The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1988, Image 1

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October 11,1988 University of Nebraskan-Lincoln Vo 1.88 No. 31
City council passes sports commission
By Victoria Ayotte
Senior Reporter
Two Lincoln city council members said
they think the Sports Industry Com
mission, passed unanimously by the
council Monday , will be an economic opportu
nity and help in promoting future sporting
There was no discussion on the commission
at the council mcetiug, but the two council
members had positive remarks about it later.
“I think it represents a real economic oppor
tunity as well as promotional opportunity,'’ said
council member Ted Hempel.
Council member Linda Wilson also said she
feels the commission will be .good for the city.
“I think it’s a real positive move for the city,
the state, the university and everyone in
volved,” Wilson said.
Hempel and Wilson said they have no mis
givings about die way the commission is to be
“I think it’s been very well thought out and
put together and serves as a one-stop opportu
nity for those who want to put together an
event,” Hem pel said.
The 13-member commission is to be ap
pointed by Lincoln Mayor Bill Hams later this
month. The commission and the non-profit
Greater Nebraska Sports Corp. are parts of a
proposal to coordinate sporting efforts and
bring more events to Lincoln, said Dave
McBride, a member of the mayor’s sports
industry task force.
llie city stands to gain “millions of dollars"
from additional sporting events the commis
sion would bring. McBride said.
Hempd agreed that the event will bring
economic opportunity to Lincoln.
“It represents a real coming together of the
interests involved in putting together a sporting
event,” Hem pel said.
“It will really be a positi ve thing for getting
sporting events to Lincoln,” Wilson added.
Retreat helps blacks
understand views
By Natalie Weinstein
Suff Reporter
A weekend retreat designed
to help students understand
cultural diversity has given
black students the impetus to make
changes on campus this year, said the
’ mt of the Afrikan People’s
“This year things are going to
change. I’m sure of that,” said Resi
dent Terence Goods at a Monday
night APU meeting.
Goods was one of about 10 blacks
and 65 others who attended the 24
hour retreat at a 4-H camp near
Gretna this weekend. The retreat was
the culmination of workshops given
to about 10 student groups during
“Appreciating Cultural Diversity”
last week at the University of Ne
Tina Pauerson, APU correspond
ing secretary who was at the retreat,
said she thinks attitudes on campus
can change because a lot of prejudice
is due to ignorance.
“They don’t know it (prejudice)
hurts people’s feelings,’’ she said.
Janneuc Bush, APU first vice
president, said the retreat taught her
that blacks need to pay attention to,
not ignore, racism.
Goods said he felt the weekend
retreat was different from other pro
grams he has attended.
“That was the first time in my life
that I was in a room where white
students admitted that they were rac
ist and that they were part of the
problem,” Goods said.
What surprised Patterson most,
she said, was that white students who
attended the retreat seemed to care
See APU on 3
trie Qrogory/DiiHy febri*ku
Whole wheat or rye?
Betty Glagavas o! Lincoln feeds a group of Canada geese at Holmes Lake Monday. Glagavas, who brought more
than 80 loaves of bread to the parit, said she has fed the geese at Holmes Lake ewery day for the last four yoars.
__ ■ ' —--— ---
Publisher perturbed with some book sales
By Eve Natices
Suff Reporter
According to some University
of Nebtaska-Lincoln pro
fessors and Lincoln book
companies, the sale of complimen
tary textbooks is common practice at
But groups representing publish
ers and authors say they lose millions
of dollars every year from the sales.
Complimentary books are free
books publishers send to professors
for review only.
The sale of complimentary text
books accounts for more than $80
million in lost sales and $ 10 million iri
lost royalties every year, according to
Jerry Sirchia, assistant director of the
higher education division of the As
sociation of American Publishers.
“The most offensive part is that
professors and authors don't set any
royalties from these sales," Sirchia
said. “The books are not meant to be
sold. The publishers don't receive
any money lor these books.”
Sean are sometimes placed on the
book to indicate that the book is for
promotional use only or are instruc
tors' issues. When these books are
sold to bookstores, independent so
licitors or wholesale book compa
nies, the seal is covered by a black and
white sticker that reads "Another
Quality Used Book."
Sirchia said the practice of re
marking complimentary seals on the
hooks is not illegal, but it does pose an
ethical question.
"It’s not fraudulent because it is a
used book,” Sirchia said. "But the
See SELL on 6
Only small profits made from
textbook sales, managers say
By Eve Nations
Staff Reporter
Although students often com
plain about the prices of
textbooks, bookstores make
only a small profit from the buybacks
and resale of books.
Martha Hoppe, trade book man
ager at the University Bookstore said,
“We buy books from students at 60
percent of the cost of the book- We
resell them for 75 percent of the cost.
That doesn’t constitute the amount
after paying labor costs.”
Most of the revenue that the Uni
versity Bookstore receives comes
from items such as Big Red clothing
and other merchandise.
“The textbooks are the largest
majority of sales," Hoppe said. “But
new (regular) books make more
money than textbooks."
Jerry Mullinix, Nebraska Book
store manager, also said textbook
sales make up a very small percent
age of the bookstore’s profits.
“We make most of our money on
items such as clothing, gifts and
greeting cards," he said. ‘General
books make more money than text
See BOOKSon6