The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1988, Image 1
Two errors appeared in Terry Ftadke's iettor to the editor (Party Nebraskan, Oct. 27) about Michael Dukakis' pro-chore stance on abortion. First, the letter should have said "how can (Dukakis), while ethically against intentional abortion, allow it to continue?" The letter also was supposed to read: "Clearly anyone who apposes abortion because of tire belief that personal life exists must be willing to defend the life of the child. Since Dukakis is not, either he cannot defend his “personally opposed^ position ... or he has taken his stance for purposes of political expediency.’ WEATHER: Monday, mostly sunny, high in the NewsDigest.2 I mid 60s, winds from the Wat 10-15 mph. Monday Editorial.4 night, partly doudy, low in the mid 30s Wednes Sports .7 day, partly sunny, high in the upper 60s. Arts & Entertainment.11 Voi. 88 No. 45 UNL Good News prints offensive picture By victoria Ayotte Senior Reporter cture appearing in the October UNL ood News has offended at least one niversity of Nebraska-Lincoln profes sor who said the picture is anti-Semitic. Louis Leviticus said the picture appearing on the front page of the Good News Halloween issue was an anti-Jewish propaganda poster frequently seen during World War II in the Netherlands. When Leviticus, a professor of agricultural engineering, was a child in the Netherlands during World War II, he grew up staring at pictures of a Satan-like face above which the words “The Eternal Jew” in Dutch were (Minted. Leviticus, whose Jewish parents were killed in a concentration camp, said the Nazi poster r-- ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 • —■ ■■ was a symbol of fear to him as a child. “We as children saw those posters glaring down on us,” Leviticus said. “I know these posters very well.” The photo was “meant to make Jewish people look bad,” he said. Leviticus said the letters on the poster were formed to resemble Hebrew, and “you can see what the face looks like,” referring to the man’s twisted features on the poster. “I thought I was rid of that,” he said. B ut when the Good News came out Wednes day, Leviticus said those bad memories came flooding back. ‘This really brought it out in the open again,” he said. “I won’t rest until we get it cleared up.” The Good News printed under the picture that it was a “satanic symbol,” which Leviticus said isn’t true. Ths sprinkler system want off prsmatursly Friday morning, icing this irss and ths surrounding srss nssr Avsry Hall. “That piece certainly does not belong in that article,” he said. “It does not belong anywhere — it certainly does not belong in a publication called UNL Good News.” Leviticus said he feels the publication of the picture was “not only totally irresponsible, but an expression of Nazism by that group.” Nels Forde, publisher of the Good News, said he got the picture from a book called “Halloween,” and the label “Satanic symbol” came from the book. “It was completely innocent in intent,” Forde said. “I had no idea.” Forde said he didn’t think the words said “the Eternal Jew.” “I question whether it was anti-Semitic,” Forde said. Leviticus said he thinks the Good News should apologize to the community and the university for printing the picture. The Good News should also be forbidden from using the name UNL if they are “that irresponsible,” he said. Leviticus made a complaint to UNL vice chancellor for student affairs James Griesen. Griesen said the Good News is not a student publication and he doesn’t think the university could force them not to use UNL in the paper’s name. “We have to appeal to the good sense of the publisher to retract the picture,” Griesen said. “It’s deplorable to print something that’s offen sive to the Jewish community.” Forde said he would never have printed the picture if he had known it was anti-Semitic, and will make a public apology if it is. Forde said the Good News is not anti-Se mitic. “We are so pro-Semitic that it hurts,” he said. Crowded computer system does not create problems By David Holloway Senior Reporter Some University of Nebraska-Lincoln of ficials are not expecting any complica ^ lions next semester even though they won ’ t have a new main frame computer system. Ted Pfeifer, director of registration and records, said he does not foresee any problems with the response time of the current registra tion and records program. He said the only detrimental aspect for future use of the com puter is the inability to add any new programs to the system because if s already functioning at full capacity. Although Pfeifer said there would be no major problems, Tony Schkade, assistantdirec tor at registration and records, said the registra tion will be “slightly affected” as a result of the overcrowded computer system. Schkade said a financial aid management