The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1988, Page 11, Image 11
‘Alien Nation’ falls short of expectations, possibilities ALIEN from Page 9 drug and murder are thrown in for fun. There is a pretty weak message about the dangers of drug abuse, that isn’t expanded on enough. We have racism commented or., cross culture relationships shown and drugs and morality thought about, but none of these is discussed at length. What could’ve been said or shown wasn’t, like more of the alien’s culture or a clearer com ment on racial relations and the danger of bigotry when dealing with a significantly different people. Sykes, the human detec tive, openly despises the “slags,” but we’re left to wonder why. Even when he teams up with Sam Francisco, the Newcomer detective, to solve a human/New comer crime, the movie neglects to go into detail about the extent of the integration — the detail needed to make us care whether problems get solved or not “Alien Nation” leaves too many loose ends for the viewer to enjoy the movie a great deal. Where did the Newcomers come from? If they were “genetically engineered for slave labor,” who did the engineer ing and where are they? What about the seduction attempt by a Newcomer of Sykes, a human? Are the aliens really not that different? As a viewer, I was very inter ested in the aliens and the idea of a totally new race and culture trying to mesh itself with our own. But this evidently wasn’t important enough to talk about beyond a few cryptic comments made in passing hints in the background, like the Newcomer language shown on signs throughout the entire film. Unfortunately, this meshing was never touched thematically. “Alien Nation” just didn’t de liver what it promised. “Alien Nation” is currently playing at the Douglas 3 Theater. FOR SALE 300 square yard* of used carpel perfect for dorm rooms. Call 467 2517 M-F 6am-5pm 4 Def Leppard tickets. 9th row. main floor. Cal 435 6994 __ Brand new '87 Ladies red mountain bike. ’Ross’ never used, was originally $220. wants to sell for $190 Contact Donna or Mke 3811 St. Paul Ave. #4 after 5. Entertainment center Color TV. receiver, dual cassette, turntable Must sell! $300 080 476 2918 For Sale Brand new 160 watt car amp. with RCA Cords. 5125 or $100 cash 466-9606 Mark Lincoln Police Dept. Notice of Sale on unclaimed bicycles Oct. 13th, 6 pm at Lincoinland Towing 410 West P Street, by the Property Dive ion No checks accepted. Mostly size 7. Nice women s pants, sweaters, jackets, etc. 781-2179 _ Sturdy UNI-VEGA Mountain Bke. 1/yr old $225 Jeff at 474-4495. _ Three- 19* oolor TV s $35. $55.8 $65 85- model Sanyo Front Load Beta VCR. $125 '82- model Sony Befamax VCR Front Load $75.467-5189 VEHICLES FOR SALE~ 85 Honda Civic DX. Hatchback. Great condition. Exoel len* stereo system. A/C A very sharp automobile I $4795/080 ball Scott at 474-2344 m evenings alter 7 PM. _ * 81 Mazda GLC. air. many new parts, good transporta tion. 2 door stick. 65,000 miles. $1600. 477-4837. '72 Toyota Cekua A/C. AM/FM cassette, rear defrost, nice wheels Very good condition, dependable. $850 060,475-1800. '70 VW Bog. Very dependable. 5395 or best offer. 474 0614 1977 Chevy Monza: Auto, heat. new tront shocks, e xcel lent mtenor. good exterior, little rust. 96 700 miles Call Joe at: 475-7666 TICKET EXCHANGE 4 Del Leopard tickets, tenth row best otter 48S 5473. FOR SALE. 2 female tickets lorNUv*. UNLV game. 477 4056. For Sale 1 male. 1 female ticket toqeiher tor Oklahoma State V NV 476 6590 after 5 p m WANTED: 3 tickets lor OU game, 5 tickets lor CU game. Also 1 ticket lor MO game for sale Call alter 5 00 475 8916 Ask lor Teresa. SERVICES PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginner* or Advanced ZAGEH STUDIO _423-270* TYPEWRITERS - WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES • SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th St. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES -SONNIE 8 WORD PROCESSING Theeie. dissertations, books, termpapers. letter*. EdA mg. 476-1636._ Bring us your typing need*. We can handle Disserta tion*. Thesis, Long Term Protect*, also Paper*. Reports. Letters and Envelopes Great rate*, prompt service it Dfcvidftd at COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES. 