The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1988, Page 19, Image 18
Ex-Boston player sinks Red Sox i BOSTON (AP) — Dave Hender son, a former Boston postseason hero, singled home the tie-breaking run in the 8th inning and the Oakland Ath letics beat the Red Sox 2-1 Wednes day in the first game of the American League playoffs. A’s outfielder Jose Canseco broke a scoreless game in the 4th with a solo home run. The score was 1 -0 until the 7th inning as as pitchers Dave Stewart of Oakland and Bruce Hurst of Boston hooked up in a pitching duel. But Wade Boggs hit a sacrifice fly to tie the game in the 7th, setting up Hei ’ .son’s heroics on a chilly after noon at Fenway Park. Carney Lansford hit Hurst’s first pitch in the 8th for a double and Henderson grounded the next pitch into nght field for the go-ahead single. Boston fans cheered for Hender son in the pre-game introductions. Henderson was Boston’s savior in the 1986 playoffs against California. His home run rescued the Red Sox when they were one strike from elimination in Game 5, and Boston rallied to win the series. Henderson went on to ba? .400 in the World Scries loss to the New York Mcts. He was traded to San Francisco midway through the next season. Oakland’s bullpen, which heid Boston to three runs in 35 innings this year, did the job again and preserved the lead. Rick Honeycutt relieved Stewart with the bases loaded and one out in the 7th when Boggs hit his sacrifice fly. Boggs — a .373 career hitter with the bases loaded — struck out in the 2nd. It was Boggs’ first stike out in 22 lifetime at-bats against Stewart. Dennis Eckersley, another former Boston star, finished for the A’s with two shutout innings. Eckersley, who won 20 games as a starter for the Red Sox in 1978, led the majors with 45 saves this season and Oakland’s bull pen had a record 64 saves. jitTbn&L-. I Nrbrnska h&s&yjhaP fsfiil ivaiiabk Nebraska basketball season student ticket apphcatious are ssttI being accepted at the South Stadium ticket office. Floor bleacher I seats are available. Studeat tickets cost $37.50 and the ticket office I is open fiom 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.ra. UNL women’s soccer team defeats Iowa Stale The University of Nebraska-Lmccdn women’s soccer club raised its record to 2-0 Sunday with a 2-0 victory against Iowa Slate. Ann Smith and Kris Meysenbtug recorded goals for the Huskexs, who will face Wichita State Saturday in Wichita and Kansas Sunday in Lawrence, Kan. Frese injures knee Nebraska softball player Janelle Frese injured her right knee Sunday while playing intramural co-recreational flag football. The senior outfielder will miss this weekend’s Creighton Invita tional, but should be available for for the Oct. 15 and 16 Iowa Invitational. Daily __ Nebraskan Classified 472-2588 am—— i^— \m ■■■w — —— ■■ !■■ n — !■ ■■ — —Mi — — ib amt* imaii hi iih mi TiTnni—nmwn FOR SALE 300 square yards of used carpet perfect tor dorm rooms. Cal. 467-2517 M F 8am-5pm Brand new '87 Ladies red mountain bike. “Ross' never used, was originally $220, wants to sell for $190 Contact Oonn* or Mire. 3811 St. Paul Ave, #4 after 5. Entertainment center Color TV. receiver, dual cassette, turntable Must sefll $300 OBO. 476-2918 For Sale: Brand new 160 watt car amp. with RCA Cords. $125 or $100 cash. 466-9806 Mark Lincoln Police Dept. Notice of Sale on unclaimed bicycles Oct 13th, 6 pen at Towing, 410 West P Street, by the Property Division. No cheats accepted Mostly size 7. Nice woman's pants, sweaters, jackets. etc 781-2179 Od style wooder. coffin, >40.464-4868. Sturdy UNI-VEGA Mountian Bke $226. Jeff at 474 4495 VEHICLES FOR SALE '85 Honda Civic OX Hatchback Cir*a”ro, ditorl. Excel lent stereo system. AC. A very sharp automob.lei $4795/080 Call Scott at 474-2344 m evenings after 7 PM. __ 81 Mazda GLC. air. many new parts, good transporta tion. 2 door stick. 