The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1988, Page 7, Image 7
I TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SFRVJCE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM'S 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES “ GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE " IBM Word Processing 4 Typing Reasonable! 488 9^94 Resumes by Ann Quality resume' development. 464-0775 Resumes Professionally typeset. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan, basement of the Nebraska Union, 1400 H Street. RIDES A RIDE, or riders needed to Champagne, III. Novembei 11-13 Call Becky. 476-1353. announcements Don't do it unless you dye^-*em the groovy art of the dying through UPC-Free University class Dc or Dye Sign up October 31 -November 4, at a booth in the Union. Come hear what your faculty has to say about ths ISSUES I FACULTY SERIES, tomorrow at 3 :X PM in ths Crb Sponsored by UPC Tafcs and Topics Make a Splash Anchor Splash M STUDENTS FOR KERREY RALLY FOR BOB AT 6:30 CITY UNION, TODAY PU, PHI CH! THETA in Union ^ m,ormal mee,ln0' Tuesday. November 1st a „ PEACE CORPS Application Party, Thursday, Nov 3, 7pm East Campus MAJOR CONCERTS PRESENTATION TEAM Meeting, Today. Nobember 1 at 6 pm City Union—room posted/E fc Having trouble expressing yourself? Learn the basics ol son language in UPC-Froe University's class, Silenl Words Register Octobe' 31-November 4 at the booth ir the Union. IT'S FREEH ATTENTION ABSENTEE VOTERS!! Your absentee request must be received by your county election officia by November 4th. If you need an absentee ballot request contact the Government Liaison Office, 472-265? or slot by 116 Neb. Union. DREAM Important meeting Wednesday. November 2, 6 p.m., a< culture center. Officers will be elected Everyone wel come. LIQUID SKY Aliens Searching For Ecstasy Friday and Sunday. CITY UNION UPC - AMERICAN FILMS □QUID SKY Fnday and^Sunday. City Union PHI BETA CHI SORORITY • starting a chapter at UNLI Informational meeting Monday. 11/7 at 7pnv Lutheran Student Center. 53 North 18th. Call Kama* 435-326S or Kim 474-2824. THE LAST STUOCNTS FOR KERREY MEETING! city union, too today ALL UNI STUDENTS COME AND BE PART OF THE FINAL COUNTDOWN CORNCOBS Mandatory maeting today at 4:30. Bring money tc migration deposit* LAST CHANCE !| STEAMBOAT *COLORAD O# VAIL/BEAVER CREEK fcCOLORAD O# WINTER PARK ♦ COLORADO* KEYSTONE *C O L O R A D O* :m7Tiiamvi;ai X\-&**!*/ TvP^Tai\*$«^5^VSJ*^l^JSS***** .% /<** •? aS*^ li ** ce*»v“iS»' % / *5r-'^ssiVr.-^Ss-'Ss\ V ■gsaafea^^^ nJ'*l3s££S*0^W TOU RH jPOmiAnOW AND RBSBTVATIOWS 1-800-321-5911 _ Of conuw our wcaiuoclMMt«rncu?«prw«nBW< Of youf >■»"«« tr»-»«Kv _ BALLROOMICOUNYRY Learn to social touch dance. Private iessons-S15.00 each. Any level, singles or couples. No contracts Tom, 489-7912. __ _ FINALLY...A LOOK AT THE ISSUE SI! JPC Taks & Topics presents a panel discussion on foreign policy for the '88 Election with Dr. Ivan Volygee, Dr. David Forsythe and Dr. Lloyd Ambroaiua. Tomor row at 3:X pm in the Crib. AIESEC general meeting in the Union 4 p.m., AIESEC Fair. THE BAH BO KILLERS From Athens. GA with The NEW BRASS GUNS tonight at DUFFY a. GREEK AFFAIRS_ TNE Gee thanks guys lor another intelligent newsletter filled with helpfui Greek tips. How would we ever survive without such insightful well-meaning leaders such as yourselves. You guys are truly the Cream of the Cropl Greek nobodies Men ol SAE. Do H Sober was quite a success! It was a privilege working with you. Women of Pi Beta Phi AGS Little Sister meeting. Wed. Nov. 2, 8 JO exec. 9.00 regular meeting Hyan D.. Cory T„ Brat S.. Bob D. (FH). The Man.. The Music... Tha Limol Thanks for a wonderful