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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1988)
opimm___1 Readers question Kerrey, minority letters Sennett should pick better American hero ll was no surprise lhai James "Campus Crusade lor Christ” Sen net!'S editorial column (Daily Ne braskan, Sept 28) coincided with the release of the L niversily of Nebraska Lincoln Good News, a conservative Christian newsletter. The DN and the Good News continue to resemble each other in both policy and produc tion standards. What is surprising is Sennett’s choice of George Washington as his hero. Yv ashington was a dope smok ing, libertine friend of those Bohe mian darlings of the Enlightenment, Benjamin Franklin and TTiomas Jef ferson. He was not, as the American Nazi Party has characterized him, the first fascist. Next time, James, find a founding father closer to your own ideology. Someone like, say, Colton Mather. Brian Mary art Letter mixed Kerrey s words with his record It’s clear that Tim Bourke con fused rhetoric with reality in his letter (DN, Sept. 29), and confused Bob Kerrey’s words with his record. First, Kerrey cut stale aid to education each year for a total of S! 1 million (luring his term in office. Thus, he caused increased property taxes at the local level. Kerrey proposed and passed an Omnibus Education Bill LB994 and the Nebraska Legislature appropri ated the requested S1.9 million. Kerrey subsequently line-item vetoed SI.5 million, hence gulling his own bill. It never was financed alter his action. Kerrey didn’t support rural schools and instead he signed a iaw that increased sales taxes without property-tax relief, forcing school consolidation. The rural voters of Nebraska undid his uncaring works in a referendum vote by an overwhelm ing majority. Finally, why did Bourke tell us that Bob Kerrey balanced the budget? How did he do it? By raising sales lax in 1983? In his last year in office, there was an even greater amount of red ink, so he cut the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln budget and the Legislature raised the sales tax again, leaving us w ith a balanced budget and depleted university funding. Bourke should realize Kerrey’s “Good Life” rests only in the minds ol those in fantasyland. Phil Gosch sophomore political science Greeks, New Alliance party ideas pondered Here’s a lew questions as we prog ress into the new semester: the current war about the grcck system is cer tainly amusing, but I have to wonder, why DO they call themselves “greeks,” anyway? I know it must have something to do with those pretty letters on their houses, but could it run deeper (no pun intended) than that? Geraldo Rivera. I got to wondering about some of the topics this guy comes up with, and thought... what’s lcfl?Then ithitme.l like women a lot. I mean a LOT! Could it be ... is it possible? My God, I wonder if I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body! Finally, regarding the New Alli ance party’s platform. Let’s sec now ... basically, the members say they’re for people, not profits (they’re poor?), slashing the military budget (they’re whimps?),noanti-gay (they’re gay?), etc. AIDS bill of rights (they have AIDS?), Indian rights (Indians?), free abortions (women?), environmental protection (tree-bark eaters?)and fair farm policy (farmers?). Does that G.M. ANNOUNCEMENT GENERAL MOTORS RECRUITING ON U-N-L CAMPUS GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE ON THE U-N-L CAMPUS DURING THE WEEKS OF OCTOBER 3 AND OCTOBER 10.1988. THESE REPRESENTATIVES WILL BE RECRUITING FOR SOON-TO-GRADUATE STUDENTS (SENIOR AND GRADUATE SCHOOL STUDENTS) AS WELL AS POTENTIAL CO-OP AND SUMMER INTERN CANDIDATES (POST-FRESHMAN YEAR STATUS) WHO ARE STUDYING IN THE FOLLOWING CURRICULA: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SALES/MARKETING FINANCE/ACCOUNTING THE MAJORITY OF GENERAL MOTORS’ CAREER OPPOR TUNITIES WILL BE LOCATED IN THE MIDWESTERN STATES. PLEASE CONSULT THE U-N-L PLACEMENT OFFICE FOR DE TAILS ON HOW TO SIGN UP FOR AN INTERVIEW WITH A GENERAL MOTORS REPRESENTATIVE. GENERAL MOTORS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. mean lhal they’re poor whimpy gay female Indian tree-bark eating farm ers with AIDS? I’ve got to close for now, as I’m surcGcraldo w ill be returning my call any time and my public awaits! Don Hess sludcnt-al-largc Minorities need fair share, special efforts In response to Roy Larson’s letter (DN.Sept. 30), it’s obvious tome that you don’t understand what the bill is trying to do, so let me explain it in terms that you can understand. Supposition: The Nebraska foot ball team loses a game because the defense played poorly. Cornhusker coach Tom Osborne has fhrcc op tions: • Pul emphasis on offense and hope it can run up the score; • Act like the poor game was caused by some unexplained