65.0X mites. $1600 477-4637 78 Firebird, good condition, new tires, auto matic. A/C 477-8376 72 Toyota Cekca. A/C. AM/FM cassette, rear defrost. n.<x wheels Very good condition, dependable $850 OBO. 475 1600. 70 VW Bug Very dependable. $395 or best otter 474 0614 197/ Chevy Monza: Auto. heat, new front shocks, excel ent interior, good exterior, little rust. 96.700 miles Call Joe at 475 7966 TICKET EXCHANGE 4 Kansas tickets tor regular price, cash only, 786 5385(h) oi 4/2 288t(w) Joann. FOR SALE 2 female tickets lor NU vs. UNLV game. 477 4056 " Need 6 tickets together lor October 15th game. Call 464 8239, 8am-5pm. ask for Mary Cal 464-4466 after fipm. WANTED: 3 tickets for OU game. 5 tickets for CU game. Also i ticket for MO game for sale. Cal after 500 475 8916 A*k for Teresa GOOD THINGS TO EAT Demit Mm Babery 87th * O Street No* open until 9 pm. Monday Friday and Sunday 7 11am. SERVICES PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAQER STUDIO 423-2700 _ SAVI YOUR NECKI STUDENTS GUIDE VO CALCULUS" Simpls. non technical explanations AT beginning calculus oourses. UJSVt-RSJTY BOOKSTORE TYPEWRITERS WORDPROCESSORS KHTM.. um - SCItVICE 323 Nh «*MI* TYPING & RESUMES A» your typing needs: mods, thesis, etc... 468-6475. !—v message. KEEP THIS NUMBEMi_ America # Oldest and largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing CompeWtve Price - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% Off WITH THIS AO Utetime nationwide updating. 4754736 37010§t#8 7 T. J BONME'S WORD PROCESSING nt^r‘^'»*ad,||Hon*i. books, terifipapers. letters. Ed< ANNOUNCEMENTS_ UPC-Armtican Piths The udmate in Sci-Fi Invasion of the Body Snatcher* Thurs. Fri, and Sat. C'fy Union Block and Bridle Meeting Thursday, Oct 6, East Cam fus Union Initiates 7.0C PM. Reqular Meeting 7:30 PM veryone Welcomnl GAYS, LESBIANS. BISEXUALS. AMD STRAIGHTS Clark Taylor. "Dr Safe Sex', will be speaking about he workshop and a representative from the Common Woman Bookstore will talk about Feminine concerns. Meet in Rm 342 Union, 8.00 pm Thursday. Need some exercise? KFRX & Homecoming Committee Kickoff Fun Run is Monday October 10th at 3:30 PM. Applications available at CAP office. PHI BET A LAMBDA Meeting at 4 p.m. in Nebraska Union Thursday. October 6 Room will be posted. UPC- X*. n FUms Invasion of the Body Snatchers Today 3:38,7 and • PM. _ City Unton, Room TBA We are Iodine lor attractive girts. 14-24. tor the Mrss Nebraska-USA and Miss Nebradva-Teen USA RMeant. Nolatont required. For more intormMton, cal 489-7298. ARTS 8 SCIENCES STUOENT ADVISORY BOARD is looking for new merrthersl Applications available Oct. 3 in 1223 OWfather Due Oct 10, 1988 4:30pm SAA Chair meeting 4:00, Emc SM. Semi established rock'n'roll band seeks lead vocalist Experience, range and stage presence a must Call472 8931.421 -2691Tor auditions. KLPAC No meeting today but put it on your calendar for next Wargaming group meeting. Sundays 1 -8pm. the Reun ion building 16th & W Contact Hobbies Etc 477 7006. Apply lor Student Foundation todayl Applications avail able at the Cap Office. Room 200. Applications due Oct 14. 1968 SAA Retreat Friday. Vans leave at 4 30. Be there lor the weekend ot your tile STUDENT FOUNDATION Publicity Meeting 6 pm DTD OMICRON DELTA EPSILON ECONOMICS HONORARY Meeting on Friday at 3 30 in CBA 120 New Members Welcome Important meeting today at 3:30 lor Walpurglanacht. Please attend QYMMEES Important mandatory meeting! Sunday, Oct. 9 at 9:00pm. Will be posted in the Union. Hurryl Available space lor UNL skier* <• filling fast on Sunchase Tours' Seventh Annuel January Col'egiate Winter Ski Break* to Steamboat, Vail, Wintar Park and Keystone, Colorado. Trips include lodging, lilts, oartiss