time! You can be our Idols anytimelll Your Theta Ladies Sterna Mu Little Slaters Composite Pictures ,_945-1145pm Congratulations Stacie M A Michelle G (ADPi's) on being selected as pages for the Legislature Pi Love Always, your Alpha Deft Sisters PERSONALS . == * I'm Hot, I'm Easy and I’m looking for LOVEI I'll be at Duffy's tonight watching the BAR-FIG KILLERS from Athens, GA and the NF W BRASS GUNS , ft will be a night you'll never forget.. B. Barber Kelly, Happy 21 st Birthday I I hope you'll have a night you can remerrtber. Remo Mindy, You're no putts' Congratulations on your internshipll' Renee Julie V.(The engaged one), Seriously. Congratulations on the big event You have my blessings and my approval No cross-stitching on the couch, though. Rhonda Invictus Touch, Curling Toes, Hope he got off all right, crescit eundo. 21. Hares to next weekend. Have a good one! Secant & Willow Professional Student Dave "Bake" (Phi Belt). Smoking's bad for you. Hope you enjoyed Aggievifle. Write Michelle. 2401 West 25th 1B7, Lawrence. KS 66046__ Dean. Happy 2nd Anniversary. I Love you. Dawn HAPPY 21ST KELLY N. We Love You!!' Melissa. Anne-Marie, Katie and Marci Rum Belly. The cards have been dealt and I've put mine on the table. If you want to piay by the rules. give me a call Imres your smile. The Platypus K (FH> I had a great time at Idol even though you tried to ditch me And next tune park the cycle m the stretel Thanks •gamI (Reiteration >!) _W Erica (Internationa! Business). Ycu are so gorgeous I didn't want to appear to lorwerd and ask for your number Now I wish I had If interested RVP or meet me by the grandfather cloaks in the Union at 4flC today Rick John, I would like to see you again Holmes Lake was nice Emily Rita Rocket. Don't look now, but there s smelly shoes on your pillow Happy 20th1 JAH RAST/.i Charlene A Darlene Diana (Jackie) Pound, I Lowe (Library) the way you look What can 1 do to see you again7 And 1 too often study at that same table as you Just Curious Jane A. Saw you in Selleck parking lot How have you been7 477-5697 Paul R. CHILD CARE Baby-sitter for 3 yr old needed Monday and Wednesday nights Prefer your own transportation, References re quired For more information call 464-9544 evenings and weekends. Part-time weekends A evenings sitter needed for 3 chil dren. Own transportation. 423-8469, ask for Judy HELP WANTED $4/HOUR START. BUS PERSON S-1130PM NO SUNDAYS OR HOLIDAYS. TemOSharrter. 105 S 25th St. No phone calls. 99.45/HOUR Part-time work available Flexible hours. Plus 2 supervi sors needed, plus Chnstmas work. Call 466-7243, M W, 11am-1pm or 6-7pm only BA£ Computer needs responsible student to represent our computer. Incentive bonus plan Interested persons please sand resume to 3563 Rydar Street Santa Clara. CA 9506V_____ Chested aids now hinng day and night watery. Apply in pinion bttMMn 2-^jpor Full-Time Grocery night crew manager. Must havsptevi ous grocery stock ng sggwnenos Apply in person, sdtsr noons Food Bonanza 1340 West OSt. — i *********** **" *11 “ ***********************^******^***^*********^^“^‘..—:.;:; :.r :^':^V^: ...... — Bike Pedalers (33rd 48) $|||9 Can nondale. Centurion. Diamond Back Service AS make* $17.50 tune-up* 474-7000 New and Recondtioned Schwinn Bicycle* Expert repairs. All makes Lincoln Sdtwinn 3321 Pioneer 151/NCotner 488 2101 484-8952 Used paperbacks at hall the cover price. PAGE OtC 206 N 13th 474-6316 Carpet Land 'Carpet For Less’ Reasonable rates $ free estimates 1627 -O SL 477-6363 Free Pregnancy Counseling Let's exptor t the options. Catholic Social Services Bureau 215 Centennial Mai 474-1600 PREGNANT? Wondering whal to do? We provide confidential counseling. No lee. