Classified 472-2588 l Great part-time job tor students. Lincoln Janitorial Service is now accepting applications lor eariy anc iate evening positions Call 435-1200 be tween 1 -5 p.m. Kimball Hall is hiring two house managers tor the current yoar (with possible extension.) Payrate starts at S3.7S hour Applications are immediately available at Kimball Bo* Office, 113Westbrook, M-P. 11am-5pm Application deadline is Monday, November 7. 1988 NEED MONEYWW Joining Our Program May Earn You up To S2.00C.00 It you are a healthy male between the ages ot 19 and 55 you may be eligible to join the thousands ot people each year who help Harrs Laboratories in pharmaceutical evaluations Absorption rates of various medications are studied m our facility Medications may be now or currently on the market Some you may have used m your own home All studies require a free physical exam, are fully explained, and medically supervised Harrs Laboratories e a rapidly growing and highly sophisticated prog'am and we would like to extend an invitation to you to join our volunteer group end become a membe’ ot ttis proud team Are have many programs to offer Each program requires different lengths of stay and some just on week ends Grve us a call and cheat out your potsfeilrties tc earn an axtra income Monday through Friday 7:30am t©50Qpm Harris Laboratories. Inc 621 Rose Street Nights and weekends, a good school job Apply Ram 4pm, Big Daddy * QuA Slop *66 8319 PART-TIME OISTWCT MANAGER This position requires a mature individual with gooc communicatior skills who car motivate newspaper cam ersanc work with parents and customer* a* a C-lly Cam* District Manager The * an exoekent opportunity tor t university student when requires bemc available by 2 :X pm daily. 900 am Saturday and someSunday mornings This position requires approximately 36 hons/wesk You'own vehicle s required with rndtage expenses paid Applications wfl be accepted ai tha Journal-Star Parson ne once 926 P Street. 600 am - 400pm thru Wednef day. Novenfcer 2nd. Part-time help needed, merchandise check-ir. and stock .ng tNi!! work around school schedule Apply m person at Pauley Lumber 9*6 So 27th Street I Live-m personal care attendant tor young disabled work ino women Non-smoker, salary negotiable Cal1 435 5270 after 5:00. ______ MING PALACE CHINESE RESTAURANT Part -time waitery person Apply in person after 5pm. 1309 L Street SEARS Needs part-time auto oenter sales cashiers immediately Flexfcle hours are needed Part-time tire instate and lube job flexible hours also. We a»so have many Christ mas sales jobs available Liberal company benefits include immediate discount privileges Apply Seats Gateway. Mon 10-7. Tues-Fn 10-4. _ EOE/M/F Telemarketing Part-time evenings and Saturdays, relaxed environment. S3.50/hour * commission Call 1-9 weekdays. 11-3 Saturdays Royal Carpet Cleaning. 464-7900. The DRAGON PALACE m East Park is now hiring part time cashiers Flexible ahemoon and evening hours available Apply this week in person WANTED Persons interested m extra money oWammc signatures Must be neat m appearance, outgoing and people oriented Call Mr Becgmenn at 472-6142 eve megs. _ Working oouple needs an atetenenoad baby sitter to care tor ona intent m our homa The hours: 3 JO to 103Qpcr Tua-fri- Call 42J4403 anytima. must be 1%*. .. euM< »v iwnn« Pnm "SO! . . . VAJI LMJU UU5J UULUIliy UlVXiy uyuuu Need Roommate to share 2 Bedroom Apartment 1736 L St. $147.50/pijselectric‘ty and rable. Ca<475-4106 Roommate wanted, temaie Chateau properties Call 464-8270 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 bedroom. $200. 1742 K St 4367191. Please leave message. Alt utilities paid, studio apartment. 1133 D Street. 9300 mo. 476-5275_ Duple* tor rent. Large. 