I THIS IS GREAT! I 20 Positions Available Immediately We are looking for students with a sense of style, with an energetic ap proach to opportunity in contacting our Fortune 500 clients nationwide customer base by phone. PLO leaders accept resolution ALGIERS, Algeria — PLO leaders ac cepted a U.N. resolution Sunday implicitly recognizing Israel’s right to exist and recom mended that the PLO's parliament endorse the decision. The move means that Yasser Arafat, chair man of the Palestine Liberation Organization, has won his struggle with hard-line leaders over the controversial U.N. Resolution 242. If the decision is accepted by the Palestine National Council, the PLO’s parliamcni-in exile.it will meet one of the conditions for U.S. recognition of the PLO. The declaration accepting the resolution was debated and being drafted by a committee for presentation to the plenary session of the Palestine National Council, which began a four-day meeting in Algiers on Saturday. “The PNC will come out with a political decision and a program of peace,” said PLO spokesman Ahmed Abdul-Rahman. “In the political statement, we will adopt all resolutions of the U.N. Security Council deal ing with the Palestinian question. What’s mere, we will emphasize resolutions 242 and 338 as the basis for an international conference to achieve peace in the Middle East.” Resolution 242 calls for an end to hostilities NeSfaskan Editor Curt Wagner 472-1766 Managing Editor Diana Johnson Assoc News Editors Jane Hirt Lee Rood Editorial Page Editor Mike Retlley Wire Editor Bob Nelson Copy Desk Editor Chuck Qreen Sports Editor Steve Sipple Arts & Entertain ment Editor Mlckl Haller Diversions Editor Joeth Zuceo Graphics Editor Tim Hartmann Photo Chief Eric Gregory Asst Photo Chief David Fanleson The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144 080) is published by the UNL Publications Board. Ne braska Union 34, 1400 R St., Lincoln NE, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9 a m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, contact Tom Macy, 475-9868 Subscription price is $45 for one year Postmaster Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St.,Lincoln, NE 68588 0448 Second class postage paid at Lincoln. NE ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1988 DAILY NEBRASKAN and Israeli withdrawal trom territories occu pied in the 1967 war. Adopted by the Security Council in 1967, it implicitly recognizes Israel by referring to the right of all stales in the area to live within secure and recognized borders. Resoluuon 338, passed in 1973 during the Arab-Isracli war, calls for an end to fighting; urges implementation of Resolution 242 and. most important, calls for negotiations between Arabs and Israel toward “a just and durable peace in the Middle East." In the closed-door committee meetings among PLO leaders, there was strong opposi tion to Resolution 242 from the Marxist-ori ented groups, particularly George Habash’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Habash’s faction is the second-largest of the eight groups comprising the PLO. Arafat’s Fatah is the largest. Sources close to the talks said that after two days of haggling, it was clear no compromise was possible. Habash agreed to note his reservations but bow to the majority and not create a major split. Salah Khalaf, a top Arafat aide known as ADU lyaa, saiu, never in my trued nave i seen the Palestinian leadership acting as responsibly as it is during this session. Unity is priority and the minority is accepting the verdict of the majority without any hard feelings.” The 450-member Palestinian council began meeting Saturday and is expected to conclude on Tuesday with a declaration of independence for the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In ail previous meetings, the council has explicitly rejected Resolution 242. Those opposed to Resol ution 242objected to its referring to (he future of Palestinians in the occupied territories as “a just settlement of the refugee problem.” The Algiers conference was called to deal with the new developments in the Middle East and especially to take advantage of increased attention and sympathy for the Palestinian cause sparked by the uprising in the Israeli occupied territories. More than 310 Palestinians and 11 Israelis have been killed in the 11-month uprising. Besides a declaration of Palestinian inde pendence and approval of a political program that includes acceptance of Resolution 242, the conference was expected to establish a provi sional government. PLO officials, including Abdul-Rahman, have stressed that the provisional government, when it is formed, would not be an alternative to the PLO but an institution of the PLO man dated to negotiate peace. Class Watches'," alive with spirit! 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