Chemistry conference Chairmen will discuss course's future By Brandon Loomis Suff Reporter Chairmen erf college and univer sity chemistry departments from across the region wui convene at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Fri . day and Saturday nager, execuave flirtoor of die Downtown Lincoln Associa tion, said night games give busi nesses more opportunities. But expectations were not “raised and squashed” by the university's deci sion, she sai d. “We do not look at the univer sity with a jaundiced eye,” she said. he said, because many high school students want a working knowledge cfchemistry.butwiUnotgoon to take chemistry in college. Tlie chairmen also will discuss allowing chemistry departments at smaller colleges, dial cannot afford expensive chemistry equipment, to use the equipment ol' larger universi ties. Sturgeon said schools like Kear ney State College, Hastings College and Nebraska Wesleyan University could use UNL ’s chemistry equip ment some day. Hie UNL chemistry department holds a conference at least once every two years. Sturgeon said. Subjects vary each year between chemistry, organic chemistry and department chairs, he said. Test time changed f*pwu Surf Repom All Accounting 201 tests chat were scheduled for 5:30 pm. today have been changed to 7:30 p.m., according to Carol Wilson, secretary at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Accountancy. Although the exam times have been changed, students will be tested ■ in the same looms as was previously planned. Officials had problems securing test rooms for the 5:30 p.m. time, Wilson said. ...»««• Lincoln attorney Herb Friedman iogs during his lunch hour Wednesday at Memorial Stadium. Hendricks symposium draws record number of scholars By Kari Mott Staff Reporter The Hendricks Symposium on the U.S. Senate has dirawn its largest number of participants in recent years, said John Hibbing, co-organ izer of the symposium. The symposium begins at 1:30 p.m. today and lasts unttl 12:45 p.m. Saturday in the Nebraska Union. Twenty-eight congressional scholars from universities across the country are participating in the event, sponsored by the University of Ne braska-Lincoin political science de partment. Sixteen scholars will pres ent papers on Senate topics and the others will review the papers. Although the speakers are experts in their fields, the topics aren't be yond understanding by the average student, Hibbing said. “The topics aren’t beyond the grasp for undergraduates,” he said. Hibbing said he doesn’t know how many people will attend the sympo sium, which will deal with subjects such as Senate elections, internal operations, policy and representa tion. and Senate history. Hibbing said he chose the Senate as the subject of this year’s sympo sium because the Senate nced.s to be studied more. s i “The Senate hasn’t received the study and analyzing as the House of Representatives has,” Hibbing said. The symposium will stimulate interest in the Senate and scholarly analyzing, he said. G.E. Hendricks, a UNL alumnus who donated money with the stipula tion it be used to promote discussions of controversial issues in American politics, finances the symposium. Hibbing said. The Nebraskan Committee for Humanities and The Dirksen Con gressional Center also provided fund ing for this year’s symposium. Originally, the symposium was held on an annual basis, Hibbing said, but then changed to every 18 months. The symposium, which is in its 11th year said Hibbing, is open to everyone. -1 * J BOX V-uw _ _____ Isattery Powered Laptop Computer! BH * - I ‘High contrast, illuminated I supertwist display. I ‘High speed processer. ■ ‘640K RAM ■ ‘Software compatible with • a m r> ^ at the £ ROYAL GROVE J Lincoln's Entertainment Oasis 340 West Cornhusker 477-2026 ~ Every Thursday night we present the best £ professional comedy acts from around the country. Join us for an evening of laughs & entertainment. Showtime: 9:30 pm 1/2 price drinks 8 to 9 pm $2 entertainment charge.sorry, no minors , _ ., — .. , . —«— **Can you play a musical instrument? **Are you an exciting and enthusiastic person? I**Is basketball your favorite sport? • i If you answered "yes" to the above questions, consider playing in the I Basketball Band (performs at men’s home games). Auditions October 10 and 11. Call the Band Office at 472-2505 for an appointment.