The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1988, Page 14, Image 13

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    Master of Fine Arts show to start Monday
Art League Gallery shows student, faculty art
GALLERIES from Page 9
shows are non-competilive, she
Rouintree said that, according to
the Art League constitution, half of
each semester must be devoted to
open shows, where anyone who
has works to display just has to
bring them in at the posted times
and, if possible, help hang the
The next open show begins next
Monday. Interested artists are
asked to bring their pieces in (there
is a limit of two per artists), ready to
hang, between 11 a m. and 1 p.m
Monday. Hangings will begin at 1
p.m., and the show will be dis
played until Dec. 9.
The gallery is also available for
special shows featuring two or
more artist, or one artist in special
cases, Rouintree said. The special
shows last from one to two weeks,
while the open shows are usually
on display for two to three weeks,
she said.
The Art League collectively sets a
calendar at the beginning of each
semester, mapping out the times for
the open and special shows for the
entire semester, Rouintree said.
Fliers are posted in Woods and
Richards Halls announcing the
times to attract works for open
shows, she said.
The Department of Art Gallery
also has a pre-determined schedule
for its shows, and directors are
chosen for each show, said Lisa M.
Davis, an intern for the art gallery.
The directors then choose what
artist’s work they will pul in their
shows. In addition to the under
graduate show, each semester fea
tures a Master of Fine Arts show, a
graduate show and a masterpieces
show, she said. Other shows are
thematic shows by contemporary
artists from around the country,
according to the gallery flier. Each
show at the Department of Art Gal
lery runs for three to four weeks,
Davis said.
Their current show, which ends
Friday, is called "Uncoln/Lincoln
Exchange,” and features art from
the faculty at the Lincolnshire Col
lege of Art and Design, in Lin
colnshire, England. In return, a
display of UNL faculty art was sent
to Lincolashire, Davis said.
The MFA show will be set up
Monday and will run from 5 pm. to
7 p.m. that night, Davis said.
The current Art League Gallery
show also ends oh Friday. It is one
of the special shows, and it features
the work of Davis, and Steven
Hemenway. Then comes the next
open show, and from Dec. 9
through Dec. 16 will be another
special show featuring Michelle
Tilley and Dana Legg.
Davis said the works in the
Department’s gallery are for sale,
while Rouintree said that although
interested parties could get in touch
with the artists, the Art League Gal
lery is not specifically intended for
Rouintree said that the Art
League Gallery has been in
Richards for four years, while the
Department of Art says in their flier
that their gallery was established in
Further gallery information can
be obtained from Rouintree or
treasurer Marty Miller of the Art
League, and at the Department of
Art, 207 Woods Hall.
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