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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1988)
Classified 472-2588 Hcxw many organizatioi is do you know that otter a part-time job with full time benefits? The one m Lincoln is the Nebraska Army National Guard The extra income and pride m being a part ot this community base organization are only two ihe the benefits you will enjoy. Take the challenge, become a “Prairie Soldier". Be part ot a heritage that is stronger now than ever before Call 473-1586 m Lincoln today for more information. Madonna Food Service Part-time employees to work irayline and cleanup Must set-up trays accurately according to guidelines. Hours: 345-7:00pm and some full-time days on weekends: will adjust to meet your class schedule. Pay: $4.11/hour. Apply in the persona! office Madonna Centers, 2200 South 52, EOE Majorins Landscape Management Needs dependable hard-working individual interested in lawn work Flexible hours. 477-1553. Males or Females Gel FREE tanning by working for the European Tan Spa! 474-5355. NANNY WANTED IN NEW YORK IMMEDIATELY , I was a former nanny lor this wonderful New York family/ 1 daughter For more information, call Cindy. 464-9344 Need pick-14} drivers and warehouse people Fjeafole ?ihours Apply Lincoln l umber Co . 932 No 23id ’ ytjn -campufi travel r« or organuation needed to promote Spnng Break "p to Florida or Texas Earn moneyufree ^part-time help needed. Tuesdays and Thursdays f&un 3pm Ap^fyirt person at Danttr Dental Lab, 125 S 9th St ^Pjpf-tinWreceptiongt. 5-8pmMon-Frt. Good typmgskill mowed. CadiMary Langyter ^Austja ReMty. 489 9361 Public Relations Representative Local restaurant ts seeking aggressive and dynamic 1 to work as publfefgf Jons rep. Duties indude: m on and qf oampjs cdhtacts, promo Must have strong customer oriental 1 on, Itrtak and pEsiM reJJor with other Excefsnt pay. Flexible schedul ! for bbllege student with M-F kinch f at Amigo's Reunion Center, 905 N 16. Schteuaky'a New hiring both full and part-tim*. Free unforme, half prioed meal*, raise in pay after training, flexbla sched ule*. Apply in person weekdays 2-5pm. 12th and “P“ 54th andrr, 33rd and Hw^2. SECURITY OFFICER. Immediately part-time poation available. Applicant muaS bo at leiwt 21 and have a vaiid driver* license. Weekends and nightshirts available a 9-5 PM. GaMwmy Mall. Managers Offioe (Lower _ ,6100 0 Street, EOE M/F SPRING BREAK TOUR PROMOTER-ESCORT Energetic person, (M/F), to take sign-ups for our FLOR IDA and/or SOUTH PADRE tours. We furnish aM mated - ais for a successful promoiior:. Good PAY and FUN. Call CAMPUS MARKETING at 1-800-777-2270. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE m pi ^111 cI ■■fflWNl B°V 1 N E SBp V I A T ¥■ EI T| EI S| l | A|nH L E O N O R A ■ I V E R sMn| 11S PINS p e amH|m|a|n|s|e e|oms|a| i|o|a|s I Tj El SI TIE 101 0 P H I r||B|A|S|BO|0|O|R s p i e sMfs cr n TrrpBflTn i r I L LBBW O RImM|E NBBM L I cfo L L I N SBBaIrA M A I C »G A E L I C■ N|0 V E L T Y1 slclolTlclHMlV^EtLtstHli W r£\tnc* 1M1 A I WEDDING RING I 4 SPECIALIST 4 4 Wholesale Prices ^ 4 Newest Styles A Custom Design I ▼ Shop and compare A but tee ui lift. A Y3111"0'’St. 474-6044 ^ Temporary Part-time Con exit or Consultant To organize, install anc train office staff in the use of t custom data bass, mdirrwnted on a system of Hnkec PC's. Requirements' knowledge of DOS and DBASE and familiarity with Novell* or similar netwoiking system Hours flexible, pay negotiable. Send resume by Oct. 11 to Nebraska Committee tor the Humanities ,21b Centen nial Mat South, Suite422, Lincoln. 68508 WANTED: Fluent speakers of Japanese for distance learning program Jan uary through May. Apply *o Dr Beverly RadcWfe IMC. 92C C Street, 68508. by Novem ber 1. YMCA s hinna youth volieybaii officials For more information call the YMCA 475-9622 oi apply in person, 1039 P ROOMMATES Female roommate. $180 + utilities Close to East Campus, 464-8411. _ __ Female roommate needed, $12Smonth ♦ 1/3 utilities. 