and picnics tor live, six or seven days from only 91 Ml Round trip flight* and group charter bus transportation available Cal toll free: 1-800-321-6911 lor more infor mation and reservations TOO AY! KZUM Marathon October 2-9. Support alternative public radiol 89.3 FM. 474 5088._._ UNL MARKETING CLUB HOBTB MARKETING FACULTY MIXER AT VALENTINO S DOWNTOWN 4 00-8 OOpm on Oct. 8th Cornu eat and meet the faculty General meeting follow* at 6:OCtom in City Union (room will be posted ) Gueet speaker from 7-Up Corrpany. STUDY IN AUSTRALIA At Northern Rivers Collegs or University of WoUong<xig Ssmester or AY beginnirg late February 1989. Pay tuiton at UNL rateApr y at JJNL Instil/® to* mterna tional Studies. 1237 Rst . 2nd floor. Completed apphca tions due October 17^ Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Let's g st togetherl Friday, Oct. 7. 4:30-8:30 pm Chesterfield's Home Eoonomics Students . Pick up your New Student Enrollment Host applications today at your college dean's office or attend the informa tionsesa ion todayat 4 OOpm in tha Nebraska East Union. The NEBRASKA UNION BOARD 6 KFRX wiU * SKncToSe or DRAW TOURNAMENT* on Tuesday Oct. 25 in tha Unxjn s mam loungs at 7:30pm. Everyone iawalooma to pariicipaw or lusltoin in the runl Entry lorms are avaitsble at 220 Nebraska Union. Greek house* and from SAY. Entry deadline is Oct. 18. Phies £*v* been sponsored by KFRX, UPC, Burger King. Bodies by Design and Many Moralll * SUNDAY NEW YORK TIMES Homa delivery. 812/month. 488 4027. _ 7**2* Hm. * "foremen 2^40 oWsopMy unpaid parts. Guaranteed good fima tor alt. Only the a^Sous need apply. Cal Brandy 478-7936._ HURRY I Tim# ia running out lor the Studant Alumni Free Volleyball Tourney for Oct. 11*12. Applicahon* avaJakua at CAP office in Union end due no latertlum October 9th. Priiee for top finishers * only accepting first 3? teems __ t > I > U .. 11 • , • • > i •' I4ss*4l4s*sS*4Ss48 Phi Beta Lamoda, important meeting Thursday Cct 6, 4:00pm, Nebraska Union. Room posted, bring check book. _ Hawaii In January! Study World War II, visit Pearl Harbor and t atone sites wth Doane CoXeoe. Classes on cam pus plus ten days in Honolulu January 3-19, 1889. Academic credit considered 11300 (includes food). 0*1 Dana Miller. Stan Wigle. 1426-2161. Eating Disorders Group Therapy The Psychologic*) Consultation Center » start ing a group for persons with bulimic episodes (binges fotoweo by purging.) Interested per sons oak Deb or k.S~m 472-2361 or drop in before 8pm. Od.6 111 Burnett Hal RemsrHber Swastaaf Day October 15. Fantasies of Scent RJ /s Pertunm Consult ant. Mena. Womans Fragrances after 4pm od 475 5274.__ __ The Publications Board w* meet 6:30 p.m . Thursday, in the Nal vaska Unior. to discuss Daily Nebraskan polkaee. interested parties am wefcxme to attend A 'The Ultimate Business Machine* UNEB informational Meeting, Thursday. October 6th at 500 PM in theCity Union. Speaker: Dr. Robin Anderson. Director UNI Center for entrepreneurship Attend end be intro duced to the Ultimate Business Machine and enjoy free pizza ard refreshments. CBA STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Thursday, October 6. 6:30 at the Wick Alumni Center. GREEK AFFAIRS iTs YOm last temptation! Darts Tau Delta HEAVEN 6 HELL 66 Friday, Oct. 7th DRV this on for sin. FARMHOUSE Little Sister Rush October 16.19. and 20 UNL MARKETING CLUB HOSTS MARKETING FACULTY MIXER AT VALENTINO'S DOWNTOWN 400400pm on Oct. 6th. Coma ea> and meet tlie faculty. General meet irvufoi lows at BOCtom in City Union (room wil be posted.) Guest apeaker from 7-Up Conpany FH Little Rush Information Seaston, Golobar 9 4DO at City Union 7DO at East Union Room* will be doc tad If you can not attend, plea** oaNCnag 479-0019, Gian 494-9877. or Kara 474-9839. Tha NEBRASKA UNION BOARD 9 KFRX