The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1988, Page 9, Image 9

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    Landscapes change with seasons;
day of equal sunlight, dark upon us
The sun is rising later and later
and the morning air seems
dearer and crisper these days.
Walks to campus are lx coming
brisk and invigorating In the
afternoons, the sun is warm on
my back but the air is cool and
refreshing, like being up on the
mountain in June.
In the evening, the sun has
been selling earlier and earlier
and there is a feint aroma of
burning leaves in the air walking
Colors and textures seem
much more vivid lately. Magnifi
cent clouds swirl and change
endlessly in a thousand subtle
hues of while and gray as they
march imperiously a crass a pure
a/iire skv leave's are Ix'ummne
to change from green to gold and
brown and make the most beau
tiful lonely sound as they blow
down the sidewalk. Sunsets are
including glorious .shades of
purple and orange and red that
are impossible for artists or ma
chines to recreate, an inspira
tional gift from nature.
It’s all there before us, the
change of seasons, waiting to be
seen and felt. But it won’t wait for
long. Today is the autumnal
equinox, the day of equal sun
light and darkness, and it’s come
to chase it all away.
The sun is over the equator
and the days will be getting
shorter and colder as the sun
travels further and further south.
Winter will soon come and the
earth will lie dormant and barren
— the sun too remote to nourish
The squirrels in my neighbor
hood know this and are busy
gathering acorns and growing a
thick coal of fur to prepare for it.
1 watched a flock of birds, star
lings or grackles I think they
were, flying down F Street in the
rain the other day. There were
thousands of them and it must
have taken 10 minutes for the
entire flock to pass overhead.
They know this too, and are get
ting out.
People have a unique strategy
for dealing with the approaching
winter months. In English we call
it the harvest The word 'harvest”
comes from the Old English
word naertesi, wmcn means
“lime of culling.” In Nebraska,
the word takes on particular sig
nificance this time of year
The harvest is the greatest
thing we do in this state It feeds
the world and and is the founda
tion of our nation’s economy. I
don’t care what anyone says
about being an industrialized
society, nothing’s going to hap
f>en in the world if there’s no
ood to eat.
Machines don't make food.
The sun and earth manufacture
it. Our technology has advanced
tremendously over the past 5,000
years, but humans are still basi
cally the same agricultural crea
tures they were then. And if we
are going to survive as a species
we’re going to need to remember
this simple but important fact.
Sometimes I wish politicians
would shut up about trying lo
attract new industries to the state
and just let us do what we do
best. Farm
Anyway . . .
In most cultures, the harvest is
a time of celebration. It’s a time lo
reaffirm life. It’s a time lo sym
bolically prepare for death. The
harvest means a lot of different
things lo a lot of different people.
Ine harvest smells like the
cool moist earth and wood burn
ing in the fireplace and worn
flannel shirts to me. It means
fresh apples and apple cider from
Nebraska City It means hay rack
rides and hot chocolate. Going
for walks in the park, it’s an easy
time for romantic thoughts to get
the best of me. as I listen lo the
sound of leaves crunching be
neathmy feet. Brea thing the air is
ovfiil tr ilmo oni!
little seems more important than
just experiencing whatever
subtle form of beauty each licet
ing moment has to offer
When the harvest moon
peaks in my window at night, it
reminds me of the night wnen I
was a little boy and my mother
and I put up some mulberry jelly.
We went outside and looked at
the moon when we were done. It
was huge and golden. My dad
was at a pow wow and my,
brother Scot was really smaii
then. It’s one of my earliest
memories of realizing what a
wonderful place Nebraska is and
feeling glad that that’s where my
family lives.
It’s a feeling I get every year
about this time.
The Harvest.
RAIN DAimSAT^Slpr 24, 1988
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• a______eeeeeaseoooeooeooeeoeeo
Association reorganizes
Students sponsor events during celebration;
Native American panel planned for spring
By Chris Allerheiligen
SufT Reporter
The beginning of this semester
has been busy for the N alive Ameri
can Student Association as they
started a new organization under a
different name.
Elizabeth Ball, chairperson on
the University Program Council
Minority Council who is also in
volved with the student group said
students will be meeting to organ
ize a new group on Thursday.
Ball said that there had been
problems in the past, but said that
now is a “good time to start over
(with) new beginning."
The new group is hoping to
sponsor activities in conjunction
with Native American Heritage
Week to be held Friday through
Sept. 30. A discussion panel, film
and/or dance are tentatively being
planned for Sept 30
A discussion panel consisting
strictly of Native Americans is also
being planned for spring Ball said
the panel will give Native \meri
cans the opportunity to speak
about their own culture and to
approach and squelch myths about
"There are people who aren’t
Indians trying to tell others about
being Indian," Ball said.
The purpose of the panel, Ball
said, is to help educate society as a
"It will be open to not just
whites," she said, "but to Blacks,
Chicanos ... it will be open to
everyone. We want to demote ra
cism. Ignorance is the key to help
promote racism."
'l’he group is hoping to hold a re
ception after the American Indian
Dance Theatre Nov. 20. The recep
tion will be open to the public.
The Multi-Cultural Awareness
Center (Indian Center), 1100 Mili
tary Road, will be celebrating Ne
braska Indian Day Monday. Lincoln
Public School eighth graders who
are presently studying Nebraska
See INDIANS on 1
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