16 & A area 435-7741 Need one male to shew jpartment downtown. $147.50. heatmdudfd. Call 475-4108 or 477-1878 Non-Smoking Female to share nice 3 bedroom, lofted apartment (dose to Ca'mpus $1A0 ♦,/Mo.477-7670. Roommate needed. No deposit. $185. month all utilities paid. 475-7870 RQOMS FOR RENT Wanted non-smoking female with good characteristics. For information caH *89-9248. Leave message APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 bedroom apt for rent. 2311 Vine. $365/month for Nov. 1 405-4525 °f 665-2521 3537 Apple Street. Cute, one bedroom apartment Close to East Campus. $235 utilities 464-0780. Near Campus, newer 2 hr. $325. 2412 W Si, 489-2203 Spacious 1-bedroom, mini-blinds, track lights, plush carpet, washer/dryer in building. 1601 F Street Avail able Nov. 1. 435-6067.483-5140 Spacious, one bedroom close to campus $260 476 1790, leave message LOST & FOUND LOST: Worn brown leather book bag Inside: Entomology back & 2 notebooks BLACK A GOLD PURSE. PLEASE RETURN! VERY IMPORTANT! REWARD! Contact: Toni. 466-9426 ADOPTION ADOPTION Financially secure single female will give your child love, security and education. Vacations m Southern Spam. Callcolect after 7:30pm arid weekends 1-718-454-5296 -—™ Fantasy Unlimited 10% Off On All Books With Student I.D. (Including Independents) 1 lth 6 Comhusker - Just west of McDonalds TNIr$ I9U Marvel Entertainment Qroup. Inc. All right* reserved (KEYSTONE •COLORADO* i BLOOM COUNTY _ by B«rke Breathed - / smutm, , W IMG YOU A CUtt \ASH7WY.r .1 i 1 I I mi'mm cant turn w S/W SMOKING/ ADOPTION Southern California couple seeks to adopt an infant or newborn. Please call 805-949-0478 ADOPTION WANTED: Happly married for an infant to love and careTor Pleas® c*'1 our at,orney collect 24 hrs. (408) 288-7100. A1*»._ ADOPTION. Loving California coiiple. professionals, wish to adopt newborn. Legal, confidential, expenses paid CallKathy oollecs at 213-643-5643 Atler5pmand weekends. Happily married couple desire to adopt baby into family We tove children and will provide a stab ®, fun and enrich,no life for a baby n a pleasant California community Please call Nancy and John collect a, (818)241-4397 at your convenience.__ -LOVING ADOfTiON Happily mamed Cakforrva couple with lots of love and security wish to adopt baby up to age 2. All expenses paid, totally legal. PLEASE call Jeane collect, 213-279 6161 thank you. SOCIAL SERVICES PREGNANT AND NOT READY TO PARENT Adoption s a loving choice. No fee for our confidently help Nebraska Children's Home 493-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential help-ng hand. Free p egr.ancy *est, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 1 NEED CASH? I Highest $ paid for used records, cassettes & compact discs! 114th & O^St. East PaM< Plaza I THE FAR SIRE By GARY LARSON V " w Q 'MA Uniwd««*l P'Mt Syndic«(• Construction birds at lunch CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MAI ESKA ACROSS 1 Corn mush 5 Sugar cube 9 Acoustic unit 14 Dwarf buffalo 15 Inter 16 A planet 17 Invoice 18 Vidal book 19 Participated at Henley 29 Syrian city 22 Futile 24 Ovid’s “ Amatoria" 26 Vex 27 Land in a river 39 Foxier 34 S.A. nocturnal prowler 36 Roman Hera 37 Ariz. Indian 2roup 38 Tvemian’s land 39 Outer: Prefix 49 With 56 Acroas, first words A St. John’s « 44 Catchall abbr. 45 "Thus Zarathustra” 46 Sins 47 Bam topper, sometimes 48 Michaelmas daisy 49 Retirees’ agcy, 59 Last mo. 51 Droop 53 Orion neighbor 56 See 40 Across 61 Kind of alley or date 63 Instrument for Orpheus 65 Ligurian Sea feeder 66 Pier 67 Before long 68 Forms a lap 99 Stadium areas 70 Beatty film 71 Book after Joel DOWN 1 One of the Leewards 2 Indigo plant 3 Infiltrating spy 4 Insect's sensor 5 Cabinet Department • Eskimo knife 7 Spanish artist Joan 8 Potentially dangling verb forms • Ghost 18 Word from the woebegone 11 Red-tape expert 12 Adherent: Suffix 13 Cain’s land 21 Zoroastrian 23 Khomeini’s kin 25 Sensational 28 Exhaust’s opposite 20 Bugler, for one 30 St imulates the punch 31 Head and eye followers 32 Essential 33 Merits 39 Sect chaser 38 General-pur pose vehicles 41 In noway 42 Inedible orange 50 Dandies 52 Plant of the rose family 54 Male ant 55 “Aukl Lang-” 57 Tabula (clean slate) 58 Part of a cup 58 “Do others.. SO Caribou’s food 01 A sandwich, for short 02 Oahu garland 04 Scepter