The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1988, Image 1

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    r- M,n« Y , t ■ ■, rum t.iv ;■ 1
WEATHER: Wednesday, increasing Editorial.4
cloudiness, high around 60, winds from the Special Section - Insert
SE 5-10 mph Wednesday night, doudy, with Sports.5
a low in the lower 40s Thursday, mostly Arts* Entertainment.6
doudy with a high near 60. Classifieds.7
Vol. 88 No. 37
Namibian criticizes apartheid
By David Holloway
Senior Reporter
An official representative of
the South West African
People’s Organization dis
cussed apartheid in southern Africa to
a crowd of about 100 people in the
Nebraska Union Tuesday night. The
talk was sponsored by Early Warning,
a University of Nebraska-Lincoln
student activist group.
Hafeni Hatutale, a native of the
South African-controlled country
Namibia, said apartheid is present in
his homeland and affects 96 percent of
the population.
Hatutale gave a brief overview of
the history of Namibia which brought
him into the topic of apartheid.
Hatutale said South Africa uses
Namibia for the country’s diamond
and mineral wealth, but keeps the
profits. He said that 6 percent of the
population, which is white, has 80
percent of Namibia’s wealth. The
black population receives only 20
percent of diamond and mineral prof
“When your country is ruled by
someone else, you should at least have
the right to vote for your own leaders,”
Hatutale said. “Our land was taken by
South Africa and divided in an unfair
Hatutale said two million people
live on the 3,200 square miles of
“One out of five children live to be
five if they are lucky, and then they
are called human beings,” Hatutale
said. “I was one of the lucky children
and I’m here to tell you about it.”
Hatutale said blacks are denied
education by the government, the
right to travel outside of the country
and the right to live where they
“We are aware of the rights of our
forefathers and we know they died
fighting for them," Hatutale said.
“Your people did the same when they
fought and died against the British."
Hatutale said low wages and lack
of education keeps the black popula
tion in perpetual slavery and poverty.
Hatutale said SWAPO was
formed in 1966 to demand the civil
rights for blacks. He said that 22 years
later, nothing has changed in Na
mibia except SWAPO’s tactics.
“After South Africa denied us our
rights we took up the arms struggle,”
Hatutale said.
Hatutale’s speech was not met
without opposition. Some UNL stu
dents from Namibia disagreed with
some of his comments, while agree
ing that apartheid was wrong.
Officials: Some still smoke in ‘problem areas’
By Patlie Greene
Suff Reporter _
Some University of Nebraska
Lincoln officials say they are
pleased that smokers are com
plying with UNL’s campus-wide
smoking policy, but some smokers
say they still disagree with the policy.
Daryl Swanson, director of the
Nebraska Unions, said “appai ently,
most people are placing their ciga
rettes out at the doors.”
“This shows they are trying to
comply (with thepoffey)^ he said.
Swanson said, however, that some
“problem areas" exist where people
are still smoking. Those areas in the
union include the women’s lounges
on the 1st and 2nd floors and the
meeting rooms.
Frank Kuhn, assistant director of
the Nebraska Unions, said the
women’s lounges on the 1st and 2nd
floors have never had no-smoking
signs posted.
“We took the ashtrays out," he
said. “Thai should be an indication of
no smoking.”
Kuhn said union maintenance
personnel are in the process of posting
no-smoking signs.
Swanson said he thinks meeting
rooms in the union tend to be more of
a problem because people don’t go to
the designated smoking areas during
Designated smoking areas are
small and hard to find, he said.
The 2nd floor smoking area is
located in the south hallway outside
the Nebraska Union Ballroom. Swan ■
son said the area is used most heavily
when the ballroom is in use. He said
he plans to install belter ventilation in
the area and to add more furniture so
the smokers will feel more comfort
“We try not to disenfranchise the
smoker entirely,” he said. “It’s their
union loo.”
Kuhn said the kiosk by die infor
mation desk in the Nebraska Union
soon will show the locations of the
designated smoking areas.
Upon request, Nebraska Union
staff members will show smokers
where to find smoking areas and give
smokers a hand-out indicating the
designated smoking areas.
Kuhn said each building on cam- '
pus must have a designated smoking
area to accommodate smokers. ^
Nancy Bowen, a graduate student^*
in educational psychology, said she
has searched for a designated smok
ing area in Bancroft Hall but hasn’t
found one yet.
Bowen said she and others who
smoke go outdoors to smoke ciga
Kuhn said he has seen people
smoking as they walked into the un
He said he thinks people “get
caught in the process" of smoking as
they walk in. As they enter the build
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DN clears itself
of errors made
Due to the the length of today’s corrections,
they will not appear in the usual place at the top
of this page. The Daily Nebraskan would like to
clear some errors made in three stories in the
Oct. 18 issue.
An error in a story about the World Food Day
conference at the University of Nebraska-Lin
coln misinterpreted the purpose of the confer
ence, and its importance. The conference did
not focus on problems in the country of South
Africa alone, but on the recurring drought and
famine over wide areas of the continent of
Africa in the past two decades. Also, sub
Saharan Africa is the only major region in the
world in which, even apart from the disaster
years, population has been growing faster than
food production. The DN would like to clear
any misperception that the country of South
Africa and the region of southern Africa arc the
In the story about the Afrikan People’s
Union meeting, Paul Miles was misquoted.
Miles, special assistant to Vice Chancellor of
Student Affairs James Gricsen, did not suggest
that APU and the group Developing Realistic
Educational Activities for Minorities should
try to incorporate their ideas. Camille Steed,
graduate assistant with multi-cultural affairs,
made this statement. Miles did say, however,
that DREAM “should outreach to all who arc
Finally, in a short about internships avail
able in Washington D.C., the room number for
a meeting for students interested in internship
opportunities in Washington D.C. was listed
incorrectly. Students can pick up career point
ers during the meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in
538 Oldfathcr Hall.
Good news? . v , ... .
Rosa Hoaaalnl, left, argues religion wWi victory Fellowship Church School teacher Cindy Nuttar Tuesday atter
noon naar BroyMtl Fountain Nuttar aaM aha oama to campus wfth har claasand har husband In order to ilafttn
to two traveling preacher#, but aha andad up gating Into har own discussions with UNI students. Hoaaalni said
Nuttar waa “just forcing" har ballets on others, and safe* "that’s not the way to make people believe to God."
.... IHH. — \