The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1988, Page 4, Image 4

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Out Wagner, Editor, 472-1766
Mike Retlley, Editorial Page Editor
Diana Johnson, Managing Editor
Lee Rood, Associate Sens Editor
Bob Nelson, Wire Page Editor
Andy Pollock, Columnist
Cnug Heckmwv, Columnist
U" ,111' W in I\iwm*mmmmmememmemmu>. .... i n
I Down for the count
‘Bonecrusher’ Bentsen slam Dan Quayle
nly three days after Randy “Macho Mac” Savage
11 pumxneled Andre the Giant is a pro wrestling
w match at the Omaha Qvk Audi&bmim. Sen.Lloyd
“Bonecrasher” Bentsen of Texas slammed Sen. Dan “The
Hammer*” Quayle of Indiana in a one -fall, vice-presiden
tial debate.
I And then: won’t be a rematch.
Democrat Bentsen and Republican Quayle squared off
m only the third vice-presidential debate in history Wed
nesday night in Omana. In their only head-to-head battle
of the campaign, they traded blows for 90 minutes on
issues such as social security, Contra aid, the environ
ment, drug policy and campaign reform law.
What had political analysts talking after the debate
wasn5t the issues, but how Quayle responded to contro
versy about his Vietnam-era service in the National Guard
and his mediocre academic record.
Quayle was waxing eloquently his qualifications for
vice-president throughout the early stages of the debate.
He showed his knowledge of national security, jobs and
education and the federal budget deficit. He stressed that
experience, not age, was the primary qualification for vice
But then he made a terrible mistake.
Quayle, 41, compared his eight years of experience in
the U.S. Senate to that of the late John F. Kennedy — a
feeble attempt to present himself as a fearless leader of a
younger generation.
That was when Bentsen, 26 years Quayle’s elder, came
off the top rope with a flying elbow smash:
“1 servexl with Jack Kennedy ... 1 knew Jack Kennedy
and I was a friend of Jack Kennedy,” Bentsen said. “Sena
tor, you are no Jack Kennedy.”
“That was uncalled for,” Quayle whined in response.
i ne rcmarKs drew a roar from a Dioodtmrsty crowd,
estimated at 2,600, and the ire of debate moderator/referee
Judy Woodruff. On four occasions, Woodruff pleaded
with the audience to hold its applause.
Bcntsen’s comment was definitely a cheap shot, but it
proved to be the turning point in the match. Quayle
struggled to regain his composure on the next few ques
At times, Quayle seemed hard to pin down. NBC
anchorman Tom Brpkaw and reporter Brit Hume of ABC
News, who served as questioner, tried three times to get
Quayle to reveal what he would do if he had to step in as
president ;
'First, I would say a prayer — for me and for the
nation,” Quayle said the first time.
The second time he was asked, Quayle said he couldn’t
respond td a hypothetical situation.
Finally, after Bxokaw brought up the issue a thud time,
Quayle said he would call together members of his staff
andSalk with them.”
And from there, the rest of the debate seemed almost
- Quayle*s closing statement accurately summed up the
: debate: . . •
'Tonight was a very important night,” he said. “Yq^
; sawDa«sQuayieulf«Jfyam.** ' . V v.
Yep, we sum (fid. Ana at the end, you were flat on your
back. I-&3.
Keney’s fund-raising questionable
J mad recently tluu Bob Kerrey
is raising nearly 70 percent of his
money for the campaign outside
the borders of Nebraska. At a re
cent fund-raiser for Kerrey in New
York, movie and television person
alities applauded his candidacy.
Next week Kerrey will be the guest
of honor at a fund-raiser in Califor
nia where liberals like lane Fonda
will again put money into the cam
paign. I was under the assumption
that Kerrey was running for the
senate seat in Nebraska, let’s keep
the Californians and the New
Yorkers and the Bob Kerrey’s out
of Nebraska politics.
Teresa Peters
y gji, aft.r wk writing these little things cnee »» --
r^srt srjsftynrss as
orr. Why is ic *” .. .. T went to buy some insurance
I bought this machine from that asks it 1 w* * * mount of dollars,
thi typewriter it, caa. it bre.k. down? For X JJll tti
which is about l/4th tha Mount I paid for it, the ,pride
it in case it fails to work. What has happened to the American price
in their work’ If I pay mega bucks for a product, I expect the damn
thi^ to outlive me' *!! • • • I shouldn't have to 9»£l* insurance
policy. I'm not allowed to legally gamble on_ NIX
Remember last week when I was mad because the “n *#
commercials as the Olympics? Well forget it, I saw ‘commercial that
was selling videos that help you on do-it-yourself home pro- c .
became confused as an actor in the commercial held up . r,.