2-bedroom. newly remodeled Between Campuses, porch, s newer'tub. centra' air. on street parking. $350/mo j^ut'.irties and deposit 46*4414 Lovely apartments. __ Unfurnished: 2 bedrooms: 1615 Oariiald $325 (489 :2395); 2126 A. $340 noted mg heat; 3535 Vine 2 story $400. One bedroom 3535 Vine $298. Duple* 5350. Furnished 502 So 12, bed>oom* $296. etfioencw* $215,221 (474-3365) ;648 So 12.«dicwncyS2i 5, includ ing heat __ „ . '4eed resident manager at Vine and 502 So. 12. Call 423-5900 _ __ Nev East Campue/UNi Pso» Unfurnished tourer level. Suae, no smokers, deposit. 1/2 utilities. gar«- $250 JoAn weekdays 476-6910. weekends 46/ 4891. Newer 1 and 2 bedroom S260 to $350 539 N 24th 423 1029.477-2177__ Newer 2 bedroom, near carrpus. $325/morth 439 2203 Outstanding 3 bedroom apartment at 1616 South 14. available Dec 1. Cal 475-5615 Utilities Paid 2201 A Remodeied efficiency, shower, laundry, oozy, only $2» month total Cell Kim. 421-1871 LOST & FOUND i_CST: Brown Ray Pan prescription sunglasses. Arch Red. 10/28. Please call Km 474-4880.476-2373 ADOPTION ADOPTION: YOUR BABY'S LfE WILL BE SECURE ANO FILLED W TH LOVE Happily married, fnancialty secure couple unable to have children, hope you'd cal on led Legal. Erpensec paid Lynn end Marbn (212)362-6884 — “EXTRA MONEY** Is nice, but you can help people too Earn $120 ♦ a month SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED FflOCEDURE. 15 bonus to new donors on first donation with this ad Ask about additional bonuses (Monday - Saturday) Two hr. free parking at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Biosclence, Inc. 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-BS45 BLOOM COUNTY ADOPTION Make someone you love very happy We yearn to adopt your baby and provide a loving family and the opportunities you would if you could After seven years with no baby to love your baby would make our family complete Expenses paid, please call Michele ano Marty collect (516)623-3256 Let us give your baby ali the advantages you would if you j cojIc We are a young Christian couple who have been trying to have a child, out after 6 years we still don't have a baby to kiss and hug. We are a full time Mommy and loving Daddy who live m a beautiful home on a iree lined street with a big back yard We have lots of relative* who can't wait for the new arrival Expenses pa.d. call Karen and John collect 718 356 3903 — — — — —eg i : ■ i I 3 Small Pizzas j 2 Toppings j I Pizza Wars |o°caS Pizza Wars J fi Free Delivery IpO«5U Call 477-1211 IspSEssr** / I 'om prices. Z % SOU rock bot- I I I fZJ!Sare P^ed tJ%0,a£!mounta'n I / /s.-JsSs^ / /«*.». *W“ / I COWptete I / I pante nLnd'ng Mr I I £ Be!hJether <£?£ J2f ^ / f tescente Warm nondate and I Ibot/tems **rm “P to these / j I AfM /' IssgW 1--ft/ Loam *m, mmek C/W/mCMMM. ^yjetfup\ pony l _ £ l 1 ? Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maieska AC ROSS 25 Kind of deal 48 Farthest limit i 28 Flora SO Machination 1 inf 28 Denial S3 Nuclear C c a 33 Crooner fission 5 SSL"?*. Columbo apparatuses 0 IS aquatints 34 *"agram ,or 58 ^ception • 12 n.imwnnp's 35 Ta,e s,art 57 Wimbledon '5 88 Bas,c facts champ 1975 17 Suffering 59 Declaration i? uaiiman>. 88 Links item signer from '“S- MU, M ParlofQ.E.D. 'H dateh^enfUry 4 * *"****"* 82 “—You Glad !• 41 Herringlike You’re You?" Sffi*8 f,sh 81 Dimmish allowance 43 Dumb’,n 84 Viu,es 20 Harassed Durango 85 Truncated SKSE traffic ..gns usr 47—Ma*“" ■ ■ — .ii. ■ DOWN /UKWISNMHIWSMIZfll 1 Jubal’s mother - 2 Whale 1 Unplanned 4 Salamanders 5 Wranglers' show 8 Watch out! 7 Prefix with gram or graph 23 La-la 37 Bon- 49 Tense time for 8 Sale foie runner 40 Tropical many description 28 Chatter American tree 50 9 Sien a Madre 27 Oils 42 Norway's 2?» orestratum 29 Danish Seven- ,*17" M ’ 10 Give up composer Falls 19^ song • 1 V.a j?tudenl 38-Pay Oo 44 A small dog. 52 Relaxation ■2Jab*e