I y^Bp^y,;-:, j WEATHER: Fhday, partly cloudy and windy, high in the low to mid 60s, NW winds 20-30 mph Friday night, consid erable cloudiness and chilly, low 35 40. Saturday, considerable cloudi ness, breezy and cool, high in the mid 50s. INDEX News. 2 Editorial.4 Arts & Eniertaiment.7 Sports.9 Classifieds.11 November 4,1988 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Vol. 88 No. 49 Itching to install Ued Center construction workers prepared to install windows for the building’s top level Thursday afternoon. Court charges Sergio with manslaughter By Bryan Thomas Staff Reporter Lancaster County Court Judge Neal Dusenberry charged Tony Sergio with manslaughter Thursday in connec tion with the death erf Victor Wolfe. Dusenberry set bond at $100,000 and appointed Sergio a court attor ney. Sergio must return to court few a docket call Nov. 7. According to Lancaster County Attorney Mike Heavican, die county attorney's of fice must show at the docket call that there is enough evidence to charge Sergio with the crime. If there is enough evidence, the case will go to district court, Heav ican said. Sergio is a suspect in the beating death of Victor Wolfe, who was found dead Tuesday morning in an alley between 17th and 18th streets and P and Q streets. Pal Godsey, an em ployee of U-Slop Convenience Shop at 17th and Q streets, found the body. Lincoln police followed a trail of blood from Wolfe’s body to the Brass Rail bar at 1436 O St., where Sergio apparendy went after the beating. See ARRAIGN on 3 Election advertising enters last race phase By Victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter Animated weeds sweep down from a dumpster, ana shouts of joy are heard as the weeds scream “Bad mouth, bad mouth, bad mouth" before devouring a Bob Ker rey campaign sign. This television ad, one of Kerrey’s, is in response to negative ads by his Republican opponent Sen. Dave Karnes, said Joe Rothstein of Joe Rothstein and Company in Wash ington, D.C., Kerrey’s advertising agency. Karnes and Kerrey, along with Ernie Chambers, are running for the U S. Senate. Rothstein said the Kerrey cam - paign hasn ’ t produced “a single nega tive television ad.” “It's not because we didn't have material," he said, citing Karnes’ voting record in the U.S. Senate as possible ammunition for a negative ad. “We have run some commercials that criticize the negative ads he’s (Karnes) been doing,” Rothstein said, referring to the “bad mouth” adver tisement “We fell thal people were tired of negative ads,” he said. Rothstein said the Karnes ads have been “very aggressive” and have dis torted the Kerrey records on social security, taxes, defense issues and crime. “We decided to hope Kerrey would have a strong enough record that people would not believe them,” he said. “It doesn’t seem people are buying the Karnes ads.’’ Adam Goodman, political director lor the Robert Goodman Agency in Baltimore, which handles Karnes’ ads, said the ads have been positive. At one point, ads did point out “basic differences between Kerrey and Dave,” he said, because “both See AD on 6 Unauthorized use of logo angers NETV station officials By Victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter The use of an Nebraska ETV network logo for the low level nuclear waste compact amendment. Initiative 402, has an gered station officials. The logo “Not In My Backyard" appeared on a poster for the pro-402 group, Early warning, advertising a rally today at 4:30 p.m. at 16th ana O streets. The logo was developed by NETV for a unbiased program that aired Thursday night and will again Sunday which centers on the low-level radio active waste disposal issue. Kathryn Stephens, network infor mation director, said she fears people will construe NETV as being pro 402, when in fact the station is neu tral. “We have a commitment to pro vide balanced viewpoints," she said. “People get the wrong impression." “To me this is a blatant infraction of anything you’ re taught about copy right laws and plagiarism," she said. NETV producer/reporter Hubert Brown echoed those sentiments. Brown said he thinks Early Warn ing should stop distributing the mate rials and should make it clear at their rally that the logo’s use was a mistake and NETV is not pro-402. Eariy Warning member Joe Bow man said the the group did not mean to align itself with NETV and would announce the mistake at the rally. "It just happened to be a very eye catching slogan," Bowman said, and the poster-makers thought it would cause no harm. "We’re sorry it happened,” he said. "We will make every effort possible to distance ourselves from NETV. We have to be more cautious about how we use material.” N ew payment plans eyed By Bryan Thomas Staff Reporter names Griesen, vice chancel lor for student affairs at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, is trying to determine if there is a need for other methods of paying tuition rather than in one lump sum. “It’s too early to say,” Griesen said. He also said he isn’t sure there is a need for any more financial programs than those already available to UNL. students. Arts and Sciences College Senator Chip Dreesen of the Associa tion of Students of the University of Nebraska said he brought the problem to Gricscn’s attention this summer. According to Dreesen, he began looking into the possibility of alterna tives to the current tuition payment plan this summer. Dreesen said he began looking into the problem after he learned one student was forced to leave school for a year because of the current payment plan. Originally, Dreesen said, he and ~~ See PAYMENT on 3 ll . 1 —[i/oW-vH.: WHAT KIWD VO’TftUCK VJWZ IT? &t°opTRUCK? v/ /an^uh.^whXt) j Jtype o' \Si.e°by —« L mljry Car towed during blood pick up By Victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter r Lincoln delivery service owner saw red Thursday when University of Ne braska-Lincoln police lowed one of the service’s cars which was transporting blood to the Commu nity Blood Bank. The vehicle was owned by Thomas Morrow Associates, a delivery service which has an ar rangement with the Community Blood Bank to transport blood from the mobile site on East Cam pus back to the blood bank during the day, said Jane DeCalb, a lab worker for the blood bank. Morrow’s vehicle was illegally parked while he was picking up about 20 pints of blood, DeCalb said. Morrow said he has had a couple of tickets for illegally park ing on campus before, but he thought they had been “taken care of.” UNL parking officers spotted the license plate of the vehicle with outstanding tickets and called Pete’s Towing to impound the vehicle. DeCalb said that the blood bank called UNL police to get the blood stored in the van returned to them, and the police consented to have another vehicle pick up the blood. Morrow said he was upset about the situation. “It cost me $64 (for the lowing and tickets) and here we are out there doing a worthwhile cause picking up blood,” Morrow said. Lt. John Burke, in charge of Cing for UNL Police, said that row's vehicle was not marked as carrying blood. The vehicle had outstanding tickets, so it was impounded, he said. Burke would not say how many tickets the vehicle had. Burke said he didn't think Morrow should be exempt from tickets because he was operating the delivery service. ‘‘They (Thomas Morrow Asso ciates) should have made arrange ments.” he said. DcCalb said he thought the situ ation was funny. "It didn’t cause any problems,” Dei. ai'u r.aid. “11 just gave us a good laugh.”