The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1988, Page 3, Image 3

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    Free U offers bracelet weaving I
By Tom Koenig
Staff Reporter__
Underwater bracelet weaving and
learning how to dance the ballroom
blitz offer a break from a regular load
of classes during the University Pro
gram Council’s Free U.
Registration for Free U classes is
from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. this week in the
Nebraska Union lobby. The registra
tion fee is waived for students and $2
for non-students. Classes usually
meet once or twice during November.
Free U chairman Stephanie Her
dahl said, “Free U is an opportunity
for students to try different things that
they wouldn’t experience in other
university classes.”
“Classes can expand knowledge of
students, educate them culturally and
socially," Herdahl said.
Free U is a non-profit organization
that offers mini-courses to students,
faculty and the general public.
Classes are taught by volunteers,
Forensics team
places second
in tournament
By Eve Nations
Staff Reporter
The University of Nebraska -
Lincoln Speech team finished
2nd-place Saturday at a tourna
ment at Creighton University.
Ann Petlus, director of fo
rensics, said she was pleased
with the performance of the
team this year.
The speech team competes
in two different kinds of events,
Petlus said. Those include indi
vidual speaking and debating in
The UNL team, comprised
of IS debate teams and SO indi
vidual speakers, placed high at
the Creighton tournament
Among the individual com
petitors. Brent Nichols placed
2nd inccmmiimcatioii analysis
and 4ih in extemporaneous
speaking. Jim Kimble placed
1st in persuasion. Melanie
Mason finished 1st in program
or a theme ai:d Susan Williams
and Susie Loftus finished 2nd
and 3rd. Williams mid Loftus
also finished let in dub. Nancy
CemtiSevie finished 5th in a
nrnflrr^kii AT. a ({tMiM
flie speech team also fin
ished 28th in the 30th touma
» ment at Colorado College.
Tltose who won boners woe
Tim Borchcrs, who placed 3rd
in communication analysis and
Amy Frame, who placed 3rd in
a Ltncotn/Douglas debate. The
team ofFrameamUason Downs
made it to the quarter-finals and
the debate team of Kristen
Svoboda and Tom Fridrtch
went to the semi-finals.
Peltus #a/d the team, is pet
mm>«g Wichitt Stated radl-v
’ jUnivenn^ in Fcoria, UL, and
, ^Butler University in Icdtaitgpo
Ita* ,
some who are University of Ne
braska-Lincoln professors, Herdahl
Courses include Ballroom Blitz,
Parliamentary Procedure, Miracle
Massage, Krishnamurti: The Trans
format? on of Man, Scarf and Bow
Tying, Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Word
on Macintosh, Funtastic Drinks,
Yoga, Underwater Bracelet Weav
ing, Self Defense, Post-Election Dis
cussion, Band-Aids for Bikes, Do or
Dye and Silent Words.
With these courses students can
learn to dance, fix a bicycle, computer
basics, organize a meeting, dye cloth
ing, sign language, make non-alco
holic drinks, transform conscious
ness, choose a scarf, discuss the elec
tions or make friendship bracelets,
Herdahl said.
Herdahl said computer classes fill
quickly, so students should sign up as
soon as possible if they’re interested.
Herdahl said the post-election
session will discuss the outcome of
the 1988 presidential elecuor jid
will include panelists Tom Monanan,
Nebraska state democratic chairman;
Bob Sittig, UNL political science
professor; Dick Shugrue, Creighton
University Law professor and Norm
Riffel, Nebraska state republican
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