phe nomenon and do nothing; • Pul emphasis on defense to have an equal distribution of power. You correctly staled that “if the vice chancellor really wishes to eliminate racism at the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln, he should work to abolish all university programs that arc designed to promote people of one race at the expense of people of an other.” Is UNL equal to all? I am black and in my fifth year at UNL. This semester, I can count all the black people in my classes on one hand. This is typical of each past semester at UNL for me. I have never had a black professor and I do not remember having a minority profes sor. II you take a look around the campus, the students here are pre dominately while. Granted, Nebraska may not be one of the states w ith the biggest population of minorities, but we arc here. _____ ibhmh Please slop ignoring us Ixxause all the minorities want is a fair share. And to make minorities equal per capita to the majority may require special efforts and funds. Kaul Henderson senior music Greek insult letters ignorant, student says I’ve just about had it. Quite frankly. I’m really tired of reading about people slamming the greek system. This time, the excuse for the insults comes not from an incident that happened at University of Ne braska-Lincoln, but one that hap pened at Rutgers University in New Jersey. They say that “one bad apple spoils the bunch,” but is it really fair for Harlan Milder (DN letters, Sept. 30) to judge a nationwide system by the aclionsof one fraternity atone univer sity? Take a look at houses like UNL’s Delta Tau Delta and FarmHousc fra ternities (to name just two) that are officially dry houses. And they were voted to be that way by their mem bers. They were not forced to be that way. That, to me, says a lot about their members. I question your contention that .. alcohol and alcohol-related activities have become a major attrac tion for new pledges.” I have to wonder if perhaps Milder had a bad experience wiih ihe greek system while in college. You seem to think lhai being a part of the greek system is nothing but “bands, bars and brew.” (With a couple of “babes" throw n in for good measure.) That is not true. If you had ever been a part of the system, you would know that it wasn’t true. Being greek can mean anything from editing the greek yearbook for journalism expe rience to organizing a fundraiser to raise money lor a worthwhile cause, it can mean organizing a special pro gram to educate people about the dangers of alcohol abuse (Do It Sober, sponsored by Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity) to grabbing a few new pledges and ordering pizza. Greeks take road trips to football gamesand form “buddy-studies” fora difficult exam. Boy, that sure sounds like a bunch of people that drink to the exclusion of everything else. Open your eyes. Milder. “Fraterni ties maintain a low profile by hiding behind their charitable contributions to the unknowing community?” you ask. Come on, Harlan. Aren’t we exaggcialing just a little bit about a subject we obviously know nothing about? 1 have lived in both me residence halls and a greek house, and the worst by far (in my observation) was ihc residence hall. I saw more alcohol in my first two months at school last year (living in a residence hall) than I have ever seen in my own house and in the houses that I have been in. To close, I would like to ask why it has become fashionable to pul down the greek system. You can bet if someone wrote in insulting residence hall students (no, I won’t call them dormies) there would be public out rage. But when someone writes in slamming the greek system, it’s funny. Isn’t that strange, Milder? Perhaps for your next attempt, Milder, you can take a residence hall incident from — let’s say, the Univer sity of Wyoming — and twist it around to somehow apply to UNL. I'm sure that we would all find it somewhat interesting and amusing, and you’d get another chance to do what you obviously enjoy — insult something you don’t know’ much about. Julie A. Naughion sophomore broadcast mg/new-editorial ■wmiiiiMHil -— ..«?/ tOOU LK3HT 'caja cv\' Presents Sigma Chi Derby Days Wednesday, Oct. 5—6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Volleyball Tournament Group 1 — Harper, Schramm, Smith Sand Court Group 2 — P.O. Pears Sand Court Thursday, Oct. 6 Queen Contest Interviews Poster Contest Judging — 3:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7 Golden Derby Hunt — 4:30 p m. Sigendales — Union Ballroom 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 8 S ' Field Events — Mable Lee Field 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Derby Days Party — 9:00 p.m. to ??? 1 All Proceeds Go To The Wallace Village For Children 1 “You don't have to be a man to appreciate a great beer."