system, a managing account system and a uni versity foundation system have been overload ing the system during the past two years. He said those offices have been adding new programs to the system, causing the mainframe to overload. Schkade said registration and records has experienced a slower response time with regis tration applications. He said students will be able to notice this during drop/add, but that it will not be a major problem. Schkade said drop/add averages 1,500 stu dents per day with a response time from the computer of two to three seconds. He said the response time for the computer is presently 15 to 20 seconds. ‘Having to compete with the other program systems are slowing us down,” Schkade said. “The computer can only take one program at a time, so we are forced to wait in line.” James Griesen, vice chancellor for student affairs, said there will be no problems with registration that will be detectable to students. “There will be some negatives, but more for the people who work with the computers,” Gricsen said. Griesen said there is a definite need fora new computer, but the need will not effect the students. He also said the computer system will not be able to be expanded in any way. Griesen said lime arrangements have been made to give registration top priority over other on-line users to the computer so as not to slow down the registration process. Larry Apel, associate director of scholar ships and financial aid, said it is hard to tell if there will be any computer problems in finan cial aid. Apel said office workers have not yet en countered any problems. Most of the financial aid work for next year will start at the end of January, he said. Bush gives Kame’s ticket big political push at Civic Auditorium By David Holloway Senior Reporter s / uke the Duke”and “Bye-bye Bobby” • * signs filled Omaha’s Civic Audito JL ^ rium Exhibit Hall Friday night, setting the scene for a campaign speech by Vice Presi dent George Bush. Chants of “We want Bush” came from a crowd of nearly 3,500, who welcomed Bush to the stage. Others watched Bush from behind the podium, including his wife Barbara, Sen. Dave and Liz Karnes, Gov. Kay Orr, Hal Daub and five cheerleaders from the Omaha area. In his first visit to Nebraska since gaining the republican nomination for president, Bush came to Omaha to support Karnes in his cam paign for the Senate against Bob Kerrey. Bush See BUSH on 3 Retailers say timely marketing can keep Halloween from being a nightmare I By James Lillis Suff Reporter While some people use Hal loween to dress theirchil dren in costumes and “trick or treat,” some Lincoln re tailers say adults’ growing interest in the holiday can make it more profitable if marketing is done right An Oct 25 Wall Street Journal article said a recent national trend shows adults also like to wear wigs, masks and fake blood once a year. According to the article, Oct. 31 has “slipped past Christmas to become the biggest party night this side of New Year’s Eve.” It also said Hallmark Cards, Inc. esti mates that adult Halloween parties have increased 25 percent in the past three years. Becky Jennings, manager of Patty's Hallmark Shop in the Centrum Shopping Plaza, 1111 O Sl, said Hallmark estimates that 28 million Halloween cards will be sent this year. “It’s the eighth largest card sending holiday in the United States, Jennings said. While retailers who carry Hal loween supplies such as costumes, gifts and greeting cards can count on a profir, Halloween can bring about some spooky marketing phantoms for other retailers. Kathryn HuJIerman, manager of Fringe and Tassle, 735 O St., which specializes in costume rent als, said Halloween is a one-day shot for retailers like herself. A wrong guess on inventory means she’ll be storing leftover Yoda masks for a year or more, she said. Retailers must also correctly guess the season’s costume fads. Some masks, such as “Star Wars,” Yoda and television’s Max Head room, lose their appeal before the season ends and end up taking up space in store rooms. Also, with a one-day season, there isn’t time to restock shelves a week before the holiday, which is usually the biggest sales week, she said. Last week has been the busiest at Thingsville’s Halloween shop in the Centrum, said supervisor Laurie Curd. “Running out of stock is defi nitely worse than having too much of it. Curd said while demonstrat ing fake blood application for a customer Wednesday afternoon. “Once we ran out of the Freddy Kreuger gloves and got 200 phone calls for it in one day.” Freddy Kreuger is the severely burned character with a steel hand in the “Nightmare on Elm Street” movies. The Freddy glove has remained a popular, fast-selling item this year, Curd said. Curd said leftover inventory usually can be stored and then sold next year unless it’s an out-of style fad. UN