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4800 Valley Rd 483 7879 Personal t Career Counse'ing Individual or Group* M-T-F Bam-5pm W 4 Th Bam-Bom UHL Counseling Center 226 Adrninielration 472 3461 Scholastic Assistance Service Cotlege/Graduale School Scholarships. Grants FINANCIAL AID PO Box 2SM Lincoln. NE 68502 474-8004 HTMmciimiRs Exercise desses, aup«i\i*ed weight training, body composition testing, wsight control plan, tanning salon. ippAr«i thor 1318 N Street 476 1402 Gateway North 464-7068 •odlee »y Oeeign Located or. can pus in the Reunion at 18<h A W. Unlimited tanning end aeroL.cs 81 Vmonth Prices good until Novenfcer 10 476-0161_ GOLDS GYM Family Fitness Centers Special student rates available now. Go With The Beet! 48th 8 I -inhloi 467-4633 YogaClasses Faming Monday 7:15pm Saturday ¥30«m Center (or the Healing Arts 474-734* liwigigyasfiiin Demelaon Floral 127 South 13th Street 476 7602 Flower* for every occasion! Quality Service! We Deliver! OfAL-A-OFT Smetloons Send something ddlerent. Rose, spice, fruit scented balloons. 700 P Street 436 7123 ■HUll United Heirline* 13th A M Streets CornhusAer Plaza A Hotel Otters luM services. Hair stykrg and sAmcare/ cosmetics from premwre collection of Beverly Hills 476-0646 Hours: 8am-0pm. M-F 6am-4pm, Saturday College of Hair Design 11th A MSI Offers heir styfng priced to fit a student s budget. Haircuts starting at S3.76 and up. Classes m cosmetology aid barber/st^n^ begin every 3 months. FREE Pregnancy Tests Confidential BWTWRIOHT 4600 Valley Rd . Rm. 410. 463-2600 PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF LINCOLN Confrisntial birth oontro1 and pregnancy services Iniormation/Rsferral on ALL OPTIONS Call for aopointmant 9am-6pm 4767526 IINCOLN MASSAGE CENTER ...for the health of it... 3230 S. 13th 421 3230 Interested in Advertising in the Daily Nebraskan Service Directory? Cell 472-2500 Fen More Information I PAY MORE FOR OOLO Rings, Necklaces. Dental Gold. Chains DICK'S 000 O Street 474-4007 * Unique Handcrafted Jewelry * We make traditions. Cold Smith Jewelers 32)7 S 1.1th St 421 2210 New. used musical instruments guitars and accessories. l PARKING AVAILABLE $15/month 2 blkt from oampus llnni ilrfixinn 421N^th^ 475-4202 rnmmm THE DONUT STOP Irsih as the morning sun' Open 6am - 6pm Monday Friday 6am - 2pm Saturday 103 1/2 N. 27th St. 436 1665 The Cotta* House Lincoln's Only Coffee House M Th 7am 103Qpm P6S 7am - 12:30am Sunday 3pm 1030pm 1324 P St 477-6611 Attention Students Try something new for lunch today! Good food at a great pricer . EACIJEScLUB 210 N 14th St Open for lunch 11 im-2prr\ Kt-F | Downtown Boot and Shoe Repair Holes, worn heels? Same Day Servee, Monday - Friday. 8 5 1230 P Strew Kaplan Educational Canto* Number one in lest preparation. For more information call 476-7010. Aloha Tan A Tone Four UVA Tanning Beds. Student Discounts 48th A Hwy 2 423-2134 Tho Final Touch Woftf Suntana Bods Ssplombor Special 10 session) lor 625 70th A A 489-6998 SUN TANNERY 1D30 minute sessions lor 625 3230 S 13lh 423-6022 Secretarial Support Service Inc On-campus student paper specialist* located in the Reunioi 477-0346 Same day and 24 hr service. Paper*. Letter*. Etc Fast Service*. Reasonable Price* Letter Quality 436-6687 Call tor price quote* Professional Word Processing of Report*. Documents. Resume*. Letter* at E-Z MAIL. 466-1667. Clock tower. 6691 A. Typing at Reasonable Rates Reeumes^papw^applicationt I pick up and deliver. Astro'* Word Processing Resume*, term papers on Mac or IBM with laser print*#. Fast 6 Affordable On Campus in the Reunion. 16th 6 W Call 477-9011 Professional Word Processing All paper*, resumes, etc Individualuea ratesff-5 p*g*c>4) J43f£lH3