The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1988, Page 12, Image 12
Classified 472-2588 Amy L. (bighair). Happy 20thl Your second annual birthday greeting trom you SWC neighbors. Love, Krista and Teresa Happy 21st B-Day to that GORGEOUS XO pledge trainer I Be sure to look out for those Big Black Dogs I We Luv U, The XO pledges. P.S. Remember the legal drinking age and them Or ink one lor the piedge-mitesl Scott. I love you always! I'm counting the days! You're the best I Much Love, Katie Shelly You are too cool. I want to be Ike you in every way. Have a great birthdayll __ C Shelly My brothers Larry, Daryl, and I want to wish you a Happy Birthdayll Love. Daryl LOML Happy Day. I love you I Smoocher Margaret from Denver, Loved taking to you in Kinko's. You have a beautiful smitel Meet Monday 4pm in Union lobby? DJ with resume Ci is* HAPPY BIRTHOAYI Love, Robyn Jeff. Could I forget? H*)py Birthdayll Kris Hamer SA. The secret's out. you know who I am. but let s con tinue just as planned. 3:30, Broyhill Fountain. __?77 Mr. Buttons, Happy 4 whoop it up months togetherl Have one heck of a good dayl Love, Mrs. Buttons Beautiful AOTT with blue sweatshirt/plaid letters A glasses. Seller* cafetena 11:30 on 10/6. Available? RVP Handsome Greek Twin Dragon II, Canada Cap, You have the cutest butt I Happy birthday and anni versary. Let's do gin sometime I I love you madly I Curly MAGIC, Have you figured it out yqt? Only THREE more days then everyone will know. Huggles P S. Can you dance? John, See you tomorrow at 9 am in the City Union. I'm looking to mate you in the Chess Tournamentl Bring your friends Terry To the bestest little girl in the world. I love you very, very much. See you Sunday night. The Archbishop, Cnuckster Anonymous, If I fulfill your every vision, then where did you see me Monday Night? Don I deny me the privilege of meeting you, be there Sunday _ Davidjf. Beth, I cannot think of another way to spend my time and enjoy it as much as the time I spend with you. I love you. Jeff Mustang, Thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings. That I would scorn to change my state with kings. Pinto Jeff, HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY! You're everything. All my love, Kelly HELP WANTED A Grant Restaurant We're looking tor friendly, courteous people to staff our mall restaurant. We need responsble people as; lead oounter, starting wage $4 20. day oounte: sales, starling wage S3.75. We offer flexble FT/PT hours. Free uni forms and family oriented working environment. Apply now at Great Hof Dog Experience. Centrum Plaza, 475 1662__ Assistant manager and crew members tor Subway Sand wiches. 11 am-6pm, Monday-Friday. Apply at 3031 O. BODIES BY DESIGN UNCOLN'8 NEWEST AEROBIC * TANNING FACILITY located on campus :« seeking motivated, hard-working people for sales and telemarketing positons Both part time and full-time available. SaTary ♦ commissions. Great opportunity. For more informed ion oall476 9161 or apply in person. Located in the Reunion at 16th A W. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 8]MM[^L|u|M|pl|SIaTbIT N |b| mlK-PBbIuJrUpBo a Rle 7 I a| l|e|p|p|obBo|t|iioTsTFBBR hbmmb rKTErETNifE TU 1 ■ « »M«U1 I"1111 W *] eJ ^|s(e|oj s Jy a]mJo( s Cashier, Merchandise-Chock in. Part-time, 30-35 hrs/poi week. Weekends and afternoons, call for appointment. Pauley Lumbar, 475-7575. Cuetodial Working part-time early and late e\ rung hours. Ftextile schedule, downtown area, above average starting wage. Apply 3809 Adams FBG Service Corp. DAY-CARE NEEDED: 2 yr old boy. Early afternoons until approximately 6 p.m. weekdays. Preferably in out home. 466-9214 before noon. Experienced farm help. Hours textile, will work around classes. Pay based on experience. 