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET. GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE I8M Word Processing 6 Typing Reasonable! 488 3294 ANNOUNCEMENTS ic UPC- American Films, "Invasion d the Body Snatchers." Friday and Saturday. City Union. 7 arid 9 pm. APPLE CIDER BICYCLE TOUR OCTOBER 21-29.7988 Three day Dicycle trip through the Missouri River Valley to Waubonsie State Park, Iowa Stops wm include Syracuse to camp and Nebraska City to visit the morion Apple Orchard Vehicle support, mjak* and camping equipment is included in the oost ot >40 Sign up dead line- October 10. Questions7 Contact Bruoe at Campus Reciealion, 1740 Vine Street. 472 3467. ATTENTIONI Homecoming Parade and Display Entries are du«400on Monday. October 10lnl Turnthem in to the City Union CAP Officel The Theme has been changed to "The Grealeet Show in Ne braska". “CATCH THE INVASION TONIGHT! _ City Union 7 A 9 pm. We are looking for attractive girls, 14-24, tor the Miss Nebraske-USA ano Miss Nebraska Teen USA No talent required For more information, call 489 7298 ARTS 8 SCIENCES STUOENT ADVISORY BOARD is looking tor new members) I Applications available Oct. 3 in 1223 Oldtather 0l» Oof. 10, 1988 4:30pm _ Apply tor Student Foundation todayl Applications avail able at the Cm> Office. Room 200. Applications due Ogt 14.1988. SAA Retreat Friday. Vans leave at 4:30. Be there lor the weekend o( your Me. OMCRON DELTA EPSILON ECONOMCS HONORARY Meeting today at 3:30 in C8A 120 New Members Welcome STUDENT UNITARIAN UMVERSAUSTS Meeting Sunday at Union, 6pm. "Sounds ol the Soul: African Instruments." GYMMEES Important mandatory meotmgl Sunday. Oct. 9 at 900pm Will be posted in the union. Hurryl Available space tor UNI skiers <s tilling fast on Sunchase Tours' Seventh Annual January Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Steamboat, Vail, Winter Park and Keystone. Colorado. Trips include lodging, lifts, parties and picnics for five, six or seven days from only $156' Round trip flights and group charter bus transportation available Cal toll free: 1-900-321-5911 for more infor mation and reservations TOOAYI KZUM Marathon October 2-9 Support alternative public radio! 89.3 FM. 474-5086. ____ UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL HAYRACK RIDE. Meet at Chapel at 6 45 to go on a fun-tilled trip in the Country, complete with bonfire. Please bring $2 to M.ip {cover costs. Just for the fun oI things. Homeoom-ng Committee 88 and KFRX are starting the Big Week oft with a 2 mile fun run. Starts in front <3 the Coliseum. Monday. October 10th N 3:30. So show up 8 run • prizes wil be given to top finishers. HIKING IN WILDERNESS PARK OCTOBER 16,1988 En|oy a Fall day hke including apicnic lunch in Wilder ness Park. Lincoln. Trip cost: $4. Sign-up deadline: October 11th. Questions? Contact Jeff at Campus Rec reation, 1740 Vine Street. 472-3467. CORNCOBS Deadline tor rnwrat on deposits 2:00 TODAY. Leave with Jackie at AOTT house. $25 00 + ID A limit of 46 people has been set Business Majors, Want to be part ol a loam and learn people skills at (he same time? Apply to be a New Student Enrollment Hostl The next information session s Sunday. October 9 at 8.00pm in the City Union. Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Let s get togetherl Friday. Oct. 7. 4:30 6 3C pm Chesterfield's LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS Meeting the Sunday at 7 30pm in the Union. Pizza and pop will be provided. VISUAL ARTS TOUR TO ENGLAND Find out more about this semester break study tour ottered lor credit. Approxima'e cost is $1550-1600 plus tuition Informational meeting Monday, October 10 at 8 00 PM at 1311 Claremont Sheet Call Christa Joy, 472 3264 tor details. Interested in medicine? Professor Jesse Edwards. Uni versity of NE Medical Center will be on campus. Nov. 10 to share information on the physician assistant prcfes sorv Time:1000-3:00pm Place: 103 Manter Had. Having problems with food? Overeaters Anonymous meets at Cornerstone. 5:30 Friday. 473 1852 if Parkins Advisory Board will meet on Oct 10.2:30pm, C*y Union, room wil be posted The NEBRASKA UNION BOARO A KFRX wil be sponsoring a *%MN, LOSE or DRAW TOURNAMENT' on Tuesday. Oct. 25 in the Union's mam lounge at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to participate or jus! join in the lunl Entry forms are available at 220 Nebraska Union Greek houses and from SAt. Entry deadline is Oct 18 Prizes have been sponsored by KFRX, UPC. Burger King, Bodies by Design and Many Morelll SUNDAY NEW YORK TIMES Home delivery. $12/month. 