The brand name was taped out, but the basic label was easy og
Am I supposed to buy the video or the cola?
Speaking of commercials, have you seen the one where the kid is
practically going in his pants when his mom is eyeing his report card.
She confronts him on the way he is eating his alphabet soup and he
shows her an A and two Bs. The kid says these are the grades he will
get next time. Unfortunately, they cut off before they show the mom
boxing off the kid's ears.
I have been concerned lately about my neighborhood. My ai Ar^ment
could use some repairs, the weeds around
the place are getting pretty out of hand and
vagrants collect across the street. For
tunately, I learned something from Omaha
and contacted the people who are in charge
of the vice-presidential debate. I have
been able to add a presidential debate to
the schedule, airing from my living room.
The streets are free of all the homeless and
my building and surrounding area
have been spruced up with a grant
from somewhere.
Columnist complains of burnout
After three oaDers. LSAT. Pollock strueeles for column idea
Have you ever been at a loss for
what to say, or what to write a
paper about? Well I have, and 1
am. It’s this editorial column.
You see, after the fifth week of my
fifth year at the University of Ne
biaska-Lincoln, I have reached that
hallowed point of college burnout.
I've termed my last two weeks as the
“two weeks from hell.” It has been the
kind of half-month that makes me
wish I was out in that real world —
whatever that’s supposed to be.
Saturday, a number of UNL stu
dents took the LSAT. No, it’s not a
Bis Red football primer, it’s the Law
School Admissions Test. 1 was one of
those lucky souls who was tested on
how well I can take a test and brave
those vicious nerves that had been
eating me alive for the last week or
Thank God that the test is over with
and I can study with a clear mind
again. But one test couldn't knock me
down from my seat of college enthu
siasm. The final blow came when
learning that I had four papers due this
week. After putting in a considerable
amount of lime studying and worry
ins and trying not to worry about the
LSAT, I found early this week that I’d
exhausted my energies.
WeU, now that Irve faithfully sub
mitted three of those papers and after
half of a breath of relief. I’m strug
gling to rebound and write this col
The “two weeks from hell” not
• • a • m
withstanding, this semester has not
been so bad. It is my last at UNL, and
I’ll admit that I’m beginning to see the
light at the end of the semester. In a
few months my undergraduate educa
tion will be just a collection of memo
These memories, for a long time,
I’m sure will be vivid. Not all of them
will be good, notall bad, but they will
reflect thoughts, experiences and
emotions I had while attending UNL.
One thing I expect to remember
the most is the hectic confusion and
frustration of times like the “two
weeks from hell.” I’ve come to realize
that it’s during these times that I learn
the most about mvself and the wav I
So what have I been thinking
lately, besides ABCDE answers to
LSAT questions? One question that
has been haunting my thoughts is
“why am 1 here?"
Personally, I’m here to dabble in a
little bit of every thing. Sure, barring
catastrophe. I’ll gtaduatc with a de
gree in news-editorial journalism,
which I 11 value for the education it
represents. But I’m also satiated w ith
testing the water in many areas. Isn’t
that what college is for? There are
only a few places where people can
see what kinds of philosophy, litera
ture, history and social sciences inter
est them.
Evidently, more students do think
that is what college is for. According
to a Daily Nebraskan article (Sept.
23), enrollment in humanities courses
at UNL has been growing in recent
The increase runs against the na
tional trend of drastically falling en
rollment in humanity courses. It also
runs contrary to reports last year that
most students attend college in order
to secure better jobs after graduation
— their degree, a glittering ticket to
the job market; the means of getting
that ticket, a boring routine that one
must grin and bear.
So I’ve rambled on. I’ve bitched
and moaned, but now I’ve run out of
space. It’s a lot easier than running
into space. I promise not to make a
habit of rattling on about the life m
hell of one college student, but some
times there seems no better thing to do
than complain. And sometimes it s
nice to hear others do it so you don t
have to. Then you can appreciate
wiiat you’ve got.
So have a good weekend, enjoy
yourself and remember it well.
Pollock Isa Mater aawa-editortal Journal
tan major sod a Daily Nebraskan editorial
aigncu staii editorial* represent me
official policy of the fall 198e Daily Ne
braskan. Policy is set by the Daily Ne
braskan Editorial Board. Its members are
Curt Wagner, editor; Mike Reilley. edito
rial page editor; Diana Johnson, manag
mg couor, Lee Kood, associate news
editor; Andy Pollock, columnist; Bob
Nelson, wire page editor, and Craig
Heckman, columnist.
The Daily Nebraskan's publishers are
the regents, who established the UNL
Publications Board to supervise the daily
production of die paper.
According to policy set by the regents,
responsibility for the editorial content ol
the newspaper lies solely in the hands of
its student editors.