wM ba sponsoring a ■WIN, LOBE or DRAW TOURNAMENT* Tuesday, Oct. 85 in tha Union s main lounge at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to participate or iu*t pin in the tunl Entry torm* ar* available at 220 Nab asks Union. Or oak hooaoa and from SA's. Entry daadlina is Oct. 19. Pits#* have been sponsored by KFRX, UPC, Burger King, Bodies by Design and Many Mora.'li AOTT COACHES. Whan tha Inst TOUCHDOWN” it scored- the poet cam* celebration will bagini ___ Bata Sig a Lambda Chi'*. Thanks lor tha ptcnc Sunday! Let's do tench again somutima! Lova, Tha Gamma PhiY To the Woman of Theta Houaa: Thanks lor the great recaption Wa re locking forward to meeting Sunday night The Single Man of Cat her III MAGS, STtPH. ANGIE. HARGIS. LAWLESS ANO LESLIE (KAT,. WHAT CAN I SAY? YOU RE FANTASTIC; SHIMMEHI _ COACH Nice Try Ladiaslll But tha sign it Vil hanging. Saayou tonightl _Woodchoppar* "M" AOTT, The wall* at the Clayton Hous* will navar ba tha same one# tha QRAFHTT1 PARTY is overt Bata Big's Susanna W. (KKQ), Congratulations on your naw position at KLIN-Radiol I am so proud of you I Lova, Mom STUDENT GOVERNMENT "" •Committee oTfiaaa Allocation (Oft-campusi* Ba a part o< tha Committea that raviawa student teas. Daadlina a October /, 1999 at 4D0 p.m. Application* availabta in 115 Nabtaaka Union, OFRCE OF tlCHOLARSMPB AND FINANCIAL AID Students wishing to hate in the aitabkshment of a Stu dent Advisory Board lor tha olfio* of Scholar siip* an Financial Aid apply at 115 Nebraska Union. Daadlina la Ortober 7, 1999 at 4D0 p.m. ll»lllli»#illilrMtilMtt' •' "liiUMtiili WANTED Students to represent the tot lowing colleges on the Student Government Senate: Architecture - Dental Graduate - Nursing CAMPUS WIDE COMMITTEES Grading (Graduate CofleoeJ Campus Bee (RHA A Off-Campus) Publications Board Electoral Commas ion Deadline is October 14th at 4DO PM. Applications available at 116 Nebraska Union. PERSONALS UMtf, We've natter mat but you Ml my entire visaon. iftcnynioui Km*: Here's your flrst peraonall Hopefudy not Ate lest. LKAE, Happy 2nd decade. To toast off this New Yr I pre scribe lots at drawer slamming, bardie partying and frosting on orackarsi __OKAY? Amy W. (Pi Phi), Saw you getting OU ticket. Would Uke another chance. ___Jell XO Pledge Mom, Thumper and I want our momrryl Cant wait lor the birthing on Fridayi Love. Baby LA. Peter Pan. Good lu<A todayli i Love. C. P.S. When you wish upon a star, your dreamecoms true. r. — nc s*-*- . . - - — Karen L, Happy 21st Birthday' _ Love.S.M.A. Mike C. (Phi Deft), Sorry about Tuesday, can we still bo friends? Love. J.P. (East Campus Woman) Colleen (Sandoi 6). I'm a loner. I'm a rebel. I'm no good lor you. There are things about me you don't want To know. Forget about me. LX. P.S. You silk have pretty eyes Those who are holding ALF. Your twisted perverted joke has gone too tar. I have no doubt im fttw furry Wend is enduring al manner of physical end psychological torture. Please, in the name of uod. end Inis reign of terror. Lonely Grad Aset. HELP WANTED i » » Cashier. Merchandise Check in. Part-time- 30-36 hra/per week. WMiuMtdt md jIH-ytkkkh. onii for ^puintfninl Pauley Lumber. 476-7876. Working part-time early and lata evening hours. Flex bio schedule. downtown area. Axove average starting wage. Apply 3S0S Adutnv FBG Service Corp DAY-CARE NEEDED: 2 yr. old boy. Early afternoons until approxrnaisly 6 p.m. weekdays. Preferably in our home7466MK14 be*om noon. - HAIR SALON RECEPTiOMST Part-time opening lor desk person at our Downtown Location. Apply in person to Miller i Paine. 6th Floor Personnel Office $.50 OFF * Any pizza | 475-6363 i NAME_| ADDRESS_ I DATE_J EXPIRES 12-25-66 “IT.oooff . Any Pizza Ordered 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 475-63631 Name_* ADDRESS_| date- I i • •