488-4027._ Remember Sweetest Day October 15 Fantasies of Scent R.J. sPerfumeConsult ant Mens. Womens Fragrances, after 4pm oall 475 5274 GREEK AFFAIRS CHI PHI LITTLE SISTER RUSH begins soon First Rush Parties Od 11th, 12th and 13th. For more information cad. Janet 483-7191. Jeannie or Angela 472-0085, Troy 475-9496 FARMHOUSE Little Sister Rush October 16, 19. and 20 FH Little Steter Rush Information Session, October 9 4:00 at City Union 7:00 at East Union Rooms will be posted If you can not attend, please call Craig 476 0016, Glen 464 9277. or Kara 474-9238 The NEBRASKA UNION BOARD 6 KFRX end be sponsor, ng a •WIN, LOSE or DRAW TOURNAMENT* Tuesday. Od. 25 m the Union's main lounge at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to partir.pate or iust pm m the funi Entnr forms are available at 220 Nebraska Union. Greek houses and from SAs. Entry deadline is Oct. 18. Prizes have been sponsored by KFRX, UPC, Burger King. Bodies by Design and Many More’ll THETA XI Little Sister Rush I Od 18.20 and 21 _ _ Sharpen your axes for Wood choppers Bad *1988* To the GIRLS oi ADTT: Take a class in interior design. Mustard is for hotdoas and eggs are for breakfast: P.S. Don't call us. Well call you Rick (TXi) and Qizabeth: Ocngraiuiations on your engagement! Best Wishes Always I Sisters of Theta Xi Michelle (AOTT). Congratulations you yearbook suffer I NOW I know. Annie Colleen K., Amy D . Natal* F„ Natalie D. (Gamma Phi), Looking forward to a wonderful time at KING KAMANA WANALAYA. Your Chi Phi D ates Peggy S. (AXO). Congratulations on your History testl You're a great study buddyl Lisa H. Della Tau Delta HEAVEN 8 HELL '88" is tomghtll Will it bring out the evil in you?? KAMANAWANALAYAPHOWA Tha fear that Edgar tha horned dock will ba watching you Saturday night at tha Chi Phi party. Bring blanketsl Craig and John (Chi Phi). Rosas are rad. Tha party's gonna ba big We're psyched to go But do we have to sit by the pig? Colleen and Mary Sham. Sean. Bull A Glasser (OU'a). Hop on the bus. Gut: Set upthetent, Kent; Bolt in the hay, Jay; And gat yoursaN . drunk. Trinette, Missy. Beth A Emmy STUDENT GOVERNMENT •Cwwmlttaa lor Pm Xltecatton (Ott-oampua)* Ba a part at the Committee that revte*v« student teas. Deadline is October 7. IMS at 4.00 p.m. Applications available in 118 Nebraska Union. OFFICE OF 8CHOUR9MP8 AND FINANCIAL AID Students wishing to help in the establishment of a Stu dent Advisory Board lor tha oftce of Scholushpe and Financial Aid apply at 11S Nebraska Union. Deatttne is October7. tOUat400p.m. PERSONALS ~ HAPPY 21 ST B-BAY Carmen C.JChi O) Gooch, Happy 16th Burp-dayl Love your one and only twin. __Love OP Doug. Hava a great 23rd birthdayl Love. Shana PS ‘..Should ba lun. No lish, however. No big words. *4herP NEW 1 FLORAL SHOP! 214 No. 14 th Corsages, Roses, Arrangements, Green plants & Balloons NEW H F/ PTS « ROWERS 474-CARE (2273) ...for that _special person/ J Starkey’s Pizza j 1 Large Pizza 1 Medium Pizza 2 cokes 2 Cokes only vJK only $7.11 $5.95 ■ Can 477-1211 j For Free Delivery Expires October 31,1988 Technology That Revolutionizes Donor Plasma Programs RvaflaHe Only at ADI Centers! —f Increased Donor Safety-I —■«_I Nn Cells to Match i—f Automated Procedure U Half The Time I—^Enthusiastic Donor I_I Acceptance The system of tomorrow is here and ABI has it! Technology so advanced it has become foolish to donate plasma the old-fashioned way Our automated units offer you peace of mind and greatly reduced donation time. Find out how easy, safe and fast it is to earn $30 + a week donating much-needed plasma. New donors—Mention this ad tor a $5 bonus. University Plasma Center Associated Wesdence. Inc 14420 Stmt U Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone 4/5-8845 HUHnUHBlVK Bash Riprock's 12th & Q Upper Level 435-Bash Enjoy two live bands this . weekend at Bash's! Friday-Pete's Best Friends - & Saturday-Angels Riff Raff Bash's Two-Fer Specials f mm rnm mm mm mm mm mm an av W| [ Two 1/3 Gormet burgers, two orders of french fries and two quarts of pop. j $6.00 I Two subsational submarine ■ | sandwiches, two orders of j | potato chips and two quarts ] I ot pop $1.00 |