster Office of Mental Retardation is seeking individuals (mm. age 19) for the followng positions to work m residences HUMAN SERVICES INSTRUCTION ASSISTANTS Instruct people in social, daily living and education skills Provide personal hygiene Outies also include household management A recordkeeping Varied shifts starting at $5.5Shr. plus benefits for full A part-lime positions. Some related exp. andgc7/tt ivj ACROSS 1 Leather workers' tools S Knights' wives 10 Arp’s art 14 Cage for chicks 15 Archie Bunker's wife 16 Actor Jannings 17 Problem solvers 20 Becomes better 21 At a rapid tempo 22 "Let-eat cake" 23 Health resorts 24 Diversifies 27 A basic human need 30 Actress Stewart 31 Task 32 Decay 34 Valuable vase 35 Serbs and Sorbs 30 A fine cotton 37 Wooden pin 38 Uncle Tom’s creator 30-of the crop 40 Recency 42 Calif, raisin center 43 Product from sisal 44 Gets the point 45 Makes irate 48 Honeys ANSWER TIMEWWSPWZLE cTIIuT ■■AlcTMn pB a|c| e[«] l 1 oj n11 ■n|o|o|8|eHm|o b e1 A| R| JI 8]T]o!T1LIEI jBSlOtTTn 52 S.C. lawmaker 54 Iran’s foe: Var. 55 Bete (bugbear) 56 Source of mohair 57 Does some planting 58 Break off 59 Partner of odds DOWN 1 Start of a Simon opus 2 Robin’s prey S Airplane maneuver 4 Old Faithful activity 5 Digs for data 6 Legally revoke,as a legacy 7 -America 8 Numerical suffix 9 Malls are their meccas 19 Abhor 11 College town in Iowa 12 —cheap IS Moreover 18 Black tea If Papal cape 23 What push comes to 24 Seductive woman 28 Being fiom outer space Edited by Eugene T. Maleska 28 Grassland 27 Artie and Irwin 28 Hurons' kin 29 Kind of candle 31 Neck and neck 33" Shanter," Burns poem 38 Relatives by marriage Si Renown 38 A wee nip Si Angler's basket 41 Inflicts 42 Tentacle 44 Took an oath 48 Sale sign . 44 Notorious fiddler 4? Eat like* beaver 49 Hood’s switchblade 49 Being part of 50 Major Hoople’s expletive 51 Giant jets S9 Caviar