786-3139. EXTRA MONEY is nice, but you can help people too. Earn $120+/month. SAFER, FASTER PLASMA DONATION ONLY AT ABI CENTERS DUE TO AUTOMATED PROCEDURE. S6 bonus to new donors on first donation with this ad. Ask about additional bonuses. (Monday-Saturdayj. Two hour free parking at any Park A Shop. University Plasma Center. Associated Boscenc*. Inc., 1442 0 Street. Lincoln No., 475-8645._ HAIR SALON RECEPTIONIST Part-time opening for desk person at our Downtown Location. Apply in person tc Miller A Paine. 6th Floor Personnel Office. Madonna Food Service Part-time employees to work trayfine and cleanup. Must set-up trays accurately according to guidelines. Hours: 3*5-7:00pm and some full-time days on weekends; wil adjust to meet your dast schedule. Pay: S4.11/hour Apply in the personal office Madonna Centers. 2200 South 52. _EOE_ Matorins Landscape Management Needs dependable hard working individual interacted in lawn work. Flexible hours, 477-1553. Males or Females: Work 3 hours weekly at European Tan SgUor FREE tanning as pay. (Can tan aN Winter!) 474 Need pick-up drivers and warehouse people. Flexible hours. Apply Lincoln Lumber Co.. 932 No 23rd. On-carpus travel rep or organizatbn needed to promote Spring Break trip to Florida or Texas. Earn money, free trps, and valuable work experience Cal Inter-Campus Programs. 1-800-433-7747._ Part-time help needed. Tuesdays and Thursdays Sam 3pm. Apply in person at Denter Denial Lab, 125 5 9th St. Part-time receptionist, 5-SpmMon-Fn Good typing skit required. Call Mary Lancaster. Austin Realty, 469-9361. Public Relations Representative Local restaurant is seeking aggressive and dynamic person to work a* pubic relations rep. Duties include: in store marketing, on and off campus contacts, promo tional activities. Must have strong customer orientation, must be able initiate quick and positive repot with at he' people. 15-20 hours. Excellent pay. Flexible schedul ing. Ideally suited lor college student ninth M-F lunch availability. Apply at Amgo s Reunion Center. 905 N 16. Schlotxeky’s Now hiring both full and part-time. Free uniforms, half priced meals, raise in pay after training, flexble sched ules. Apply in person weekdays 2-5pm. 12th and ’P‘, 54th and "O’, 33rd and Hw^^2. WANTED: Disc Jockey to play at local wedding. Price negotiable. Call 477-1870 evenings. WANTED: Fluent speakers of Japanese for distance learning program January through May. Apply to Dr. Beverly Radcliffe. IMC 920 0 Street, 68508. by Novem ber 1. YMCA is hiring youth volleyball officials. For more information call the YMCA 475-9622 or apply m person, 1039 P ROOMMATES__ Female or male to live in with wheelchair male. Free room/board. Little help. 475-5228. _ _ Female roommate. $180 ♦ utilities. Close to East Campus. 464-8411, ______ Male to share nice 2 bedroom home in S.E. Lincoln. Responsible, serious minded. Call 489-2772 alter 600. Need one male to share apartment downtown. $147.50 heat included. Call 475-4108 or 477-18/8 _ Non-Smoking Female to share nice 3 bedroom, lofted apartment, Close to Campus. $180 ♦ /Mo. 477-7670. Responsible! Non-smoking male roommate needed to share 2-bedroom apartment at 21st $ C. $110 ♦ 1/2 utilities. Cal David. 476-8503_ Roommate needed. No deposit $185/month all utilities paid. 475-7870 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 bedroom for rent. 2311 Vine. $365/month tor Nov. 1.435-4525 or 665-2521_ 3537 Apple Street. Cut*, one bedroom apartment. Close to EaatCaiTpus. $235 ♦ utilitiea. 464-0780. EAST CAMPUS. On* bedroom in bride 12-pier, one block from compua. Laundry facility, off street park ing. Coll 467-1612 for appointment or Mega Corpora tion 475-6467 M-F, 8-4io. Near Carrpua. newer 2 br. $325.2412 W St, 469-2203 Spacious 1-bedroom, mini-blinds, track lights, plush carpet, washer/dryer in building 1601 F Street. Avail able Nov. 1. 435-6067. 483-5140. Specious, on# bedroom doso to campus. $260. 476 1790, leave massage. LOST & FOUND FOUND: Key ring with many keys, south of Lyman HaH. 472-0846. _ _____ LOST: Worn brown leather book bag. Inside: Entomology book 6 2 notebooks. BLACK 5 GOLD PURSE. PLEASE RETURN! VERY IMPORTANT! REWARD! Contact: Toni, 466-9426. ADOPTION ” ADOPTION - A LOVING OPTION Your blessing of life soon to appear a most important choioa ever sc near; our loving kindness and happy STEAMBOAT *C O L O R A D O* i“-So&Saf-sSii or evmact o» naiiwwi iww iw—m t, our Wxonw imm wwy ALSO AVAILABLE: KEYSTONE, WINTER PARK AND VAIL/BEAVERCREEK BLOOM COUNTY_ _by Bwto Breathed youm SMHLmYZl ou&R'HMti y^ mev m N9TU re*/joying IN YOU ANY y> YOUR ti&N mower rot j [ mm* v/tlan * y \pereem, sy PNP 7 ' home will always be hereto fulfill those special dreams we all hold dear Please call Ronnie Sue or Rich, at 201 369-5953. - - adoption Financially secure single female will 9'^°u/'*lll£''® adoption Southern California couple seeks fo adopt an infant or newborn. Please call 805-949-0478. _ _ Happily married couple desire to adopt baby jnto loving family. We love children and will provide a stable, fun. and enriching life for a baby in a pleasant California community. Please call Nancy and John collect at (818)241-4397 at your convenience. LOVING ADOPTION Happily married California couple with lots of love and security wish to adopt baby up to age 2. AH expenses paid, totally legal. PLEASE call Jeame collect, 213-278 6181 thank you. SOCIAL SERVICES WEE PREGNANCY TESTMG ' Confidential counseling waitable. Call for an appointment. UNCO.N CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 476-2601_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Freepregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 463-2609. Budweiser presents the “ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMEDY MAGIC SHOW” featuring Rich Gerber-the official Anheuser-Busch Magician for over 10 years. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8TH 1 show only 9:00 to 10:00 pm NO COVER CHARGE Specials on all „ , Budweiser products 0v[I^[QUES^ 9th &p r--- -- ■ ■■ THI FAR SIDS By GARY LARSON Early settlers of Beverly Hills CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS Misbehavin’,” Waller hit 5 March 15, e g. 9 Swedish quartet 13 "Have I once liv'd to see -men?’’: Shak. 15 Director Forman 16 Presley hit 17 "Not-with vain desire”: Tennyson 18 Suffix for depend 19 L.I. inst. of learning 21 Suffix for Capri 22 Hull part 24 Sinatra hit 27 “-of Me," 1931 hit 28 French possessive 29 Like some vbs. 30 Singer Martin 32 Leandro’s love 33 Stiller’s partner 34 Streisand hit 37 Kind of ballgame 39 “-Town” 40 Marbles 44 Blue planet 45 Hoopsters’ org. 46 Bill’s partner 47 Cole hit 49 Sets up pool balls 51 French connections 52 Syr neighbor 53 Novelist Grey 54 Song of praise 50 Fitzgerald hit 61 Rhone f eerier 62 Unconscious 63 Miami's county 64 Tropical topic 65 Dutch cheese DOWN 1 Expanse west of Eur. 2 -Jima 3 Long short story 4 Material object 5 “Picnic” maker 6 Actress in "L.A. Law” 7 Inner: Comb form 8 Bitten by a bee 9 Goal 10 Medium mistake 11 Master artist's studio 12 Certain residue 14 Grimm starter 15 My dear, in Erin 20 Imaginary monster 22 Like Leroy Brown 23 Land in the Seine 24 Stuttgart sir 25 Equiangular, in Italy 20 Praying figure 28 Boils 31 Indira Gandhi's father 35 Glass showcase 36 Girl in a Kenny Rogers hit 37 -pin (tidy) 38 Grain-crop item 41 Agreed 42 Stir-fry pan 43 Titanic's cry 47 Water scorpion 48 Thicket 49 Water channel 50 Old-womanish S3 Piquancy SB "You Love." 1927 hit 97 Society-page word S8 Genetic letters SO That, in Toledo 60 Mil. award